I was meditating this morning and, for the first time, my thoughts expanded past the globe. They went above into the heavens. My visualization went into the stars and the galaxies. I was right there with my visions.
My body cannot travel from coast to coast or across the pond easily. My mind and thoughts can.
There is a much greater place than our bodies can know, perhaps, When I stay in the 'small picture' of my life - this mere moment where my body is - I, mostly, do not look at the big picture or feel the vastness of it. So, when I am in in an uncomfortable state for whatever reason, my habit is to want to get out of it, away from it, and not feel it.
I am now choosing (perhaps, again) to be with it, feel it and walk with it to where it wants to take me. Most of the time, it takes me deeper into my self and deeper into my inner knowing and I can choose to look at the big picture of my life and not be so minute in each moment.
This human experience; human life is interesting like all get out. It is 'off the chain'. It is 'wowza'. We can know and feel the lowest lows and we can know and feel the highest highs. And, feeling and knowing this and everything in between is living. This is life here on earth in human form.
Our cells vibrate and produce energy in our mitochondria. Our brains process so much and can take in vast amounts of information. Our senses can lead and guide us to feelings of ease, beauty and love. They can also take us into fear, hurt and pain. Anger, I believe, can be a way of also not feeling what is really going on inside of our own self. We are not taught to easily look within and allow it all to flow. We are built for it, however.
So, today, I choose to let what I was 'built' as, 'made' as, grew into, and 'am' to be okay. To be glorious, as a matter of fact. I choose to look at the big picture of my life and see the wonder and ease that is always available. I will feel the pain and the uncomfortableness. I will grow from it all. I will speak of and share the same. I will support you in the exact same way if you wish to walk it. I will support you in your living.
May you decide, today, to do, live, be, breathe who you are - all of you. From your lowest lows to your highest highs and everything in between. Accept it all as this is your life and no one but you can experience it and understand it and get lost it in but you. How glorious you are!
Sharing my thoughts of life though love, friendship, joy, sorrow, and queries to hopefully get to the very bottom line of our 'human-ness', our spirit and the best person we can be for ourselves and each other.
Coming for the Real You.
I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.
My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).
Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);
and, possibly, most important,
my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).
The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.
My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).
Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);
and, possibly, most important,
my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).
The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.
Friday, January 30, 2015
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
I am not balanced now as I allow the nerves and stress and the universal energy to interrupt what I know to be me. I'm going from this to that and bending and surrendering, and I feels lost in this 'dance'. It does not feel comfortable and it is what it is. I'm trusting the process of life and myself to walk through to a more comfortable place.
I believe there is much clearing, cleaning and growing going on in each of our lives (and throughout the world itself) and we are learning a new and different way. We are learning to hold on to what works and makes us happy and to let go of what does not; to be open to new and better and more and evolved.
However, within this learning, there can be much confusion, saturation of what we don't want and just within our reach of what we do want.
Wherever you are, whatever you are doing... allow yourself to love yourself through. Be open minded and open hearted and when there is nothing else just breathe. When there is what you want, embrace and know gratefulness in it.
Bring yourself with you wherever you go as honestly as you can. Allow the irritability, impatience, lack of energy or drive to participate as it may just propel you closer to home -- closer to experiencing all that you are in this human state. May you allow acceptance of all that is as you are open to seeing it and/or participating in it towards a more beautiful living picture. Surrender, allow and let Divine guidance create and show you your soul's way to fulfillment.
Oh, we may be uprooted in big ways just now. And, what a great opportunity to reroute or replant all that is to grow into what will be more peace; more love, more ease and togetherness for all of us here now in this period of time and for all who come after us.
May you not fight what you are feeling. Embrace it. Let it grow if it feels awesome. Let it process through if it is less favorable. My wish for the day.
Just Be U = Just be who you are completely and freely through love of yourself and each other. Please let it be so. Amen
I believe there is much clearing, cleaning and growing going on in each of our lives (and throughout the world itself) and we are learning a new and different way. We are learning to hold on to what works and makes us happy and to let go of what does not; to be open to new and better and more and evolved.
However, within this learning, there can be much confusion, saturation of what we don't want and just within our reach of what we do want.
Wherever you are, whatever you are doing... allow yourself to love yourself through. Be open minded and open hearted and when there is nothing else just breathe. When there is what you want, embrace and know gratefulness in it.
Bring yourself with you wherever you go as honestly as you can. Allow the irritability, impatience, lack of energy or drive to participate as it may just propel you closer to home -- closer to experiencing all that you are in this human state. May you allow acceptance of all that is as you are open to seeing it and/or participating in it towards a more beautiful living picture. Surrender, allow and let Divine guidance create and show you your soul's way to fulfillment.
Oh, we may be uprooted in big ways just now. And, what a great opportunity to reroute or replant all that is to grow into what will be more peace; more love, more ease and togetherness for all of us here now in this period of time and for all who come after us.
May you not fight what you are feeling. Embrace it. Let it grow if it feels awesome. Let it process through if it is less favorable. My wish for the day.
Just Be U = Just be who you are completely and freely through love of yourself and each other. Please let it be so. Amen
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Cool Draft
I'm getting ready to walk my dogs out front in the beautiful landscaped 'village' in which I now live. It is cool for here. 63 deg. It is a bright sunny, blue sky day. It is 55 deg. F in the shade. It invigorates. It is wonderful to breathe. My fingers do not love it as much.
My body shrinks some in the cooler temperatures. Yesterday was 79 deg F high. Quite a change.
And, the good news and what I am so grateful for is that it will not stay this way.
I am making soup. Delicious vegetable soup to eat after walking in the cool, invigorating weather. The smell of it is heavenly and reminds me of my childhood and brings me comfort.
I went to the addiction/dependency doctor and the bottom line of the awesome session was it really isn't about the medicine or the disease. It is about being okay with where I find myself and who I am. The 'Just Be U' thing again.
