Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Where I'm At

I am lost, stoked, straddled and densely and intensely within my quiet self.  I am also all these things within my questioning self.

What direction am I going...  Just 'being' is enough.  The unknown is scary.  The unknown is so exciting because anything is possible here.

I live and breathe moment to moment.  I wake up not excited to.  I wake up knowing that the day is going to bring something good; without a doubt.

Am I at a crossroads...   Am I at a more aware place...   Am I just being human...   Am I thinking too much...

Who knows...  Not I.   Sometimes, I feel like I care.   Other times, I feel like trusting is better than caring for me just now.

A very weird place I find myself; indeed.

And I am perfectly okay with it; with myself; with my humanness, [most of the time] just now.

I know to feel what comes up.   I know to trust what comes up.  I know to experience 'what is' through what I am feeling in each moment, situation and experience.

It feels like fun.   It feels hard.  It feels easy.  It feels this is best for me now.

Just plow through 'what is', experiencing it all with an open mind and an open heart.

I hear myself saying 'love anyway' with whatever it is I am dealing with; experiencing.

I am cool.   I am spiritual.  I am me.

We lost our air conditioning last night and it is 80 deg. F in the house just now.  How interesting.  Another opportunity for me to react to what is in my most loving way.  And, I am happy to report that (in this moment) I'm handling it with ease and love.  I am loving anyway.

May you be open minded, open hearted and love anyway.  Choose love.  Love of self.  Love of what is available to love.  Love of others.

May you love anyway.

You are this powerful, this able and you get to choose; especially if this is what experience you wish to have.

Thank you for choosing your best way through peace, trust, openness and love.  When we live through peace, trust, openness and love it is easier to share same.  Individually, together we make this world a better place.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Poem but Not a Poet

Be epic.  Be chill.  Be quiet.  Be still.  Be what you need most to be.  So many 'acts' to be in and to play.  Can be any one of these things any part of the day.

Meet life the way it enters into your space.  Be the one that inhabits with grace.

The gift of life is yours to live.  The gift of You is yours to give.

Know it.  Feel it.  Be it.  Do it.  All that needs to be known is what you intuit.

My poem is over.  The rhyming is done.

Always remember to let loose and have fun.

May you delve deep into the natural way of You as often and as much as possible.




There is much happening in everyone's lives just now.  Change is quick and not always suspected.  Relationships are interesting.  Dreams are being dreamed and renewed.  Creativity is at a high.  Loss and challenges are present.  Growth and commonality are distinguished.  Love and knowing that we matter is becoming important in a very aware and out loud kind of way.

We are needing, wanting and learning how to be in a better relationship with our own self.

Traditions are changing.  New traditions are being created.  The way we communicate has changed.  The way we see things are more intact in the truth.

Many of us are done settling for mediocre and wanting our lives to be the best that they can be.  Many of us are willing to do the work; to learn; to grow; to support and open up to our truth.

We are finding that in our own vulnerability comes great strength and empowerment.

How cool is this...

Very cool, I think.

I am more vulnerable when I am around others that are.  As we all open up to our own vulnerability, we empower one another to do the same.

In our vulnerability [our truth and not our pretense] owning our own reality can propel us to higher heights.

Whatever is happening in and around you, may you allow awareness, truth, compassion and vulnerability to be yours.

May you find yourself being propelled to higher heights; to the best version of You.

You are awesome.  I believe in you.

It is time if you say it is so.

Be True to You

What an interesting week of experiencing new feelings and emotions with a lot of them not being the most enjoyable.   What an interesting week of getting to know myself on a deeper level yet.

It is said that we are like onions in the way that we have many layers that we can peel away before getting to the core of who we are.  I never would have ever imagined how many layers this can truly be.

I feel different from last Sunday til today.  I've had, what felt like, a rough week of feeling lost and needing to gather, stay with, love and meet myself where I am at.  I was experiencing the tightness of my skin, the discomfort of slow digestion and a shortness in my breath.  The lack of proper circulation throughout my body and my teeth feeling loose and like they are floating were all wanting my attention in the most dire of ways.  I know this is because I am having some bone loss in my mouth.  Scleroderma can create bone loss in one's fingers and create extremely painful skin ulcers.  Apparently, it can also create bone loss around the roots of one's teeth.

I have been sitting with the truth of this.  I have not loved this truth.  I am scared of this truth.  Just now, in these moments, it is my truth.

I am starting to feel at peace with it while not loving the truth of and/or experience of it.

One can be at peace and still not love the experiences, truths and options of what is currently happening.

