Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Whatcha Talking About

It is almost midnight and I am not feeling sleepy and something kept urging me to come to the computer.  So here I am.  

It is my hope that you are knowing happy sleep, deep sleep, healing sleep and rejuvenating sleep; at times, if not always.

Trust whatever You are feeling.  Delve into it with the intent to honor, recognize and love on yourself.  Your love matters.  You matter.  

Fighting what is can sometimes make the 'it' stronger.  Going into what is and participating from a place of wanting to understand and support can often change the 'it'.  

Fill yourself with the gloriousness of You and let the wisdom and love of You(rs) take place within and along with whatever you experience.

When/If you find yourself not being able to sleep, one can breathe deep and focus on your deep breaths.  One can relax into one's self and let the bed underneath you support you and your whole body.  With every deep breath you take, relax deeper and deeper with every exhale.  The goal would be to get to the place where you are not asleep but completely relaxed, being, breathing, accepting, flowing with the place and experience you are in.  The place of not awake but not yet asleep.  The quiet place.  The silent place.  The place of you and your 'beingness'.   This is where healing takes place.  Answers shine through.  Blood flows.  Cells rejuvenate.  Happiness seeps through.  The depth of You becomes known.  

It is a sacred place full of your sacredness.  You can imagine yourself floating on a cloud.  Surrounded by comfort and love.  Filled with peace.  Knowing the joy of being You.

Miracles happen every day.  Sometimes we no longer (or never did) see experiences as miracles because they feel like they are a 'normal' part of life.  Yet, breathing, just being, feeling, acknowledging and being aware of your full presence in each moment - miracles.  

Who you are without your titles, without your accolades, without your issues, this You is where miracles come from.  

When we are on our deathbed, noone says they would have worked harder, pushed more, had more titles.  Most people remember the relationships and the love.  This is what we take on with us.  

May you be present with your love in anything and everything You do, think, are; become, grow into and experience.  Love is what best connects us to the place deep inside of us, with the universe, with each other and our greatest joys and times.  

You are love.  You matter.  Your love.  Your wisdom.  Your uniqueness.  Your experiences.  Your truth.  Your trust.  Your thoughts.  Your reactions.   These are what make you You and what creates your life.

Trust that where you are now is exactly where you are supposed to be.  Love it or not, what you experience is supporting your best growth, shows you about life and living.  As you let loving truth, your love/your truth, walk in and through with You, your best paths and best possible experience(s) show up, build, create and support your lessons and the possibility of your greatest possibilities and ways.

Sleep matters.  What matters more, perhaps, is your flow with what is - true to You, loving to You, open to You.

As you stand in your most highest vibration, you invite the highest vibrations to You.  When you are in a fulfilled moment, filled with what fulfills You, this is when, just maybe, You live and share the greatest kindness and the greatest feelings, the ‘greatest of’ with others.

It is best when we are happy and fulfilled to be able to give the best of ourselves into the world.

I can imagine..  I have experienced..  I have witnessed.. 

May the best of ourselves unite together and may we feel the gloriousness of this unity growing, becoming and experienced as a normal every day thing that feels miraculously wonderful.

Not that everything is perfect or even issue free but that living this way picks us up, lives out loud from love and we know that we are in a safe, amazing environment that supports us always and underneath it all, or is it above it all, we find ourselves okay through it all.  We are never not okay even when we don't like the experience, feeling, moment we are living in.  Because this is life and we are living our best one; individually, together.

I bow my head and pray.  For You.  For Me.  For Us.  We love through our truth because our cells, organs, spirit and soul know this is the best way to live this thing called LIFE.   Yours.  Mine.  Ours.

Amen.  May it be so.  It is so.  It is a choice.  May you choose You(r best).  

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Vibin High

Life, as most of us have known it, has changed.  

There are many things that are being done in new ways.  What once was is no more.  What is can be very different from any other experiences you have witnessed and/or participated in.

Information of any caliber for any reason in any language is right at our fingertips.

We are all learning new ways; whether we want to or not.  

Life is happening.  You are happening.   We are happening. 

Today.  This is You living You.  Today will never come again.  

Good news is that we can decide on our reaction to every thing and every one.  We can choose our thoughts; albeit often with much practice for many of us.  

