Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Monday, February 28, 2011


If you don't mind; it doesn't matter.  Anonymous

A Day to Just Be

I'm just taking a day to just be.  Just being me and in my world and my life.

I'm just allowing all to flow through me. 

Are U just going along or are U fighting what is?  How does each feel to U.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Inner Turmoil

I've become accustomed to verifying who I am through things; moments, beliefs.  Who would I be without a nice car?  Who would I be without thinking I look pretty?  Who would I be without 4 dogs?  Who would I be without nice jewelry?

 I know I am still me without my wedding rings because I haven't worn them for 2 plus years because of my fingers. AND I'm still me. 

When I think I look pretty, I feel so much stronger going out in the world; then when I feel I do not look pretty.  Does the world care?  Mostly, no.  I'll never forget the first time I didn't get all dolled up and dressed nice to fly on an airplane.  I remember wearing no makeup.  AND, nothing was different but me!  It was quite an eye opener for me.  I would love you to try to be opposite of what you are used to being.

People go about their business whether I have make up on or not.  People go about their business whether I drive a new car or an old car.  People go about their business whether I have a wedding ring on or not.

So, what really defines me?  How people feel when they are around me.  I believe this is what we remember most about others.  Not what they wear, not how they look; it's how we felt when we were with them.

So, why do I create inner turmoil to be what I think is the perfect me for the outside world to see.  Why do I create inner turmoil to create an image that people will relate to?  Is it the 'relate' part that truly only matters.  I think so.  Can I let go of my image and still be me?


Who would U be if you didn't always look good; weren't always smart; or funny; or whatever it is that U think U always have to be.  Without this, who are U?

If we just accepted and showed who we are in each moment - would the inner turmoil diminish.

Would we be able to survive in this world.  Dare I try to find out.

Can't Sleep so Am I Here to Complain (what?)

Complain - (
 1.  to express dissatisfaction, pain, uneasiness, censure, resentment, or grief; find fault:
 2.  to tell of one's pains, ailments, etc.

I have heard I complain alot.  I don't like hearing this.  I don't like the sound of this.  Yet, when I look up the word complaint; there is my name, so to speak.

Halycon is the word of the day at the above mentioned site.  It means calm, quiet, peaceful, undisturbed, happy.  Interesting that this would be the word of the day when I look up complain.
   I like this word better.  I can't pronounce it and I like it much better.  ( Halycon (HAL-see-uhn))

    Anyway, I found this:

(Someone's opinion (under the name of L) under 'effects of complaining' somewhere in

basically, these are the 3 possible effects of complaining:
- Finding people who will be annoyed because they don't care about the things you care about.
- Finding people who care about the things you care about but have a different opinion.
- Finding people who care about the things you care about and have the same opinion.

And of course, there is a last possibility, which is that you will find someone who lives in denial of the negative things in life who will be pissed at you for messing up with the lie  belief they created in order to be happy by pointing out how there are reasons why they shouldn't be so happy. You'd be surprised by how many people like this there are. People who will say:

"Don't get caught up in the circumstances and just try to enjoy life."
"Life is too short to worry about things."
"Put the bad things behind you and live the happy ones."
"Forget about the past and live the present."

Anyone who tells you to "forget," "put behind," "not get caught up," "not worry," etc, are may be people who erase the parts of reality that are undesirable. You should never just erase something just because it's bad. You should observe it, analyze it, learn from it, and then move on with the knowledge that you've acquired from this undesirable thing, and with the knowledge that you indeed live life to the fullest, enjoying the good things and learning from the bad ones, unlike people who just enjoy the good ones and deny or repress the negative ones.

Interesting.  My thinking is that whatever gets you to your happy is the best answer for U. (I did do the strikethroughs and added the word belief after lie and may after are from the above copy.)

Above is one person's idea/thoughts on what can be said about complaining.  I'm sure there are people that love the idea and the thinking of 'forget', 'put behind', etc.  It may work for them just fine even. 

What if each person is right for themselves.  Are they 'right' if they are happy.  Can a person be happy and complain. 

I like to think of myself as a detective just now.  Be true to the way I feel, share the reality of it and move on from it.  See the good in others; see the good in each situation because I truly believe there is good and bad in each situation.  Perhaps, not even saying good and bad is best for me.  Just different ways of looking at one life moment. 

I do feel like, at times, I'm saying the same things over and over again.  I also feel like I am different than I was when I started this blog.  I've heard myself more and I've learned more about myself.  I believe this to be growth and knowledge and I believe, for me, I like growth and knowledge.  I can do alot and live better because of these two things.

I'm sorry if people do see me as complaining and do see this as a constant negative.  I guess they can choose to ignore me and/or not participate with my complaining.  I wish them well on their journey. 

Note:  No one has read my posts and told me this.  This comes from something within me that sits strongly with me because of someone that was once in my ear saying 'all you do is complain'.  Someone I am connected with on a serious, deep, entwined level of my being.   And another person, with just as strong of a connection, saying 'I don't understand why you feel this way, you shouldn't feel this way'.

In my reality, if I didn't complain; what would I talk about?  Ha. 

I think, just now, I have let go of their beliefs and decided to go on my own!  Hip hip hooray for me.

Whose belief(s) are you believing today? 

Saturday, February 26, 2011

February 26, 2011

Yep, today is Saturday, February 26, 2011.  That's all.  This day will never, ever happen again.

What are U going to do about it or with it?  Ha.


I am learning if I don't like the way I feel, wait a bit; it will change.

I am learning that if I don't speak my truth; then I am but a farce.

I am learning that if I don't share the true innermost me; I am cheating U on the ability to share the true innermost U.

I am learning that we all just want to feel connection to each other.

I am learning if I pull away; it feels like the world pulls away.

I am learning that when I embrace life; the universe embraces me back.

I am learning that I am the center of my universe; AND ITS OKAY.

I am learning that, through love; real life power comes.

I am learning through honesty, people may not understand me; and the ones that try to are the ones I want around me; aas I want to understand U.

I am learning we are all different and we are all the same.

I am learning that it's great to learn.

What have U learned today.

I'm Still On the Move

I'm still doing the treadmill and I've added a few free weights to my regular workout routine.  I now have a regular workout routine going on.  Lucky me. 

I'm not sure if the stress of it is making my fingers 'yell'.  I am sure my body and mind feel stronger.  I look forward to feeling the epinephrine in my body tomorrow when I walk on the treadmill.  I've been doing some floor work as well.

My body is very happy and my heart is very grateful. 

Doesn't have to be much; our bodies tell us what we need when we listen.  Again, I'd be so happy if I encouraged one person to do what is in their heart to do. 