We are all happening.  You are happening.  I am happening.  I believe we are meant to happen exactly as we do happen.

Just, maybe, as a whole, we are more aware than before of this 'self-happeningness'.

May you let yourself happen.  May you let your truth live.  May you let your truth be experienced.

I believe this is the best way to move forward into new and, possibly, better or more well-liked truths.

Whether we admit to or bring forth into focus what our truth is, the truth is still the truth that we are living in.  I am learning that being present, aware and accepting and living fully as possible in this truth is the ultimate experience of living who I am.  And in living who we are, the greatness and freedom of same is realized.

May you be true to who you are as you let yourself happen.  This just may open you up to the greatness that is you and the freedom to live in this greatness; to ultimately live the best version of You.

Monday, July 16, 2018



Sometimes I am.  Sometimes I am not.

Sometimes I fall fast asleep at night.  Sometimes I am up reading deep into the night.

This is one night that consists of the latter going on.

I am quiet as I roll over to sleep.  I sense a healing energy in and around me.  I say positive things in my mind; mantras.  These mantras are what I wish and see for my life.

As I be, I be me.   As I look, I can find things I’d like to change.  As I feel, I certainly feel things that I’d prefer not to feel.  I can also choose to see things that I love about myself, my day and my life.

I know this is living.  This is part of being human.  This is life as a human.  It certainly is my wholeness of life that presents itself for me to experience.

May you open up to the wholeness of your life as you are experiencing it; as you experience you.

It is ok not to feel what your mind tells you that you 'should' be feeling.  [Should is never a word that brings comfort.  I don't like it as part of my vocabulary.]  Our answers are not always in our mind.  Especially answers that open us up to live freely and fully.  It is ok to feel everything that is presently in you to feel.

Sleep is a beautiful thing.  It is where we can find healing, rejuvenation, relaxation, escape and often a time/place that we can get really involved with our own subconsciousness.  I can hear my thoughts, notice my breath, feel my way, scan my body.  I can feel safe in the freedom of sleep.

May you notice the calm, the letting go, your breath and your whole being as you go off to sleep.

It is said that beautiful deep breaths taken through awareness can produce as much healing power as sleep.

May you take solid, nice, ‘aware’ breaths, time from time, throughout your day.

Sleep.  Choose it at bedtime.

Breathe.  Choose the awareness of it from time to time.

I wish you rejuvenation, relaxation, rest and respite each and every time you are craving it.

Perhaps, many of us have chosen to ignore the call to sleep believing this is the way to go even when our subconscious is begging for rest.

I believe the choice of sleep and rest can be so overwhelming.

What if sleep is one of our 'jobs' as a human being...  What if it enables the most easiest, greatest, powerful, productive, alive, fortunate, able, creative and accomplished person we can be...    Sleep.

May you let it happen.

Balancing between being this human being and your own human doingness is brilliant.

May you let the brilliance of you happen.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018


"But I knew one thing for sure:  The greater our capacity for sorrow becomes, the greater our capacity for joy."  From the book "How to Walk Away" by Katherine Center.

I have experienced and learned that how good I have it and have lived and experience life seems to be how rough I know life can be.

The amount of ease and greatness is the same amount of pain and complications I have felt.  I know them both at the same depth.  Perhaps, this balances out our very own level on the scale of life and living.

I have had wonderful vacations and adventures that have felt better than my best dream(s) imaginable.   I have been in so much pain that I found myself curled up in a ball praying for an answer to not having to live in it.

How great one's life is; it seems to me, is how rough it goes as well... Our lifetime balances out between the good and the rough.

When you are in the good, may you open up to it; enjoy it; be grateful for it and experience every breath of it -- realize it.

When you are in the rough, may you breathe; love yourself through; and bring your truth to it.  Open up to your inner knowing and your own faith and belief in yourself that you will find your way; know what to do and get through it.

Through both ends, and everything in the middle, may you do your best to stay within your own peace, love, lessons, trust and truth.  Participate in whatever way shows up from inside of yourself; preferably through your own open mind and open heart.

This is life.  This is living.  There is nothing more.   There is nothing less.

Right here; right now, you are living your life.  What part(s) of you are you going to bring into it...  What part(s) of you work(s) best in your now...  What part(s) of you provide(s) you with the best moment and experience possible just now...

These are the parts of you that I wish for you to let rip; to capacitate...   Ha.

I believe in you.  Now is the time to live the truest of truths from who you are and who you want to be going forward.