May I offer You to: 

Count your blessings.  List what you are grateful for.  Do things You love.  Feel the love that is You(rs).  Honor what You feel.  Flow with what is.  Dream On.

 Inside of You is the beautiful life that is yours to live.   May You live it freely.  Be kind.   

There is so much artistry and allure within You.   

May you choose the best options, thoughts and reactions available to You.  

You are the only one that You spend your entire life with.  May you invite in, open to and allow the greatest nature of You to draw, create and live the most beautiful parts of You.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Have To Want To

There can be a big difference between having to and wanting to do something.

There is a difference when I think I have to do something and choose to do it joyfully 'just because' I am doing it so I might as well enjoy it; as best I can.

There is a difference when I have to do something and I do it with stress and unhappiness because I don't want to have to.

There is a difference to doing something the way I want to and enjoying it my way or doing it in a way that I have been told I 'should' or am supposed to.

Do you feel these differences awakening inside of you as you read the above sentences..  Is there an understanding within you present..

It is Thanksgiving here in the USA and most of us know it is about gratitude and being thankful.  Do you live in the day easily as such... or do you live it in the way you are supposed to..  do you live it in the way that you want to.

If you are not quite sure - perhaps, ask yourself if you are feeling gratitude for doing what you are doing or while thinking about doing it.   If you are not easily grateful, it is most probable that you are not doing it because you want to and/or the way that you want to.  

May you be aware how gratitude sits with you just now with what you are doing and your plans for 'celebrating' Thanksgiving; if you do, in fact, celebrate it.  I guess this could refer to doing anything the way that feels best to do it or in a way that brings in doom and gloom or anything in between.

May you meet yourself and your life in your truth from your own love and with honor.  

May you participate in your most loving way that brings authentic and real gratitude within You - The way You spend the day - The way that is best for You to spend your day - As your life and your wisdom speak to You - Choose the reality of what makes you most grateful.  

As you honor yourself and live your truth, you open doors for others to do the same.  

If you are not enjoying what You are choosing, You are the only one responsible for same.  Let your love lead not out of obligation but out of pure gratitude and joy.  

Oh, to be free to create the life that gratitude rises from and lives in.   May the reality of your 'happy' allow for understanding and positive perspectives of the way life, living, truth, love and people celebrate.

I wish this for All.  

No more elephants in the room, dirt under the rug or anything left unspoken or not shared from the greatest of love available in each and every situation and relationship.  With ourselves and one another.

We live in this unspoken truth.  We live with these elephants in the rooms.  We live with buried or swept under the rug 'dirt'.  As we bring it into the spoken word through our well meaning and loving truth, may we all be set free to transform, evolve and create the best of what is possible in every thing, every situation and every one.  It's way better than suffering and being stuck in silence; walking on eggshells.  If we find our self walking on eggshells, it is time to hear the crunching aloud.  

Now this is a whole lot of possibility to be grateful for.  The freedom and togetherness this can create.  The majority of us want to be connected, loved, heard, share and know that we matter.

It is time to live through our full selves.. our needs, wants and desires and our support, care, kindness and love.  

Yes.  We can.  Baby steps allowed.  Whatever, however, whenever You get there..  May you just get there.  If You are there - Yay!  

All my love, hope and prayers for this way of the world to become our reality. 

I am grateful for You living You out loud; lovingly and truthfully.   You go!

I am grateful for You.  Thank You for being here.  I appreciate it and You.  

Tuesday, November 22, 2022


Brava!   Bravo!  Now is the time.  To be Awesomeness.  Awesome You.  Awesome women.  Awesome men.  Awesome healing.  Lift each other up.  Lift feminine wisdom up.  Balance through masculine energy.  Creating anew.  Changing the automatic path of what was embedded into us but not of us.  Inviting a thriving, beautiful dance of life that comes from the depth within us through our soul’s song living out loud.   

This. This is what I feel/know/understand/believe is what is being asked (demanded) of us.      

May we really let our own love and kindness support ourselves and each other.  

I'm so proud of, happy for and inspired by another’s love and kindness.  I stand in awe with my head bowed and my heart vibrating at its highest, most truest frequency.  I lift my arms up to the open sky.  I plant myself firmly down into the depth of the earth.  We are One.  This is the way it is best to be.    

