There is no place to hide any more. There are no shovels available to bury things deep. The elephant in the room needs to be addressed. The carpet that has the dirt under it has disintegrated exposing the dirt that demands our attention.
It feels to me that I can no longer refrain my voice from speaking out loud my truth to my loved ones. It feels like I can no longer stay quiet. There is a pressure inside of me that is requesting (forcing) me to speak into each circumstance and relationship just as I deem and see fit. I want this to happen. I want my love to lead me into, through and out into my life that is an open, free and fulfilling one by just totally and joyfully being (speaking) me. The me that I am with no holds barred and no fear of negative feedback and no wrong thinking of protecting another from what I know as truth.
My truth won't accept anything but itself. I'm not having a whole lot of fun learning this. I do feel the gift of freedom knocking.
May you let the flow of life within and around you flow naturally through You, with You and unto You. Your heart, your mind, your soul, your spirit. Let them walk together through the ‘knowing’ of You being YOU. Safe; aware; inviting.
May you let the peaceful love that is You rise up, through, out and on. Even if it takes awhile to be peaceful, easy or commonplace... Speak, Share, Be, Live what is your truth; inside out.
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