Be as only you can be. Live as only you can live. Do as only you can do. Love as only you can love. Your energy is most lovely and complete when you share authentic, unique and vulnerable You.
May you “Just 9Be U”. “Grow Yourself Complete”; again and again and again. Shine as only you can shine. Shine on awesome one, Shine On.
May you let your love, authenticity and uniqueness guide, create and empower you. Plug into these completely individualized aspects of you often and allow for a recharge.
You as You are; in the moment; in the now; from your truth; from your place of experiencing, witnessing and living as You are now. There is nothing more beautiful, more real or of more importance.
Feel. Embrace. Process. Let go. Love. Become.
May you let be empowered the many aspects of You Shining On.
Like the moon — Live your purpose in and through each phase and the many different circumstances you find yourself involved with. May you keep being, believing and shining in da light that is You(rs).
Hello vulnerable You. There is nothing stronger, more courageous, more amazing, more beautiful, more empowering or more freeing.
Light yourself up through the clouds into clarity and introduce yourself to you, to your loved ones and to one another; to our new world; our new earth; our new way of being and living.
Welcome to Heaven on Earth. Just what if You have been chosen to be here and now to do just this.
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