I am grateful for You, Me, Us.   En-lightened and experienced in what love feels like in Us, as Us, through Us, by Us.. forevermore.   Illuminating the essence of what love and kindness can ultimately be, do and create.   


Sleep is important for many reasons.   My most favorite reason is to just know, breathe and experience quietude.  There is nothing I want to figure out.   There is nothing I need do.  There is a peace within, a relaxing of my cells and a rehabilitation and regeneration of my cells for my brain and my body.

How amazing the human body is.  Most of us need do nothing just to breathe.  Our bodies do it automatically.  Our brains signal information to our bodies automatically and vice versa.  The connection between our minds and our bodies is real and scientifically documented.

When I don't sleep, which is happening often lately between 2 a.m. and 5 a.m., I don't escape from this world into 'sleepland'.  I like sleepland.  It is a very enjoyable place for me to visit.   I am finding myself journeying from being in 'awakeville' to sleepland and back again.  It is a short distance and I make frequent visits between the two.  I go many times throughout the night from sleep to not asleep.  From sleep to awake.  

I feel myself checking to see if I have my glasses on.   Do I have the book that I am reading in my hand.  I wake up from dreams and bring them forward with me to awakeville.  It can be such a quick trip that I remember easily my dreams which seem to carry between the two.

I awake thinking to google something.   I awake doing leg extensions or sit ups.  I fall asleep breathing mindfully and deeply.  There seems to be such a fine line - an overlap - to what I do sleeping and what I do awake just now.

I tell myself, because of certain information I have read that feels true, that I am getting 'downloads' during the night.  I am transforming, growing, learning and becoming in huge waves.  I am adding to who I am.  I am letting go of some of what I am.  It feels like a very interesting time for me.

I don't find myself stressed or freaked.  I am trusting the process of this.  If I could push a button, I believe I would push the sleep button at night and the awake button for the day.  I have no such buttons that I am aware of.  So, I accept this, trusting the process of my sleepless times and my awake times.  There feels very cool to me.  I feel gratitude and blessed.

When Corona first happened is when I first experienced sleeplessness on a different level.  I heard myself telling myself that I was ‘holding space’ for our world and sending out love, prayers and more love.  This was my ‘job’ then.  My purpose.  Sounds a bit goofy to me.  Felt very true and real to me.   

Now, it feels as though it is my job to experience this sleeplessness as my call to sharing what I have learned in this lifetime on the subject of humanness and suffering; humanness and love; being human and being true to the moment of what is and who I am and what I am experiencing.

The paths that bring me to my own 'stairway to heaven' are best present during and living in my authenticity.  It is my goal, calling, love and joy to support whoever shows up that chooses to want this for their self.  To be a catalyst for them to create and walk their own stairway to heaven and enjoy the lightness, joy, trust and truth of living these steps while walking home to be their authentic self.

May you walk the unique steps and staircase that are yours to walk.  During your sleep and into your awakening.  

The magic of your raw authenticity, through love, is the most loving and empowering life You can live.

May you let You happen and build up (grow) the You that knows how to get to the top of your life and live in it, thrive through it and share of it; the best of You which, in turn, offers others to do the same just by your example.

Now, this is super cool.

May you be super cool.  Your truth.  Your trust.  Your love.  Your life.  Your way.   

Thursday, November 17, 2022


Dear Higher Power 

Please let us feel Your love.  Please let us feel Your presence.  Please help us to be and do better.  Guide us to our best and most loving path to stop the chaos that our world is experiencing.  

Help those that are hurting to feel love.  Help those that are love to keep their hearts open and continue to send out love; and to keep some for themselves.   Help those that are in the middle of chaos to have the ability to step back and/or out and connect to their own loving grace. 

I believe there are so many more humans with loving hearts than not.  I believe we all know and suffer some kind of hardship(s).   

May you teach us, show us and empower us to create, live and offer the best of what is available to us to carry on from this moment forward in the most beautiful and fulfilling of ways.  

Teach those that are hurting to reach out for help.  Teach those that are hurting to not continue the hurt but to find easier and more loving ways to deal with and process the hurt.  To turn it from pain to lessons and betterment.   

Let us be one in togetherness to stop the fighting, the pain, the horrific and the terror as much as possible.   