We all know movement is good for us.  For strength, burning calories, keeping our metabolism on; for a better outlook on life.  It seems once we start, really start, it's hard not to do it.  And, it can be so hard to start.  Humanness.  Choices.  Love of self.  Mind, Body, Spirit.

Again, start anywhere.  Anywhere you are feeling it.  Like Nike says, Just Do It.  I say just be it.  Be the change, be the movement, be the way that U so much want to be.  It's all in your hands.  And, hopefully, you have good hands!  Ha.

We all have to live with something; this is mine.  It has been since I was 17.  That's a long time.  AND, I'm still moving through and on and in this game of Life.

I wish U seeing yourself, feeling yourself, being the U that U are connected to from within with all U have. 

In This Moment

In this moment, I'm exciting for another day.  I'm happy to be waking up to a beautiful day here in sunny Florida.

It's been beautiful for me everyday for the last week and I am so very grateful.  It just seems to make it easier on me.

I think from being so cold and going to 80 so quickly, my fingers swelled up and they erupted unable to acclimate so quickly.

Hopefully, they will still calming down and be okay real soon.  I wish, if they are trying to tell me something, I wish I would/could hear it and listen.  I think they are telling me to take better care; pay more attention to my needs. 

It's a bit hard with a teenager that doesn't drive and she is working with me to schedule me, when she needs me, into her schedule to inform me ahead of time what she needs from me.   We will see how this helps.  I think it will make all the difference.  I enjoy doing for her and helping her out and watching her grow and start to fly AND I have to figure this whole new way out.

When she was little, we were still living my life; my dreams of her life.  Now, it's becoming her life (as I want it to) and I'm struggling a bit with her love of life only because it is not mine.  So, here again, Balance is key for me.

I look forward to seeing what the day brings.  There is excitement within and about me and a certainty that I can handle what ever comes at me or around me.  I look forward to it in this moment.

This is a place of calm, serenity, hope and love.  It's a comfortable place for me to be.  I am grateful and I am me.

My wish for U is to be your me today, in this moment.

Friday, February 25, 2011

My Fingers

I'm now telling, whoever, in the Universe, will listen that my fingers are mine.  I own them.  You cannot take them.  They belong to me.  My feet are mine, you can't have them; they belong to me. 

My fingers are not in great shape.  I have three pretty painful sores.  It's so hard to do almost everything without thumbs (or healthy, painfree thumbs anyway).

I'm getting by though.    My stress level is not low.  I am not calm inside.  What's the chances that this is my body reacting to this......  Duh.....

I'm really trying to do better.  Love myself more.  Share my true thoughts more.  Know that I belong right where I am.

Oh boy.  I wonder why it isn't easy.    No 'ha' here.

What can U do in this moment to keep your stress level on the down-low?

Am I asking U to hide stress level or am I asking to keep it low.......

I want the answer to be low for all of us.

I get in such a 'tizzy'.

Connecting What's Inside

I am working on having what is inside of me show to the world around and outside of me.  Oh, scary.  I wish there was a school for this.

We are born this way.  We are born crying when we are hungry or want attention.  We are born reaching out for help.  We are born lighting people's lives with our smile.

Then, humanness or society hits us.

I'd like to go back with what I was born with.  The ability to share who I really am; what I really need; what I really like; what I really feel. 

Anyone want to come?   Ha.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


U      U are the only person like U.

N      No one else can offer the world U.

I        Individuality and U being U is the best gift you can give.

Q      Quintessence U - there is nothing else

U       U are

E        Everything

My wish for U is to share your uniqueness with someone today.

Mark Nepo and His 'Voice'

In his book "The Book of Awakening:  Having the Life You Want by Being Present to the Life You Have"

There is so much truth and 'awakening' of self in this book for me.  I just touch on very few quotes that are in this brilliant book.  If we all could connect to this truth, the world would be much more real; much brighter; and perhaps, even peace and calm would become abundant.

Mark writes:

'So what can we do?  Well, it is no secret that slowness remembers and hurry forgets; that softness remembers and hardness forgets; that surrender remembers and fear forgets.'

'Hearing what is can make you wise; hearing what is not can drive you mad.'

'Only humans say one thing and mean another.  Only we go one way and wish we were somewhere else.'

Mark, you are brilliant.  I'd kiss you if I could.

To me, this is so eloquently worded; this is stated so beautifully; this is written so right on.

To me, this is saying BE U.  

Do U dare to Be U?  Can you find the courage to show the real U to yourself and to others?

U are unique.  It's us living our uniqueness that makes the world go round in the best way possible.


This Mark Nepo, writer, poet, speaker is brilliant!  Wow, I would kiss him if I could.  Wow.  I so get him and he is so inspirational, loving, brilliant and (what I believe) correct and so ON IT.

"The Book of Awakening:  Having the Life You Want by Being Present to the Life You Have" is the book that I found and am awe-inspired by it and him.

Some of the quotes that 'talk' to me are:

 'What we reach for may be different, but what makes us reach is the same.' 

'I began to accept that we all see the same wonder, all feel the same agony, though we all speak in a different voice.'

'Notice how, without your guidance, your heart knows the way.'

'forgive ourselves for not accepting our beautifully particular place in the fabric of all there is'

'The unwavering truth is that when we agree to any demand, request, or condition that is contrary to our soul's nature, the cost is that precious life force is drained off our core.  Despite the seeming rewards of compliance, our souls grow weary by engaging in activities that are inherently against their nature.'

'Inhale slowly and invite your spirit to speak directly the next time you are asked to be other than you are.'

JUST BE U.  It is the reason you live.  As Mark Nepo says -- Connect the inside you with the outside you. 

A Brilliant Story in "The Book of Awakening" by Mark Nepo

'In India, there is a story about a kind, quiet man who would pray in the Ganges River ever morning.  One day after praying he saw a poisonous spider struggling in the water and cupped his hands to carry it ashore.  As he placed the spider on the ground, it stung him.  Unknowingly, his prayers for the world diluted the poison.
The next day the same thing happened.  On the third day, the kind man was knee deep in the river, and, sure enough, there was the spider, legs frantic in the water.  As the man went to lift the creature yet again, the spider said, "Why do you keep lifting me?  Can't you see I will sting you every time, becaue that is what I do."  And the kind man cupped his hands about the spider, replying, "Because that is what I do."'

I giggled aloud!  Brilliant, I say!

Do what U do without questioning it.  JUST BE U

Waking Up Today

Waking up this morning, I said to myself...'it's okay to be, feel and do exactly what is inside of me'.  Immediate PEACE came from this.

I learned that it's not okay to feel and think differently than what others were able to handle when I was very young.  When I did step out and show 'me', at times, I was treated with anger and frustration.  Of course, it wasn't really me causing this, but at the time I did not know this.

