Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Gift of Wisdom

If you find yourself having a 'bad' moment, time, day, or even prolonged period, perhaps, ask yourself if there is one slither of ‘not bad’ that you can see and feel inside of you...  Is there one place/thought/feeling that balances out or outweighs the 'bad' that you are experiencing...  Is there something that you can connect to that helps to uplift you; no matter how miniscule.  Go there. 

May you go to the thing, place, feeling, light that is bright and 'good' inside of you.  

Visit this.   Breathe thru this.   

You are love(d).   

Dear Creator:
Please show our world light, grace and the miracle of who each of us are and the best paths to follow/embody; individually, together.  Amen.

And so it is...

Note:  From the dictionary, the meaning of  'amen' is 'it is so' and 'so be it'.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020


I recently had my 60th birthday.  Woo hoo.   I've been in a sad lane that life is going so fast.  I've been in the appreciation lane that I made it to 60 because I, at one time, didn't think I would live to 30.  I also have experienced the freedom in turning 60 which is a feeling for me to live more free; to decide to just let the ease of being me and to follow my innate desires and to just love and laugh like I did in my 20s.

I was blessed with an outpouring of wishes and love.  I was sobbing, tears streaming (which is unusual for me to have actual teardrops), and shaking inside with the excitement of these loving connections that mean so much to me.  Moving away from family several years ago and not traveling back and forth like I used to, I am reminded of and feeling the experience of the loss of my loved ones in my every day in and out life.

        The below words are what came to me because of this grand experience.

 Love.  It is what matters, what touches, what uplifts, what 'you can take with you'.

Love.  I so appreciate, am fulfilled by, empowered by; enjoy and need.  

May you give love, receive love, feel love, connect through love and surround yourself with love.

Like the Beatles say “All You need is Love”.  

May we all let love lead and flow through us.     Let your love participate in everything you do, enounter and are.    Thank You.  !!

Love, to me, means supporting others, and yourself, to be the best, happiest version of what is inside each one of us to be.

Sunday, April 26, 2020


Valuing ourselves within our relationships also means we do not act or speak just to please others or to make them happy. It means we do our best daily to be completely honest with ourselves and with whomever we’re relating to, even if they want or expect something different or something more from us. When we relate to others from a place of fear, insecurity or inadequacy, we tend to give and relate out of feelings of obligation or out of a fear of losing their love, a fear of hurting them, a fear of being hurt by them or a fear of feeling guilty for saying no. When we come from fear, we act and speak merely to please, and we abandon what we truly feel, which only leads to pain, frustration, anger and resentment.
From the book “You were not born to Suffer” by Blake Bauer

May you open to your own love when you feel fear or worry happening within you.
  Let your own feelings through love come forth.    

Poet. Don’t Know It

I am not a poet and I know it...   Going for it anyway...

And our love is pushed right over the borderline; under; into; out of here.  Up; down; past; beyond...  Places we have never been and do not know how to navigate, open us up to creating, living, being, doing, knowing anew.  There is a greater than us force working here; beyond the veil into truth, love, understanding, compassion and the most ultimate vulnerability into and out of us; away from suffering, into the depth of our own beingness.  Therefore, shall we go.

May you allow your 'just beingness' to lead you into your most truthful, ultimate being.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Can I Get A Witness...

It has been my goal since starting this blog to write this blog with you in mind wanting to support you in connecting to the You that you are and want to become; if this is your wish as well.   You are so able to live the beautiful life within you that has yet to be discovered and supported.  

YOU.   You are at the center of everything you experience.   Just as I am for me.   

Yikes.  Wow.  Great.   Oh my.  We have this.   

May you visit yourself through your experience of reading the posts.  You are the greatest and most awesome thing for you to discover.   I do a happy dance every time someone gets a little closer or even gets a new glimpse of all they are and all they can be.   And when you invite this to happen, it is a divine and universal win; for all.   I Thank You. 

May you “Grow Yourself Complete”.   Again and again and again.  

The relevance of number “9” in “Just 9Be U”...

9 has always been my favorite number.   When I signed up for a business name under Just Be U, it was taken.   So I added a 9.  

I later discovered the number 9 can mean completion.   I thought this was perfect.  Hence “Grow Yourself Complete”.  

Today I was looking up the spiritual meaning of number 9 to, again, confirm it and I saw this...

“Number 9 is the number of Universal love, eternity, faith, Universal Spiritual Laws, the concept of karma, spiritual enlightenment, spiritual awakening, service to humanity, humanitarianism and the humanitarian, lightworking and lightworkers, leading by positive example...”  Google 

It has me happy when I read this.      

May you find your bits of happy.  

May you “Grow Yourself Complete” through/by witnessing the innermost You....   