Let us not live in fear.  Let us live from love. 

Teach us to create peace and harmony. Teach us to let it deep within each of us so that we may build it and share it and pass it forward.  

May we invite and spread peace on Earth and let it begin from within.  

May You show us our best way to open to our own peace within.   May You enter our hearts and let us know, feel and be the saving grace that we are learning is greatly needed today; everywhere, and throughout the things we are experiencing and for all persons in this journey that we call life. 

May we learn honor and to be honorable.   May we open to the best of ourselves and each other.   

Help us to see and know our own responsibility in our actions and reactions.   

May we invite, be, know, experience, create, get in touch with and share super fine.  As in ‘oh that is superfine child’!   

And so it is

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Experience This

I have many conversations regarding how we humans are experiencing our world and our lives just now.  There is a general consensus of more trying than triumph often.  

We are growing into a new way of being and it surely is not always easy.  Much is changing.  Little things that were commonplace and big things that there is very little clarity of.  In between things that once was the status quo is neither 'status-ing' or 'quo-ing'.  

Some of us thrive in it in some ways.  Some of us are lost in it in other ways.  Some of us are overwhelmed.  Some of us stand stronger than ever.  All of us are touched by the past couple of years and today.

A lot of Life has dramatically changed and is changing.  What will be is often questioned.  What is happening now brings up change, requests alteration and creates the experience of ulterior (hidden, concealed, guarded) situations. 

What came from a conversation regarding current unhappiness, unease and uncertainty, I felt to offer here.  

So here goes:

May you be with your feelings just now.  Honor yourself.  Love yourself.  Send Love to every cell in your body.  Breathe.  Be aware of your breath going in and out. Notice if your breath is cooler going in and warmer coming out.     

Our world is in a deep state of unrest.   There are priorities being questioned.  There is a feeling of overwhelm.  Our brains are often on overload.  Information and opposing information is readily available; at our fingertips; in our face.  Many questions and situations are coming at us and through us head on.   

And it just may be the greatest time ever to choose differently.  Create differently.   Live anew.  

May you ask yourself what You want.  What is one thing you can do now that fills you up in a feel good way.  One thing that you can do that feels true to You and as You.  What is one thing you can choose that ignites your soul and lets your spirit, the real You, fly.   

Some say it is the darkest before the light. 

I embrace You.  I care.  You are lovable.  You have amazingness inside of You.  You have beauty inside of You.  You're strong. You're gentle. You matter.  You are a gift to many.  

May you give the gift of You, your love, to You.  

You will blossom.  You are growing.  Look how far you've come.  Look how much you have already survived. 

Maybe you are tired. Let yourself be what You are with your love gifting itself to You.  It is time to be free to Just Be U; to just be who You are.   Trust divine timing.  Open to the divine way.  Divine love.   Divine You.  I bow my head and honor You.   

God bless You and walk with You.  Let your loving truth and trust in the process of you and tap into and flow with the process of life.   What is real for You, as you learn to accept it and live in life fully, opens the greatest paths forward for You.

As we all live in our best paths forward through rawness, vulnerability, love and allowance, so many new doors and paths will open for the way of our world.

Hang in.  Hang loose.  Open up.  Surrender.  Let go.  Stay true.  Experience 'what is' through your most loving way.  

We are here for 'show' in a way that 'allows to be seen', to 'make known', to 'express'.  We are here for the experience of truthful and raw experiences lived fully and in real time open and loving.  

None of us leave here unscathed.  Get on with and into the learning/lessons truly and fully.  As you live in the vibration of what is your truth through your love, you create an opening for others to do the same.  

I'm reminded of the saying 'We are all just walking each other home'.  Through this journey, living in and through our reality is our superpower.  It is the strongest life force there is.

There is magic in this; yours, mine and ours.  

I experience my own unease, distress and overwhelm.  I am honoring where I am believing in the beauty that I know, that I have seen, that I have been and that I will be.  I invite my loving truth. 

May we stay steady with our truth.  With every emotion that comes up, allow it and add love to it.  This just may be the greatest of life and living we are here to experience.  


Monday, November 14, 2022

How You Doin'

How are you...

A common, routine question between friends, family and even strangers.  For a long time in my life, my answer was mostly 'good'.  I am now in a different place.

