Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Friday, December 15, 2023

Head Game

We all have a brain encased in our heads.

It is very rarely a positive idea to get in another's head.  May you stay in your own.  Ha. 

It is a most useful idea to stay in our own mind, thoughts, wisdom, knowledge and experiences; open minded, open hearted. 

It can get really confusing and chaotic in our own heads.  When we imagine scary things, care unhealthily, or think what others may be thinking or feeling, it can be a game changer away from who we really are and what we really want. 

As we stay present and true to what is going on within ourselves, we are honoring who our Creator created us to be.  When we act or think otherwise, we dishonor ourselves and each other.

As I honor my truth through openness and love, I honor you as to invite you to honor and live in and through your own mind, knowledge and truth.  

Who I am is unique unto me.  Who you are is unique unto you.

Oh the freedom to be true to ourselves and each other; through love.  Winners. WINNERS.  We all win.  It just may be the the ultimate meaning and way of Life.

Ths is where miracles happen.  Great roads open up.  Beautiful paths show themselves.  Creativity abounds.  Peace and joy, flow and vibrating-high presides.  

The wonderful way of You.  May you live it.   

You know what is best, most true for You.  Whether you play it like a game, work it seriously or anywhere in between, you and the truth of You is your most magnanimous way to be.   

Live your life as who you are and let others live theirs as who they are. Each our own way. The simplicity and magic of this is love, devotion, unity and oneness; as we all want to matter, be acknowledged, seen and make a difference.   


Thursday, December 7, 2023

Be Aware

"You know you got it if it makes you feel good."  Janis Joplin

When I do things that make me happy, these 'things' are easy.

When I do things that I find myself bored or frustrated or not of me, I find myself feeling 'other'.

It is always a good idea to incorporate things that make you happy among things that feel 'other'.

You have the choice.  You know how you feel.  You know what makes you feel most you.

May you let the feeling of you honoring you participate; as often and as much as possible.

May you be aware, consciously and mindfully, of the choices you touch into.

Be aware when who you truly are is requesting some "Me Time".

As we give ourselves Me Time, we are happier and more equipped to give of ourselves from a positive energy and light.

Positive You On.

‘Come on, come on, come on, come on’

Tuesday, December 5, 2023


I picked a playing card just for fun and looked up the spiritual meaning.   It was the '9 of Diamonds'.  

“Your game in life is to graduate to new levels of being, let go of limiting beliefs about human potential, and do the work to serve the collective evolution of human consciousness.”  Unknown

I am not sure if I am strong enough.  I do know it is what I am here to do. 

At times it feels like confusion and chaos can be around us. Within us.  As what was falls away, may our lives become more complete through who and what we really are.  Let love.  

Let the will of your dreams, desire and wisdom be so.  

May your innate knowing lead you into and through your wholeness where happiness resides from within.


Day by day, night by night, week by week, month by month.  The moon and sun visit us daily.  The Moon and Sun rises.  The Moon and Sun sets.  These are promises that life keeps going.  Cycles happen.  Storms come and go.  Clouds happen.  Blue skies happen.

Just like in our lives.  There are promises.  We only need look.

A person's touch.  A person's smile.  A baby laughing.  A pet wanting to be loved and giving love.  A word.  A gesture.  A feeling.  A knowing.  A rainbow.  A shooting star. 

Promises.  They are everywhere.

May you just look.  Look for the promises that are present in your life.  

Be a promise.  Opening your heart is a promise.  Opening your mind is a promise.  

Promise yourself to always be there for You.  

Breathe and connect to the promises in your life.  They are there; always. 

I promise myself to know/do/be what is possible when there is something to know/do/be; and to be true to Me.

May you promise yourself to know/do/be what is possible when there is something to know/do/be and to live in your open truth letting love; your love.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023


I can handle being hurt.  I can trust myself in all situations; through all things.

Feeling my hurt and exploring it is more beneficial than freaking out.

We all get/feel hurt.  

May you not hurt yourself.  Act in the way(s) that feel(s) right from within You.  Be true to the love that is You(rs).

Breathe and know thyself.

Monday, November 27, 2023


I’m feeling anger come up.  The pissed off-ness. The resentment.  The ‘ugly’; as I always referred to these feelings as.  Noooo.  These feelings do not have to be ugly.  They surely can be hurtful when not processed in a safe/mindful way.  They can look ugly.  They have felt ugly.   

Today, I choose to let them be beautiful.  Beautifully real.  I invite my anger to come up.  I sit with it.  I move with it.  I release it by hitting a pillow, screaming in my car, or going for a run.  I run into it. I run with it. I bow to it.  I own it as I delve into it.  I stand for me.   

It can be invigorating.  Freeing to release the tension within me.   I need not share it with anyone else to allow it, feel it, know it and let it go.  I thank it as it (and I) are sticking up for me.

What I have felt and buried.  What I have witnessed and took on.  What I have experienced that was a complete ‘UnFun’.   I let it all go.  I release it.  I release me.  I am free.  From my past and going forward.

May you release your ‘beautiful’ anger and be free.   

Tuesday, November 21, 2023


The picture in this post is what life feels like to me currently.

I feel I am losing my marbles and new ones await.

I feel so blessed.  I feel often stressed.  So much to learn.  So much information to imbibe.  So much change. 

War and chaos.  Great beauty and love.  

It is all loud and present around me and within me.  I am experiencing so much new that my brain doesn't seem to want to process as such.  I don't want to hold on to the old that does not work for me anymore.  I want to create myself going forward into moments of bliss and peace.   I have had these moments.  I know they are real.  I had moments of war between my own heart and my own head.  

It is not a quiet storm that I am experiencing.  It can be beautiful.  

May you let what is happening inside of You to be true, real and present.  Let You happen.

May you love through; as often and as best as You can.

May we all bow our heads and honor the massive shift(s) that most of us are feeling, perhaps, within and around ourselves. 

Sunday, November 19, 2023


It feels stormy to me.  All kinds of storms.  Many storms.  All around and throughout.  

