Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Saturday, July 31, 2021


Life.   We are living it in this moment and every moment.  You are living it.  I am living it.  We are living life now.  This is it.  No more, no less.  This is you living your life; me living mine.

I sometimes ignore, bury, shut down, don't deal with or act like certain things have not really or are not really happening in my life.  

Like the 'elephant in the room' that many of us humans are so good at ignoring - just by not going 'there'.  The 'dirt swept under the rug' that somewhere in our being we are kind of, sort of aware of and yet, most of our 'beingness' doesn't touch it; think about it, or know how to clean it up.

Most of us humans have gotten so good at completely not 'going there'.  Whether we just don't want to, do not know how, are scared of, or just so not wanting to feel what it will make us feel by 'going there'.  

There are many things we humans have learned how to do instead of 'taking care of (certain) business'.  Self-medicate and/or become addicted.  There are a whole lot of things in life that we can choose to be addicted to.  We fall into addiction(s) so we can just let the 'elephant' and the 'dirt' be; let it alone - focus on something else.  We will do almost anything to not fall into the elephant or the dirt.

How hurtful we can be to ourselves.  What comes to mind is 'sometimes we are are own worst enemy, may we be our own best friend'.  

May You be Your Own Best Friend.

I had just written, in my notes, some recent and favorite sayings to use in a future blogpost.  It seems like this just may be the 'future blogpost' I wrote them down for. !

Here goes:

"Undress Your Soul"  Peggy Wycoff

"Shatter into Wholeness"  Susan Grace

"Dream Yourself Awake"  Jimmie Lee Rene

"Grow Yourself Complete"  Lisa Ungerer

And my all time favorite oldies by goodies:

"Be Here Now"  Ram Dass

"The Power of Now"  Eckert Tolle

"We all just want to matter."   Oprah Winfrey

"Trust the process of Life."  Louise Hay


May you live life through your reality in each moment, situation, experience and relationship.  Let your loving truth guide and lead You. 

 Open to gentleness, awareness, vulnerability, and You being You.  Honor and respect reside here.  Beautiful and peace happen here.

 Thank You. 

Friday, July 30, 2021

Serenity and Peace

Life can be amazing.  Even through challenges and change, we can look for, see, be and create amazing.

When your unsure of what to do, just know your very next step.  If you feel confused or unsure, just think about your next step.  If you feel challenged or fearful, breathe and go deep within your breath and feel the truth that resides there.  Your truth.  Feel your own love.  Fill your cells up with this love that is You(rs).  There is a strength inside of you that has always shown up for You.  

You have come so far.  

As you stand, lovingly, in your truth, open yourself up to feel the pulse that is you(rs).  

What is unique to You, own it.  What you feel, own it.  What you want, own it.  What you do, own it.  What you say, own it.  

Live in the truth of You.  Let love lead You.  

Oh the true colors of You...  Like Cyndi Lauper says, "Your true colors are beautiful like a rainbow." 

May you connect to and live in the beautiful ‘colors’ of You.    

Perhaps, add in your own serenity and peace.  As your unique desires, dreams and styles mix together and your life is created through all that you do and are, your very own color pallet to 'play with' is created again and again.  Your journey is happening and alive.  Let it be the present for You.  

Beautiful Colors

This picture is a 'no filter used' picture.  I enjoy these beautiful colors every time I see them.  It is a true gift to me.  I feel expansion and joy.  I feel peace and I breathe deeper.  

I find things everywhere, when I look, of things that help me connect to my true self; my soul.  There are things in this world that I hope you can connect to, experience and see that bring you your own expansion, joy, peace and deep breaths into and through your entire being.

Your essence is unique.  Let it free.

Your love, your truth, your life and how you live -- all unique to You.  There is no one else anywhere, ever, that is exactly like You.

What comes to mind is that God created the entire world and He created You.  You matter this much.  You were needed here now.  YOU.

Your uniqueness is your superpower.

May you let You happen.

May you connect to and live in the beautiful ‘colors’ of You.    

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Paradise is a Mindset

Perhaps, ask yourself how freedom and liberation feel to You…

Freedom is freedom to be and do what you want and are.  Liberation is giving yourself permission to break the chains that bind you and open yourself up to freedom.

Just Being U is one of the best ways that I know to start from within and let yourself free.