Today, I let my mind go to when my stubborness came about way back when.  I realized the adults around me were trying to get me to have an opinion or say what was on my mind.  And, because of past experiences, my fear was so great that at this time, I chose to refuse to speak my truth.  At this time, I learned true stubborness in not revealing the real me.

As time went on, if I was too happy, too sad, chewed too loud, or walked too 'sporty' at my wedding, (and I was told this), it just encouraged my stubborness to hold on tighter because people couldn't cope or agree with what was inside of me.  I meandered in what ever direction the people around me could cope with.

TODAY, I know that it's not up to others for me to be a certain way.  It's up to me; it's my job, my imperative job, that I be me and it's okay and I own it.  No holding back any longer.  No hiding what others can't understand or what others do not like. 

Perhaps, the reason we are here on this earth is to be the real U that is truly what, who, how, whatever is inside of us.  This is what we are here to offer to ourselves and the world around us.  Just being our unique selves.  Without this, the light and energy of the universe cannot be complete; cannot be as full as possible.

Today, I own me.  If I feel frustrated - it's okay.  If I am in pain - it's okay.  If I am tired - it's okay.  If I am so happy and life is all good - it's okay.


Are U ready to own what is inside of U and share it with us.

Double Dog Dare U

I double dog dare you to work at 65% of your usual level today.  Ohhhhh.   Can U choose to try?

This came from me being on the treadmill and at the end of the workout I went into cool down and I put the machine on extremely slow.  It was interesting, perhaps a struggle at first, to just stay with very slow and just be there and participate.

I went to a different place within myself and I liked the spot after sticking with it for only three minutes.

Thus, the double dog dare u came about.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Whatever U are thinking; whatever U are doing; wherever U are.....Smile.

Do you feel different?  Has a subtle change occurred within and around you?

Just sayin.......

                            If U were in this picture; where would U be?
                                 Do U want to choose to be there.

 If I could be anywhere I wanted; I'd be lying up above the flat waterbed floating and relaxing.


I was talking about my stubborness and I came upon a book last night and this is what I read:

"We do this with our love, with our sense of truth, even with our pain.  It's such a simple thing, but in a moment of ego we refuse to put down what we carry in order to open the door.  Time and time again, we are offered the chance to truly learn this:  We cannot hold on to things and enter.  We must put down what we carrry, open the door, and then take up only what we need to bring inside."

"The Book of Awakening:  Having the Life You Want by Being Present to the Life You Have"  by Mark Nepo

What are U holding on to that does now allow U to open the door?

One Hour or More A Day

This really works!  One hour or more a day doing what makes me happy.  Who'd have thunk it?  It really works.  It helps with balance.  It helps with happiness.  It helps with being there for others.  It helps with strength.

It really helps.

Try it, you'll like it.

What are U doing today during your hour(s) of ME time?

Where I'm At vs. My World

If I'm sad and discouraged, my world is sad and discouraged.

If I'm happy and vibrant, my world is happy and vibrant.

It's all about my attitude and beliefs.  I can choose my attitude.  I can choose my beliefs.

Does this mean I can choose what my world is like.

Mmmmmmm.   Interesting.

How is your attitude and beliefs working for U today?

Posting 2

I am realizing that I write a post in the morning, I then write another one at night and I'm feeling the same and thinking the same  AND I am not even aware of it. 

I read a few of my posts and I know that I wrote them and, yet, I didn't know (or wasn't connected completely) to what I was typing.  I didn't know I was feeling this way until I read what I wrote.  Strange and interesting, indeed.

So, my posting is teaching me Me and connecting me to my thinking on a much deeper level.

Also, when I read these posts, sometimes I am writing like I'm feeling as if I'm in a really bad place and/or scared. 

A day or two later, I read what I wrote and I think, wow - the power of what I am feeling and the reality are not really accurate or in sync.

i.e.  I read that I was freaking out because the maid service was going to be coming to my hotel room like it was the end of the world. (the room needed attention because it was not done the day before)  Is it the end of the world?  No, of course not.  Silly thinking and, more importantly, not real and not helpful. 

I feel like a child for writiing such silly things.  What an eye opener for me.  Seems like I was feeling that way for reasons that had nothing to do with maid service. 

Do U know what you are really feeling and thinking?  Is your awareness where U want it to be in regards to your thoughts and truth of them?

Like Dr. Phil says, 'you can't fix what you don't acknowledge'. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

So Many People

I have crossed paths with so many people during this trip.  I have met and spent time and had conversations with a good number of them.

I am lucky to see and meet many good, caring people.  I certainly have come across many more friendly, helpful people than people that are not this way.

I do believe there is so much good in this world.  I know there are so many good and loving people.

I hope that the good people continue to grow and outlive the less than good. 

May U connect your good and the good of others today and everyday. 

Let the light shine on.

A Woman with Great Insight

I met a beautiful woman with great insight this morning in the laundry room, of all places. 

She was a family counselor that worked with families through horses and she asked me - If you were nursing your baby in the desert and both of you were dying from thirst - who would you give the last of your water to? 

I did realize that the best answer was 'to myself'.  Because if I gave it to my baby, both of us would surely die if help didn't come.  If I gave it to myself, I would be dehydrated longer to nurse my baby.

She also said to figure out how much time a day I need for me to spend some time doing what makes me me.  Plan that into my schedule and see how better my life becomes and all the lives entwined with my own.

This makes so much sense in my head/brain.  It's the rest of me that questions if I'm entitled to it. 

She said that me questioning my entitlement is just a learned response/a feeling.  Use my brain when this comes up and continue to do what makes me me and what makes me happy for the hour a day I chose.  Do it no matter what and I will have more to give; happier giving it and more content with my world.

Again, in my brain, I know this to be true.  I plan to do this and see what happens.  I will look at it as an experiment for today.  I hope to do this and look at it as a daily thing for the rest of my life tomorrow.  I believe it would be better for me to look at it as part of my life today, and I'm not sure I am quite there.  I was born in April and I certainly am as stubborn as a bull; even to my own detriment.

I want to say just cut it out.  There is a wall up (i'm believing a protection wall) not letting me say cut this stubbornness out right now and just do it from this moment on.  Crazy that I'm choosing not to.   I am choosing to spend one hour on the treadmill today.  I am choosing to see how I feel after I do so.  I am choosing the intent to add ME time to my schedule for good tomorrow.  Fear is stopping me from changing without trying it out.  Clearly, this 'protection wall' certainly isn't protecting me like I think it is.)  oh, how interesting

Am I making any sense at all?

Oh, my humanness.  What a gift; what a burden.  Ha.

