Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

What Up

I sit here at my computer wondering what to write.  Nothing is screaming within myself to share. 

So, I start and I am open to seeing where I will end up.

It is Sunday evening; dusk.  The sky is white-ish blue and I can see it behind the silhouette of a palm tree. It really is quite pretty.  It feels serene.  It looks pretty.  I can see the palm swaying in the breeze.  It is very much like a dance of serenity to me.  I am enjoying it!

I have my 'Little Bear' at my back on my office chair.  She has recently started requesting to lift her up so that she can sit with me here.  I enjoy her warmth and it makes me feel good to know that she is content.  She is my little black pekignese dog that had a serious back surgery 5 years ago; when she lost the use of her back legs.  It was miraculous how the vet was able to help her. She was only 3 years old.  She is now 8.

We are getting ready for a Monday morning; a start of a new week and we enjoy Sunday nights; usually quiet and subdued.  Just being together with my husband and I, I feel blessed.

I hadn't slept much recently.  Insomniac for sure.  I think it is the new medicine.  I finally switched it up in a way that I slept great last night and I will know if it is going to continuously work; depending on if I sleep tonight.  I feel that I will.

I went with the process of not sleeping (sometimes falling asleep at 6:30 am) as best I could.  I found myself calmly allowing trust in that this is exactly what my body, mind and being needed moving forward.

The other day, while out walking the dogs, I had an usual feeling.  The usual feeling always consisted of me looking down at my hands and they would be purple.  I had to look three back to back times, because this time, my hands were NOT purple, they were a beautiful pink color and I just couldn't believe with the way that I was feeling that my hands were not purple.

Change is definitely,  100%, happening with me.  I defer to my right to hold judgment just yet.  It is too new for my mind to speak up and out loud as to what I feel is going on.   I am in constant awareness and my faith is strong.

I walk on.

May you never ever judge yourself harshly.  Perhaps, you do not have to judge anything.  Just maybe 'life' is what it is and love is more peaceful and works better without judgment.  Definitely, harsh judgment can be very hurtful and unhelpful.

May you be kind, open, loving and, from time to time, serene.  Perhaps, in serenity we 'hear' the loudest and connect to the most valuable help.

May you allow every thing about you to sit in serenity from time to time.  If it feels right for you. 

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