As each of us do just this, from our innate knowing and depth of our own love, we open doors, windows and paths to our freedom of living our chosen and best life.  As we own this freedom to live our way, through love, we encourage and open others to their own liberation and freedom.

Let it begin.

May you live through the life inside of You.  May you let your love lead.   

Naturally, easily, openly You - the 'Unchained Melody' of You. 

This, to me, is paradise.  Paradise is your mindset to be, do and live Your way without need for permission outside of yourself.   

Monday, July 26, 2021

Everything You

May you step into everything You. 

The way you feel, how you experience life, what you know, what you want.  Let your heart, mind, soul and body be open.  Let your truth, love and trust step with You.     

You are the only one that experiences everything You.   

I had a session with my own awesome life coach and she said to me "Dream Yourself Awake".  How awesome this felt...  [Thank You Jimmie]

I take it to mean to create the life that you know is possible and that makes you feel most alive.  

How apropos for this post.  

May you 'dream yourself awake' and step into everything You.

Step in.  Live fulfilled.   B(r)e(athe) Love.

#everything #you #life #live #experience #trust #truth #love #mind #body #heart #soul #you #u #step #fulfillment #encouragement #change #transformation #awareness

Sunday, July 25, 2021


How blessed are those that choose to stop and feel gratitude for moments in time that feel and are amazing. 

I have written many lists of things I am grateful for.  It is amazing what comes forth when I open to this.  Some come bursting through.  Some take a bit of thought.  As I continue on, I search through my life and I can always find more when it is my desire to do so.

May you bless yourself with the awareness and gratitude of the amazing in your life.  !!  

If it feels right to You, perhaps make a list.  My wish is for you to amaze yourself.  You can write it at one sitting, you can take a few days...  whatever works for You.  It is my hope that you have many things to be grateful for.  

I hold a sunset in great gratitude.

Moments in time come and go.  May you be sure not to miss what is amazing and/or beautiful for You. !!

Play and Smile

The clouds have surely been playing all kinds of games in their playground in the sky.   The sky has not been cloudless in quite some time.  This is not unusual for summer time in South Florida, USA.  There is always a chance of rain and humidity is heavy.  Almost every day, we see and feel the sunshine as well.

Play is such an important and fun (playful) thing to experience in our lives.  It uplifts us.  It energizes.  It creates peace within.  It can provide better sleep after a good bout of fun.  It connects us to our authenticity from a different angle.  

May you remember what is fun for You.  What was fun for you as a child...  Perhaps, combine this 'fun' and enjoy the playfulness of You.

I enjoy movement and silliness.  I enjoy wild abandon when it's calling me.  I enjoy spontaneity and not knowing where I will end up.  Trusting that I have me.  I [almost] always believe and tell myself that it is going to be a good day.  

Dance, run around with your pets, go out into nature, play a sport, play music, have a talk or a meal with someone that you laugh a lot with.  Smile just because you can.  Even when you are not feeling it, a pretend or forced smile can be beneficial.  (Did you just smile?!?!)  Whatever fun and enjoyable is to you, may you give yourself the gift of it in as many present moments as possible.

A smile looks so good on You.  Smiling can be (is) contagious.  May it become an epidemic.  It also releases happy hormones (dopamine, serotonin, endorphins) that makes our bodies and minds happy and valiant.   

Encourage fun and set the playfulness inside of you loose.  Invite it and become really connected to it.  Feel it.  Become it.  Live it.  Own it.  

May you play, from time to time, like you did as a child in your playground or play field.   Get your play on.  !!

Saturday, July 24, 2021


Nature is very alive and talking to us all just now.  Many different ways.  Many different languages.  Many different dances.  Many different intensities.  Many different volume levels.  

The nature that is within You and of You.  The nature that is all around and through all of life and that makes up the Earth, the Universe, the Cosmos and the Atmosphere.    

Are You listening…

I am learning that I feel my most favorite way of feeling and enjoy the best of me when I can hear the whispers and respond accordingly within and through myself.  The whispers just keep getting louder and more pronounced until I do hear the lesson(s) and create the variants.  In not holding on to anything hurtful or bothersome, letting go of what weighs me down, I open to freedom.  I open to a greater access to my life now.  My life as I choose to see and create it.

We feel what we feel for real reasons.  We experience what we experience through who we are, what we feel, what we tell ourselves, what we believe and how we process the wholeness of ourselves.  