Will you choose to pen in 'U' time daily on your schedule?

Today's the Day

Today is a whole new day for U to continue to be the real U.  I say let's live it well!

Life certainly is interesting above all else. 

Are your 'interests' in the right place for U.

Around the World

As I was growing up - Around the World sounded so exotic, so foreign; for only a few to encounter.

With internet and technology and all that has come to be - Around the World is right at our fingertips.  I used to hear things that were going on across the world and it wouldn't have too much of my attention and no impact on me really.

I am still not giving my full attention to the news because I have this belief that I get too stressed out watching 30  minutes or more of tragedy/heartbreak/sorrow.  I think there should be a news time for all the good in the world; let's focus on this more.  I think we are heading there.  Living beings need to help living beings to really experience life in it's happiest form. 

When I turn on my computer and see all the trouble in the world now, I feel it in my heart as well.  I cannot and do not seem to want to dwell on it much.  However, I do know it as real and I say a prayer of light and love and try to send it in the direction of the horror.  I feel love surrounding the people.  I feel sorrow.

Before my blogging, I knew the world was 'out there'.  Now, with people from a few different countries reading my blog, I know the world is 'here'.  We are all connected.

Again, for an example and I'm sorry I don't know much about anything in politics and outside my little bitty world.  I saw briefly that someone is saying they are going to burn all the oil in their own country.   Little, tiny me - my thinking is, any person, if they were truly being themselves, would not be thinking this if this is their lifeline, their strength, one of their offerings to the world.  I think that if oil was a very good thing for a country's economics; why would any country member threaten this coming from a place of love from within themselves.  I'm not sure this would be possible. 

I know this is way simplifying things.  Is it at all possible it could be this simple.  I surely don't know and I feel there is alot of merit regarding coming from the place of love from within.  Feeling and connecting to life through our own love and inner knowing.  What would our world look like if we all chose to do this.

Fear, judging, and not our true selves is what I want to stay away from.  I want to come from my inner knowing, love, and abundance of vulnerability. (I'm not quite at this abundance of vulnerability part.)  This, to me, is real strength and the way to make us humans better at being human. 

May you allow your own vulnerability today and see the beauty and light that comes from it and that can be created and passed on. 

Take A Chance

 I chose, along time ago, to not really be open and not to love with everything I have because then I won't be able to be hurt.

I literally said that I won't ever be hurt like this again.  And, something inside me shut down.  It was when my dad disappeared from my life.  I've forgiven him and know I am who I am because of this.  I am grateful for who I am.  I am good with who I am.

I remember the first time I had to give my dog away.  I said I would never get another one because the pain of losing one is so great.

I NOW KNOW DIFFERENT.  I know that it is very painful to lose an animal.  I also know that the amount of love and happy I get from having a pet is MUCH GREATER than the loss of the pet.  I know that I choose to focus on the love and the fun times and the laughter and happiness that I received from knowing my pet.  The love I was able to share with them is the feeling I try to keep in my heart.  Yes, it hurts horrible to have to say goodbye.  However, when I focus on the bond of knowing my pet and not the loss, I am grateful; so grateful for knowing my lovely animal.  What we shared; not even death can take away.

if I choose not to love fully and with everything I am, - yes, the pain of losing can be great.  However, what I miss out on is also very great.  To be open and vulnerable and feel and share - there is nothing like it when it works towards my happy and is reciprocated.  There is a full contentment that comes from within. 

What do they say - "it is better to have love and lost; then never having loved before".  I think there is much truth in this.

I am older and wiser now.  I have more tools to keep me sane, safe and okay.  I'm hoping I am ready to live, breathe and share me completely.  Do I dare.   Yes, I do.

Step by step by step I'm grabbing all the happy I can.  I'm living in the now; living in this moment.  Doing and feeling what is right for me presently.  The now is a present.  I don't want to waste it.  I don't want to not appreciate it. 

Dare U live U in this moment?  Dare U show the real U to your world and to yourself here in this moment. 

My wish is for U to reap the rewards of being brave enough to share the real U with everyone U share love with today. 

AND, each moment; each day - we can choose to share our true selves in every moment with our every breath.  It even sounds beautiful to me.


I see big, gigantic changes (for the better) happening in my life and it feels like it took quite alot of work (hardship and struggle) and much perserverance on my part.

In reality, these changes came from me listening to my needs and inner knowing and being brave enough to put it out in my world and share with my loved ones.  

For many reasons, this is scary to me.  It makes me vulnerable and I decided a long time ago NOT to be vulnerable.  I chose to not really be open and love with everything I have because then I won't be able to be hurt. 

I am learning that the only way NOW for me to live is through my truth, love and vulnerability.  It is starting to 'payoff' for myself and people around me.

When we live our truth, we enable/encourage others to do the same.

It was like jumping into a volcano for me, at times.  However, I see I'm still alive and standing and following my happy more and more.

It works.  I am living proof. 

Again, I'm feeling a bit like 'I'm going to live my happy if it kills me".   I'm hoping the 'dying' part subsides and what is left is my happy.

I truly am giving it all I have.  Good things are in the works everywhere I turn today.  This is greatness here on Earth.

I wish U vulnerability around people that love you and your inner knowing to know that who U really are inside and out is okay and even beautiful.  SHARE U.

Be U.   Be U.   BE U.    Be U.   Be U.  There is nothing more for U to do.  There is nothing more for any of us to do; BE what resides within through love.  Love of self; love of others; love of life comes from this, I believe. 

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Another Huge Meal

It's amazing to me the amount of food our restaurants serve.  WOW.  I bet if we knew the calories of what we were being served, at least with me, I would certainly look at it in a whole new light.

Of course, I don't need to order appetizer, salad and entree.  Of course, I don't need to eat it all and take some home for another meal or share it with someone or just leave it there at the restaurant.

I am also eating late and then going to bed; which, I believe, is not the best thing for me.

Oh, the trials and tribulations of eating dinner out.

I can choose to get salad dressing on the side.  I can choose grilled or baked instead of fried.  I can choose chicken over red meat.  I can choose water over soda.

Hey, LIFE; it's all about the choices we make and the things we tell ourselves.

How are your choices today?  Do they bring U closer to the U you want to be; the U that feels most right.


Thanks to Mr. Ted Andrews for writing this fabulous book that I refer to often for fun; enjoyment and information; help.  "Animal Speak"

Yesterday and today, while outside at the horse show, I saw several bees hovering over my diet coke.  I couldn't figure why my diet coke because there is no real sugar in it, but I'm guessing it was the lemons that I squeezed in it.

