It has been my goal since starting this blog to write this blog with you in mind wanting to support you in connecting to the You that you are and want to become; if this is your wish as well. You are so able to live the beautiful life within you that has yet to be discovered and supported.
YOU. You are at the center of everything you experience. Just as I am for me.
YOU. You are at the center of everything you experience. Just as I am for me.
Yikes. Wow. Great. Oh my. We have this.
May you visit yourself through your experience of reading the posts. You are the greatest and most awesome thing for you to discover. I do a happy dance every time someone gets a little closer or even gets a new glimpse of all they are and all they can be. And when you invite this to happen, it is a divine and universal win; for all. I Thank You.
May you “Grow Yourself Complete”. Again and again and again.
The relevance of number “9” in “Just 9Be U”...
9 has always been my favorite number. When I signed up for a business name under Just Be U, it was taken. So I added a 9.
I later discovered the number 9 can mean completion. I thought this was perfect. Hence “Grow Yourself Complete”.
Today I was looking up the spiritual meaning of number 9 to, again, confirm it and I saw this...
“Number 9 is the number of Universal love, eternity, faith, Universal Spiritual Laws, the concept of karma, spiritual enlightenment, spiritual awakening, service to humanity, humanitarianism and the humanitarian, lightworking and lightworkers, leading by positive example...” Google
It has me happy when I read this.
May you find your bits of happy.
May you “Grow Yourself Complete” through/by witnessing the innermost You....
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