We can change, rearrange, vary, explore, research and become whatever we choose.

May you be open to and trust your experience of You.   

May you keep growing yourself complete in and through every breath you take.  Let the 'ments' happen.

Alignment.  Empowerment.  Encouragement.  Enlightenment.  

The truth that is in your heart, mind, soul and spirit, together, will create these 'ments' in your experience and total beingness.

Friday, July 23, 2021

You and Me In the World Now

Just what if we are in the adventure of our lifetime as a whole.  You are here now for this reason.  Just maybe, you volunteered to participate and be here for this time in history.  Perhaps, there is a part that you are to bring to this 'adventure of our lifetime' now.  To bring your most sacred and true essence into everything you experience.   You matter this much. 

It feels to me like our lives and what we have known and experienced up to now and what is going on now and all the changes and new ways of doing things has our true essence shaken and is oscillating to find the place to land exactly where and how we are suppose to.

May you honor this. 

'This' being your truth, the way you feel, questioning what you want to question, changing what you want to change, sharing what you need to share and living from your open heart and mind through what is your truth with the most amount of trust of yourself that you can conjure up.

Oh, how what You do, share, act like, feel, think and are matters.  There is no one like You.  Your energy ripples and reaches far; exactly as it is supposed to and exactly where it is supposed to.

Thank You for bringing, sharing and carrying your Love from the inside out.  

Open up to the awesome that is you and what excites you deeply.  Just what if it is our time to live what we were once told was the 'hellion' in us.  But, in truth, it is the uniqueness (possibly considered weirdness) in each one of us.  ...

#lightning #sky #lit #amazing #honor #adventure #lifetime #reason #love #sacred #true #essence #deep #experience #trust #truth #divine #time #view #flow #happening #magic #real #life #now #own #no #right #wrong #justis

Thursday, July 22, 2021


‘Stormy’ can be beautiful.  It is all in the way we look at it.  We react to what we tell ourselves about it. 

What stories are you creating and what thoughts are you thinking...

If you are not feeling in a way that is enjoyable, listen to your thoughts and change them up.

If you feel like you are entering into something that doesn't feel like you want to, what is the story you are telling yourself about what is in front of you; what is happening.

I can lead myself into happy and flow.  I can lead myself into uncomfortable and discord.

Open to your love.  Let love not worry.

Trust the process of life.  Trust yourself that you will know and have what it takes when there is something you need to know and when there is something that would be good for you to do.

May you choose the story that uplifts and supports you the best.    

May you be aware of and choose the thoughts and stories that are most enjoyable….   I believe in You.

Condense to Expand

The presence and prevalence of Cosmic Duality is the loudest and lit it has ever been.   

It is You.  It is Me.  It is Earth.  It is the Universe.  

It is Yin/Yang; Light/Dark; Feminine/Masculine.  

May we all invite our love within to participate without.  

The intertwining of everything that is awaits our acceptance as we cannot know one without the other. 

This is the way of the human experience.  Yours. Mine. Ours.  

The duality of opposites.  The duality of making a decision.  The duality of our thoughts on one subject or matter.  It can be like the good angel and the bad angel on each shoulder.

Too many possibilities; decisions; items and things to choose from and where to land, so to speak.  

May You relax into yourself knowing that this is the journey and you are beyond prepared and qualified to make it til the end and, perhaps, just maybe, beyond.    

May we meet more at the interconnection of this duality, where light and dark meet, rather than at the far edges of each one.  

Condensing life to the greatest expansion of everyone thriving like never before.   Bringing togetherness from chaos into peace.  Knowing ease choosing the choice that is best for us in each moment.  Letting love provoke us and not worry.  

And so it is.

The truest, best and most authentic version of You…. It is an inside job.  Get. It. On.    Let. It. Out.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Scleroderma Certified

I am looking at this as my last 'certification' (about myself) to share.   I think it is a good (albeit vulnerable) truth to share with you so I can, deeply, share all of me; all about me with You.

I have already individually posted, on this Blog, my Certifications as a Personal Trainer; a Life Coach; a Reiki Practitioner; and a Minister.

This 'Certification' just may be most important in ways that truly matter and have driven a lot of my lessons, teachings, experiences, wisdom and depth of who I am and what my purpose is in practicing under the 'umbrella' of Just 9Be U, llp.

