The clouds have surely been playing all kinds of games in their playground in the sky. The sky has not been cloudless in quite some time. This is not unusual for summer time in South Florida, USA. There is always a chance of rain and humidity is heavy. Almost every day, we see and feel the sunshine as well.
Play is such an important and fun (playful) thing to experience in our lives. It uplifts us. It energizes. It creates peace within. It can provide better sleep after a good bout of fun. It connects us to our authenticity from a different angle.
May you remember what is fun for You. What was fun for you as a child... Perhaps, combine this 'fun' and enjoy the playfulness of You.
I enjoy movement and silliness. I enjoy wild abandon when it's calling me. I enjoy spontaneity and not knowing where I will end up. Trusting that I have me. I [almost] always believe and tell myself that it is going to be a good day.
Dance, run around with your pets, go out into nature, play a sport, play music, have a talk or a meal with someone that you laugh a lot with. Smile just because you can. Even when you are not feeling it, a pretend or forced smile can be beneficial. (Did you just smile?!?!) Whatever fun and enjoyable is to you, may you give yourself the gift of it in as many present moments as possible.
A smile looks so good on You. Smiling can be (is) contagious. May it become an epidemic. It also releases happy hormones (dopamine, serotonin, endorphins) that makes our bodies and minds happy and valiant.
Encourage fun and set the playfulness inside of you loose. Invite it and become really connected to it. Feel it. Become it. Live it. Own it.
May you play, from time to time, like you did as a child in your playground or play field. Get your play on. !!
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