Change is happening within and around most of us.

Just maybe, if you are feeling the storm(s), is it possible they are outside of you and you are letting them in.   

Perhaps, ask yourself if the way you are reacting is helpful and uplifting.   Or something else.. 

We do get to choose the way we react.   We can choose different/more suitable as we become aware - the watcher - of our own reactions.   

Are you of service to You…

Are you your worst enemy…

Where are You in the way you are reacting; hence it creates how we feel.   

Breathe deep.  Relax your shoulders.  Take a break.  Take a moment.  Reset.. and continue on.   

May you be your own best friend.   Let gentleness, kindness and a no judgement zone be where You choose to reside; as often as possible.  

Be possible.   May you have You and honor thyself.   

Choose what you can to uplift you.  Choose to let go of what feels hurtful.   

Free yourself.  

‘Well’ thoughts are as free as unwell thoughts.  

May you choose You.. Well.    

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Fun You

Observe.  Feel.  Be.  Do.  

Observe within yourself.. Feel what you feel. Be with your breath.  Do what comes to you to do.  

Invite your fun self forward.

Let nothing bother you. Especially yourself.   

Oh these extremely interesting times.  Intensity can be high.  All around us, multiple changes can be happening.  Inside of us, self-changes can be requested and necessary.  Matters can appear to touch our hearts and spirits deeply.  Relationships can be challenged with all or any one of these things.  Our relationship with self may be curious and trippy.   

Stoicism, or being stoic, may show up with the feeling of a need to protect.  This may be a way of turning down or off the truth of what is presenting itself to us.  It is through strength that we feel.  

Perhaps, some of the most productive ways forward are in and through.   “The only way out is through.”  Robert Frost

As you are happy and thriving just now, may you share your joy.    Don’t hold back.  Share the fun.  Feel your gratefulness and abundance.  

As you are challenged and/frustrated, may you invite your fun side to get on board and participate.  Feel it.  Honor it.  Live through it.  

There are devastating and mind-blowing things going on.   It is ok to look for a joyous connection [even a joyous thought] as we live through the truth of these things.  The angst connection can come up easy peasy during these times.  

May you open up to Fun You and feel the uplifting difference it can make. 


Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Hot Mess

Our world can feel overwhelming in many different ways and places just now.  There is pain.  There is upheaval.  There is hate. There is a closed-off-ness.   There may be a wedge of forced openness happening.  

I believe some of this is from ‘tradition’ and learned ways.  I believe some is through lack of knowledge and/or vision; ignorance.   It can be because we have not learned a new, better way yet.  

I read something the other day about we humans tell ourselves things and then we believe them. 

May you ask yourself if you are believing in things or in something that does not feel good within yourself.  Truly and fully good.

May we let go of anything and everything that does not uplift us.  

If something does not feel comfortable, perhaps, examine it and ask yourself why.  What do You need… What can You do…

Listen to your body. Watch your thoughts.  Feel your way.  Without judgement or self-name calling.  Just awareness, mindfulness.  Open heart   Open mind.

Feel it and know our feelings are always changing.  Emotions are always emoting   Or wanting to and willing us to let them.   

Let love.  

May you often ask yourself how do you feel right now..  totally feel it; as much and as lovingly as possible.    

This is processing and letting go of what doesn't serve us to be the most true, whole human (through our own soul) we can be.  

May you let go of anything and everything that does not uplift You and let your spirit be free and soar beautifully.   

Let’s take any and all ‘hot mess’ and turn it into unity, support, care and lifting each other up.  

Amen. May it be so.  It is so.   

May you choose unity, support, care and uplifting all life including Mother Earth.  

May you experience your own uplifted-ness by choosing this.   

May drama and chaos be replaced by peace, wholeness and excitement. 

Perhaps, look at wholeness as your heart, soul, mind and body in unison with the unique loving truth that is You(rs); totally You(rs).  Innately You.   

Thank You.  

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Love Bark

“You must love all that God has created, both his entire world and each single tiny sand grain of it.  Love each tiny leaf, each beam of sunshine.  You must love the animals, love every plant.  If you love all things, you will also attain the divine mystery that is in all things.  For then your ability to perceive the truth will grow every day, and your mind will open itself to an all-embracing love.”  Fyodor Dostoyevski

When we bark into/at the world, the world often barks back.  Perhaps, as we love and send love into our world, love is what we see and witness.  Love is is what shows up from some marvelous and also the most ordinary places   

May you experiment, if you wish, and be love not bark.  Ha.  

I wish You peace inside as an accomplished and familiar and achievable goal; if you desire it.  As we open to and create peace within us, may the  only ones ‘barking’ be our dogs and our trees.  !!

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Dream On

Dream.   Dream about what you want your life to look like. Dream by feeling what you would like your life to feel like. Dream anything that comes to you. Dream from your heart, your soul, your spirit.  Dream to manifest.  Dream to imagine.  

“If you can dream it, you can achieve it.”  Zig Ziglar

I dreamed to one day live in Florida; West Palm Beach FL before I was ever there.  I dreamed to start and run a fitness business.  I dreamed to become a life coach.  I dreamed to get married.  I dreamed to have a child.  I dreamed about traveling.  I dreamed about dancing in the rain.  I dreamed about flying in a helicopter.  I dreamed about loving many beautiful people.  All these dreams came true and more.

Perhaps, take a look at your life.  What have you created in your life by dreaming it first… You are pretty awesome, yes… !

Start a new dream today.  What is inside of You that wants to come to fruition..  oh I’m betting it is a perfectly great dream for You.  May it be yours.  May it be You.  May you be doing it - living it - soon.

If it is meant to be, there is nothing that can or will stop it.  Invite it.  Open to it.  

Keep living towards it; towards You fulfilling what is inside of You to fill.   

Oh it is happening. !!

Believe, reach and fly,

‘Breathe.  Stretch.  Smile.’

May your dreams reach You and come for You.  

Friday, October 20, 2023


Like many words in the English language, the word ‘watch’ holds different meanings; and then some.