Just Be U and love you, accept you, embrace you and allow you. Come from this place of self acceptance and go into the truest place [for my being] moving forward as my whole self is present and involved.
Apparently, I still have not accepted knowing symptoms of scleroderma and living with them as well. There is fight still here of wanting me to be different than the 'lot' I was given (or chosen before birth).
Can I accept me 100% complete with everything that surrounds me, is me and conforms as me... I will find out. I am open to it for sure. I want it so bad I get nervous asking for help to achieve it.
Conformity is "correspondence in form, nature, or character, agreement, congruity, or accordance" (dictionary.com)
May you allow all of you to live harmonious and in congruent with the life that you were born to live and the life you are living. May they match, balance out and evolve up. You matter exactly in the capacity of what you know, who you are, where you have been and how you think and do things. You matter. You are enough. Let all of you free to fly into the limitless possibility that is YOU.
(Picture Unknown)
My body shrinks some in the cooler temperatures. Yesterday was 79 deg F high. Quite a change.
And, the good news and what I am so grateful for is that it will not stay this way.
I am making soup. Delicious vegetable soup to eat after walking in the cool, invigorating weather. The smell of it is heavenly and reminds me of my childhood and brings me comfort.
I went to the addiction/dependency doctor and the bottom line of the awesome session was it really isn't about the medicine or the disease. It is about being okay with where I find myself and who I am. The 'Just Be U' thing again.
Just Be U and love you, accept you, embrace you and allow you. Come from this place of self acceptance and go into the truest place [for my being] moving forward as my whole self is present and involved.
Apparently, I still have not accepted knowing symptoms of scleroderma and living with them as well. There is fight still here of wanting me to be different than the 'lot' I was given (or chosen before birth).
Can I accept me 100% complete with everything that surrounds me, is me and conforms as me... I will find out. I am open to it for sure. I want it so bad I get nervous asking for help to achieve it.
Conformity is "correspondence in form, nature, or character, agreement, congruity, or accordance" (dictionary.com)
May you allow all of you to live harmonious and in congruent with the life that you were born to live and the life you are living. May they match, balance out and evolve up. You matter exactly in the capacity of what you know, who you are, where you have been and how you think and do things. You matter. You are enough. Let all of you free to fly into the limitless possibility that is YOU.
(Picture Unknown)
Monday, January 26, 2015
Where I'm At
I am alive. I am breathing. I am living changed life. I feel my body chemistry has even changed. I bring me to every situation as much as I am able and I see great change in all of our world.
We are more open; we are more willing to share our truth. Ohhh, and much of this truth that many are now more willing to share is not pretty. It is hurtful and painful.
We have suffered in silence too long.
We will stop the suffering (please) as we speak it and learn ways to do better; as we support one another and hold hands and know that behind all of our 'masks' and 'beliefs' - we are all the same. We all come from a source of divine-ness of unseen and truly unknown-ness. We will all go back to this source.
So, as I sit here trying to not go deep within because there is pain that I don't want to feel, let alone share, I take a deep breath and continue on.
My body has been screaming again. My hands swollen and purple. My face tight and uncomfortable. My mouth and teeth are also wanting more attention at the dentist that I wish to give it. The dentist says another root canal but only after I point out a soft pain to the touch high above my teeth.... almost in my sinus area. And, where once was a root canal on the other side, this same soft pain to the touch is present as well.
I found an addiction specialist after being told no by two other professionals that they are not interested in going 'here'. What is addiction... What is dependence.... What is the difference... What am I? This is of great interest to me.
With my family being all under one roof for the first time in about 17 years, well... new 'things' have come up. We are learning to communicate, hear and support one another under this lifestyle [as we have to if we want to all be alive going forward]. Of course, I'm making fun of this and it is not easy and it is beautiful. We are all trying our best and we are all doing good and we each have our moments of not succeeding coming from love.
We are getting new furniture, new lighting, new landscaping to make this house our home. I do not have the energy that I put into creating our Shambala up north. I'm uncertain if we will name this home as this is the first time I'm thinking about same.
We have been here 4 months and we just unpacked four more boxes that came from my husband's northern office. It has gotten depressing letting go of what we no longer need and, yet, at one time meant happiness, dreams and success to us. Letting it go by either trashing the item(s); giving them away or finding a new home for it here in this already set-up and full house.
I know that when I was living up north in a beautiful home, coming to Florida in the winter to a beautiful home.. I know I had told myself that I was set for life and I will never have to walk in the cold again and I don't have to worry about money or uncertainty that I will not be okay.
Well, from these thoughts to actually walking in the cold, living in an apartment, concerned about money, and fearful of what was to come and feeling unsafe... they were all very real for me. So, what I told myself and what was the truth were not one in the same. This; just this THOUGHT, is what made it harder for me to let go, to be where I was/am, and to starting over.
I want to be here. I know I belong here. I have grown from letting go to starting anew. Well, here I am and what the heck am I going to do with me now.....
I do believe that it will be me. I do believe that it will be good. I do believe it will happen when it is best for it to happen. I do believe my life plan is a great one and I only need to embrace today with where I am; who I am; what I feel and what feels best to do... and I win. I have it going on.... lol and yet so true
May you believe you will be you, wholly. You're life will (continue to) be good. Life will unfold itself to you just as it is best for you. May you embrace today with where you are, who you are, what you feel and what feels best to do... and win. My genuine wish for you.
We are more open; we are more willing to share our truth. Ohhh, and much of this truth that many are now more willing to share is not pretty. It is hurtful and painful.
We have suffered in silence too long.
We will stop the suffering (please) as we speak it and learn ways to do better; as we support one another and hold hands and know that behind all of our 'masks' and 'beliefs' - we are all the same. We all come from a source of divine-ness of unseen and truly unknown-ness. We will all go back to this source.
So, as I sit here trying to not go deep within because there is pain that I don't want to feel, let alone share, I take a deep breath and continue on.
