Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

What I Am.. Realizing

As I go about my morning, I see myself not being able to think clearly.  Not easily finding the words to match what I want to share with the outside world.

And, then, I realize that I have not had a truly 'at home' comfortable day in a very long time--in the external, human world.  Probably way before I started the journey to move my life from north to south.  (I love the word 'south' for some reason --  go south as much as possible.  To me, south means paradise, ease, warm weather and palm trees.  And, beautiful blue ocean waters.

'South' meant escape to me.  To escape from the cold, barren days to days of ever-blooming life.  This thought ignited my soul.

And, here I finally am and I find myself disabled.  My lack of ability to maneuver easily through the streets of paradise.  To settle into a whole new world without the one I leave behind from up north.  I always had the best of both worlds (for a long while anyway). 

Just now I have the difficulty (for me) of letting go of my abode up north and creating same, if not better, here.

I've shared my doctor and drug dilemma.  My home is not built around my comfort like my home up north was.  There are many knobs I cannot easily turn.  There isn't something beautiful I chose everywhere I look.  In fact, there are some things I look at that I downright find discomforting.  I miss my koi fish pond and my saltwater tank.

At one time, I had four fairly lovely homes.  I have now downsized to just one; the least favorite of all the homes I have ever chosen to live. 

I am constantly shopping in new grocery stores, working with new doctors, going to new pharmacies and traveling new roads.  I am way out of my comfort zone.  To find a light switch has become an exploration in itself. 

Perhaps, as I have been exploring inward for so long, it is now time to explore externally.  All this exploring, while it permits me to grow into the best of myself, is also very disconcerting.  Luckily, I do love me an adventure.  However, my ability to maneuver has diminished greatly because my maneuvering 'button' has become too worn; too used; burned out.  Or is it that I've been on an inner journey for so long that the maneuvering button has become rusty.  (I'm not sure - I am sure I do not find 'just doing it' easy right now.) 

So, as I see me not able to work on auto pilot and take a long time to create my ability to speak, get things done and easily remember where I am, I realize that nothing is wrong with me.  It is, perhaps, just me living in such upheaval and turmoil for too long.  My body, mind, and soul needs to feel stable, safe and comfortable.  I am the only one that can create this for myself.  I can create this for myself.

The realization that I'd like to share is that whatever is going on in your life, perhaps, it is only from you living in, around and through what you are living in, around and through.  Most likely, nothing is wrong with you.  You are only reacting/responding to your external circumstances. 

Who you are today is a direct (or maybe indirect) reaction/response to what you have been experiencing.  Perhaps, we get a little off when we are a little off.  We get a bit uneasy when we are not allowing life to be easy.  We experience dis-ease when we live from an untruth or in discomfort or 'on' for too long. 

May you not judge where you are but love yourself where you are and feel your way, lovingly, in, around and through what life is showing to you now. 

You can create stability, safety and comfort for yourself.  May you choose to do so; as often as possible and as fulfilling as you are able.  If you have stability, safety and comfort just now - savor it...  Oh, so savor it! 

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