When asked how I am doing nowadays, I seem to not be able to give a one word answer.

May you realize your answer(s) to how You are doing and check in to see if it really and truly resonates and reflects your truth.  May prove to be interesting.  May prove to be true.  May prove to become a thought provoker.   Whatever comes up for You - just being aware of it may be something of interest to You.  

If this does not resonate with You, it is not for You. 

Honor this awareness.  Honor You.  I do.

With chronic illness, which is a dis-ease that is known to stay, I have been taught to believe that I will never be free of scleroderma.  The good news is I was also taught that there are things that can be done and the human body so wants to heal and knows how to.  It is best when I get out of my own way and let my body work its magic.  To love myself and treat myself lovingly allows my body and cells to vibrate in and through its best available way(s).

Is how we are the same as what we are experiencing...  Does it correlate...  Is it a check into the mind thing...  Is it check into the body thing...  Is it a check into a project thing...  Is it a check into a 'success rate' grind...   Can it be a question and response that is automatic and we just let both fly through us...  Does it change with the place and time we are asked how we are...   Hoot.   Does any of this matter...

It does matter how we experience life and how we are feeling while experiencing life...  Huge.   We can learn to be extra kind to ourselves, allow what we feel and be open to loving through and creating forward.

Today, part of the deep long answer to 'How are You' to me was this..  

"I'm here.  I can love.  I have learned so much about being human and living through and on.  I can use my voice.  My brain.  My wisdom.  I'm grateful for so many beautiful things I see and get to experience.  

I'm sitting deeply in a healing, a process, an awareness and there does not seem to be an easy answer that suits this.  I am present.  I am breathing.  I care.  I love a lot of people and am grateful to have them love me back.

I'm deep within the freedom of the universe.  I'm in the confines of being human.  We all are, perhaps.  

So I am living and allowing an 'inside [myself] job' to process and grow my life, my wisdom, my possibilities.  To live in my calling."

How many of us would want an answer like this when we ask how someone is doing...  

Next time you are asked or you ask 'How are You' notice your participation...   You decide your part.  You decide what matters. 

Many of the priorities that were are changing.  There is distortion in many of our lives; individually and as a whole.

May we keep doing, being, living and open to our own truths and each others' truths.  May we be aware of the energy and information we share.  May it come from love.  May it be true.  May we support each other and be oh so extra kind to others and ourselves just now and forevermore.

Perhaps, we are here now - all of us - to participate exactly as we are in the exact place that we are.  

May you participate through the wisdom, knowledge, open heart, open mind and the realest real of You.

May this, if You choose it, be How You are Doin'...  

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Let there Be Love

There is always light to be had in any darkness.  One cannot know light without knowing darkness.  Just like the yin and yang, night and day, up and down, hunger and sated.  Opposites.  Balance.  Understanding.  Connectivity.  Life.  Living.

There is a balance that happens throughout our life.  Experiencing it all through the truest of self is, perhaps, the best way to create, open and live through the times when balance is not felt.  Even when it we feel unbalanced, may we know that this feeling presents itself for our lessons to asunder and our blessings to enjoy most.  Perhaps, we cannot know bliss without knowing turmoil.

This is the human experience that every one of us feels whether we experience it as such.

Our reactions can be learned, mimicked, without awareness and often repeated.  When we shine a light on and become more aware and mindful of them, we can invite them and allow them to be our kindest, most supportive reactions to every experience that we have created and/or is shown to us.

When we react through divine light, lightheartedness, openness to explore while trusting our life's process and ourselves, our most beautiful, loving reactions can be experienced and offered.  

Notice when you respond through gentleness and kindness.  Notice when you respond through harshness and anger.  Notice how your body feels.  Notice how calm and able you feel.  Notice how rattled and confused.  We can teach ourselves to respond in a way that is most suited for healing and light.  We can let love instead of worry.  We can let love instead of fear.  We can be angry and still respond through love. 

Our responses affect our bodies, minds, and spirits.  

May you choose/be open to responding whereas your responses uplifts your body, mind and spirit.  One can feel many things.  When we live through our truth responding with love, we are better for it.