Scleroderma is an auto-immune dis-ease.  Waaay back when I started getting symptoms at the age of 17, maybe a handful of doctors were aware of it.  Even today, while most doctors have at least heard of it, it can take years to diagnose and it is not easy to treat or understand.  There is no known cure. 

I was diagnosed when I was 21.  I taught many doctors what it was for decades; from my own understanding.  The scleroderma patient is still teaching doctors as no two of those that are diagnosed with scleroderma have the same exact symptoms.  There is no one drug that helps every one with the dis-ease.  It hurts.  It is painful.  It is disfiguring.  It can, for many, be life threatening.   Definitely, for almost everyone, it is life altering.

Scleroderma is a long-lasting 'dis-ease' that can affect one's skin, connective tissue and internal organs.  It happens when an overactive immune system causes the body to make too much collagen.  Collagen is the 'glue' that holds our body together.  

As a result, skin gets thick and tight and scars can form anywhere on the body and/or organs.  Blood vessels can thicken and contract and slow the circulation down from minimal to almost non-existent.  This can lead to tissue damage and great dysfunction throughout the body and on the skin's surface and just below in the fascia.  

I feel like I have 'spanx' on most of the time, from my head to my toes.  My body and skull can feel like they are in a vise.  My face and hands have changed dramatically.   I get ulcers on my fingers that disintegrate the tissue and are so painful if I knock them up against something--well I used to say that it feels like it is sending me 'to the moon and back' with extreme quickness and brute strength.  Ouch.  

I do a lot of every day things very differently.  It takes me, very often, a lot longer to do them.  Forget buttoning a button or putting on a piece of jewelry with a clasp.  Unloading the dishwasher can be a challenge.  

Flexibility and agility in my hands is very limited.  And, when I get cold or very anxious, I contract.  My already hardened blood vessels contract and my hands and, sometimes, feet go numb, turn purple and are extremely uncomfortable.  This is called Raynauds Phenomenon.    

While there are many things I have learned to live with, I'm still amazed how affected I am by the weather.  The cold has long felt like an enemy.  Scleroderma can feel like living with a terrorist because one never knows when it will strike.  

While there are many things that challenge me, I have been blessed with lessons of deep humanity, opening to love, great gratitude and enlightenment into being human that I would not have gotten if not for this dis-ease.

I have lived with it 40 plus years and, because of this, I have been blessed with a phenomenal growth of soul and spirit, empathy and understanding, allowing, directing and redirecting and flowing with what is.

The medical world can offer me very little for comfort so I have learned that my comfort is an inside job.  Healing and acceptance is an inside job.  Praising and living in our humanness positively is an inside job.

Our lives here on Earth are an inside job out.  

When we share what is going on inside of us out, miracles, peace, harmony, alignment and great love can appear and happen.

I have tried many, many alternative medicines.  I have read up on chronic dis-ease, inner wisdom, connecting to nature and listening to my body and inner loving voice.  I have experienced many holistic modalities in the name of peace within and healing.

I was told I may not make it to age 30.  Double that and I am still here.

I am here to support our world.  I am here to share different ways to look at life.  I am here to slow down if not stop suffering.  I am here to teach how to choose yourself and to know who you are without all your labels.  How connecting to one's breath and silence can connect us to our greatest and most applicable wisdom.  

My life has brought me here.  I show up fully, ready, open and no matter how I feel, I can still choose love.  I can still support and be helpful.

May you show up from a strong sense and loving stand of You.  May you be ready, open and no matter how you feel, know that you can still choose love.  You can still answer your calling.  It is what You are here to do.

Be the truest, best, highest version of You.  Know it.  Live it.  Share it.  Shine it.  Enjoy it.    


Sunday, July 18, 2021

Into You

Journey into the depth of You.  Light the fire that awaits there.  

When you do what you love, you connect to the joy and the masterpiece that is You.  It can also feel like you master peace within your beingness.  This is the difference, perhaps, between living and thriving.  It is my belief that we are meant to experience both and everything in between and everything that shows up.  

Through silence that allows you to hear your breath and be one with it, we connect to the truest parts of ourselves.  Being with our breath can lead us to a more fulfilled life and knowing and an understanding of ourselves. 

When we live in this fulfillment, knowing and understanding of ourselves, there are unlimited possibilities living there awaiting our reach and permission.