My body has been screaming again. My hands swollen and purple. My face tight and uncomfortable. My mouth and teeth are also wanting more attention at the dentist that I wish to give it. The dentist says another root canal but only after I point out a soft pain to the touch high above my teeth.... almost in my sinus area. And, where once was a root canal on the other side, this same soft pain to the touch is present as well.
I found an addiction specialist after being told no by two other professionals that they are not interested in going 'here'. What is addiction... What is dependence.... What is the difference... What am I? This is of great interest to me.
With my family being all under one roof for the first time in about 17 years, well... new 'things' have come up. We are learning to communicate, hear and support one another under this lifestyle [as we have to if we want to all be alive going forward]. Of course, I'm making fun of this and it is not easy and it is beautiful. We are all trying our best and we are all doing good and we each have our moments of not succeeding coming from love.
We are getting new furniture, new lighting, new landscaping to make this house our home. I do not have the energy that I put into creating our Shambala up north. I'm uncertain if we will name this home as this is the first time I'm thinking about same.
We have been here 4 months and we just unpacked four more boxes that came from my husband's northern office. It has gotten depressing letting go of what we no longer need and, yet, at one time meant happiness, dreams and success to us. Letting it go by either trashing the item(s); giving them away or finding a new home for it here in this already set-up and full house.
I know that when I was living up north in a beautiful home, coming to Florida in the winter to a beautiful home.. I know I had told myself that I was set for life and I will never have to walk in the cold again and I don't have to worry about money or uncertainty that I will not be okay.
Well, from these thoughts to actually walking in the cold, living in an apartment, concerned about money, and fearful of what was to come and feeling unsafe... they were all very real for me. So, what I told myself and what was the truth were not one in the same. This; just this THOUGHT, is what made it harder for me to let go, to be where I was/am, and to starting over.
I want to be here. I know I belong here. I have grown from letting go to starting anew. Well, here I am and what the heck am I going to do with me now.....
I do believe that it will be me. I do believe that it will be good. I do believe it will happen when it is best for it to happen. I do believe my life plan is a great one and I only need to embrace today with where I am; who I am; what I feel and what feels best to do... and I win. I have it going on.... lol and yet so true
May you believe you will be you, wholly. You're life will (continue to) be good. Life will unfold itself to you just as it is best for you. May you embrace today with where you are, who you are, what you feel and what feels best to do... and win. My genuine wish for you.
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Murky Waters
In the murky waters of today, we can find stillness and clarity as we embrace what is; encourage what will be and allow what we don't like to process through us as gently as possible.
May you know that...
May you know that...

(photo unknown)
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Thank You
I'd like to thank the people in the below listed countries for 'visiting' me regularly. I so appreciate you. I wish you happiness from the inside out and all the way around always.
Czech Republic
United States
Just knowing that I may be connecting with you warms my heart, encourages me to go on and fills me up with joy.
May you allow your heart to be warm; may you know encouragement; and may you connect to what brings you joy as often as possible.
Czech Republic
United States
Just knowing that I may be connecting with you warms my heart, encourages me to go on and fills me up with joy.
May you allow your heart to be warm; may you know encouragement; and may you connect to what brings you joy as often as possible.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Courageous You
I support you in this.
It feels like very stormy times to me. We are asked by the Universe to go inward and discover what living is all about for ourselves and each other.
BE the kind of person you want the world to be. Be the person that rocks your world to spend the rest of your life with.
Just Be U... Be your awesome self. Follow what makes you content, happy, and embrace even your 'down' or 'off' times.
May this be where you find the greatest fulfillment.
May you be fulfilled by allowing yourself to be, share, live and breathe everything that is you.
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Sometimes when life feels too intense, we bring up our defense. We automatically can close ourselves up or off and, in my case, shrink.
My habit that I bore long ago was to shrink into a corner as to not 'rock the boat' or 'create waves' or be noticed or heard.
Everything that was going on outside of myself was more important than what was going on inside of myself. This is how it surely felt anyway. So I would turn off, shrink, not be who I was in the moment in hope that any turmoil or anger would pass and I would feel safe again.
I was not physically abused as a child. I was not verbally abused. My parents were in such states of turmoil, duress, survival and/or abandonment mode that I told myself I was not allowed to think outside of what they could handle, help with, listen to or even hear.
I knew when I could be me comfortably and when it felt too scary to speak up.
Now as a grown woman, - I brought with me, this habit. If I feel threatened or am around unloving situations, I do not let myself be heard. I shrink.
Starting today, I want to be heard. I have many more tools that I can deal with people's reactions or situations that feel unsafe. I can be heard in ways that help and/or grow situations/people and it is my goal to do so.
Times are extremely intense lately; moreso than not. High pressures, confusion, challenges and change is abundant as we are all way more out in the open and unable to hide. Many of us feel the need to share the truth of who we are and reach out to people that will support same.
We want to be heard. We want to know we matter. We want to feel like we are enough and that who we are makes a difference to others. We want to feel loved and give love. We want to feel fulfilled.
Everything that is inside of us many of us want to allow out.
We are being brought to our knees; to surrender; to connect and to create a world that is more sensible to live in.
May you breathe through this intensity. May you stay open and truthful. May you live in your fullness of everything that you are and feel. May you come from a place of love. May you trust yourself to be okay with whatever situation comes your way; whatever person enters your world.
May you, from this day forward, live the YOU that you were born to live in the fullest capacity possible. Now is the time, the opening, the only way to grow to create a more enjoyable, heartfelt world for all living creatures.
We may have strayed from much. This is our learning.
My dream is for us all to live as one united colony in peace, truth, trust, openness and support of one another. I wish to be heard and I wish for you to be heard from a place of deepest, kindest inner knowing that the energy of it is so engaging it rises us all up.
The negative intensity scares me. The positive energy propels me to openness.
May you be the energy you want to live in.
My habit that I bore long ago was to shrink into a corner as to not 'rock the boat' or 'create waves' or be noticed or heard.