Our energy.  Our body's ability to work optimally.  Our mind's ability to be open and work at full capacity.  Our spirit's ability to be lit and full of love.  When we respond through our best choices every feeling that passes through us, we allow what is in us to best experience each breath, situation, lesson and joy in the most fully and highly functional way possible.  

May we all learn our best choices; allow them, open to them and live in and through them.

As we do, we not only uplift ourselves and our experiences - we uplift the energies everywhere and in every thing.

I love the feeling of this.  I am my best me when my space in this world carries good vibes.  These good vibes attract same.  It has been said that what we put out we attract.  

May you be aware of what You just may be attracting.  Is it what You want to attract…

What you wish to see in this world, may You put it there.  

Your light.  Your dark.  Your love.  Your leeriness.  

May you be aware of the vibes you are exerting and inviting.  May you know You have a choice.  

Yes, sometimes, it feels like there is no choice to certain situations.  Perhaps, 'play' with just what if there was.  A choice.  Your choice.  You.  You are.  You matter.  

The energy of You - may you let it be a gift to yourself.  Connect to the love that is available within You and live through it.

If we were all choosing love over 'other', oh what an empowering, uplifting, creative, precious, amazing world encompassing this love it would be.  

Perhaps, give it a try if you are not already doing so.  My hope is that you are in awe of the possibilities of You and your life...  You and our world.

Let there be Love.  Love is the light that electrifies a self-sustaining and beautiful charge/change.  

Friday, November 11, 2022

Eleven Eleven

Eleven Eleven(11:11).

The spiritual meaning of the number one is beginning; new beginnings.  

About wo decades back, I was seeing 11:11 often on the clock. So often that I started taking notice and it made me smile.  I was taking a course at the Upledger Institute.  I did some research and what I remember is that it could mean that I was on my life's path.  I was flowing with the divine instruction and wisdom in me.  I was connected.  This had me pretty excited.  During this same course, a woodpecker kept showing up outside the window.  Woodpecker can mean the heartbeat of life. This is for another post, perhaps.  I know I have written about this in the past.  

Today is 11/11/22.  Some say it is a portal into one's divine understanding and connection with all we are and with all that is.  Oh, do I like the sound, feel and wisdom of this.  I am again excited, open to this and I choose to sit deep within myself and trust myself. 

May you sit deep within yourself and trust yourself.  

We are more than ourselves.  We are connected.  We are what is experiencing our bodies, thoughts and feelings.  This human experience that is happening 'for' us is quite the journey these days.  There can be much commotion within us and around us.  I feel and believe that as there is, it is an opportunity to go deep within - where we are all connected - to the peace, love, adventure, excitement, truth, trust to everything that is.  Through our own uniqueness comes the life that we are made to, meant to and are living.   

May you bring love, respect, kindness, openness and everything You into this moment.  Experience yourself.  Be mindful.  Watch.  

Imagine stepping outside of your self and watching yourself.  

The good and not so good news, perhaps, is that You are the only one that lives your life.  If you are happy, it is because of You.  Whatever you are experiencing, it is your thoughts, experiences, choices that create the way you see your world.

One world and billions of ways to experience it.  What matters most is your experience and it is the only think/thing that You have the complete ability to change it if you don't enjoy it.  It is in the way you look at what is that creates the experience.  This is why the same experience to 11 people will be 11 different experiences.

You get to choose your reaction.  Huge responsibility.  Huge ownership.  Huge freedom.  It can be huge love and empowerment.

If you don't like the way you are experiencing life just now, begin again.  What is the thought that is available to you that changes your experience to the best possible now.

Some say today is a portal.  An opening.  A doorway into a deeper, most divine way of being.  Of being You.  

May you step through, over to and into the You that You most enjoy being around and experiencing.  

How interesting, maybe fascinating, that when I add all the numbers of today's date it comes back to one (1).  11/11/2022 = 10 which 1 + 0 = 1.  

Today just may be a day where there is something or many things in your life that you can choose to begin again and, very possibly, the whole of the universe is supporting You and has your back; extra today.

As you allow yourself to believe this, what is it that maybe most terrifies You and yet it has been 'knocking on your door' to do.  You know you want it.  You are meant to do this thing inside of You that you have been feeling/hearing/knowing is meant for You.  

Just maybe - Today is the day You begin; begin again.

Honor Yourself.  It just may be the greatest gift.  