Bee (I am listing the information that I find useful, however, there is more written in the "Animal Speak" book on Bee)

"Fertility and the Honey of Life"

Bees are long time symbols for accomplishing the impossible.  Because scientists could not understand how, with its proportions, bees were able to fly.   Scientists came up with that bees can move their wings at such a high rate of speed that this is what makes them able to fly.  This is why the Bee is a symbol of  being able to accomplish the impossible.

If Bee has shown up in your life ask yourself if you are taking the time to enjoy the labors and activities you involve yourself in.  If we take the time to enjoy what we are doing, the activity seems to feel more productive and 'taste' sweeter.

The honeycomb of the bee is in the shape of a hexagon  This shape signifies mysticism.  It is a symbol of the heart and the sweetness of life found within our own hearts.  It is a symbol of the sun and all the energy that emits from it. 

The bee also reminds us that no matter how great our dream, there is the promise of fulfillment if we keep pursuing it.  The elixir of life is as sweet as honey and the bee is a symbol that promises us that the opportunity to drink of it is ours if we only pursue our dreams.

I would love to do what seems to be impossible and heal my hands and the 'problem' that is creating the scleroderma from within.  I do believe.  I do believe.  I do believe.

What would be your impossible dream come true?  Do you believe.

                                        This is frost on my car window from the inside of my car in Florida.
  What I thought to be impossible shows the true possibility of frost on my car in sunny, warm Florida!  Ha.

Mondays are Days Off for the Equestrians of the Hunter/Jumper World

Hip Hip Hooray!  Tomorrow is a day off.  No barn, No show, No dirt, No Manure, No Outhouses for me.  I am looking forward to not getting up at 5:30 a.m.   I am looking forward to staying somewhat clean.

I will miss the horses; I will miss all the thousands of dogs.  I know I will see them again shortly.

These people take one day off a week.  A well deserved, well earned day.  I suppose someone still has to clean stalls and feed the horses, but the primping and grooming and riding is, for most of them, not going to happen tomorrow.

My daughter gets her hair done, we both get massages, and she has an appointment with the chiropractor because of backache. 

Athletes - I do not believe there is one that doesn't get a beat up body at some point.  They know how to take their body to the max and beyond.  They have to, I suppose, if they want to compete with the best.  Someone once told me that sports are nothing more than the wearing and tearing down of human bodies.   Of course, there is/can be a whole lot more to it than this simple but painfully true statement.  U know what they mean to you.

Anyhoo - tomorrow is a day off and I'm taking full advantage.

What do you do that makes U happy on your day(s) off.  I hope U make them worthwhile and, at least, a part of them about U. 

Again, achieving balance; work hard - play hard works best for me.  Do you know what 'balance' works best for U.

Just Got in From Horseshow

Another long, beautiful day.  These beautiful strong, aware creatures.  There were 40 in one class.  40 going around in the same direction on que.  It was magical and powerful; not to again mention beautiful.  A sight to behold.

My daughter did good today.  A few things happened that we wish didn't as far as scoring and horse/rider behavior, however, learning is always good.

I did good today also.  Relaxing, unwinding, taking care of her while taking care of me.  It's so nice when everyone gets their needs met.  It's a true gift with positive energy put forth in.

A good, balanced, well-cooked, well-served dinner is called for tonight.  Her and I are looking forward to it.  How lucky we are. 

My wish is that you were able to put forth some positive energy into your surroundings and one or more positive things come out of it for U.

Positivity - may we all strive for it.  (and get it)  Ha.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Little Bit of Camaraderie Goes A Long Way

A little bit of camaraderie at dinner tonight and I feel pretty happy!  Of course, the food was good.  I did have a glass of wine, but I believe my happy comes from being with nice people.

Kind, caring, sharing people.  This is what our species' needs, desires and craves more than anything, I believe.

Belonging; connecting; interacting with nice people; people that truly care about each other.  There's not much more to a happy life than this.

My wish for U is to connect with someone who really helps to bring out your real U.  Call that person or see that person today and feel your happy. 

Get your happy on!

Went to Call My Mom

My wonderful mother has been dead now almost 7 years.  Today, I went to call her and knew I wanted to talk to her.  Of course, I immediately was saddened that I was not able to. 

However, I just said to her what I wanted to and still got it out of my system.  I want to believe that she heard me.  I do not know for certain that she did. 

Death is a part of living.  I volunteered for hospice for several years.  I know that the people I came in contact with were more of a help and lifeline for me than I did for them.  Or, in honesty, I think they were relationships that worked for all of us involved.

I believe, after this, more than ever that saying what's on our mind and sharing our love and support with each other is really what we are living for. 

I always say that no one, on their deathbed, has ever said "I wish I would have worked more".  It's more like I wish I didn't stay mad at this person; or wish I would have spent more time with that person; or wish I would have said this to another.

Living is all about the relationships we share and live.  The most important relationship just may be the one we have with ourselves. 

We cannot feel something because of anyone else.  It usually is a belief of our own that makes us feel what we feel.  Can we choose to feel peace, happiness, love?  I believe it is a choice.  NOT ALWAYS AN EASY CHOICE, however, a choice nonetheless.

Today, I hope you choose the feeling that makes U feel the good side of living; the good side of U.

May all the people in your life that have left this earth be in your heart and give you what you need from them.  I believe they would want you to have what you want/need.

The thought of them "can be a spring of gratitude and joy or they can be a fountain of bitterness and pain.  It is entirely up to you".  Quote from the book "The Walk" by Richard Paul Evans.

A Beautiful Day

Wow.  Lucky me.  I had a beautiful day.  The weather could not have been more perfect.  I was relaxed; I read in the sun; felt the breeze on my skin and watched my daughter ride her horses with great beauty and precise strides. 

I couldn't have been more content.

I am grateful for the day.  I was me and I shared myself and I got good reciprocation from the world around me.

Today, I am thankful.

May you know gratitude today.

 Gratitude, a beautiful thing.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Many are Overwhelmed

I think like knows like.

I have met a few people today, and talked to a few more, who are also feeling a bit overwhelmed.  Perhaps, something is in the air. 

I sure hope it dissipates quickly.  I don't like feeling shaky and unfocused.   I prefer calm, cool and collected.

It's 67 deg in Pennsylvania, USA I see.  Wow, very unusual for February.  Weather everywhere is not average for the area.  Alot of change going on around the world.

I'm hoping we can all work together and bond and become a strong force towards peace and calm and away from darkness and out of sorts.

I'm hoping to learn more each day to accept what is and focus on bringing calm and love into my world.

I wish U calm and love in your world.

Full moon tonight.  Do you feel like having a 'bask'.  Basking in the moonlight.   Have yourself a moondance!

Where I'm At or Where I'm NOT At

I'm here in Ocala.  The weather is finally beautiful for me!  Perfect even.

