Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016


With myself feeling sleepy tired and a few others that I know feeling the same, many of us are finding ourselves wanting to take some down time, relax, unwind and, well - sleep. 

I like to think of it as our healthy time; my healthy time.   To sleep when I feel sleepy.   What a gift.  With it being a holiday week, hopefully, you can do this as much as possible if you are one that is sleepy.

If  you are not one that is sleepy - you go - more power to you - and may you use this unsleepy time to respond to what your body and mind are asking of you from the most loving place within yourself.

My mind is tired.   My brain is sleepy.  My body feels kind of strong...  maybe from the Pilates and stretching.   But, I sure want to lay it down and give it quiet time, rest time and sleep time. 

And, today, that is just what I found myself doing a lot of.

It feels a little boring.   It feels a lot of right.

May you give yourself what you hear/feel/know that you are asking for and may you give it to yourself the best way that you know how.  May you 'work' on you with ease.  


Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas

Wishing you a Merry Christmas..   for you and your loved ones.

May you connect to the 'merriment' inside of you and let this be Christmas.

Share your merriment as best you can with yourself and with others.

May you make it as loving as possible and be grateful for the merriment you have known and the merriment you are yet to create.

Merriment on!  The scale of it does not matter.  

May you be your own present and give this present life...

Merry Christmas. ! !

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas Eve

I got my gown for my niece's wedding that is just two weeks away! What a special time for my heart and my beautiful niece.  It is going to be sensational, lovely and full of love.

I'm spending the time with my family, watching some Christmas movies, driving to see Christmas lights, having a nice Christmas Eve meal and just laughing and enjoying each other. 

We are having a low key Christmas but our Christmas spirit is high.

I realize that love is what matters most and I am grateful for my family and to share love with them so deeply and speak of and share love and everything that comes up throughout our days as best we can.

I think this is what Jesus wants for us all.   To live our truest of self - the self that He created and to be the best of our self - the self that we can and do connect to through feeling, inner knowing, and experiencing the feeling of fulfillment and success in whatever that means to each of us.

...To share who we are with who others are and connecting from the divine place within each of us.

I wish you a Merry Christmas.  I wish you a joyful heart.  I wish you an honest persona within all of the situations you find yourself in.  Be love. 

May you be open to the best situation possible from the most loving heart that you carry with you.


Friday, December 23, 2016

2 Days Til Christmas

Relax.  May you relax.  

Give yourself a break.   Give yourself a lot of breaks.

You are where you are and you are okay.  Be easy on yourself.  Make your lists.  Cross things off.

This is a good place to decide if you say to yourself  'hurry up and get it done' or 'relax, you'll get it done'.   Each one feels different.  Which one supports you the best...

Christmas to me is to have love in my heart and share it.   To have kindness from my soul and share it.  To have joy in my thoughts and share them.

With how you feel right now in this moment, what does Christmas mean to you...

Is it aligned with what you what Christmas to mean to you...

Merry Christmas time.  

May you let it be the 'time' to be how you want to be...  as best you can.   Baby steps allowed.  No judgment just trying and allowing. 

Breath and kindness towards one's self goes a long way for me.  If you'd like, may you let it go a long way for you.

Breathe and be kind...   to yourself and to others.  

It is who I want to be... 

May you be who you want to be...   The power is within you.   May you give yourself permission to live this day as you would like to see yourself live this day through.   It will never come again.  May you create good and happy memories; as best as you are able.

I wish you YOU. 

Thursday, December 22, 2016

4 Days Til Christmas

December 21, 2016.  Winter solstice for us.  Summer solstice for others.  Solstice none-the-less.

2016 - with the numbers added together equals 9.  9 can represent completion.  With this year moving on behind us we can choose to let many other things behind us as well too.  We can see somethings as completed.  We can choose to feel some things as of no longer important.

If it doesn't 'float your boat', then let it go and leave it behind.  Think of it as completed and done.

With 2017 arriving and these numbers equaling the low number of 1 and 1 can be known as beginning and new starts, we can look at things with a new light, a new way, a new start, a new beginning.

Let go of the old.  Move on with the new.   Really.  How exciting and what an opportune time to do just this.

All you have to do is choose.

Today here in the northern hemisphere, we are having the longest night of darkness; the shortest day.  With what is on the opposite side of us, they are knowing the longest daytime of the year, the shortest time of darkness.

Solstice is 2 times a year when the sun is at its greatest distance from the equator.  Synonyms for the word solstice are highness, extent, peak, prominence, tip.  Southernmost point.   Northernmost point.  South is in December.  North point is in June.

It can be a time to reevaluate your life and get closer to what makes you happiest.  It can be a time to go further from what hurts you or is not working well for you.

With 4 more days until Christmas day, you may be finishing up wrapping, purchasing things, baking cookies, finalizing plans.

May you include your truth, your needs, your joy, your hopes and you inner knowing to what brings you closer to the truest part of being, feeling and breathing you.