One can wear a watch.  One can be on the lookout; hold a vigilant watch.  One can watch outside of themselves.  One can witness one’s self. 

The song “I always feel like somebody’s watching me” comes to mind by “Rockwell”.  There has been an amount of different someones I have imagined watching me.  

I now watch myself watching myself.  I am the observer of what I do, think, say, feel and experience.  I am also the one doing, thinking, saying, feeling and experiencing.   

One can be on watch; wear a pocket watch; watch out for oncoming traffic/storms/gifts.

What matters most is the thoughts and words I put on these ’watch moments’.   How my mind perceives them.  What I tell myself.  

A cute little squirrel makes me smile watching me and letting me near without fear.  

Fear can often be made believe..  watch that.   

Love can conquer fear.  Trust conquers fear.  Telling myself I am safe and believing it conquers fear.  

Let us change to looking out for love, beauty, fun and support if you do not do so already. 

Let us let go of fear, unkindness, ugly, UnFun and harsh judgement.  

May we be like this squirrel and hang out in trust, good food for thought and dang cuteness. 

Watch your thoughts and create and allow thoughts that are uplifting, supporting, loving and cute.  Ixnay on the ones that are not.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023


“Life is what happens to you when you’re busy making other plans.”  John Lennon

There is no need to be other than who I am.  Accepting and just being who I am frees me to fully experience the life that is meant for me through being me.

Life flows.  Let it.

Perhaps, to find a self-stability in ever-changing change is a pretty good goal to incorporate.

Do not run from one’s life; run into it; towards it.

As I dwell in the integrity of myself, I float.  Sinking is impossible.

See and feel what is beautiful in your life.  Live there.  Focus here.

Sometimes we are our own worst enemy.. Stop this.

Be your own best friend.

Tell the person looking back at you in the mirror that you love them.

When you don’t have anything nice to say, find something.

Smiling releases feel-good hormones.  Did you just smile…

I wish you peace.

I wish you excitement.

I wish you You with a childlike curiosity and nature.

What brings you joy, do that.

You matter.  I care.

You are love(d).

May you be so kind to yourself that you love being with yourself.  Let it be one of your favorite things to Just Be U. 


Friday, October 13, 2023


Rise Up from the melancholy and dew.

Today is a day for you to be You.

Honor what is.  Accept what it’s about.

Gather your love and truth and have not a doubt.

Today is Your day…

How you play, what you say, may you do it with gusto - do it with confidence.

It is time for us all to rise up to the call.

Just love is what is being asked of us all.

May you free yourself from anything that is not of You.

May you go towards everything that feels like You. 

You being You is a magical miracle in itself.  You are the only one anywhere ever that can.

Shake yourself free.   Shine yourself up.

Be the diamond that You are.  You will go far.  

With each of us stepping as such

We will lift the bar.

Raise the vibration.

You now know the magical miracle that you are.  

May you know and experience the magical miracle that is uniquely You(rs).

Tuesday, October 10, 2023


“Every storm runs out of rain.”  Maya Angelou

There are multiple ‘storms’ throughout much of our world and our lives just now.

A storm can be cleansing.   A storm can be powerful.   A storm can be gentle, quick or lasting    Whichever one(s) you may be experiencing - if you are - may you know that storms do run out of rain.  

You are made to withstand the storm in your own way and in your time.

I find much discomfort in many of the storms I see and am aware of.  I do not understand what I see.  The two words ‘sad’ and ‘overwhelm’ come up for me.  Sometimes, these storms can be mind-blowing and can surely feel like TMI; overwhelmingly so.  

I want to be the peace in any chaos.  I want to be and experience the eye of the storm where calm, peace and safety reside.

We all go through storms. Sometimes, while experiencing a storm, it can invite negativity and fear.   They often force growth and change. 

May you trust the process of life and trust yourself to weather the storm.  To flow with ‘what is’ bringing your loving truth into it.  Your loving truth may be your most powerful tool to use; for yourself and for others.   

May you be the eye of the storm if you choose to.   Your way.  Your love. I honor.  

May hope dissolve pain.  


“Awake, my dear.  Be kind to your sleeping heart. Take it out into the vast fields of light, and let it breathe.”   Haffiz

Monday, October 9, 2023

Dear God

Dear God

Have mercy and place of blanket of love, tenderness, less trials and more coherence, trust-ability and easy flow through the process of this thing we are all doing…. Living our lives.   Amen.   

I need to believe that our world is falling together.  It is not an easy time to witness life and living.  We are bombarded with too much angst and hurt, chaos and ugly.  I am praying.  I am sending my piece of heartfelt loving vibes out.   I am praying for understanding and a better way to live for us all; congruently.    

May the BeaUtiful win.   Amen.    Let love.  

Thursday, October 5, 2023

As Much and Often

In this moment..  Breathe..

May you allow contentment - your own contentment - to rise up and reside.

It seems to me that it is the human brain - the human way - to dream.  To want more or different, often, to live in moments waiting/wanting for something else.

I currently find myself waiting on payment of the sale of the condo we have sold.  I hear others waiting for medical reports, others waiting for their next appointment or call, waiting in traffic, waiting to see how someone else is going to act or respond, waiting to feel better, waiting to see when one will be relocated, waiting on time…

Many of us await something throughout many moments of each day.   

Can we let our moments be more usefully engaged fully in the moment…

What will happen will happen when it does.  Be here now content in the here and now; as often and as much as possible.  "Use your time wisely" is the phrase that comes to mind.  


Choose now to allow what you want to feel and feel it now.   Not when or after something else happens.  Now, as our life is happening.  

If/when you find yourself waiting on anything, let your full presence come into the present moment and meet it where it is.  With what life is showing you, as you are; aware and engaged.   

May you live life now in this moment just being You.  Build your life through living your life engaged with life as it is now. 

Your loving truth will open the best doors and ways as you allow your own contentment and senses lit to each moment - moment to moment.   

Surrender into the calm of trusting the process of life, yourself and what is.  

Reside in the pleasure of not needing more knowing more is coming.  