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

And, we become One...

Individually, together we are One.

Thank you to You.   YOU, the person that comes here from your country and we meet, perhaps, as ‘one’.

We all want to be loved.  We all want to know we matter.  We all want to be connected to what makes us feel most like us.   We all breathe.  We all are under the same moon.   We all can be individuals yet together as one.   Your planet is my planet.  Your sadness touches me.  Your gladness touches me.   Your beingness touches me.

Everything you are ripples out into the energy of our world.   Energy ripples.

May you live in the divine energy that is you(rs).  

You are appreciated, loved, honored, encouraged and cheered on here.  It is what my energy is here to do.   It is what makes me feel most like me.

May you feel your love and innate gift appreciated and ‘woke’ every time you visit yourself here.

I care.   I wish you openness in you becoming the best of who, what, how and why (the purpose of you being you).

These are the countries you are from.    Together, we connect as one; lifting and loving ourselves and, in turn, lifting and loving each other.

United States; Vietnam; United Arab Emigrates;  Portugal; Russia; United Kingdom; Israel; Turkmenistan; France; Africa; Germany; Estonia; Egypt; Nigeria; Ukraine

May our combined energies ripple out to create the world we want to and are supposed to create going forward.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  

Monday, April 20, 2020


I was taking a class on ‘walking a labyrinth’ and the instructor mentions how whenever she finds herself or hears another using the word ‘should’, it is never accompanied by peace, calm or loving supportiveness (my words).   I ‘played’ with this for awhile and realized, for me, this is true.  I decided to delete this word from my vocabulary.

Who says I should...  What says I should...  If it doesn't feel right within me, why would I want to believe or react/act to a 'should'...

Of course, there are things that are better if we do them.  There are things to react and act on that better our lives.  They do not have to come from a should.  I find it is better and more sustainable when should is not involved.

Perhaps, ‘test’ it for yourself and decide whether to keep should or delete should from your everyday vocabulary.   Does it support your best self...   And ‘how’s it working for you‘...

May you be aware of the 'shoulds' in your life and decide for yourself.   Perhaps, duck and dodge the shoulds and create the wills, wants and 'oh this feels best for me'.  You decide.

I wish you your greatest way of living your life.

The instructor’s words were "Never 'should' on yourself or another."  Ha!

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Poem by Marianne Williamson

Marianne Williamson Power Poem 

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves - who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous, powerful?

Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We were born to manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us, it is in everyone.

As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fears, our presence automatically liberates others.

Now is the time to let your light shine."     Marianne Williamson

I believe it is so brilliant and empowering.  It is time for us all to take heed and live our full life.

May you see yourself living your full, whole self and may you aspire to do, be and live all of who you are from inside of yourself out loud; as lovingly as possible.

Trust Yourself

Trust Yourself

You can always choose love.

Don't give you up.   Don't give in on yourself.  Don't take you away.  Don't let what matters to you not matter.

Trust yourself.

Trust that the way you feel is for you to feel; to process through it and become...

Trust that what you feel is a reward or a lesson that is meant for you.

Trust that you are doing the best that you know how.

Trust that you can always choose love.  Love is a part of you being human.

There are many parts of our humanness.  There are many parts of and parts to our 'being'.  There are many parts that are always available to you.

May you choose the 'part' that gives you the most comfort within; that part that imbibes truth, happiness, excitement and inner knowing.  The part that shows up.  The part that carries you forward.  The part that allows the spark within you to release the beauty that is you.

Trust yourself.

In every challenge, there is a lesson.  In every lesson, there is a choice.  In every choice, there is a response.  In every response, there is a consequence.  In every consequence, there is a situation that arises.  In every situation, it is ours to lean into, away from and/or, sometimes, to just ignore.

However, I believe these situations (lessons) will arise again and again and again until we grab onto the intended growth that we are supposed to invoke to become the best version of ourselves.

Learn your lessons.  Enjoy your joys.  Walk through what there is in front of you to walk through.  Be true.  Become.  Be You.

My mind swims in the intolerant just now.  My heart propels love inward and outward.  My beingness - my whole self - is on standby.  I sense it.  I feel it.  I believe it.  I know it.  Perhaps, we are all being created/recreated to better live, create and announce the new and better way of life and living; from who, what, where and how we are today.

I trust that what I feel is supposed to be what I am feeling.  I trust and do, as often as possible, choose love.

I stand in love for the world.  I stand in love for the situations that really need it.  I kneel in love for peace and harmony and God's love to show us the way.

May we each be shown [and ready to be shown] our best way for the entire well-being of our world and the people in it.

I wish you your most glorious and joyful of paths to open up and for you to have the gentle strength, the powerful courage and the trust in yourself and in the process of life to step out, show up and be all that makes up You.