Everything that was going on outside of myself was more important than what was going on inside of myself. This is how it surely felt anyway. So I would turn off, shrink, not be who I was in the moment in hope that any turmoil or anger would pass and I would feel safe again.
I was not physically abused as a child. I was not verbally abused. My parents were in such states of turmoil, duress, survival and/or abandonment mode that I told myself I was not allowed to think outside of what they could handle, help with, listen to or even hear.
I knew when I could be me comfortably and when it felt too scary to speak up.
Now as a grown woman, - I brought with me, this habit. If I feel threatened or am around unloving situations, I do not let myself be heard. I shrink.
Starting today, I want to be heard. I have many more tools that I can deal with people's reactions or situations that feel unsafe. I can be heard in ways that help and/or grow situations/people and it is my goal to do so.
Times are extremely intense lately; moreso than not. High pressures, confusion, challenges and change is abundant as we are all way more out in the open and unable to hide. Many of us feel the need to share the truth of who we are and reach out to people that will support same.
We want to be heard. We want to know we matter. We want to feel like we are enough and that who we are makes a difference to others. We want to feel loved and give love. We want to feel fulfilled.
Everything that is inside of us many of us want to allow out.
We are being brought to our knees; to surrender; to connect and to create a world that is more sensible to live in.
May you breathe through this intensity. May you stay open and truthful. May you live in your fullness of everything that you are and feel. May you come from a place of love. May you trust yourself to be okay with whatever situation comes your way; whatever person enters your world.
May you, from this day forward, live the YOU that you were born to live in the fullest capacity possible. Now is the time, the opening, the only way to grow to create a more enjoyable, heartfelt world for all living creatures.
We may have strayed from much. This is our learning.
My dream is for us all to live as one united colony in peace, truth, trust, openness and support of one another. I wish to be heard and I wish for you to be heard from a place of deepest, kindest inner knowing that the energy of it is so engaging it rises us all up.
The negative intensity scares me. The positive energy propels me to openness.
May you be the energy you want to live in.
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Going Through/Moving On
I'm seeking deep inner growth and I feel like I have many family dynamics to align. I wonder if it is family dynamics or self-inflicted obstacles or both...
I question my medicine that I've been on a long time because of scleroderma.
I question how to go about creating a stronger life that I, just maybe, can touch others' souls.
I question what part of me connects me to my deepest peace.
I question how I can live fully with many 'ailments' connected to scleroderma.
I question which professionals are helpful and which are not.
I question many, many things just now.
I don't question who I am. I do question what to do with me!
I feel as I'm questioning things, I do not find it easy to process here on this blog. In the past, I couldn't wait to come here and see what I would say. Ha!
Now, I feel threatened and insecure as my mind is so caught up in all this wonderful change that I have created for myself. It is where I'm supposed to be. It is not easy. It is not impossible. It is right where I'm supposed to be.
While I don't want to abandon even one person that just maybe has gotten closer to their own inner being within my own journey, I'd like to offer; if you want, to come and visit me on Facebook until I find my way back here on a more regular basis again... if this is to happen.
I care. You matter.
Individually, together, we can grow our self and our surrounding world into a place where there is more joy, more positive passion, more support and more togetherness.
We are at it now.... We can create whatever is inside of us to create from our most connected divine source. We only need to believe and be open to it.
My wish is that you believe and are open to living your most fulfilled life from the inside out.
Just in case it feels right for you to do.....this is my Facebook link.
I sincerely wish you your happiest, truest, and most fulfilled self.
I question my medicine that I've been on a long time because of scleroderma.
I question how to go about creating a stronger life that I, just maybe, can touch others' souls.
I question what part of me connects me to my deepest peace.
I question how I can live fully with many 'ailments' connected to scleroderma.
I question which professionals are helpful and which are not.
I question many, many things just now.
I don't question who I am. I do question what to do with me!
I feel as I'm questioning things, I do not find it easy to process here on this blog. In the past, I couldn't wait to come here and see what I would say. Ha!
Now, I feel threatened and insecure as my mind is so caught up in all this wonderful change that I have created for myself. It is where I'm supposed to be. It is not easy. It is not impossible. It is right where I'm supposed to be.
While I don't want to abandon even one person that just maybe has gotten closer to their own inner being within my own journey, I'd like to offer; if you want, to come and visit me on Facebook until I find my way back here on a more regular basis again... if this is to happen.
I care. You matter.
Individually, together, we can grow our self and our surrounding world into a place where there is more joy, more positive passion, more support and more togetherness.
We are at it now.... We can create whatever is inside of us to create from our most connected divine source. We only need to believe and be open to it.
My wish is that you believe and are open to living your most fulfilled life from the inside out.
Just in case it feels right for you to do.....this is my Facebook link.
I sincerely wish you your happiest, truest, and most fulfilled self.
Monday, January 12, 2015
Insecure Confusion
My day is experiencing [through myself and others] an uncertainty of 'ugly' and uncomfortable feelings. Ugh-ly. !
I hear people that are just irritable and antsy; angry and afraid; sad and uncertain. I feel much of this myself. I see turmoil in our world. I see hatred and ugliness happening. I see painful situations that are absurd and tragic to me. (I see beauty and awesomeness also. However, I feel the need to discuss the upheaval in our world just now.)
I feel discomfort and stale. I feel confusion and new situations/thoughts/ways/processes coming through me that are very different than my once formed habitual ways. Some are sharing with me their guilt in needing to lay low, relax, stay home and heal. Some are sharing with me that they are not too thrilled with life and living the way of what is.
I know that we are not where we were. Many are no longer on autopilot. We can't be. Our world isn't showing itself to us this way. Our world is showing itself to us with bombardment of newness, oldness but announced, and many are sharing they just do not know how to move forward easily.
I hope that through all this 'turmoil' and change; that this is the time we create Peace on Earth, happiness within and without; and a better way -- a better world in which each and every human can live the life that is inside of them to live.