This 'more' will be created best as our breath, our truth, our love and our awareness resides moment to moment.  

Each moment is new and fresh.  For me, there is a great joy in living my life free to be me now.   

I’m great and able in this moment fully present; as much as possible.  How wonderful and fulfilling.  

It is like falling in love.  The joy of the moment.  The joy that is felt.  Living in the love of the process now open to the joy of the fullness of my beating heart.  

May you always be falling in love with yourself.  

May we be open to being the peace in the chaos, the love in the angst and the beauty in the sorrow; as much and as often as possible.    

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Da Flow

‘I go with the flow and am open to my full experience of life as it is and as I am now’.  May it be so.  It is so.  Amen.  

May you go with the flow and be open to your full experience of life as it is and as U are now. 

May it be so.  It is so.  Amen.  

Let love    


Saturday, September 23, 2023

Loving Truth

May you live in your loving truth. May you live in your truth through love.  

Go deep.  Get high.   

Know Thyself.  Honor thyself. 

Live from the depth of yourself into and through your dreams, your calling, your purpose and your lit self. 

Get. You. On.  

“Just 9Be U”.  “Grow Yourself Complete”. Again and again and again.  

Tuesday, September 19, 2023


Peace.  I like peace that comes from a faith and trust that I can do all things that come through me and to me.  

I know that ‘Be Here Now’ brings me the most peace.  All I best can deal with and respond to is what is present now.   

When I open to love, I am uplifted.

As I focus on and am present with the ‘now’, I open to gloriousness happening and being involved and present.

Life has a great way of working things out and opening the best paths by our presence and our current vibe(s).

May there be peace on Earth and let it flow through each of us.  

Ooh la la.   Faith on. 

May you open to Fun.  

Glorious fun.   Your way.   

Friday, September 15, 2023


Stand tall. Stand up. Take a Stand.. in everything that is showing up; through your own truth and love. 

Serious times. Serious changing times are all about us.

I feel there is so much showing up for most of us - coming to light so to speak -  that it can sometimes feel dark. 

Stand in your loving truth through all that shows up; as often and as best as possible.  

Experience the present moment and open yourself to your reality.  Let your gentleness, awareness and faith stand strong.  Choose what feels best for You through your instinct and wisdom; a gut knowing.

Through your mind, heart and gut, stand, acknowledging the wholeness of your truth.  

I have often said in the past if I speak of something going on, I will make it true and have to deal with it.  I know now, whether I speak or even acknowledge what is, I am still living in the truth of what is.  By speaking and standing true to it, we put light to it so there's a much better chance of healing through.  When we avoid it, we create a stuckness in it.  

‘It’ being that thing we have run from, numbed from, ignored and avoided and it's (possibly) now in our face or showing up again and again.   

You have You.  We uplift.  We grow.  We live.

Living in our truth will give us a freedom like nothing else.  Living in our love will allow the greatest and best creations to happen and doors to open.

May you walk through as truly ['just'] You.

Friday, September 8, 2023


Pain.  What an UnFun thing.  Wouldn't recommend it.  Would hide from it if it would be helpful.  Would never seek it.   It finds me.  It finds the majority of us from time to time.  

With scleroderma, it can and has visited quite frequently. The main culprits for me are finger ulcers.  Ouch.  Lack of blood circulation and blood not reaching the end of my fingertips due to too much collagen production and tight skin with contracted blood arteries, the fingers get ulcers and the skin dies and the nerve endings can scream from a minor irritation to a full blown throbbing.   I did say ouch already.  And how I feel just now, another ouch is appropriate.  The pain keeps me from sleeping.   

Pain.  I have learned to be fearful of it and apprehensive. 

I have learned to breathe into it and relax into it as well.  

It has been several years that I have had no ulcers and this move, because of the amount of things I did with my hands, brought me them aplenty.  I really thought I was done with them.  I got my first one in 1977 at the age of 17.   I was working in the afternoons at the electric company and in my senior year of high school in the mornings.   I didn't know what it was so I went to the work doctor - at that time the big Electric Company had their own on-site doctor and he gave me black salve and it made it worse.   The pain was unbearable.  It took 5 years of different doctors’ visits and at age 22, I remember sitting in front of a huge desk with a doctor telling me that I was allergic to myself and this was an autoimmune disease that will eventually kill me and I would be on medicine for the rest of my life.  Well that was some information to walk away with and process.  

Here I am alive and have learned so much living with dis-ease. I may not be able to use my hands easily or freely, I always hear myself say that I can still love.  So, it is my goal to ‘still and always love’.   

Pain teaches. Pain can lead to self realization and transformation.   I'm grateful for how it has taught and encouraged me how to live deeply and in the moment.  I am grateful that something in me chose to love from within and beyond dis-ease.   

Fear of pain.  Pain itself can be a powerful motivator, life game changer and can teach compassion, empathy and trust.  Being one with my breath has become natural for me.  Watching my thoughts and responses in everyday life and circumstances is who I have become and what I do.   Sitting with pain and honoring it and loving myself through is what I have learned is the best way that works for me.  

I find that life and healing, thoughts and reactions; my responses and ways are an inside job.  Great to gather information and then process all through my own instinct, wisdom and love. 

When You struggle with something and/or experience pain, may you reach out for information and guidance from doctors, professionals and/or other methods.   May you always include your own wisdom, experiences and instincts along with your own loving truth and self-kindness.

To do so is like ‘the cherry on top’.  The added bonus, the magical entity, the inside job that only You know and understand because You are the only one that knows the full and most true experience of You.  This is your, perhaps, superpower(s); your best way to heal.  

Healing doesn't always mean full health .  It does mean full acceptance and living the best of You through it all.  

I wish You the deep peace of following your own wisdom. 

Let You be the answer, the way, the power to live your best life.  Amen.

Amen meaning It is so.   

Noone knows the wholeness of your life and your experiences of living like You do.  

May you always have the line open to your wisdom through your awareness, mindfulness, breath, openness, truth and your own love.  