I wish this for You.  You already have it.  It is yours to claim.

Breathe.  Feel.  Know.  Be.  Do.  Mastery.  

You and your guiding wisdom - your innate knowing - May you 'play' with it.

May you live in and through what you love.  You are the one that unlocks, creates and can live fully and authentically in the magic that is You(rs). 

  Cheers to You.


Saturday, July 17, 2021

IDEA World Lifestyle

I recently participated in the Virtual IDEA World Conference 2021.  Wow.  A bunch of awesome, up-to-date information, research, energy and amazing people and sessions.  It went for 3 full days, Pacific Time.  For me, on Eastern USA Time, it was 10:15 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. (approximately) each day.  

Whew, I am so glad I attended.   My brain is tired.  There is something about moving around to each classroom/exercise room that is more energizing than watching the clock tick tock down to be able to click on the 'Join' button.   And, there is something to say for the simplicity of attending from home as well.  

It made me realize just how much I move around - up and down - during the day.  Sitting at a desk for 2 hour intervals affected my body in ways that it has never, that I remember, been affected.  I used to do desk work 100 years ago as a secretary and my muscle memory of that was not with me to help me to adapt comfortably to the swivel chair that I sat in to be in front of my computer.  Ha.  Say what..

Movement of any kind matters.  Just keep doing it.  The daily repetition of movement is what our bodies respond to.  It says to itself  - 'she is going to keep doing this (as we keep the repetition alive) and I have to respond to her need and desire to keep doing this so I will adapt and get stronger and more efficient'.   Yay Body!  

Some of the classes I attended were about Nutrition, Life Post Covid, Brain Health vs. Body Health, Fats/Carbs/Proteins, HIIT (High Intensity Intermittent Training), Core and Visceral Fat, Virtual Work with Clients, Weight Loss and Reticular Activating System information which is our brain's ability and its auto-pilot in filtering information.  

Most of our brain works without us having to do or be aware of anything.  Only 5% of our brain actually thinks.  Totally amazing.  

I remember a Cranial Sacral session I experienced where we had me find my switch to this RAS system within myself whereas I could dial up and dial down its performance/capacity.  We can retrain our brain to filter thoughts, cognitively and subconsciously, that support the life we want to live and participate in as opposed to the life we have lived and participated in.

Oh, I am full of excitement to 'play' with all that was taught to me and all that I was reminded of.

I have been doing this a long time. The familiarity and the newness blends as I open myself to it doing so.  

May you allow what is familiar to you and what you wish to create anew filter through your brain as you are open to where, what, how, why, and who you are now and the life you want to live.

As humans, we are always learning.

May you be open to learning through your truth, your desires, your feelings and your patterns with your life; as your life is just now with your heart, mind, body and soul open and operational.  

Friday, July 16, 2021


There is always room to grow and do more.  It is a fine thing to plan, dream, decide, create, keep going and be productive; to look forward.

And, it is also a fine thing to bask in all that has come true and has been positive for/through You.  You've done a lot and have achieved a lot.

Isn't it best when we enjoy the 'fruits of our labor' and sit in the satisfaction and joy of same...  Yes.  Yes it is.  

The old adage 'work hard, play hard' is meaningful and joyful.  

Take the time to acknowledge and be proud and happy of all that has gone your way through your hard work, your blood, your sweat and your tears.  

Pat yourself on the back and thank yourself.  Acknowledge the awesome that is a part of You being You.

May you be sure to enjoy your ‘now’; each present moment, living from a place of awe, gratitude and congratulatory kudos to all you have done and accomplished to this point. !!  

If we do not bask in what we have accomplished, we certainly are missing out.  May you bask.  !!

Savor the journey.  Savor the success.  Savor the process of You being You.

Thursday, July 15, 2021


What we ‘see’ is what we see.  How we process what we see defines and creates how we feel.  

Each of us can look at the same thing and a lot of the time we can see it differently than one another.  One day I can look at something and see one thing.  The next day. or even in another moment, I can look at that same one thing and process what I am seeing differently than I previously did.

It depends on our moods.  It depends on what is going on in our life.  It depends if we only look at that one thing or do we have a few or a million other things going on at the same time.  What happened the moment or moments before this present experience...

What I experience is very often how I see things.  How I see things if often what I experience.

Definitely, what we tell ourselves about what we see will create and define what we feel about it.