You are here right now, today, for true meaning in the shifting, preparing, allowing, creating and participating in the 'better world' that is on standby.  All we need do is believe and reach for it; individually, together.

 Go for it.  Go for you.  Go for each other.  Go for our world.  Go for whatever you can to add a sprinkle of betterment.

I wish you the best of You; the betterment of your life; and the most beautiful and gorgeous part of your life.

In the chaos is, perhaps, the grandest time to create anew.  Whatever is inside of you to create from a place of love, may now be the time to start (or continue on) with the process of same.

Let's do this.  Leave behind what doesn't work and what feels heavy.  Start with what does work and feels beautiful and light.

Friday, April 17, 2020

This Moment

May you be aware of and experience [fully] this moment; this moment right now.

Perhaps, ask yourself  'what is my goal in this moment just now'...   This is where we live our fullest. In this moment.

May you check in with yourself from time to time; as often as it feels best to you.  See how you are doing; how you are reacting and experiencing life.  Acknowledge what you are feeling.  Feelings can be a pathway to enter into a best direction.

I read that during trauma and traumatic times, the pre-frontal cortex of our brains shut down.  Other parts of our brains release stress hormones.  This happens so that we can more easily process and walk through what we experience and know as trauma.

I have been taught that when I get overwhelmed to ask myself what is the goal that I am wanting to accomplish just now; in this moment...

Perhaps, it is time to brush your teeth; get dressed; go for a walk/exercise; make that call; just breathe; cook/eat; take on an issue that you have found yourself avoiding; have that conversation... etc.  Focus on the goal at hand.   Be fully present to it to your best ability.  Let your love be present with you.   

Be very kind and easy on yourself just now; and always. 

Do You.  Do Your thang.  Process your needs; your desires; your issues through your truth, your whole truth and nothing but your truth.  

May you show loving kindness because it is what empowers the power of You.

May you be your own beautiful 'wind beneath your wings'.  By being open to your truth in each moment through awareness, courage, vulnerability, love and acceptance of sharing the truth of You, you lift yourself, your life and everyone around you [and everything that is involved in each moment] up.  

Thursday, April 16, 2020


May you look up and know the almighty.  May you look within and know thyself.  May you breathe and ‘just be’... and may you know where the two become one.

You are divine.

Today, these words came to me.  Today, I looked up and knew that there is so much more 'out there', going on, and within myself than I know at this time.  I am open to see, feel, learn, be and share the majestic, divine, faith, truth and trust of myself within every situation, connection, thought and endeavor that I find myself in.

These days, I wake up and wait.   I wait to surprise myself as to what I will do, see, learn, experience and share.  These are days full of surprise.

I pray and place honor on those that are suffering, being called to work harder than they knew they could.  I pray for the adaption of humankind.   I pray for the flow of love, truth and togetherness  (especially) in and through our individual-ness.

May you know that our bodies live without us doing anything.  May you know your innate truth of how you feel and respond to your feelings.  May you know where the power and empowerment of everything that is connecting to you internally.

We are here together by no coincidence.  We are here for each of us to 'play' our part.  We are here to go deeper into love.  We are here to choose compassion over frustration.  We are here.

May you live here, now, as you are open to the love that is You(rs).

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Suffer and/or Rejoice

“... each moment offers us an opportunity to accept what we feel, think, want and need without allowing our fears to result in more self-rejection and thus more suffering. The majority of our self-criticism actually results from denying our true self, because in doing so we are lying to ourselves and to others. Then, we give ourselves a hard time for doing so. This is why finding the courage to speak and act based on our true feelings now is the most practical expression of accepting all of who we are as well as the most direct path to enjoying our life.”
 From the book,You Were Not Born to Suffer” by Blake Bauer

If you find yourself having a hard time over and over again because someone you wish would change is not changing, then they are not the only ones unchanging.    We, as the seer and the one wishing for another to change, are also choosing not to change with the continued wish for them to change over and over again.   

“When we find ourselves no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”   Victor Frankl

Suffering.    Rejoicing.   And everything in between.    This is the human experience.   

Is where we stay, what we believe, how we respond, sharing our truth, or not living in and sharing our truth, choices that can be chosen by each of us.    I say yes.  

May you choose what feels best to sit in,  to believe, in how to respond, what you share and what you acknowledge to yourself and others.   May you choose, in each situation, to bring what you know that defines you best.    

Watch and experience the best paths for you, your life, your progress, transformation, evolution and your growth to appear, to be created and opened to and through all that is you(rs) that you live and experience.  In living our truth, we support our best, purposed life.  

The greatest adventure(s) of You on...    Oh, how I admire and wish this for You.   Thank You.  