You, with outside information gathered and processed internally by You is the ultimate and best answer for You for each situation, experience, relationship and ‘pain’ that you experience.

Heal on through the uniqueness of your truth, your love, your mind and your gut answers.  You were born with so much wisdom and ability for knowledge to heal what ails You.   

Being You. your loving way, is the miracle that you just maybe looking for outside of yourself.  What if it is there within You as You open to loving and believing in the energy, heart, soul and spirit of You.  

Letting go of habitual stress definitely dissolves some pain.     

May you get to witness, bear and dissolve pain as it asks for your attention.   

Tuesday, September 5, 2023


Breathe.  Just Breathe.  Just Be. 

May you just be in this moment and give yourself a wonderful deep, full breath.  

This is your life force, your chi, your energy, your mana.  Your breath.  For You, through You, by You. Only You(rs).

Perhaps, take a moment to become aware of it and how it flows through You.   How often are you aware of it ...  Are you grateful for it...  Do you participate with it...  Do you thank it...  Can you relax into it...  Want to experiment with it and be one with it in as many ways as possible...  What is best for You...

Maybe, breathe deep into your belly and imagine filling your belly up with air like a balloon.  Slowly release your breath and empty and pull in your belly.  Do it as many times as you wish.  Relax your shoulders.  Imagine your breath reaching every body part, every organ, every cell.  Fresh oxygen in.  Let out what was in (that you no longer want).  

Let your breath flow through you like the ocean flows through into its waves.  

Feel your body relax into whatever is underneath you and let it fully support your relaxed, weighted body.  


I wish You Ahhhhhh.

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Blue Moon

Super Blue Moon.  When there are two full moons in one month and this second one is closer to the Earth than many, we get the pleasure of a Super Blue Moon.  

It has been a while since I have showed up for myself here.. and is my goal to support You in being You.  

I have moved and it has proved to be a very interesting time.  It feels so much more than a 'move' to me.

There is always beauty to be had and challenges, change and the unknown.  The way we choose to see things is always happening; always present in everything we do, are and become.  

Being.. Just being in the flow of each breath and moment brings great 'adventure'.  

The dancing trees, the blue skies, the clouds - life is always happening. 

Life.  This is it.  Here.  Now.  We are living our lives.  

May you be aware of your breath and what You bring into your life.  

"When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change."  Wayne Dyer 

I am wondering what any of this has to do with the Super Blue Moon.  Perhaps, for me, it is the energy I am feeling/experiencing from it.  I was outside at 3 this morning taking my last pictures of it; thoroughly enjoying it.  Basking in the moonlight.  What a beautiful gift to each one of us.  However we choose to experience it or not even pay attention to it, the light and the activity of the moon is always happening.  Life is always happening.  The whole solar system is happening.  We humans are tiny blips in the wholeness of the universe and yet, each 'blip' matters and is participating.

May you be aware of what you are bringing into each of your experiences.

May you let your love fill You up and branch out and shine out from this place of a fulfilled You. 

This is your birthright and responsibility.  This is how we support and light up each other's lives best.

Not once in a blue moon but always. 

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Let Love

God bless us all. God walk with us and guide us and show us how to live best, be our best, do our best, know our best, share our best.  Help us let go of fear because we feel the power and truth and trust that You instill in us and created us as and with.  Let us love one another.  Let love.  Amen.   

Thank you for your truth.  Thank You for your love   Thank You for your vulnerability. 

Often, showing our ‘weakness’ is the strongest we can be.  Thank You for You.   

We are often way more magical, courageous, strong and empowered than we imagine and/or believe.   Go there.  Go where You want, how You want, when You want.  The most important limitations within us are the ones we set for ourselves.    

May we let ourselves free to live as we feel, wish, desire, can ‘see’, believe in and are called to live as/like.   Amen.   

Let love - divine love - reign.   

Sunday, August 20, 2023


In the crux of all that you are is your own uniqueness that is your superpower.  What makes you standout/different is your superpower.   

It may be something, because it’s so unique unto You, that you have hid or downplayed and/or even disliked about yourself.  You may have not deciphered it yet.  You may have loved it from the start.  No matter how you see it, the reality of it does not wane.  

In this reality and through the true essence of being You, once self-accepted and even self-loved, you vibrate, attract and experience the miracles of You in the most profound and enjoyable ways.

Let yourself be grateful for everything that makes U unique. It is in this gratefulness of uniqueness where your love light is the brightest and is free to live, be, thrive, have the most fun, is so important and contains the true joy of living your life’s purpose. 

As we all dwell in our purpose through service and togetherness of the world (or even a limited few) everything gets uplifted when we uplift ourselves through being and honoring our true essence.  

It is time now to fully embrace yourself and carry out your purpose, your passion, your essence of living your life through the most unique parts of  U.  Let your love, your wisdom, your charm, and ‘everything-You’ be involved in everything you do, live, experience and share.  

No hard shells to break.  No masks to wear.  Complete authenticity and vulnerability.  

May you open to the true essence of yourself and give yourself full freedom to live outloud and outside of your inner knowing, wisdom and what you love and are here to do/be/are.  

I am reminded of my self created titles of “True Essence Life Coach” and “Freedom Facilitator” that I claim in full ownership that this is my love, my passion, my purpose.   

You do not need a title.  You certainly can choose one or more for yourself.  

What is it that You love..  What is it that makes you feel true to You..  What brings You fulfillment.. This.  These things are your life’s purpose.   

Some purposes/callings can stay with you for most of your life if not for all of your life.  Other purposes can be short term and/or brief.   They all come from a source inside of you through your own knowing, wisdom and awareness.

Whatever calls to You and from within You, may you choose to answer the call.   Let love be your strength, courage and guide.  

We all have a heart, a mind, a soul, a gut/an instinct.   

May you open to the wholeness and true essence of these gifts and let the combination of same work in unison and through freedom.   

Feel the magic.  Watch the magic. Share the magic.. of You.  

The alchemy and elixir that is You(rs) equals to the absolute embodiment of everything You.