Even though I am comfortable (very) in this weather,  my mind is tired, dizzy and unable to focus. 

If I had to guess I'd say I've been going too much.  Trying to do too much, way too much for me. 

My body and mind has been asking for rest and down time.  I've been trudging through this request.

So, it's getting louder.  My lack of ability to focus; my fingers swollen and my thumbs hurting again.  I feel swollen all over and I feel scared and 'unable'. 

I'm at the point where I've pushed so hard, my adrenaline won't turn off and I can't relax and unwind.  I'm sitting in the hotel room, maid service hasn't been here yet, and I won't lay, I won't read, I won't relax.  OH MY, the horror of maid service interrupting me doing these things.

I feel crazy.  I feel out of control. 

Of course, there are other things going on.  Like am I purchasing a second home here in FL; I miss my dogs; I feel guilty that there are people up north keeping my house running and loving my dogs when I should be.  I haven't been connected strongly, and in person, to any adult back home in over one month and I feel alone here. 

I'm pretty much the farthest at living ME as I've been in quite some time.  What am I going to do about it.

I'd like to be brave enough to just do what works for me.  Almost feels impossible to me.  I'd like to make it possible.  I know I am the only one that can.  I know that no one else cares what I do and that I take care of me.  I know the people that know and love me want me to.   I AM THE ONLY ONE IN MY OWN WAY.

Am I nuts or Am I human.

I don't feel I have the right to come up with a question for U at this time.  My wish is for you to be doing (MUCH) better than I presently am. 

I'm going to learn to BE ME if it kills me!  Ha.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Getting Ready to Close Down for the Night

I'm ready to rest and let go.  I'm so 'up' I'm hoping I can calm myself!  Just running and going and doing which is fun and exciting, but I'm not balancing it with relaxing and just being.

My body feels it.  My thumbs are letting me know it.  My ears are ringing AND I keep going. 

Sometimes the hardest place to be is within our own head.   I know it's my choice to change it and my choice to be different.

This, is the good news.   This, is the bad news.

It's within my power.  Can I do it MY WAY.

Are you living your way?

Waking Up with Anticipation of the Day

I'm happy to see what the day will bring.  I know it will be a decent day.  I know the weather is nice for my way of thinking.

More exploration; more excitement with the horse show. 

I'm getting my hair done.  That always makes me feel refreshed.  I'm looking forward to a little exercise.

A day closer to getting home to my life up north. 

All is good in my world.  I'm accepting what is today; to the best of my ability.  I know I am safe.  I know I am loved.

I know I can handle anything that is thrown at me; only because I've handled everything that has been 'thrown at me' in my past.  I'm still here and standing.  It's what we humans do. 

Is there an ongoing situation that you are usually apprehensive of being able to cope with?  Have you coped with it thus far?  Has it gotten you the way your fear is telling you it might?  How's this thinking working for U.

Perhaps it is time to change it up some in thought.  i.e.  I used to say 'Get it Done; then U can relax'.  (someone elses words).   Now I say, 'Relax; you'll get it done'.   This works better for me now.

Good luck.  I know you can do anything you set your mind to. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I'm In the Twilight Zone

I can't believe what is happening to and around me.

Itunes is not working and have talked to four 'experts'.  Still not working.

My card key to get in my room has demagnetized for the fourth time tonight.

My mail on my email account would not open up.

Oh, the powers that can mess with me.

I'm having a bad night.  Nothing is working. 

Age of technology.  Oh, it has made my life so much easier tonight!  Ha!

My password and secret question also 'faulted' tonight. 

What  - is it a full moon of crazy?  Talk about head spinning.   I'm in a vortex of friction.  I'm out.


How do you react when your technology doesn't work so well. 

Walk away.   Walk away NOW!

How Interesting

Yesterday was, more or less, a down day for me.  While I was out, I felt people were being indifferent, unfriendly and maybe even selfish or rude.

Today I was feeling better.  I exercised.  This time when I went out - to the same place, nonetheless; people were friendly and kind.

Who was different - ME.

How interesting.

How are you interacting with yourself today AND/OR people?  Care to take notice?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I am so done in.   done.

However, did you know STRESSED spelled backwards is DESSERTS.

How about that.

And, U spelled backwards is still U.

Ok, I better call it quits!  Ha.

Been Out of Touch

I haven't been writing because I'm not giving myself the time.  This doesn't feel as good to me as when I do write.

Living out of a hotel; and not on my schedule, I find this pretty hard at times.  I don't have easy access to my computer.  When I do get to my computer, sometimes I am too tired to sit and type; sometimes my head is spinning from the day, it's hard to get straight thinking from my brain.  Scattered thinking is more prevalent.

Which, is pretty much where I am now.  Scattered.

My eyes are not focusing 100%.  My hands feel cold.  My body is numb and tired.   Not a great place to be.  However, this IS where I'm at.

Can I or Am I willing to just accept this.  Not easy.  I hear a 'voice' saying that I'm stupid or messed up.  My own quiet voice is saying that I need downtime and would like some rest and relaxation time.  Some, JUST BE time. 

I have been doing an awful lot.  Back down to Palm Beach Gardens, up early; late to sleep.  Eating all different times; all different places.

Sometimes I used to say I need a vacation from my vacation.  Well I certainly need a vacation from what I'm doing now. 

Regroup.  I guess we are about half way through our 8 week trip.  It's a good time to regroup.

Now, if I could just figure out how to do this.  I'm too tired to do it right now.

What comes to mind is how us humans are so good at ignoring and putting off things that we don't want to do or think may be too hard for us.  OH, this is so where I'm at.

Maybe if I get a good night sleep.  I'll be ready.  Good night world.

My wish is for U to rest extra nice tonight.  May you be completely refreshed in the morning and ready to live your life conquering what needs to be conquered and allowing what needs to be allowed and U enough to know the difference!

Monday, February 14, 2011


Do we have to have love in our heart to be able to share love and receive love.

May you know love in your heart this Valentines Day and everyday.

Love.  You Deserve It.

  Love Ourselves and Miracles Happen.

                            HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!

Down in West Palm Beach again

Made it down to 'Paradise' again.  Didn't think I would and glad that I'm here.  I love the Palm Trees and Coconut Trees.

Feeling excited and ready for the day. 

What a difference it makes when I follow my heart.  Energy just happens.

My wish for you today is to do something(s) that make your heart happy and increases your energy.

Happy Valentines Day!  I hope you make it what you want it to be.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Running on Adrenaline

I think my adrenaline is high in my body.  I'm unable to rest.  It's like I don't want to miss anything that is going on. 

