Lightning. It can be seen best when the lightning bolt is surrounded by darkness.
There is always active darkness. There is always active light. In the beginning, middle and end of nearly everything, if not everything. And in between and during this darkness and light, there is so much life and living to do. This is the human experience.
Currently, in this very interesting, outrageous, challenging, very purported and energized time, the light is shining brightly on much darkness. Many 'things' have been like this for a long time. These things are now having to (and we are definitely being called to) come out from 'under the rug' and discussed, focused on, felt and truly experience the 'elephant(s) in the room'.
Oh my my my my.
It is time. The time is now. We are being opened wide individually and collectively to see, feel, look, be, and do differently many things.
I left my high rise condo today finding myself doing a full once over just to be sure I was dressed accurately and being certain that I had everything I wanted to bring with me. I truly did a once over, an around about in my mind of my self checking out the fullness, security, safety, and compliance within my own guidelines to bring comfort to myself. And, all I was doing was going for a walk with my dog. I found myself feeling almost shocked that such thought, empowerment and evaluation went through me on a deeper and more aware level than ever before.
I think more than not, just maybe, this is a very helpful and productive thing. Our own awareness of our own way of doing, being, living, sharing and experiencing life is kind of fun and awesome; if we choose to look at it this way.
May you be aware of how you are; how you do, how you live, how you share and how you are experiencing each moment of your life. What is and is not working for You.
The great news is that you have the power to change just about everything about how you experience You. You have the power to build upon just about everything about how you experience You. The not so great news is that You are the only one that has this power and this supernatural, divine power is for your use only on You.
It feels like the energy and 'lightning bolts' hitting me and going through me are teaching and freeing me to bask, live, co-create and experience life as only I can. While it does not feel easy most of the time just now, there are moments when I feel like I can experience and jump into endless number of options, situations, pathways, walkways, and roads to live in the great power of being me.
May you be open to the endless possibilities of awesome and power that is yours to live in the power of being You.
May you allow your truth of everything that is You thrive in what shows up for you and what is created by you.
Sometimes, when it feels like there are no options or paths available is the most magical time to connect to our greatest abilities to create, live, be and breathe anew.
May you trust that the light(ning bolts) that is showing up on what may feel like darkness to you is there to lift you up, carry you forward and place you into one of your most important moments, experiences, and situations of your life.
Be empowered by being truthful to yourself about what you are bringing to these light and dark times. Move forward from and through this truth and uniqueness that is You(rs). And so it is. So it may be. Amen.
May you let your love strike with every breath you take. Internally as well as externally. Bam.
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