Yes, this can be considered very deep. This is life altering stuff. Our world is crying for love and love is what I want to help it get.
So, in all this display of truth that we may not have shared for so long and wholly, ever, as one world -- may we live with open hearts and minds; may we try to understand or at least believe in each other and encourage each other in kindness. May we believe that what is to come will feel beautiful to 'bathe' in -- this energy of everything human and alive, interconnected and built through a divine source.
May we share who we are and the pain inside and the 'inner knowing' that is our own and may we share it in a way we feel supported, heard, and from a place of knowing that we matter. We all matter. We all breathe now in this time because each one of us is important for this beautiful change to occur. May generations to come not know war, hatred or fear just because of our uniqueness or differences. May we learn how to embrace and support this uniqueness through love and not through hurting of each other.
May you (think) send love to the hate, joy to the sadness, peace to the turmoil and connection to all that is. This is not the most productive answer. It is, perhaps, a better answer than 'fueling' what hurts us.
I hear people that are just irritable and antsy; angry and afraid; sad and uncertain. I feel much of this myself. I see turmoil in our world. I see hatred and ugliness happening. I see painful situations that are absurd and tragic to me. (I see beauty and awesomeness also. However, I feel the need to discuss the upheaval in our world just now.)
I feel discomfort and stale. I feel confusion and new situations/thoughts/ways/processes coming through me that are very different than my once formed habitual ways. Some are sharing with me their guilt in needing to lay low, relax, stay home and heal. Some are sharing with me that they are not too thrilled with life and living the way of what is.
I know that we are not where we were. Many are no longer on autopilot. We can't be. Our world isn't showing itself to us this way. Our world is showing itself to us with bombardment of newness, oldness but announced, and many are sharing they just do not know how to move forward easily.
I hope that through all this 'turmoil' and change; that this is the time we create Peace on Earth, happiness within and without; and a better way -- a better world in which each and every human can live the life that is inside of them to live.
Yes, this can be considered very deep. This is life altering stuff. Our world is crying for love and love is what I want to help it get.
So, in all this display of truth that we may not have shared for so long and wholly, ever, as one world -- may we live with open hearts and minds; may we try to understand or at least believe in each other and encourage each other in kindness. May we believe that what is to come will feel beautiful to 'bathe' in -- this energy of everything human and alive, interconnected and built through a divine source.
May we share who we are and the pain inside and the 'inner knowing' that is our own and may we share it in a way we feel supported, heard, and from a place of knowing that we matter. We all matter. We all breathe now in this time because each one of us is important for this beautiful change to occur. May generations to come not know war, hatred or fear just because of our uniqueness or differences. May we learn how to embrace and support this uniqueness through love and not through hurting of each other.
May you (think) send love to the hate, joy to the sadness, peace to the turmoil and connection to all that is. This is not the most productive answer. It is, perhaps, a better answer than 'fueling' what hurts us.
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Pain and Hurt
My experience is that behind all anger there is fear, pain, hurt, sadness, and/or confusion.
May you walk through it and let go of it in the kindest of ways to yourself and to others.
May you walk through it and let go of it in the kindest of ways to yourself and to others.
Unknown author. A caring mother shared this after her precious son died from scleroderma.
Scleroderma Awareness
"I didn’t know back then that life would change forever. I didn’t know what pain was then. I didn’t know the sacrifices and allowances I would end up making. I didn’t know my hair could hurt. I didn’t know that I would have to give up the things that brought me the most joy ...because I just couldn’t do them any more. I didn’t know how my limits would change from one day to the next. I didn’t know I’d have to fight so hard for what I need.
Scleroderma Awareness
"I didn’t know back then that life would change forever. I didn’t know what pain was then. I didn’t know the sacrifices and allowances I would end up making. I didn’t know my hair could hurt. I didn’t know that I would have to give up the things that brought me the most joy ...because I just couldn’t do them any more. I didn’t know how my limits would change from one day to the next. I didn’t know I’d have to fight so hard for what I need.
I didn’t know I could be okay with wearing socks that don’t match. I didn’t know I could cry beyond the point of tears. I didn’t know how strong I could be until I was forced to be. I didn’t know I could live for weeks on applesauce and Sprite. I didn’t know I could get lost in Target. I didn’t know I could crack a joke and laugh in the worst of situations because I just couldn’t cry anymore.
I didn’t know I could lose what felt like everything and still feel as though I had everything I need. I didn’t know I could keep going past the end of my rope. I didn’t know that when I felt the most alone and exhausted, someone, somewhere would inspire me to fight one more time. I didn’t know I could sleep 20 hours and still be tired. I didn’t know I could fall asleep anywhere. I also didn’t know I’d regret it when I woke up.
I didn’t know that nothing beats stupid comedies or veggie tales on a bad day. I didn’t know just how much pain I could stand. I didn’t know how desperate I would feel sometimes. I didn’t know how much I’d have to learn. I didn’t know how much I’d have to advocate for myself because there was no one else to fight for me. I didn’t know how good fuzzy socks feel.
I didn’t know I could love God and hate Him at the same time. I didn’t know sometimes prayer would be all I’d have. I didn’t know some of my best friends would be people I’d never met. I didn’t know that I wasn’t alone. I didn’t know doctors could be wrong. I didn’t know that there were others going through this. I didn’t know there was support.
I’d say I wish someone had told me all of these things back then, but I do know I wouldn’t have believed them."
I didn’t know I could lose what felt like everything and still feel as though I had everything I need. I didn’t know I could keep going past the end of my rope. I didn’t know that when I felt the most alone and exhausted, someone, somewhere would inspire me to fight one more time. I didn’t know I could sleep 20 hours and still be tired. I didn’t know I could fall asleep anywhere. I also didn’t know I’d regret it when I woke up.