Monday, July 9, 2018


It has been a time of deep emotional feelings for me.  They feel so deep and unfamiliar, and yet, with a familiarity to them.   I am not fond of them.   I would usually wish them away.   It doesn't feel like fun to feel them. 

I seem to understand that they must be present now for me to succeed in going forward in the way I have worked so hard to be my true and best self; enabling and opening my true and best path(s) forward.

What you are feeling is real for you.  Go deep inside and hold on to yourself.  Breathe.  Love yourself.  Know gratitude.  Be grateful to yourself for being there for yourself.  Love yourself through.

The way you feel will change if you open up to all that you feel.  Keep what you enjoy.  Let go of what you do not.

May you be aware of your thoughts as you feel your feels.

Thinking love.  Know love.  Be love.

Honor thyself.  Honor your feelings.  Let go of what feels ugly.  Create and allow what feels fine.

May you get your ‘fine’ on...

Oh snap!

Thursday, July 5, 2018


I have gotten so used to using Facebook on my telephone that when I go to use it on the computer, I get lost.  WOW.  How very interesting.

I am admin for a new page; a great friend of mine who has fallen on hard times.  As I go back and forth thru his pages and my own, I find myself lost and frustrated on the computer.

I am told that it is so much easier on the computer.  This is not my experience.   Wowza.

Friends, posts, messages, etc. are way easier for me on my phone.  It is right there.  There are not a whole lot of options and the options I search for are available easily.  Posting feels to be a breeze.

The computer shows me an awful lot of information.    LOL    laughing so hard at the silliness of this...

I have much to learn apparently to travel around the computer pages of Facebook.  I am open to the new exploration and adventure.  I am closed to the frustration and challenge.  I don't want it!

And, in truth, I must go through it all to get to where I want to go.

May you be open to going through it all to get to where you want to go.

Tread easy and lightly.  Give yourself gentleness.  Take a break when you want it.  Believe in yourself and your abilities.  Ask for help. 

As on the computer, as so in life.

May you be kind to yourself and to one another.

There is never dullness in the world of technology.   I think I'd like to try 'dull' on for a bit.. !!

 Wishing you dullness in your frustrations and challenges... ?!?


Sunday, July 1, 2018

Working Order

When things work the way we want them to; the way we dream they will; the way we see it happening, it is easy and fun to enjoy it from the full person that we are.

May we all be aware of our given good luck and hard work paying off.  May we know deep gratitude for these times.

When things seem to go astray; when things work out differently than we think they are supposed to or differently from the way we want them to; differently than the way we planned our life to be, these times can feel challenging, frustrating and even scary because things turn different than everything we knew.  Things can be different from what we thought would be best for us.

It is still a good idea to let our gratitude be present even if, first, we have to be open to learning to look at it differently; feel it differently, trust it and trust ourselves in our ability to adapt and flow with whatever life offers or shows to us.

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.  It is about learning to dance in the rain."  Unknown

"When life feels like it is falling apart, it may actually be falling into place."  Unknown

When what you 'knew' was going to be your life turns out to be different than this knowing, may you support yourself to embrace what is and be open to better possibilities, ways, lessons and love to flow through you.

Be present.  Be true.  Allow what you are feeling.  Let your own love walk with you through it; whatever it takes; however long it takes, in whatever path that shows itself [or path you create].

May you prepare yourself to be open up to all the possibilities.  

There is no right or wrong way.  There is your way.

What feels best; most loving; most peaceful; most productive; most true for You.  This is the path that I wish for you if this is the path that you wish for you.

Life is always changing.  We do get to experience some really awesome, special and rockin' times.  We also must experience some challenging, unknown and scary times.  It is all a part of the human equation.

We all experience both and so much more.

You experiencing what is through who you are is you living you.  May you be open to learning and experiencing life through the part(s) of you that feels, knows and breathes the best of you; as often and as much as you can.

And, when you can't or when you find that you have not, know it is a lesson and not a failure.  Sometimes our biggest 'lessons' bring us to the happiest part of our life experiences.

Experience yourself experiencing life.  Life is all it is.  Life is everything it is.

You experiencing life from the best of you is a win.

May you have a whole lot of wins.

I believe in you.   May you believe in you.

May you win at living you simply by being the observer and the one who chooses how you will experience each experience.

This is the best working order of journeying life as You.

Breathe.  Relax into you.   Be true to you.  Trust that the Universe is on your side.  Trust that your life endeavors happen to experience the deepest, strongest, best, most powerful and empowering you that was created by God (your higher power) from a pure love, faith and understanding in the unitedness of You.