As we honor ourselves and live from the depth of ourselves and the connection to all that is, perhaps, we become the door for other people's most true, real and fun journeys that they are now ready to walk through, in and on.

Ready.  Set.  Go.  Oh the possibilities for each of us.  The possibilities of You.

Can You feel them...

May you feel the possibility/possibilities and walk 'home' to You.  Allow what is in You to do happen.

Love, truth and trust (eventually) opens to Wow, how exciting!  May you rise up to You(rs).

Namaste.  The place within me honors the place within you that is pure love; where we are all truly connected.  We are One human race.  

May we see, hear and love one another.  Today is a good day to do this from the wisdom of this within.  It may not be about adrenaline and excitement as we have known it.  It may be about living strongly within ourselves, from ourselves, through ourselves.  This just may be how best to soar.  

May we support ourselves and each other.  May we watch and experience how this lifts the entire energy of the world and each other.  May we soar through the door.  Ha.  

May we live from this place; as much and as often as possible.  Any moment.  Any time.  For the rest of our lives.  

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Soul Deep

It is my feeling and belief and there are situations and experiences being presented to us and through us, just now, that are 'forcing our hand', so to speak.  

Just maybe, the big picture of all that is going on within each of us and around each of us is here asking (forcing) us to uncover, discover, recover and create a better way and a better world going forward.  

We all have our 'stuff'.  Our life is full of living.  There are many different ways to live.  We experience some of the same ways differently.  Our lives and way of life changes many times throughout our lifetime.

If it is meant to be, there is nothing that will stop it.  If it's not meant to be, there is nothing that will make or allow it to happen.  There are different versions to just about everything..  A lot of us do not see until we 'see'.  

May you be open to 'what is' as you be mindful of how You are experiencing same.  

As we live in our own truth and love, it supports and encourages others to do the same.  We can create 'safe places' for each other to be who we are and let love preside.  

Until we all claim our 'stuff' and reorganize and clean out [add and subtract] to create higher, more fun versions of same, we remain in the way that once worked for us but no longer does.

I heard myself think, with an actual possible hurricane knocking on my door, to go 'soul deep'.  That is what I am open to do.  I am not going to be focused on what may or may not happen (while prepared as possible).  I choose to focus on my loving and trusting experience of 'what is' now.  

Oh yes, we all have our 'stuff'.  May you ask yourself what do You want to do about You(rs).

May You, perhaps, choose to go 'soul deep'.   SOul Deep   Whatever that means to You to honor everything You as you uncover, discover, recover and create a best way, just now, for You.

Life is stirred up with a lot of unknowns which creates possibilities we have never thought of or experienced before.  Best time ever to do just this.  Go You.  

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Inside Out

Life is rearranging itself in big ways and also rearranging most of us, if not all of us, in big ways too.  Individually and together.  From the inside out.  

This just may be what is being asked of us and best for us.  

I imagine this pendulum that is so far the opposite of what we have been living - with 'the elephant in the room' and 'dirt swept under the rug'.  We have been living in a truth that we were/are ignoring, not aware of, didn't/don't know how to handle, and, most likely, other reasons as well.  

The pendulum is way on the other side of where it was and we are being asked (maybe even forced) to witness, feel, and participate in this swing from what was to what is to what will be.

The pendulum will eventually find its middle and so will our world and each of us; through new paths and ways and through living in our truth aware, out loud and, oh I so hope, through love and unity.

It is time.  It is now.  It is asking.  We are the witnesses and the ones, here now, participating in the way we know.  

May we be open to knowing our best, most loving and helpful way.

Deal with the 'elephants' and clean 'the dirt under the rug' so to speak.

We do this by living in our truth as lovingly and openly as possible.  From what is inside of us out.  

We are living in this 'truth' whether we are participating genuinely or not.  The truth still remains for us to realize it head on.  I find it is best and most forthright through love. 

When I speak my truth through love to the situation, experience, relationship that it involves, I open doors, windows and roofs for myself.  I, just by being me, invite others to do the same.  We all do.

May you speak your truth through love direct to the situation, experience, and/or relationship involved.

May you realize that when you become brave enough to share your vulnerability and real feelings from the inside of you out - doors, windows and roofs open up and processes this energy from its origin to where it is best now and going forward. 

