You can always choose love.
Don't give you up. Don't give in on yourself. Don't take you away. Don't let what matters to you not matter.
Trust yourself.
Trust that the way you feel is for you to feel; to process through it and become...
Trust that what you feel is a reward or a lesson that is meant for you.
Trust that you are doing the best that you know how.
Trust that you can always choose love. Love is a part of you being human.
There are many parts of our humanness. There are many parts of and parts to our 'being'. There are many parts that are always available to you.
May you choose the 'part' that gives you the most comfort within; that part that imbibes truth, happiness, excitement and inner knowing. The part that shows up. The part that carries you forward. The part that allows the spark within you to release the beauty that is you.
Trust yourself.
In every challenge, there is a lesson. In every lesson, there is a choice. In every choice, there is a response. In every response, there is a consequence. In every consequence, there is a situation that arises. In every situation, it is ours to lean into, away from and/or, sometimes, to just ignore.
However, I believe these situations (lessons) will arise again and again and again until we grab onto the intended growth that we are supposed to invoke to become the best version of ourselves.
Learn your lessons. Enjoy your joys. Walk through what there is in front of you to walk through. Be true. Become. Be You.
My mind swims in the intolerant just now. My heart propels love inward and outward. My beingness - my whole self - is on standby. I sense it. I feel it. I believe it. I know it. Perhaps, we are all being created/recreated to better live, create and announce the new and better way of life and living; from who, what, where and how we are today.
I trust that what I feel is supposed to be what I am feeling. I trust and do, as often as possible, choose love.
I stand in love for the world. I stand in love for the situations that really need it
. I kneel in love for peace and harmony and God's love to show us the way.
May we each be shown [and ready to be shown] our best way for the entire well-being of our world and the people in it.
I wish you your most glorious and joyful of paths to open up and for you to have the gentle strength, the powerful courage and the trust in yourself and in the process of life to step out, show up and be all that makes up You.
You are here right now, today, for true meaning in the shifting, preparing, allowing, creating and participating in the 'better world' that is on standby. All we need do is believe and reach for it; individually, together.
Go for it. Go for you. Go for each other. Go for our world. Go for whatever you can to add a sprinkle of betterment.
I wish you the best of You; the betterment of your life; and the most beautiful and gorgeous part of your life.
In the chaos is, perhaps, the grandest time to create anew. Whatever is inside of you to create from a place of love, may now be the time to start (or continue on) with the process of same.
Let's do this. Leave behind what doesn't work and what feels heavy. Start with what does work and feels beautiful and light.