I'm tired and want to baby myself with a bath, a movie, a workout.  However, I'm sitting here waiting for 'my people' to come home to the hotel to see what we are going to do next.

We are having fun and I want to keep going.  I'm also pushing somewhat, I feel.  I don't feel relaxed (maybe this is okay).  I don't feel strong in mind or body (this isn't okay I don't think).  I'm waiting to see what 'they' want to do next. 

I don't know if I can get in tune to what I prefer to do.  Actually, I would get take out and watch a movie because we have been going and going.  Yes, I have this little voice that says 'that's boring; you have the opportunity to go out and do whatever you want, take advantage of this'.  I don't want this little voice anymore either.

If I relax and unwind now, then tomorrow I'll be stronger in mind and body to live fuller.  (Is this true) 

What's a woman to do.

Fix this and, perhaps, I fix me.

I may get more tired than a lot of people because of my health and pain.  Yet, I want to live like them sometimes.  Go and go and go; OR I feel left out if I do not.

Am I really left out if it's not really what I want to do.

And, this time, I don't have too much time on my hands and this is where my mind is going.

Going, going, gone.   OR  By George, you've got it!   HA.

Is the 'answer' in following my own happy; my own thinking; my own knowing; my own beliefs?

Are you doing what you want to do today and feels completely right to you or what you think you should be doing because of beliefs that you have going on in your mind. 

Care to check in with your mind, body and spirit.  Are they (U) in sync.

I just got done sync-ing my IPOD.  Now, it's time to sync my mind, body and spirit. 


"Minx" by Julia Quinn

"Then he let loose what had to be his most lethal weapon:  his smile."  Julia Quinn

I think we all know about this.  I sure hope we all 'know' about this.  When someone who we have great chemistry with smiles - the feeling we get.  Ooh la la. 

Chills - they're multiplying!   (from the movie Greasel Olivia Newton John and John Travolta).

My wish for U, this Valentines Weekend, is that U smile! 

Horses, Horses Everywhere

Long day.  Up at 5:30 a.m. and out by 6 a.m. and home 4 p.m.; alone.   All others are still there.  It was bitter cold this morning.  Warmed up by 2 p.m. and started getting cooler by 3:30.  Ha.  60 degrees; a heat wave!

I really enjoy watching my daughter ride and loving what she's doing.  I sat on the golf cart and ate.  How healthy of me.  I had on 6 shirts and my winter jacket and a pair of jeans and a pair of sweats.  Too funny.  Not!

It was a great day and I'm glad it's over and I'm ready to relax some.  My hands held out wonderfully.  I had two hand warmers in one jacket's pockets and two more in each pocket of my winter coat.  I came prepared for the cold as best I could.  It more or less worked.  Don't want to do that everyday, however.

What we moms, and dads, do for our children.  Here, again, I find that balance works best.  Too much on one side and someone, somehow gets angry and/or agitated.  It is mostly me because I give more than I want to and it's unhappiness for everyone involved then.  I am seeing and feeling the reality of this.

So, while I'm tired a bit and my ears are ringing loudly; I'm grateful that my daughter had such a good, fun day and so many dogs and horses everywhere. 

If I was better settled (and not living out of hotel and having my whole family in one place); I think I would enjoy it even more.  AND, of course, if the weather was more comfortable for me.  I'd want for nothing.  (I wonder how true this is....)

Some say we can't have everything.  I say we can try!  Ha.

How much of what U want do U have.  Can U do something right now to add to this list of the have side?

Friday, February 11, 2011


I'm very happy for the Egyptian People.  I hope this is a great thing for them that their 30 yr long president stepped down at their request.  I don't know much about it; but it seems the majority of people needed this.  I hope it works out for all of them.

I hope good things and great light shine upon them.

I hope they (and all of us) come from love and openness as much as we possibly can; and then add a wee bit more.

I am hopeful.

Are U able to come from deep within to send your trueness out to the world.  The U we were born with, without all the 'stuff' that changes us through fear and experiences. 

 I believe we all know these things.  We can choose what works best; what feels best and true when we let our defenses (scary thought) down.

May the GOOD win in each and everyone of our hearts and beings.


Is it obvious I now have a Kindle?

The previous quotes were from books that I read on my Kindle.  I was able to highlight things that caught my attention; things I wanted to contemplate and share.

I also bookmarked things and have yet to figure out where they are!

Oh, the age of electronics and technology.  I think it's too fast for even the 'experts' that are in the fields.  I do not know one person who knows it all. 

Hey, just like life; technology can get away from us.  It's in these moments, we can learn and grow and/or be angry and frustrated.  Yes, I've been all of these things with my life and with the technology in front of me.

And, at times, I just sit with it.  I have the feeling of being done/uncertain/lost.  There's nothing left for me to do in this moment AND it's okay.

But, there's still a small part of me that wants to fight the frustration.  I hear this little, soft, demanding voice telling me I 'shouldn't' feel this way.  OH I WANT TO GET RID OF THIS VOICE.  Ha.

Any little (or big) saying that you hear too often that you want to get rid of?

  Is this something that we can choose to let go of.   I vote YES.

"Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor" by Lisa Kleypas

"It was often in small moments that significant things were revealed." 
 Lisa Kleypas

Information can come to us in many ways.  If I'm more open, I hear and see more.  It doesn't have to be crazy, stressful or hard.  We can learn in peace, calm and with ease.

I choose peace, calm and with ease today.

How are you expecting things today?  Is your expectation true?

I think what I believe, usually happens.  If I say I'm going to be stressed during ......; I'm usually stressed.   If I say I'm going with the flow; I usually go with the flow.

What are you telling yourself today?  Is it true?

"Splendid" by Julia Quinn

"It has been my experience that if you act like you know what you are doing, people will believe you."    Julia Quinn

I wonder how much of me is an act and how much of me is me being me.  I wonder how much it matters.

Sometimes it more energy to act then it is to be me.  I also believe that sometimes it's extreme energy I use to be me instead of acting.  Ha.

Are U acting today or are U U?  Perhaps, we can still be us and act. 


"The Walk" by Richard Paul Evans

"What never ceases to amaze me is the human capacity for self-deception when looking after one's own interest.  Self-interest is blind."   Richard Paul Evans

I want my eyes wide open.  It's interesting when I see myself on video; how much clearer I see.  I'm going to choose to look at myself through these eyes today.

Bring it!

How open are your own eyes when looking at your life.

48 degrees F

My body doesn't get so excited as it's heading out into the 48 degrees of today's temperature.  In fact, I feel it walking pretty slow and I'm almost pushing it to go forward.  I'm not in my comfort zone for sure.

I'm achy.

I'm trying to get my mind to think differently.  My mind is not having it today.  I know I'll be okay.  I know I am in control.