If you choose to listen, what is it you hear you telling yourself.  What thoughts and descriptions do you apply to the experiences and the things that you witness and see...

Are you a person that believes in good happening or not so good happening; automatically.  What you tell yourself, is it true in the very moment you hear yourself telling yourself about it?

Can you realize if what you are saying to yourself is repetitive or habitual...  Is is, possibly, a learned response.

Can you be open to taking a deep breath and look at something that you may not feel good about and retell yourself the story or think about the same thing in a different way...  A way that feels the best it can feel on you...

How are You ‘processing’ today?  May you notice and choose your ‘best of’ choices.   

May you be aware of the thoughts you are thinking; the stories you are telling yourself; and be open to the best of/for #You option(s) to choose.

Come from your place of peace and calm.  Know that you being gentle can be so powerful.  Know that you can be the peace in any chaos.  

I so want to encourage the best of You to be so.  Your awesome is present.  Your awesome awaits. 

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Light along the Horizon

The light along the horizon…. 

You are light.  Living in your truth fully, openly, lovingly…

Meeting yourself where you are is the source of power and empowerment that shines our humanness forth and our love to grow.  Individually, together - we survive and thrive.   

‘Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass.  It is learning to dance in the rain.’  Vivian Greene

We would not know light without the dark.  Darkness is part of the light.  To be true to what feels dark to you adds light to it.

In my darkest of times, I have grown and learned the depth of my humanness.  It has made me go deeper and tap in further.  It has taught me things I never would have learned otherwise. 

May you tap in to your love deeper and deeper.   Let your love lead You through any and every storm.  Your loving truth is your light.  Your innate knowing is your light.  The love you connect to and share is your light.  May you fill yourself up with it; with You.

May you see it, be it, live it, create it, know it, believe it, feel it. 

May you trust in the process of life and trust in yourself having everything you need for Your lifetime inside of You.  

Your survival rate thus far is 100%.  Pretty great odds.   

Light up your loving truth and thrive.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Light Show

 My 4th of July was celebrated with a Human/Nature Light Show.   It was remarkable.   

We had fireworks across the horizon and Mother Nature provided her own across the sky.

Talk about synchronicity.  I like it.

When life flows and we can find different, interesting things in many moments.  When we flow and we produce who we are and what we know and turn it into good for others; which, in turn, is good for ourselves...

Synchronicity is a harmonious peace where we and/or life flows.  We connect to what is pleasing.  We connect to each other.  We connect to our own soul and innate wisdom.  We connect to life and living.

What is it your soul, heart, mind and spirit is asking for connection to...  May you allow it.  May you open to it.  May you create it.  May you be it.  May you feel it.  

May you tap in to the synchronicities in your life.  

Monday, July 12, 2021

Morning Time

Morning sunrise. Clouds and contrast.  Points of view.  Color.  Reflection.  Unique.  Natural.  Authentic.  Solid.  Yet transparent.  

We can learn a lot by nature.  The nature in our world.  Our own nature.  

When we step into each moment fully present and aware, we step into the nature of the moment exactly as it is being shown to us.

May you step into the journey of You.  

May you be mindful and aware.  Go for what calls to You.   So much awesome is available.  Sometimes we have to look a bit deeper or longer but there is always a great plentitude of beauty that awaits You. 

This was my message that I received from the morning 'awakening' today. 

May you add your own by just being open to the awesome beauty that you choose to see and allow in.   

May you step into the journey of You(rs) that lights you up.  

You…  Choose what you wish to experience.  Thank You.  

When you find yourself not connecting to, seeing or experiencing something that is in alignment with your soul, align yourself with your breath.  You aligned with your breath opens you to what is possible and calling to You in the moment.  

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Deep Truth

In the depth of great discomfort, perhaps, there is truth just waiting to come out.

I have been experiencing discomfort, frustration, irritability and a feeling of being antsy.  I realize that there is a truth within me that I am not aligned with what is inside of me and what I am doing on the outside.

I am happiest when I am offering trust, love, care, listening and hearing with the openness of learning, growing and becoming the most fulfilled, real me that I am just now.  It is my greatest honor when I can support You into what your goal(s), dream(s) and inner wisdom of what you are wishing for and growing into and becoming what You are just now.