I didn’t know that nothing beats stupid comedies or veggie tales on a bad day. I didn’t know just how much pain I could stand. I didn’t know how desperate I would feel sometimes. I didn’t know how much I’d have to learn. I didn’t know how much I’d have to advocate for myself because there was no one else to fight for me. I didn’t know how good fuzzy socks feel.
I didn’t know I could love God and hate Him at the same time. I didn’t know sometimes prayer would be all I’d have. I didn’t know some of my best friends would be people I’d never met. I didn’t know that I wasn’t alone. I didn’t know doctors could be wrong. I didn’t know that there were others going through this. I didn’t know there was support.
I’d say I wish someone had told me all of these things back then, but I do know I wouldn’t have believed them."
Friday, January 9, 2015
Stuck in Unwanted Wavering Stability
Oh, what a name for a post! Yikes.
I come here resisting creating a post because my arms and legs scream and my discomfort is high and my strength level is low.
Being on a scleroderma website on Facebook is surely giving me new words for how I feel. I'm not sure if I like it or I really dislike it and I keep going back. I cannot help myself!
Yes, Facebook is pulling me in. The similar experiences, the like-minded people, the sharing of thoughts and the possibility for seeing things in a new way are pretty exciting. Also, being able to share myself to a broad range of people feels very invigorating (for the most part).
I am currently waiting for a PhD to return my call and see if she will discuss with me dependency vs. addiction and possible ways to discover if it is the pain medicine my body wants or if it is my desire for the physical pain to stop (and everything in between). I am also wondering what is causing the pain. Is it the dis-ease of scleroderma and/or the side affects and possible toxins of the pain medicine. It feels vicious to me just now.
I'm not sure my body, like my mind, knows the difference between dependency and addiction either.
I know I hurt. I know I'm low on pain medicine. I know I feel mostly unsupported by this new rheumatologist just now. I know this creates all this wonder. It comes to a head as I've been having this underlying 'concern' for a while now.
I wonder, again, if this is my time to go it alone. To break away from what was and create what will be while walking lovingly through what is.
LOL. Truly, all I know is what I am sharing.
May you be where you are; connect to your truth as much as possible and may you create your world in which you live from this truth of all that you are.
I come here resisting creating a post because my arms and legs scream and my discomfort is high and my strength level is low.
Being on a scleroderma website on Facebook is surely giving me new words for how I feel. I'm not sure if I like it or I really dislike it and I keep going back. I cannot help myself!
Yes, Facebook is pulling me in. The similar experiences, the like-minded people, the sharing of thoughts and the possibility for seeing things in a new way are pretty exciting. Also, being able to share myself to a broad range of people feels very invigorating (for the most part).
I am currently waiting for a PhD to return my call and see if she will discuss with me dependency vs. addiction and possible ways to discover if it is the pain medicine my body wants or if it is my desire for the physical pain to stop (and everything in between). I am also wondering what is causing the pain. Is it the dis-ease of scleroderma and/or the side affects and possible toxins of the pain medicine. It feels vicious to me just now.
I'm not sure my body, like my mind, knows the difference between dependency and addiction either.
I know I hurt. I know I'm low on pain medicine. I know I feel mostly unsupported by this new rheumatologist just now. I know this creates all this wonder. It comes to a head as I've been having this underlying 'concern' for a while now.
I wonder, again, if this is my time to go it alone. To break away from what was and create what will be while walking lovingly through what is.
LOL. Truly, all I know is what I am sharing.
May you be where you are; connect to your truth as much as possible and may you create your world in which you live from this truth of all that you are.
Thursday, January 8, 2015
I'm struggling with these new doctors. I believe it is mostly because I want them to know me and trust me as my former ones did and I am not receiving this trust. It is better with one; it is not good with the other.
I think to call and find new doctors. I am burned out and tired to do so. It is not in me easily. My drive to get help is not strong.
I think it comes from reaching out so much for so long, and while getting closer to my inner self, my body still suffers. No easy answer; no answer, really, to change my symptoms.
This new doctor says I 'should' not need pain medicine. My stiffly tight and painful body tells me otherwise. I am confused if it is because my body has known pain medicine for so long or if my body is living with the painful symptoms of scleroderma and dis-ease.
So, I sit in this not knowing or feeling a push or a pull in any direction. I feel stuck, frustrated and exhausted mentally and physically.
It is hard for me to think of the little things in life, like organizing and doing every day things while my body and mind are stuck in a standoff of starting over and having to go through tests, new drugs, new criteria so this doctor can maybe know what he needs to 'see' if he can offer any help or pain free days.
Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.
I'm going to reach out to one more addiction specialist to see if I can gather any information on dis-eases and addicting drugs. To see if they can offer me insight into what is true pain that my body has and what is pain from the drugs that I am on. There is no easy answer that I know.
As they are cracking down on narcotics and the pharmacies have somehow been given permission to decline drugs that a doctor's prescription prescribes, I believe it will ween out the people that abuse them and the people that need them. Which one am I...
My lack of embracing this medicine from the beginning and my trust in what doctors have offered me have gotten me to this question. Not once has a doctor that I was a patient to tell me I was abusing them. I have questioned it in the past, they assured me it was like a diabetic needing insulin. Yet, our world is possibly not tolerating or supporting that analogy and I am stuck in the middle. My life is somewhat 'owned' by the drugs, the doctors, the pharmacists, the insurance company and the manufacturers of these drugs.
Yes, they have allowed me to do many, many things that I probably would not have been able to do because of feeling the pain. Yet, I still have, also, known great pain. And, yes, I have felt like a criminal needing my next fix at times with how I have been treated by some. This is where I need to stand in my own truth and speak and share me. Will anyone listen....
I hope someone can help me 'grow' and maneuver through (what feels like) this mess that I am in.
I walk on. I am so deeply embedded in my life just now that it is hard for me to share it as I have no clear picture or feeling of the totality of it.
So, I love myself through as best I can; as best I know how and as only I can.
