Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Where I'm At

I have no clue where I am at! 

I am hoping I am deep in the situation of "When it feels like life is falling apart, it may actually be falling into [a better] place."    I surely feel like my life is apart in many ways...  slow, long, arduously so.  How wonderful that I can have these lessons... I think!

I am in a contained apartment when I was once in an open 'castle'.  I am looking for a new home in a land that I knew I wanted to live in since I was 19 years old.  I am trading up cars and not sure which size is best (if we all 'should' have this problem, right).  I am standing by as my daughter opens her wings to fly.  I am allowing my husband to do his brilliantness as I engage in finding my truest of self.  I still have much I have to sell and change up in my northern neck of the woods.  I have much here that I want to settle into. 

I am being pulled towards the gym at the location where I want to live.  I am being pulled towards a yoga studio which is close by as well.  I want a profession.  I want to support others to struggle less.   I want to be independent again; while being married.  Do I know how...  Only time will tell.

So, while may avenues are wide open expansive endless roads just now, it can be very exciting.   I can also find myself feeling a 'freak out' coming on if I want to choose that as well.  Which avenue(s) will I take... 

My health is decent!  I have no ulcerations on my fingers.  My skin feels a bit more loose and it doesn't hurt when I hit something by accident with my hands.  My hands and fingers feel stronger.   I'm getting leaner and getting to know my waist.  It is becoming one with me instead of on the 'outs'.  lol

I sit in the eye of the hurricane as best I can.  I dance in the rain as best I can.  I come from love and an open heart as best I can.  I don't tell myself every day that I am crazy.  It may be down to once a week just now!  lol

My head and neck have much electricity and energy around them.  The flow of same is not inside where I think I want it to be.  And, I'm cackling on.  I'm cackling randomly as I find my place.  What is inside of me, I speak out.  I'm feeling sorry to my husband and daughter and anyone else in my world.  I must be a challenge to participate with.

I am not where I was by a long shot.   I am so close to where I am going.   I am where I am and I'm okay with it on a large scale.   On a small scale I want to run, pretend, hide, and freak out.   What I am doing is walking through with trust, love, openness and I am branching out further each day.  My next chapter of my life is just around the corner.  It is very exciting.  It is tougher to be more 'mature' and 'aware' going forward.  It was easier to be young and living from the seat of my pants so to speak.  And, with this maturity, I look at the possible bigger picture while making decisions as I am still feeling my way.  I go forward with the truth of today; what is in front of me and inside of me today.  I don't live as I'm in the past.  I don't consume my time with what is in front of me just now.  I am enough with what I am doing even if it is sitting on the couch and watching entertainment on TV.   I am enough with what I am if I'm standing in the wind.   I am enough if I'm eating what I want in the moment.   I am enough if I'm touching my toes.  I am enough if I'm writing these words.  I am; therefore, I am enough.

May you know that you are enough just as you live today.  Whatever is in your life; whatever you are thinking, feeling, being and doing just now, You are enough.  You can decide where you want to go from here.  You can decide who you want to be from here.  You can decide how you want to feel from here.  You can decide who you want to do you with.   You are truly in charge of your own going forward.  We are truly in charge of our own present circumstance.  Ouch and Ooooh 

If it feels like someone else has brought us here --  it couldn't happen without our permission; whether out loud or by just living the way life has taken us.  If you are kidnapped and held against your will; this is horribly different.  However, your will to see everything just as you see it is totally in your control.  Spooky and Magnificent.

There is ALWAYS a part inside of YOU that is ALIVE and wants to thrive, live, and DO YOU.  May you choose this part as often as possible.  From moment to moment, may you 'settle in' to where you choose to find yourself.  Ugh, the reality of this...   Hard one to grasp.  AND, hard one not to grasp...

May you GRASP YOU and live and LET U BE from moment to moment.   How many 'be's' can we have in a day.... Too many to count.  plus then we wouldn't be letting it be... or would we?  Yikes.

My wish is for you to bring YOU wherever you are...  the truth of YOU is more magnificent that anything else in your life...  just maybe.

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