When there is a choice to choose love or fear, may you choose love.  Choice is always available to each of us.   

Thank You for being here and may you keep exploring Everything You.

Monday, August 14, 2023

Hearts and Heaven

Oh what an ‘interesting’ world we live in just now.  The growth, consciousness, change and stagnancy of what is, what was and what will become.  

Being human can be a real trip.  From moment to moment, the trials, the triumphs, the feelings, the thoughts.  We are vested, invested and exploring our depths, wisdom, lessons and unlimited possibilities.  The only limitations are the ones we put on ourselves.  

How are your conversations with yourself these days..   are you the person you want to spend the rest of your human experience with… are there some tweaks and changes you could make to enjoy yourself more…

Are you leading your life with what you were born as/with or letting life lead you..   I believe that incorporating both ways with a balance of acceptance, truth, love and openness may be one sure way to increase your peace, joy and excitement with every breath you take.  

Our heartfelt, true, accepting and open way is surely one beautiful ‘stairway to heaven’ and, perhaps, even feeling more heavenly now on earth.  

Let your loving truth lead you into/with everything thing you do, feel and are. 

This is, perhaps, the new ‘stairway to heaven’…

May you experiment and venture forward allowing your own love to be the vine that strings together and creates your way(s).

Friday, August 4, 2023

'Say You Say Me'

Say You for always.  "Say it together, naturally"...   Hoot. 

 Lionel Richie.  

He sure has a career, an image; is iconic and going strong.  

I must have played his album “Can’t Slow Down” a million times on high volume serious levels.  It reached deep inside of me and gave me all the feels.   I was so young and that album was da bomb.  I knew and loved every song. ‘Hello’ is my all time favorite.   I think it touched me in the void that was created by myself in the story I told myself about my father abandoning our family.  And, it is just a brilliant, moving, beautiful song.   

Is there a singer/artist, song-words, thoughts coming up from inside of You just now…  Can you place it, remember it, feel it, realize it…   How interesting music and songs can help us support, remember, release, hold onto times, memories and feelings strongly; enjoyably and so genuinely.   

What a song says to me..  What a song says to you can say and tell us -- connect us to parts of ourselves in real, amazing ways of processing, growing and becoming what is inside of us and really real.

The feeling of freedom and joy that driving in my car, open road, windows down with my favorite music on loud feels ecstatic.  This feeling is what it feels like to me to be in the flow of life; as my true self; genuinely and sincerely.   That feeling of aliveness is one I wish I could live in continuously.   I've visited here many times.  I am open to being in the 'breeze' of myself - free, happy; honoring myself, life and You.  This is what feels like the raw, genuine adventure and best way to be Me; to live my truest of life. 

What comes to you being in your mind, body and soul when you think of the times and ways when You feel most alive… 

May you recreate, create, dream and believe in all the genuine, raw, real possibilities of You being fully You, true to your best adventures and ways to/of /within You.  

Get loose, get funky, jump in.   

The life yet inside you to live awaits.   

How dynamic You can be and are. !!

Thursday, August 3, 2023


There is so much to be thankful for.  There is always something to be grateful for.  

Perhaps, just for today, or starting today, look for things you are grateful for; things in your life you appreciate.

It can be something beautiful you see or experience.  It can be a contact with a stranger.  It can be a loved one.  It can be something you are/were able to do.  It can be anything that crossed your path and made you feel a certain way that you enjoyed.  It can be a memory or a thought.  It can be a plan or something you look forward to.   It can be an act of kindness.  It can be a calm in a storm.  It can be the storm itself.   It can be a or a non-response that is different from an usual, regular response that no longer works for you.  It can be a new path or direction.  It can be seeing something that you've held onto in angst and your ability to see it differently that the angst subsides.

There are so many possibilities…

May you see all the things (big and small and everything in between) that you are grateful for.   Thank it.  Thank them.  Thank God.  Thank yourself… Give thanks.

May today be a day - the day - you choose to look for things that You are grateful for.  

I am grateful for You.   

I’m grateful that you are open to being grateful.

I’m grateful you know and experience gratefulness.  

Every time one of us feels, allows, is open to uplift one’s self, one’s life, it gives us all an opportunity/invitation to be uplifted/grateful ourselves.

May gratitude and thankfulness shown and shared be the contagion that we allow spread/grow and affect us all.  

May we get on, be touched by (seeing, looking, experiencing) what we are grateful for.

I wish for You many blessings.  I wish for you to be able to easily acknowledge every blessing that blesses You in a moment, a situation, a time in and through living your life.   

Monday, July 31, 2023


I have recently been going through saved items; meaningful things [to me] that I have saved since I was a child.  Oh yes, these things are decades to half a century old. Yikes and how fun.   

Reliving the memories of the stuff I have collected, held onto for the reasons I did.  

From fun girlfriend times to memories of my elders to sibling shares to old loves and all sectors of me.  All of it full of my own love ‘potion’.  

Boxed away and almost forgotten.   

Yet, I realize that it is all a part of who I am.  All a part of my growth.  All a part of me now, still.   

Everything you have experienced and has had meaning to You is inside of You, living through You.  

I'm experiencing the happy side of it all; going down memory lane.  

I come across a school project and realize the confirmation of what I've already believed.  That we are innately filled with who we are when we are born.  The unique pieces of us get ‘played’ again and again in many different ways that are most definitely not always conscious but most definitely ‘built in’.  The 'potions' of what makes you You.  They get deepened, altered, and, perhaps, challenged but they remain steadfast for the most part.  

I want to share with you sentences that I wrote when I was around age 12 which is so the basis of who I am and what I am about; what I am here to present.    

I also found where I wrote about what I’d like for my future…

Well, six kids never happened but I was a ‘secretary’.   What I found most amazing is the innate and gut instinct to living a truthful, loving and authentic life.  To Just Be Me.

May you "Just 9Be U".  "Grow Yourself Complete" again and again and again. 