May you love yourself through as best as you can with what you know and who you are; as only you really know what is going on inside of yourself. May you be your own best support.
I think to call and find new doctors. I am burned out and tired to do so. It is not in me easily. My drive to get help is not strong.
I think it comes from reaching out so much for so long, and while getting closer to my inner self, my body still suffers. No easy answer; no answer, really, to change my symptoms.
This new doctor says I 'should' not need pain medicine. My stiffly tight and painful body tells me otherwise. I am confused if it is because my body has known pain medicine for so long or if my body is living with the painful symptoms of scleroderma and dis-ease.
So, I sit in this not knowing or feeling a push or a pull in any direction. I feel stuck, frustrated and exhausted mentally and physically.
It is hard for me to think of the little things in life, like organizing and doing every day things while my body and mind are stuck in a standoff of starting over and having to go through tests, new drugs, new criteria so this doctor can maybe know what he needs to 'see' if he can offer any help or pain free days.
Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.
I'm going to reach out to one more addiction specialist to see if I can gather any information on dis-eases and addicting drugs. To see if they can offer me insight into what is true pain that my body has and what is pain from the drugs that I am on. There is no easy answer that I know.
As they are cracking down on narcotics and the pharmacies have somehow been given permission to decline drugs that a doctor's prescription prescribes, I believe it will ween out the people that abuse them and the people that need them. Which one am I...
My lack of embracing this medicine from the beginning and my trust in what doctors have offered me have gotten me to this question. Not once has a doctor that I was a patient to tell me I was abusing them. I have questioned it in the past, they assured me it was like a diabetic needing insulin. Yet, our world is possibly not tolerating or supporting that analogy and I am stuck in the middle. My life is somewhat 'owned' by the drugs, the doctors, the pharmacists, the insurance company and the manufacturers of these drugs.
Yes, they have allowed me to do many, many things that I probably would not have been able to do because of feeling the pain. Yet, I still have, also, known great pain. And, yes, I have felt like a criminal needing my next fix at times with how I have been treated by some. This is where I need to stand in my own truth and speak and share me. Will anyone listen....
I hope someone can help me 'grow' and maneuver through (what feels like) this mess that I am in.
I walk on. I am so deeply embedded in my life just now that it is hard for me to share it as I have no clear picture or feeling of the totality of it.
So, I love myself through as best I can; as best I know how and as only I can.
May you love yourself through as best as you can with what you know and who you are; as only you really know what is going on inside of yourself. May you be your own best support.
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Vamp and Revamp
I am in deep. I am in the subtle throes of alteration, change, growth, creativity, new-ness, and hit with what feels like a whole new way of 'living me'.
From a new home to letting go of my past way of living, to doing the banking and paperwork, to new doctors, to new light switches (for pete's sake), I wake up in a very different atmosphere/world than what I have known and what I've been used to -- or it certainly feels so anyway.
I don't remember what a comfort level feels like. I am still discovering the depth of myself and it isn't easy to admit some of it; feels childish in ways; and offers the ability to really create the life that is inside of me to live moving forward.
I've been sitting here all day (after going for tests yesterday in a new hospital, by a new doctor, a new state, with an older body (just saying)) to reach out and call my new doctor's office to see how they handle test results and prescription refills.
I'm beat. I'm tired. I don't want to 'play this game' any more. I want to be free to just live and not have medicine and feeling yucky and doctors visits getting in the way. I've been playing this particular game since I've been 17 and I no longer want to play. I feel myself kicking and screaming to get out of doing it... Ha!
My body is screaming and writhing in subtle pain and discomfort. Imagine your skin being too small for your skeleton... Imagine not being able to use your hands without thinking about it and imagine a change in temperature scaring you first and then hurting you as you feel your body shrink and shut down some. It is quite the ride.
Since I was a teenager, I knew I was going to live in Florida. I've had many wonderful winters here. This is not what I imagined as a teenager and, yet, I am here... I made it!
So, now what...
I have clues... I want to help others. I want to be among people that love, care and support each other. I want to help change the world one person, one breath, one cell at a time. I want to enjoy the palm trees, the ocean, the fabulous tropical air. I want to have fun with my family and friends.
And, just now, I am re-adapating (as I have adapted before). I am learning this new life that I have placed myself in, that is being thrown at me and as I allow it and can't stop it...
We all have our stuff. Much of it is pretty loud just now. We are all growing, living, being here now together, individually.
We let life and ease of it flow through us or we fight and kick and scream. It is not what is happening with us and to us, it is how we respond to each and every situation.
I believe that as I bring my deepest truth into each situation, I am living my life fulfilled. I am living the moment as me and all that I am. I am embracing or running and everything in between. I am living this human experience alive and aware.
For now, it is where I am. For now, I honor me. For now, I flow with and accept everything that I feel and am. I flow and accept that this is not where I feel happiest. I flow and accept that I no longer want to play this game as I 'play' it. I flow and accept that I am exactly where I am supposed to be, feeling as I'm supposed to be feeling and living as I'm supposed to be living... until it changes... and it will.
It always changes.
May you flow and accept exactly where you are as you settle into it to experience fulfillment in the now -- and not when so and so happens or when what's his/her face appears or when this is achieved.... Live YOU NOW fully alive and present and let this lead you into your future. My wish.
From a new home to letting go of my past way of living, to doing the banking and paperwork, to new doctors, to new light switches (for pete's sake), I wake up in a very different atmosphere/world than what I have known and what I've been used to -- or it certainly feels so anyway.
I don't remember what a comfort level feels like. I am still discovering the depth of myself and it isn't easy to admit some of it; feels childish in ways; and offers the ability to really create the life that is inside of me to live moving forward.
I've been sitting here all day (after going for tests yesterday in a new hospital, by a new doctor, a new state, with an older body (just saying)) to reach out and call my new doctor's office to see how they handle test results and prescription refills.