Wednesday, April 8, 2020


We are now experiencing the brightest Supermoon of the year.   Not just me. Not just you.  We are.

We are experiencing a lot, a lot; individually, together.

"Pink is the color associated with new life, representing in often light pink buds waiting for the slow and steady warmth of the sun to turn them green through photosynthesis. The Pink Moon ushers in the energetic theme of rebirth, occurring in all forms of life." unknown


Just like a full moon, may we let our light, which is love, spill forth and recirculate; individually, together...

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Dear God

All is well.  May we believe.  May we learn to believe.

God, please take suffering out of our lives as we learn to hear, listen, believe and respond through our innate being that You created; supporting each other to do the same.

So many are sick and dying.  Please help to grow peace within them.  The peace that You have given us all.  Make it readily available as they live through everything and all that they are living in.  Loved ones.  Nurses, doctors; anyone and all that is deeply experiencing this worldwide 'virus' that has befallen and is touching every single person on Earth.  Let peace and healing reign.  Healing through acceptance of being human and everything that comes with it.  Fear, uncertainty, questions, trust, truth and inner knowledge and outside information.

Let us feel Your love; Your way.  May You carry us, hold us, teach us to feel safe.  May You let us all feel Your presence more than ever.  Help us to open up to the divine that is so readily and innately inside each of us.  

It is the truth and love of who and what we are and created to be.  May it breathe, be and live out loud.


Reality via Experiences

Eating seems to be a topic more often shared these days; in my world anyway.

I say if you are going to eat something that you know isn't the healthiest for you, eat it, however, really eat it.  Enjoy every bite if you do. !

Taste it.  Really taste it.  Smell the aroma of it.  Look at it and realize the texture and the feel of it.  Chew it slowly and enjoy it fully.  It we are going to do it, and most of us do from time to time, then enjoy it and let it be okay.  Do not let guilt arise.  Do not feel bad or wrong.  Taste it and enjoy it.  There are studies that say how we respond to eating our food and how we are feeling while eating our food, creates the way we digest it.   So, I say, eat it good and digest it good.   Ha.   Truth.

Some of us are feeling cranky and/or frustrated at times.  This, as life is today, is not something you would create in the way it was and the continued way it is showing up.  It is not the way that most of us would bring our circumstances in or forth.  We - You and I - did not create this or bring this forth.  We did not choose this to be the life we experience and live in.  So, if you feel cranky, off, frustrated, out of sorts or just different, it is perfectly okay.  Feel it.  Allow the feeling in the most loving way available to you.  Process the feeling and if we wait it out and experience in its truth - in our truth, oh happy day.  Now this is productive, loving, shattering in a good way and world changing in the best way.

I believe this is the time to go as deep as possible and let your true self; your true feelings; your true desires; your true words be opened up to and delivered.  Administer yourself.  [Carry out.  Conduct.  Oversee.  Run.  Sit on Top of.  *from the thesaurus]

Perhaps stay in each moment.  Each goal.   With your whole self.   As best you can.

Only now is the true and real moment that we can live in.  Now is the only moment that is reality.   And thats even questionable depending on how we see it.  Our experience is real.  And, in the same moments and experiences, each one of us will have our own reality of same.

May you fill your cells, internal organs and thoughts up with your own love.  Really experience your own love throughout your whole being.  My wish for you. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Pink Up

"The color pink represents compassion, nurturing and love. It relates to unconditional love and understanding, and the giving and receiving of nurturing. A combination of red and white, pink contains the need for action of red, helping it to achieve the potential for success and insight offered by white."  unknown

As I saw a beautiful picture that I took earlier in the year, I saw pink.  As I looked up what pink could relate to and/or stand for, it felt appropriate to write about it here.  Write about it to the awesome in You.

Our world is in chaos.  Our world is changing at a very fast rate.  There are thousands dying.  There are 100's of thousands sick.  

I pray for the sick and the dying and for those that love them.  I feel for our world as it feels so out of place praying that what actually is happening that it is falling into place.

A place of more compassion and togetherness.  A place of support and openness to understanding.  A place where our unique vulnerability and who we truly are will uplift the life of every inhabitant in our world.

Pink is compassion, nurturing and love.  Red is action.  White is insight supporting us - each of us - to succeed.

Whatever success means to us individually.  Whatever success looks and feels like to us as a whole in togetherness.  May it be so.  

Out of this chaos, it is my hope that the pinkest of pink colors our world in a most beautiful way.

May you let the pink that makes up, touches and comes from you be your gift to the utilimate and fabulous makeover of our world and all those living in it.

Thank you.

Get your pink on...  Wear pink...  Surround yourself in pink.  Whatever 'pink' calls for you to do, may you follow through as only you can.