Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Resisting Feelings

I come here resisting, once again, my feelings as I'm not comfortable or happy within my body. 

I have been uncomfortable with tooth pain in at least four different areas of my mouth over the last several days.  Lack of sleep and high quantity of drugs to get through have me irritable, hurting, shut down and unhappy.

I'm resisting what is in front of me (getting my mouth worked on) out of fear.  The dentist has told me to wait until I am done antibiotics for a few days and I have an appointment for May 11.  I'm not sure what tooth or mouth area he will work on first.  I'm not sure it is something that he can 'fix'.  All I can do is walk through the best I can and love through.

I'm tired of struggling; tired of hurting; tired of being afraid and just tired.   I currently feel best when I'm under the covers in my big, warm and comfy bed.  Perhaps, I will end up there very soon as I hear this is what my mind and body are asking for. 

I'm sweaty.  I'm cool.  I'm eating poorly.  I'm in the cycle of discomfort; deeply.  

I was cutting back on Xanax taking one less every other day and it seems that as I choose to cut back, (each time) something comes up that challenges me and I lose...   Or is it winning as at least I have an answer to change things up and get me through.

And, perhaps, changing things up - fighting what is - treating one's symptoms through burying them --  is this just prolonging what has to be experienced... 

Until I face life/it/things face on.... perhaps, full positive change will not be complete.

I have come far.  I have done much.  I have changed my chemistry.  I have changed my thinking. Apparently, I am not done yet because I know suffering today.

Or, is suffering still winning.  Does being human mean knowing suffering...  Is medicine a gift from God... 
                                [above is one of my greatest and recurring conundrum dance]

I think suffering is human and has to happen from time to time...  or does it...  And, I also think there is much unnecessary suffering that being human may create.

This is what this new shift - the changes - the lessons -- this what is that is brought to us -- is here to teach us.

ACCEPT and LIVE exactly what is in front of you - with love, compassion, trust and openness.

May we follow our truth into the next chapter of our lives and know that where we are today - we have the best shot of our best tomorrow by participating in and following our very own truth.  Each situation that arises within us; before us; and around us is best lived from our truest of self.  Just by being our true self wholly and with kindness, we live our best self.  Just being you is the best way to travel through your life. 

Time to get our truth on in the most extraordinary way --   The way that is inside of us. 

May you live your inside voice on; outloud and with full ownership through the best part of yourself.  You are extraordinary. 

You know you are living your best self when you are standing and living from your truth in kindness, wonder and allowing-ness.  When you know you are doing/being/acting from your best place within - you will be connected to the full miracle of you and you will respond accordingly.

I  do not feel good.  I still love on.   I know love within.  I know love without.  I embrace my discomfort knowing it is here to teach me a lesson and to guide me forward and onward in this human experience.  It is not easy to embrace what hurts me.  Yet, to fight it may be my least favorable answer as I find that it hasn't worked yet. 

I will survive.  I will thrive.  I will be the best that God has made me.  Because that is who I am.  That is how I roll.  This is how I know I live my most fulfilled self; the true me that I encounter and am.

I don't know what will come from this.  I do know love feels better than any other choice I could conjure up.  For me, love is the answer.  It is what brings me my greatest joy within, without, around and in front of...  Love is it for me.  Anything different feels less inviting.

May you know what it is for you and may you allow it to grow in, around and through your entire entity.

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