Perhaps, I'm supposed to be slow and achy today.  Perhaps,  I can still live and enjoy my life while feeling slow and achy.

It's not about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the storm.

I'm dancing; sort of!

My wish for you is, if you are in a storm, U choose to dance.  Storms ALWAYS pass.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Meaning of the Horse by "Animal Speak", Ted Andrews

"Travel, Power and Freedom"

The horse is rich in lore and mythology.  An entire book could be written on the significance of horse.  No other animal has contributed more to the spread of civilization.

Horse people in Chinese astrology can be friendly and adventurous and they can be very emotional.   Because of the horse, the world has been brought closer together.  The horse enabled people to explore and find freedom from the constraints of ther own communities.  Riding one puts us above the mundane and renews our sense of power. 

They are symbols that can express the magical side of humans.

It can represent movement and travel or maybe it shows up to help us with movement.

If a horse has shown up in your life, it may be time to examine aspects of travel and freedom within our own life.  Are you feeling constricted?  Do you need to move on or allow others to move on?  Is it time to assert your freedom and your power in new areas?  Are you doing your part to assist civilization within your own environment?  Are others?  Are you honoring what this civilization has given you?

Horse brings with it new journeys.  It will teach us how to ride into new directions to awaken and discover your own freedom and power.

     There is more in Ted Andrews book, I just took out the parts that grabbed me.  How entirely interesting it's talking about power.  Owning our power.  I don't know why I didn't think about looking Horse up before in this very special book.  I only thought of it after writing my last post on owning our own power and sharing it.

Life can be very cool.

How cool is your life today?  Are you ready to move forward and own more of being U.

In the book "The Walk" by Richard Paul Evans he states "Deep in our hearts everyone wants to walk free".

I say Walk Free and Own who U really are.  Use everything that comprises the total U.  The power is within this.  We all have it.  We just have to use it and choose it and own what is us.

Are you ready?

Another Day

Another day to live to the fullest.  I'm moving and starting to look forward to tomorrow when I can do the treadmill again.  It's amazing how it breeds life back into me.

It's cold (47 deg F) and cloudy and the horse show has officially begun.  It's very exciting.  I just wish I could be out in it.  I was able to watch for quite sometime yesterday (it was 70) and I really enjoyed it and the sun felt so good on my back.  Horses are quite beautiful and they look so big and strong.

They need alot of attention and continuous care.  Some 'spook' very easy.  Because it was the first trip that most of these horses made around the fences, quite a few refused to jump over because the red flowers or the uncommon jump.  If they knew how powerful they really were, us humans may be in trouble.

...  If we humans knew how powerful we really were....

Another day to try out some of our dormant powers.  My power to say what's on my mind; I'm getting pretty good at this one.   My power to do what I know is best for me is the one I'd like to own and use more regularly.  I am seeing when I do own my needs or ask for what I want; everyone I do this with is enabled to do the same for themselves.  It's very cool.

Today I spoke up and asked, lovingly of course, for something that I truly believed was right for me.  In the beginning, most of us seemed uncertain and confused.  I got the 'power' to state my belief and immediately afterward, it seemed others then stepped up to the plate and spoke their mind, lovingly of course.  It was very powerful. 

Our use of our own power seems to become a domino effect.  Try it, you'll like it.

Dare you own; then share; your power on something that is very important to you and, yet new to you as well, lovingly of course. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Today, this moment, will never be ours to live again.

Are you using it wisely?


It's interesting to me blogging in a hotel room with the TV on, my daughter nearby.  I wrote a post many times in the middle of night in the quiet.  I think I'm most creative then.

With my daughter in the same room as me, I don't want to get up and turn the computer on and wake her up.  I haven't done any posts in the middle of the night since I got here (I believe). 

It's hard for me to focus when I hear the TV talking; waiting for dinner to cook and my mind not fully present.  I can't really read a book with TV on.   My brain has a hard time focusing when there are other noises in the room.  I like silence when I'm posting. 

It's hard for me to concentrate on one person talking to me at a party.  All the other distractions pull me away from concentrating.

I'm very sensitive to it all.  It amazes me how people can have the TV on, talk on the phone and work on the computer.  That truly amazes me.  How can one focus on so many outside distractions.

Just to get through this post, I'm pulled in too many directions.  TV on, people waiting for me and ....

what was I talking about?    HA. 

How important is your concentration level and your health?  Are you different with one thing going on as opposed to three things going on at one time.  What works best for you?

I vote for working to please oneself and staying as stress-free as possible.

Whew.  I got through it; barely.  Interesting.


The horse show in Ocala is starting and we were up at 5:30 a.m.  It was 35 deg F and frost was on our car windows.  Then it went up to 70 and felt wonderful. 

The fluctuating temperature has me a bit exhausted tonight.  My head is out of it.  I'm not relaxed.

I did do the elliptical machine and the treadmill for a total of one hour and it did feel good.  I'd love to offer up my wish for you to just walk in place, dance, step side to side, touch your toes and stretch for 5 minutes.  I'd love for you to start any movement for 5 minutes on the clock.

I find that when I do this; it's amazing how I don't want to stop and it feels very good.  There is not one time in my life that I have exercised and wished that I did not.  That's a pretty brilliant record.

I believe that if you decide to move, you will never regret it either.  Listen to your body and just move whatever way your body wants to move and enjoy it.  Be with it and experience it.  You and movement for 5 minutes; you deserve this.  See what happens.

So, as I wind down for the night and wish the temperature was warmer and also wish I wasn't so afraid that it's not going to be; I'm grateful for the beautiful weather today and glad for the day I had.

How do you feel about the day you had today and how are you going to participate in tomorrow.  Were U true to U.

                                 Horse on a treadmill in Wellington, FL

Up at 5:30 AM

This is like midnight to me!  Have to get to the horse show.  Unfortunately, it's 34 deg. F.  I don't know how these questrians do it.  There has to be a passion.  Passion is a beautiful thing.

They may be one of the strongest group of people ever.  Work, work and work.  Rain, shine, hot, cold - they are out there.

I'm glad I have my car to keep me dry and my temperature regulated!  Talk about living in a car.  I'm sad for people that do this.  I can't imagine. 

Life, it's what we make it and how we look at it.  This is becoming more prevalent to me, daily.  Perhaps, this is my learning here in Ocala.

How is your life looking today to you.   Not the you that just goes through the motions; but YOU that chooses to stop and really look and feel and be within.  Are U the U that U want to be?  Is there one thing that U can choose to look at; react to; do differently today?

Is it also possible to do something U love with more vigor and/or gratitude?  See the beauty that is present in your life.  What a present!