May you be open to your innate wisdom and gut instinct.  Your instinctual wisdom is truly real and unique and will guide you and give you your contentment, fulfillment and truth.  It will encourage and teach you trust.  It will give you the feeling that you are always 'home' as You are doing, being and living the life that is inside of You to live. 

May you get on letting You get on… !!

Saturday, July 22, 2023


Embrace.  Embrace.  Embrace Yourself.  

Your uniquness.   Your life.   Your thoughts.  Your pain.   Your moments.  The experience of Being You. 

As you choose to embrace yourself and the ‘what is’ that is current in the flow of your life, well, your life flows better.  

Embrace the things You love.  Embrace the things You don’t love.  Embrace every breath.   

Everything You; everything in your life; everything in how You experience it…. Embrace it.  

When you embrace the life of You; your life, through truth, trust, openness, kindness and invite ease, you open to the unique, raw life that has unlimited abundance and connections.  Your soul is free.  Your spirit soars.  You and your life realize a fulfillment that best happens when you embrace it all.  

May you embrace all of You and all of your life with honor and grace.   

We are not always going to like it happily.   We will know sadness.  We may know pain.  We will do great things.  We will live the deepest and most real life that is meant for us by embracing and living through and true to who we are, what we feel, what we think - in the vitality of who we truly are and what our true purpose is.    

By embracing your unique way of experiencing life, your ways, experiences, highlights and lowlights happen. 

We all have this life experience.  No two of us have exactly the same. 

There is good and not so good (if we label it as such) in each of our lives.  Can we look at it all as experiences and feelings to flow through embracing our truth…

Nothing stays the same.  Everything is temporary from the exact state of what is now.   

May you flow better, live freer, love more, fear less knowing you are open to embrace life, your life, and respond with as much loving truth as possible.   

All you need do is “Just 9Be U”.   ‘Grow (Live) Yourself Complete’ again and again and again.   

Embrace on.  Flow.  Live free… through the way that You truly are and the way you truly love.   

Discover/uncover your true essence and let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.   

Tuesday, July 18, 2023


Many of us are still somewhat raw from these past few years.   The majority of us have been forever changed.  There has been change, challenge, love and growth.  There has been hurt, help, love and growth.  There are questions, explorations, love and growth.  There is pain, awareness, love and growth. 

There are new views, new paths, new ways of being; new ways of doing.  There are ‘doors’ that have shut, are shutting and ones that are open and opening. 

Just in IT, AI, automated this and that, workers’ shortages, new positions/titles..  The way of life has changed and continues to daily.  

Life has and always will change.  The cycle of life is real and continuous.  

As we let ourselves flow with the change and the change of ourselves, we flow with the cycle of life; living and open to the raw, continuous ventures and adventure of just being who we are through what is. 

In this, our own possibilities, truths, wisdom and acceptance becomes a best loving way to experience, create and address daily life in an art form that brings about contentment, fulfillment and magic.  The magic of living YOUrself through every breath you take. 

In every breath you take, may you Just be You.  

May you know contentment, fulfillment and magic.  

Live raw, vulnerable and true.. it is thrilling, energizing and connects you to living the life that is uniquely yours to live.  

Individually, together - may we be impassioned, empowered and connected; fueled by our raw self.  

Full, true, real, raw living through and on.  !!

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

What's Up

The unknown is so loud just now.  The unique is coming alive.  What was is just that.  What is now is just now.  What will be is becoming.

There is new in every day.  A wide array of new, anew, creating, learning, becoming and experiencing.

I may not know much currently.  I know how I feel.  And, I am being shown, asked and 'swimming' in my feels just now.  

Within myself there is a knowing that beats louder than anything else.  I hear it.  I feel it.  I am one with it.  I am honoring it.  

Outside of myself there is more than what is comfortable.  I tap in and breathe.  I see.  I feel.  I honor.  I do... from the depth of me being true to me.

I love.  I choose love.  Love feels most true to me.  I was born to love.  I was born to see the love in as many moments, situations, feelings and experiences I live through.

Within me there is a vastness of loving wisdom.  Within me, while I can't see far ahead, I can experience fully Me as Me.

When I open to the Me inside of me and live Me out loud through love, I thrive.

May you thrive.  Choose what that means and feels like to You, now, in these unique times.  Do everything that takes you in the direction of You; the wholeness of being You.  Let go of anything that leaves You behind or out.

Let You be 'what's up' and may you step in and forward with everything and anything, just now, as You.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Hot Stuff

The temperature here in Southeast Florida in America is 87°, feels like 102°F; 38.889°C.   Hott stuff.  

I am feeling the lazy days of summer.   This feels like ‘Wow’, I am surprised again and again each time I experience the heavy heat.

I think many of us humans can be surprised or taken aback by the same things again and again   I wonder why Im surprised by it.  I wonder why I resist an accepting of it.  I wonder why I don't change a pattern that is no longer working for me immediately.   

I have heard that because we have experience with a life situation, and we have an unconscious or conscious knowing that we can handle a certain uncomfortable way, we can tend to stay in/with it.   

It is when we get too uncomfortable or can no longer bear it that we create, allow and invite change.  

I believe our world (we) is (are) experiencing more consciously a great discomfort as a whole because, through social media, we are witnessing the great discomforts in our world on a more personal and global level.  

Life is loud.  We are connected to many parts and people of the world that used to be ‘over there’ and not present in our lives.  Now we are most exposed to ‘over there’ like it was here.  We see, hear and feel more than we ever did.  Unless we make a decision to not allow, care and/or witness what can be seen and known like never before, things can be very present.

If you choose to do something about what you experience and/or witness, please do.  Lifting one another up is a gift for all.  

If there is nothing you feel able to do in the moment, do not let it simmer and take up space in your moments of what you are choosing and able to do.  Drop it like it is hot and do your best to not let anything weigh you down.  Send it love and Do You lovingly.  Perhaps, focus on your goal now and apply yourself to it; again and again and again.   

Stay in your loving truth; your empowered abilities.   Let your love lead You.  

May you stay cool and full of trust, truth and love.  

Open to the purpose of the moment; this moment; your moment.  