I'm beat. I'm tired. I don't want to 'play this game' any more. I want to be free to just live and not have medicine and feeling yucky and doctors visits getting in the way. I've been playing this particular game since I've been 17 and I no longer want to play. I feel myself kicking and screaming to get out of doing it... Ha!
My body is screaming and writhing in subtle pain and discomfort. Imagine your skin being too small for your skeleton... Imagine not being able to use your hands without thinking about it and imagine a change in temperature scaring you first and then hurting you as you feel your body shrink and shut down some. It is quite the ride.
Since I was a teenager, I knew I was going to live in Florida. I've had many wonderful winters here. This is not what I imagined as a teenager and, yet, I am here... I made it!
So, now what...
I have clues... I want to help others. I want to be among people that love, care and support each other. I want to help change the world one person, one breath, one cell at a time. I want to enjoy the palm trees, the ocean, the fabulous tropical air. I want to have fun with my family and friends.
And, just now, I am re-adapating (as I have adapted before). I am learning this new life that I have placed myself in, that is being thrown at me and as I allow it and can't stop it...
We all have our stuff. Much of it is pretty loud just now. We are all growing, living, being here now together, individually.
We let life and ease of it flow through us or we fight and kick and scream. It is not what is happening with us and to us, it is how we respond to each and every situation.
I believe that as I bring my deepest truth into each situation, I am living my life fulfilled. I am living the moment as me and all that I am. I am embracing or running and everything in between. I am living this human experience alive and aware.
For now, it is where I am. For now, I honor me. For now, I flow with and accept everything that I feel and am. I flow and accept that this is not where I feel happiest. I flow and accept that I no longer want to play this game as I 'play' it. I flow and accept that I am exactly where I am supposed to be, feeling as I'm supposed to be feeling and living as I'm supposed to be living... until it changes... and it will.
It always changes.
May you flow and accept exactly where you are as you settle into it to experience fulfillment in the now -- and not when so and so happens or when what's his/her face appears or when this is achieved.... Live YOU NOW fully alive and present and let this lead you into your future. My wish.
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Where I'm At
Between a rock and a hard place..... noo.... nooo. no.
I want to wish you all a happy new year and I hope that this post finds you breathing.... ! (oh my! yikes!) Not sure where I'm going with this one... but we shall see.
I hope this post finds you sitting relaxed and your mind being here where your body is. I hope if you notice a tension, a 'calling', a pain somewhere in your body that you stop right now and let it know that you recognize it; you care. Breathe into this part of your body that 'cries' the most and send it love. Send it your valuable and beautiful love.
Perhaps, ask it what it needs... wait.... do you 'hear' an answer... Perhaps, all it needs is for you to be with it.
Breathe in love and breathe out what doesn't feel like it belongs. Do this, perhaps, until you get to the point where you can just breathe in love and breathe out love; breathe love.
Just breathe. Feel yourself being supported by what is underneath you. Feel yourself being supported by Mother Earth and all of the Universe. Just pretend if you don't feel it. Just pretend what it would feel like to you. Breathe. Feel your body becoming heavier; more relaxed as you allow 'letting go happen'. As you allow 'just being' happen. Just breathe.
Thank your body for supporting you as well and as long as it has. Your body breathes and you have to do nothing. Perhaps, just for this moment, participate with the breathing of your body. Feel. Notice what words or thoughts or feelings come up for you. No judgment; just let them come... Let them go. Just feel you and your essence.
This is where I am at. No words. Only being. There is not one loud thought just now that wants to be shared or explored. I only want to breathe.
Love your breath. Love your self. You are an amazing being and you matter wholly through your breath at this moment...
Breathe you.
May you stop the chaos and allow peace by just breathing you.
Namaste' dear person. The deepest part of me honors the deepest part of you where we are all connected, perhaps, by what gives us breath...
May you notice how it feels to honor your breath; your being. This, I believe, is what the intention of life is. To honor one's self because in this honoring of self, we truly know what honor is and we can then share this honor outside of our self. Honoring starts from within.
Have a day living through this breath and this honor. My wish. Thank you.
I want to wish you all a happy new year and I hope that this post finds you breathing.... ! (oh my! yikes!) Not sure where I'm going with this one... but we shall see.
I hope this post finds you sitting relaxed and your mind being here where your body is. I hope if you notice a tension, a 'calling', a pain somewhere in your body that you stop right now and let it know that you recognize it; you care. Breathe into this part of your body that 'cries' the most and send it love. Send it your valuable and beautiful love.
Perhaps, ask it what it needs... wait.... do you 'hear' an answer... Perhaps, all it needs is for you to be with it.
Breathe in love and breathe out what doesn't feel like it belongs. Do this, perhaps, until you get to the point where you can just breathe in love and breathe out love; breathe love.
Just breathe. Feel yourself being supported by what is underneath you. Feel yourself being supported by Mother Earth and all of the Universe. Just pretend if you don't feel it. Just pretend what it would feel like to you. Breathe. Feel your body becoming heavier; more relaxed as you allow 'letting go happen'. As you allow 'just being' happen. Just breathe.
Thank your body for supporting you as well and as long as it has. Your body breathes and you have to do nothing. Perhaps, just for this moment, participate with the breathing of your body. Feel. Notice what words or thoughts or feelings come up for you. No judgment; just let them come... Let them go. Just feel you and your essence.
This is where I am at. No words. Only being. There is not one loud thought just now that wants to be shared or explored. I only want to breathe.
Love your breath. Love your self. You are an amazing being and you matter wholly through your breath at this moment...
Breathe you.
May you stop the chaos and allow peace by just breathing you.
Namaste' dear person. The deepest part of me honors the deepest part of you where we are all connected, perhaps, by what gives us breath...
May you notice how it feels to honor your breath; your being. This, I believe, is what the intention of life is. To honor one's self because in this honoring of self, we truly know what honor is and we can then share this honor outside of our self. Honoring starts from within.
Have a day living through this breath and this honor. My wish. Thank you.
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