Trust your feelings.  Love yourself through.  Care, listen and hear what is in front of you to care about, to listen to and to really hear and respond to.

May you honor the mission of You.  

Wishing you an open heart, open mind and awareness with truth, trust, love and honor.  

May you participate and watch yourself living in and through your deepest truth(s).

Friday, July 9, 2021

Power of You

 The power of You being You is the greatest influence you will ever experience.

We are being asked (via life experiences) to live more in our authenticity.  When troubles arise, the best way through is to open up to your truth.  Your truth of what you desire, want, need, feel, see, know, experience, value, are, and what you are about; fully, deeply.   As best as you know; as deep as you go.

When we open up and share/speak through the authentic (and just now, maybe scary) traits and most important parts of ourselves, we open up to creating our life through the most authentic and real deal opportunities that are meant for us.  

Let us light up our lives; individually, together, as only we can through our own uniqueness and invite fulfillment and wholeness for everyone.

Perhaps, this is the way it is supposed to be.  May it be so.  

Let us create the world where living is always fulfilling because we live in the reality of all that is and all that we are.  

May we be truthful, vulnerable, open and confident in this.  

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Strike A Pose

Each of us are here for a reason.  Sometimes we question it.  Sometimes we know it.  Sometimes we don't care.  Ha.  

You are here for a reason.  You have an uniqueness within you that you are called to live; to share; to participate in and, perhaps, to grow.

There is a feeling deep within me that when I honor it, I honor all.  I feel free.  I feel alive.  I feel fulfilled.

This reason or reasons can change from time to time.  Staying in your truth of what you are feeling, seeing, experiencing and creating is where you best live.  Living from this innate knowing creates the best paths and experiences forward through your most authentic self.  Your life is supported and the vibrations of You ignite life here on this planet.

You are this important.  

We are mere specks compared to the size of the Universe and, yet, what we engage in and what we are vibrates into everything that is.

The power of You being You is the greatest influence you will ever experience and know excellence in.

I wish this for You.  I wish this for me.  I wish this for Us.

Let us light up our lives; individually, together, as only we can.  

May you walk the Earth as only you can and ‘strike’ (touch, impress, influence, inspire, move, be in) the World as You were born to.  

May you be your authentic, loving, vulnerable, true, uniquely designed You.  

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Mind, Heart, Soul, Spirit

There is no place to hide any more.  There are no shovels available to bury things deep.  The elephant in the room needs to be addressed.  The carpet that has the dirt under it has disintegrated exposing the dirt that demands our attention. 

It feels to me that I can no longer refrain my voice from speaking out loud my truth to my loved ones.  It feels like I can no longer stay quiet.  There is a pressure inside of me that is requesting (forcing) me to speak into each circumstance and relationship just as I deem and see fit.  I want this to happen.  I want my love to lead me into, through and out into my life that is an open, free and fulfilling one by just totally and joyfully being (speaking) me.  The me that I am with no holds barred and no fear of negative feedback and no wrong thinking of protecting another from what I know as truth.  

My truth won't accept anything but itself.  I'm not having a whole lot of fun learning this.  I do feel the gift of freedom knocking.  

May you let the flow of life within and around you flow naturally through You, with You and unto You.   Your heart, your mind, your soul, your spirit.   Let them walk together through the ‘knowing’ of You being YOU.  Safe; aware; inviting.   

May you let the peaceful love that is You rise up, through, out and on.   Even if it takes awhile to be peaceful, easy or commonplace...  Speak, Share, Be, Live what is your truth; inside out.  


Nature talks…. May you listen in.

Step in.  Step up.  Step out.  Step through.  Step into You.

Essence:  The real, basic and invariable nature of a thing or individual.

May you connect to your essence.  It is the part of you that just knows; that flows; that grows and shows up, often, when you need guidance, answers, new paths and ways.  "You know you got it when it makes you feel good".  The essence of you is 'home' for You.

The essence of what is… just is.

Participate.  Trust.  Breathe.  Heart.  Focus.  Know.  Awareness.  Allow.  Enlightenment.  Expand. 

That is what is up.!.

Roll with it baby.  Roll with the essence that lives deep within you and reaches to infinity and beyond.  This essence resides in you, flows through you and is always, always available to You.

May you open to the essence of your life and you living it.