In living through our truth, lovingly as possible, it creates the most magical and life altering blessings and ways of being in this thing called life.  

The way(s) of life are being recreated.  May you tap into You and let You out.     

We are living in this truth that is present anyway so we might as well live in it wholly, mindfully, real to it and present in it.  That's the way we get the life we want done.  

Praying and believing in us all to live in the magic that is each one of us.    You. You. You and You.  

Your truth.  Your love.  Your experience.  Your openness to understand another's different from You.

Inside Out.  May you get in the swing of this.  

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Best Friend

Sometimes we are our own worst enemy.  May you be your own best friend.  

You are the only one you spend your entire life with.  May you create the relationship with yourself that you enjoy your own company immensely.

May you be so kind and patient with yourself that it feels like a best friend is always with You.  

When we are happy within, perhaps, all we can share is this happy.

Above are some thoughts that have been swirling within me.  How true they feel to me.  How good it could be for us all to embrace this.

Having our own backs.  Learning what this feels like to embrace this.  As we have our own backs in a  consistent way, it opens so much strength in our own wisdom, instinct, truth and trust.

When I see and feel what this looks and feels like, I want more of it.  It is where I want to always land, so to speak; as often as possible.  

May you open up to your own wisdom, instinct, truth and trust.  These things are what help make you You.  They are some of your greatest strengths.

Everything we need for our lifetime we are born with.  It is internal.  When what is inside of us meets the places of this out in the world, we thrive.  Through our relationships, our professions, our abilities and desires.  

May you connect with who You are through what You feel allowing love to preside as often and as best as possible.

Sometimes we have been our own worst enemy  Introduce yourself to the best friend that you are to others and bring this awesomeness home to You.

Bring it on home to You.. too.  

Read Reach

I was reading just now and what I was experiencing through the writer’s story was ‘life’.  

I'm reminded how this, just now, is each of us living life.  Having life experiences.  This is it.  This is life happening.   We process and live through our thoughts, our pleasures, blessings, lessons, wonders and experiences.   This is life.  

I am feeling like a basketful of deep suspense.  Uncertainty.  Blunders.  Electric energy (lightning bolt style) within my body not knowing where to land.  I am feeling so much love and dedication to making it through to where Peace and Kindness (Love) is what carries and leads us all..  more than anything else.  

I just can’t help myself.  Finding myself in deep introspection.   Unless, this is exactly what helps me.  

It feels to me that I/we are living between worlds just now.  

Egad.   I need sleep. Or maybe to wake up.  See. The uncertainty, multiplicity and the blundering.  

As I wrote the above paragraphs late last night,  I am coming to this blog now with an intent in the back of my mind to share about feeling like I am living between two worlds.  And it just so happens, I was thinking the same thing with what I previously wrote.   

It’s very cool and ‘interesting’ (that is one word) how there are always synchronicities, signs, lessons, support, encouragement always happening as we allow ourselves to see and connect to same. 

There is so much information, change, questioning of traditions and what was, what isn’t and what is being birthed forward.   

Hence, two worlds.   Our old ways.  Our feelings.  Our new ways.   Just now, my feelings live in both. My knowledge lives in both.  

My innate wisdom lives in this moment, open.  

My body is kind of ‘hanging out’ waiting to see where what is growing inside of and through me, in conjunction with my surroundings.  What is my/our forward and onward going to be.  

May you be true.  May you be open.  May you be friends with your feelings.  May you Be U; as much and as often as possible, through love.  

Let’s fly higher than we have ever flown.  Create a world of synergy, opportunity, togetherness and love. 

The more each of us lives trusting the process of life and ourselves, open and inclusive to what works for each other — the mostest, bestest, greatest ways of our ‘new’ world show up.   

May you stand up as You with open heart, mind and arms.  Arms that embrace a wholeness of what You are feeling, a heart that ignites love.   A mind that expands into the best and most beautifully loving ways.  

Step by step by step.  

Let You shine. Let You shine. Let You shine.   

We are in take off mode.  May be bumpy for a while yet.  We will get to the summit by stretching and opening our beautiful, metaphorical wings.   

I will meet You there.  Reach with me.  I so see us all there.  

The amazing life within each of us, fulfilled.