How are you...
A common, routine question between friends, family and even strangers. For a long time in my life, my answer was mostly 'good'. I am now in a different place.
When asked how I am doing nowadays, I seem to not be able to give a one word answer.
May you realize your answer(s) to how You are doing and check in to see if it really and truly resonates and reflects your truth. May prove to be interesting. May prove to be true. May prove to become a thought provoker. Whatever comes up for You - just being aware of it may be something of interest to You.
If this does not resonate with You, it is not for You.
Honor this awareness. Honor You. I do.
With chronic illness, which is a dis-ease that is known to stay, I have been taught to believe that I will never be free of scleroderma. The good news is I was also taught that there are things that can be done and the human body so wants to heal and knows how to. It is best when I get out of my own way and let my body work its magic. To love myself and treat myself lovingly allows my body and cells to vibrate in and through its best available way(s).
Is how we are the same as what we are experiencing... Does it correlate... Is it a check into the mind thing... Is it check into the body thing... Is it a check into a project thing... Is it a check into a 'success rate' grind... Can it be a question and response that is automatic and we just let both fly through us... Does it change with the place and time we are asked how we are... Hoot. Does any of this matter...
It does matter how we experience life and how we are feeling while experiencing life... Huge. We can learn to be extra kind to ourselves, allow what we feel and be open to loving through and creating forward.
Today, part of the deep long answer to 'How are You' to me was this..
"I'm here. I can love. I have learned so much about being human and living through and on. I can use my voice. My brain. My wisdom. I'm grateful for so many beautiful things I see and get to experience.
I'm sitting deeply in a healing, a process, an awareness and there does not seem to be an easy answer that suits this. I am present. I am breathing. I care. I love a lot of people and am grateful to have them love me back.
I'm deep within the freedom of the universe. I'm in the confines of being human. We all are, perhaps.
So I am living and allowing an 'inside [myself] job' to process and grow my life, my wisdom, my possibilities. To live in my calling."
How many of us would want an answer like this when we ask how someone is doing...
Next time you are asked or you ask 'How are You' notice your participation... You decide your part. You decide what matters.
Many of the priorities that were are changing. There is distortion in many of our lives; individually and as a whole.
May we keep doing, being, living and open to our own truths and each others' truths. May we be aware of the energy and information we share. May it come from love. May it be true. May we support each other and be oh so extra kind to others and ourselves just now and forevermore.
Perhaps, we are here now - all of us - to participate exactly as we are in the exact place that we are.
May you participate through the wisdom, knowledge, open heart, open mind and the realest real of You.
May this, if You choose it, be How You are Doin'...
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