Monday, July 5, 2021


Fireworks;  just like us - no two ones are alike.   Unique.   Amazing.  Wonderful.  Beautiful.   Each one 'bringing' what it's supposed to bring.   Awesome.  Fabulous.  BAM.  

Our unique skills.  Traits that only we bring into life and living.  Human life.  We are born with a roadmap, an imprint that we follow often without being conscious of it.  We just happen.  We just are.

When we open to meet our soul, we rise into the awareness of our self; our life in a way that we can adapt, change, create and recreate what it is we want to and are meant to share, be, and do.

I believe we are at the center of change.  We are at many crossroads and forks.  We are being asked (sometimes forced) to 'see' differently.  Perhaps, to see more through our hearts than we ever thought possible.  To live more with the knowing that as we live through our truest of self, we expand into the highest version of our self and, here, things that we once thought impossible become possible.  We open up and just know the deep miracle of who we are and the ease of being just this.

May you know thyself.   

May you bring your Bam!   

Sunday, July 4, 2021


Enchant yourself.   See it.  Seek it.  Create it.  Participate in it.  Be it. 

  Enchanting…  Fascinate. Captivate. Thrill.  Enrapture.  

Life is enchanting.  Full of enchantment.  What enchants me may not enchant you.  What enchants you may not enchant me.  No matter; we can all be enchanted if we believe it to be so.

May you enter (y)our world of enchantment from time to time. 

The saying that comes to mind just now is to be sure to "Stop and Smell the Roses".

May you not miss the life that is in you, with you, for you to be enchanted upon.

I felt so enchanted experiencing this sunset.

Answer the call when 'the call' is calling You.  Ha.!

Be Free

Nature.. happens naturally.   It is a calling.  It is a big plan.  It can be studied and scientific.  It can just happen and emit a playground upon and around the Earth.  Your playground.  My playground.  Our playground.  

We are naturally evolved.  We come through Nature doing its rain dance however she feels like it.!  Sporadic.  Engrossing.  Amazing.   

We come through our experiences, our personalities, our beliefs and our doubts.  We grow through the awareness of all that we are.  

May you find yourself moving to the beat of your own life.  Random.  Fascinated.  Incredibly.  Aware.  

May you open up to and step into what captivates You.  

Mother Earth Knows

Mother Earth knows…. 

The colors of blues and greens are healing.   As we heal ourselves and support one another, we heal the Earth. 

Healing is about acceptance.  About truth.  About openness.  About walking in your acceptance of the truth openly.  About being at peace with ourselves and one another. 

In this, we create the next steps and the best paths forward, together, for all.  In this, we are creating the greatest change ever experienced in Oneness.  We have never been more connected as we are now.  

As we, lovingly as possible, share our truth of our internal experience, wisdom and desire, we learn to live in the now in the most fulfilling, flowing and fruitful ways.

May you open to your own healing as the whole world depends on it.  Because it does.

The energy we emit is felt and experienced by and through life itself.  Everything alive is connected.

  The ‘heal’ is on.    

May you breathe and stand open…

May the Earth heal. 

#enlightenment #wholeness #amazinggrace

Friday, July 2, 2021


The complexity and the beauty of life. 

Life is loud.  Life is gentle.  Life rolls through.  Life flows through.  Life storms through.  

Life.   We are it.  Now, in this moment, we live it.

This is life.  Now, as we are.  Now, as it is.

With our hearts, minds and souls open, we take our bodies to the places that we are meant to experience.  When we contract and/or close down, we experience feelings that help grow us into new steps and new chapters.  This is the process of life.  All of It.  All of You.  

Life can get dark.  And, it is usually darkest before the light; the knowing; the understanding; the flow.

May you experience what you are experiencing through the deep truth of who you are and what you feel.  Invite tenderness to walk with you.

Tenderness is a choice.  Try it on, perhaps. 

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Ministry Certification

I am an Ordained Minister from Universal Life Church.

I did this to empower myself and guide myself into the best 'preaching' and ability to give/care as possible.

I place these learned and intuitive skills under this Certification:

Listening Skills

Being Non-Judgmental

Creating a Safe Environment

Letting Love

Offerings from and to Open Hearts and Minds



Individual Guidance

Reverberate - Repeating Information without comprehending or analyzing.  Trusting what comes forth.

Honoring You

Honoring Our Sessions

I care.

You matter.

May you reach down into the depth of yourself and feel the presence and courage to be all that You are.