Is this the way life is supposed to be right now? I think so. And, I think so because this is how life is right now.
If you are one of, perhaps, the lucky ones that feel settled, safe and sound - please share it with our world. You can be our bright light that gives us hope, openness and belief that we, too, can be settled, safe and sound.
I really do believe this is a brilliant time to correct and engage with the best, most true path for ourselves individually and as a whole world.
I really do believe that if I can hold on long enough, true brilliance of truth, trust, love and harmony with one another and ourselves is what is around our corner.
May I offer that our hearts be open to sharing what humans are really all about - pain, emotion, love, need and joyful connection. I never heard of 'spirit' feeling pain. Only a human being can know pain. There just may be a wonderful reason for this. What if our pain can help us to know the best and truest direction to take throughout our life. Pain can have us go in another direction or to look more closely at oneself. What if pain is just an emotion; a feeling. What if we didn't label it as 'bad'.
How many times have you gotten through a painful moment, situation or experience? If I just accept what was or what is or what will be - perhaps, I have nothing to fear.
What I can't offer, perhaps, you can. What you can't offer, perhaps, I can.
Together, we can create the world we want to live life fully in.
Are you ready?
looking for clarity.....
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