Hello Just 9Be U-ers! You being You -- what a beautiful thing!
I have been typing and sharing this 'Be U' Blog since 2010. I started off with tons of information flying around that was so inbred in me and my fingers would just fly over the keyboard looking so forward to sharing and running free with it.
I started off telling about myself, my day, my experiences and thoughts and it would end with an invite to connect the information with yourself and see what you come up with for you; as You.
After I had a website created in 2014, I started to slowly change to not so much as talk and share a 'Where I'm At' story to this is what comes up for me in this moment. Yet, it was/is still very much my intent and hope that you, as the reader, would (please) feel/see/consider where You are at. It is my hope as you read each post that you will get a connection to yourself. One of uplifting, thought provoking, deeper understanding, encouragement, positivity and so much more. I wish for wisdom and insight too; your own.
You can sign up to get email notices of these newly posted posts. I would be so happy and honored for you to let this feel like an access to your connection to your home inside of yourself; a connection to You. This second created blog was a step towards my dream to walk into the professional life that I have wanted for so long. The website is lisaungerer.com Clicking on ‘Blog’ from the Menu gets you there. If you already are more comfortable here, I invite you to follow me as I believe interaction is another step that is calling to me.
When I started this, I so needed to do it standing alone because I knew that any kind of connection could very easily sway me to not feel as free, vulnerable, open and honest. I have done enough 'work' now that it is my belief that I can be true to me and blessings can be created by open engagement and interaction. You and your life matter so much to me. Entirely up to You.
More than anything, I wish for enjoyment in connecting with yourself and what works best in your response to this. Thank You for visiting. You have been a lifeline as I have watched the tally of the numbers and the vast amount of different countries recorded here.
We really are One and we really all do want the same things of sharing and feeling love(d); to matter and connection and to make a difference.
It is my hope that You would meet You(rself) here as often as you wish and whenever you need a connection to yourself! Come on in! Stay awhile. Make yourself at home. Connect deeper to what it means and feels like to ‘Just 9Be U’. To “Grow Yourself Complete”
The number 9 stands for magical things like completion, enlightenment, spirituality, awakening, karma, lightworker, soul purpose, mission, inner wisdom, empathy, love and light. So many beautiful and empowering things I hope happen from our own connection to all that is into the connections between us all.
Sign up here. Sign up there. or Just show up as [I am eternally grateful] you have been. Your way. Your truth. Your awesomeness. Your love of self. Your innate knowing. Your connections. You. This is what matters most to me.
Let's continue to 'play' and connect and grow from the true depths of ourselves out.
THANK YOU FOR YOU. I SO APPRECIATE YOU. One of my greatest honors is believing that I have the possibility of supporting the best version of You that I know is so within You.
How interesting it is that today is the 9th!!!! Ha. !