May you let your moments balance between peace/rest, change/transformation, growth/becoming.  Be with what is shown to You. 

Let the human journey, your human journey, be lived ultimately by and through You.  Now, that’s hot.

Thank You.  

Sunday, July 2, 2023


May you check in with ‘self’; your self.   

Change and information is coming at us, to us, for us at at a brisk, almost constant, usually new and, often, inindblowing ways.  Many of us are being asked (forced) to change.

It is important to me to mourn my old self as I enter this new world that I am experiencing as such   It is important to realize the things I did and my way of living that ‘always’ worked for me in the past is not working for me just now.  I offer them gratitude and let go so I can be fully open to creating and discovering what works best for me now.

My underlying goal has, almost always and forever, been to be at peace during chaos and it remains my goal now.  I have achieved this goal often.  I have not achieved it always and to the point that I know how to hold on to it and keep it through all things.  

I hear myself telling myself that this is the human way.   UnPeace, while it can be UnFun, is a great catalyst for deep curiosity, inner- and under- standing, searching, creating and open to other (better) possibilities that work, uplift and honor better ways of life and living going forward.  

I wish you peace in chaos if that is your desire.

I wish for you your open heart and mind to participate in creating and discovering what is best for your highest good; your most joyful, being real self.  

May you check in with your self and open, adapt and accept your raw and real truth   From this acknowledgment and ownership of same, may you experience and witness self-realization of where you best belong, what you do best, who you best are and joy bubbling up through you and around you.  Peace in any chaos, as much and as often as possible.  Let your love lead.  

You matter.  I care.

As we all tap in to our own empowering and uplifting [now and new] choices, perhaps, the energy, vibe and ‘best of’ will live in and shine out through us all.   Individually, together; connection.   One.   

Thursday, June 29, 2023


Limbo.  And not the dance…

I have been moving, literally, for over six weeks now.  Moving from high above the intercoastal waterway with a fabulous view to my house behind a gate with lush landscaping, beautiful fountains, comfort and many wonderful amenities.  A gate I have lived behind off and on, seasonal and year round since the year 2000.   

We were scheduled to have movers move us about 10 days ago.  They decided to not show up even as I heard them saying all day long they were coming.  The day felt like a 96 hour day.  We still have managed to live at the house since that day with very few things from the condo and surely what feels to me like limbo.  

Tomorrow, we have new movers and the boxes et al that have been ready to be moved will hopefully make their way here.   It will happen.  The two places are only 6 miles away from each other.   

As I heard myself often think of limbo recently, I realized that I believe that there is, perhaps, a general, collective sense of limbo with all the changes, growth, breakdowns, new ways, new consciousness and the way many of us are feeling our world as One, yet still separate.  We are, possibly, more aware of our connection to each other as a whole entity more than ever before.  

Limbo means “intermediate, transitional, or midway state or place”.  It can feel like a nothingness, uncertainty; a feeling of not being settled or a feeling of life being ‘out there’. 

Inside of us, there is a place of wholeness and wisdom.  

If you ever feel like you and/or life is in limbo, may you go to this place.  Now, as you are.  Through love and trust; through your truest feelings and the unique, wild, real and raw You.  

Sometimes it takes limbo to leave what no longer is meant for us and jump in and build what is to be.  

I wish You to know this place that is unique to You.  Open yourself to it and let it fill you up.  Who you are, what you want, your next move, your love and joy, your trust and steady foundation of living through/from the roadmap and possibilities within you to engage in your best life.   From moment to moment, situation to situation, through breath and movement — totally You in the devotion to ‘just 9be u’.  Be our complete self fully, loving and true in each moment; now and every moment going forward.  

This is what brings us through limbo and turns what can feel like UnFun into a feeling of security, freedom and flow which, to me is Fun.   

Oh the experiences that are available to you as you just let You be You and step on, through and up.  

May you know the place within You where wholeness and wisdom live, reside and are uniquely You(rs).   

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Dis Section

I feel many of us are going through our own dissection.  Dissection of life as a whole. Dissection of our own life. Dissection of our self.  Dissection of thoughts, situations, relationships and our beingness and own doingness.

We are finding ourselves studying, examining, researching and taking a closer look and, perhaps, very  thorough looks at what the hell is up.  Curious about the meaning of things.  Perhaps, even a deeper, most meaningful relationship with all that is through an awareness of what we know, think we know and want to do.

I am finding myself understanding and making sense that has before felt non-sensical now with less fear and a more openness of looking at the good side of what feels, especially at first,  like a ‘bad’ thing.  Certainly in unexpected or what has in the past felt undesired and/or problematic because it didn't fit into my scenario of get up and go; live.   

When I accept how life is through my experience of it, life gets more accepting to me.  My experience gets grander in a more minute way.  It is wild yet I am calm.  

Life overall feels most different than I ever remember it feeling.   Great change  Great truth.  Great harshness.  Great love.  Greatness is here.  The more I look and see it as such, the more I am open minded and open hearted.  There is an excitement within me amidst chaos outside of me.  

We are not science projects.  There is a lot of new science going on.

The best science is owning and developing the experiences of your self and allow ‘what is’ now to flow like it would be the desired outcome you would choose.

This is life.  This is your life.  This is your experiences, thoughts, ways, being of You.  You being You.

Sincere, raw, vulnerable, authentic, learning and unlearning You.  

Deep what is within You is coming forward to live.

Sometimes, there are no answers but to go through and forward   We can accept and be open to living truthfully in union with what life is showing us or we can fight it and want it to be different.  Just what is as we accept and bring our truth to ‘life as it is’ allows ‘different’ to just flow from our honoring life and our self as it and we are just now at this time.  

The vastness, pieces and parts of each of us are like a 1,000,000 puzzles to put together and take apart  for in the now moment, and only now, is the best puzzle possible.   It gets put together best by truth, trust, love, vulnerability, curiosity and adventure/exploration of your life on the inside matching and in union with your life on the outside.  

May you unite what you feel and are on the inside with who you are and what you show on the outside.  One