Only you can create from within out what you wish to participate in and/or create for your Christmas season.

Talk to your loved ones, share you desires, hear other's desires and find a middle ground of celebration and togetherness.

If you are asking yourself why you - why are you the one that has to create peace, do this work, create togetherness or whatever it is you are spending your time on, may I offer that this is what you are focused on, what you need, what you want and what makes you most comfortable.

...To live your best and most joyous self this holiday season.   You are worth it and so are your loved ones.

Know when things can work and know when things cannot.   Know when to give it your all and when to stop 'beating your head against a wall' when no result or compromise is possible.

Staying true to yourself, lovingly, is empowering the situation to change, grow and become.

With four days left, start feeling what direction you are going to allow yourself to 'travel'.

May you be as kind and loving as possible from your heart.  May you be as open and knowledgeable as possible from your mind.  Putting both together is the gift that, perhaps, you can give yourself and others this holiday season.

May you gently hold on to what works for you and gently share what does not.  May you be open to creating harmony because this is what makes you happiest.  We have to take a chance at it.  It is the longest and shortest (ha) means of living the best of ourselves; individually, together.  Our Truth. 

                                                       Picture Unknown

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

5 Days Til Christmas

With Christmas 'sneaking' up on us, it is [maybe] best if we are open to allow what is to be what it is.

Do not be angry that it isn't different than it is.  Do not wish for things we do not have; things we do not know.  Do not think that it is within our power to create change when we know with everything that we are that we cannot.

Do be happy with the things you are enjoying.   Do be grateful for the things you do have; things you do know.  Do think different.  Act and react differently to feel different than you do if you do not want to bask in how you are currently feeling.

It is my understanding that Christmas is baby Jesus' birthday.  He was born in a manger with wise men and frankincense and myrrh.  We celebrate this day by being with family, friends and loved ones.  We give each other presents and open our heart in ways that, perhaps, we aren't usually open to.

I feel a calm, serene and loving stillness in the air.  Is it always here or am I just more open to it...

Perhaps, what we are open to is what comes...

What are you open to this year; today; now; presently...

What do you want to be open to...

May you be open to just this...

Be merry from the inside out.  Create cheer from the inside out.  Be love from the inside out.  Live you from the inside out.   Let love lead from within you to everything that you know, see, do and are. 

May you let the air be filled with whatever means/says 'goodness' to you.

Alleluia.   May it be so...

Help the angels sing by bringing your brightest and lightest self into every situation possible.  What you do and how you are is this powerful. 


Owning.   It is a peculiar word to me just now.

I want to 'talk' about owning who we are; owning what we are; owning what we do; owning what we say.

Owning what we feel.   Allowing ourselves to feel what comes up for us to feel.

Many of us want to squelch what we feel when we think it is not a good or a fun feeling.  We want to stop any and all pain within ourselves and to our bodies. 

Just what if our feelings were 'just' feelings and if felt, they would lead us down our best path forward. 

Just what if our feelings are here to guide us 'home' to our true selves.

For years, (decades even), I wanted to pretend that I was like everyone else.  That pain wouldn't stop me.  That I can handle pain.  That I can fight pain.  That I can pretend that pain wasn't a part of me or my life.

I am learning that when I do feel pain to feel it and almost embrace it is the best way through it and to the other side of it. 

Fighting it just created more, deeper, and 'louder' pain.  Fighting it made me think of it as a bad thing; as something that didn't belong.

Just what if pain is just a sensation.  Feelings are just sensations.   There is no good or bad.  Just what if. 

Perhaps, we, as humans, decided or learned to label our feelings.

Just what if we didn't label them but felt them, listened to them, processed them and let them go.

I know it isn't always easy; it doesn't always work.

Fighting doesn't always work either.

May you find what works best for you from situation to situation and live just this.

Be true to your feelings.  They are present for a reason.  They do not show up just because.  They show up for real reasons. 

They are a part of us; a part of life.

May you embrace all of you; all of your experiences and live.  Live on.  Live through.  Let love lead you.

It just may be worth a try.  Allow the 'sensations' that come up for you to be yours - own them.  See where they lead you.  Allow self-love, self-care and self-compassion to be present through it all.

This just may be the most productive and enlightened way to live.   Do what works for you.

Baby steps allowed.  Course changes allowed.  Trials and errors allowed. 

Love yourself.  Own yourself.   You are the only person ever that you will spend your entire lifetime with. 

May you be your own best friend. 

My wish for you.

Monday, December 19, 2016

6 Days Til Christmas

We see some thing that reminds us of a special someone.   We buy it.  We purchase it.  We make it.  We offer it.

We see things that make us happy.  Sometimes we buy it; sometimes we do not.

As we gather what feels right to gather and what feels like it is coming from the Christmas Spirit, we feel and share love.  We feel and share light.

If we get bothered or flustered it most likely is not coming from love and joy.  Take a step back.  Regroup. Ask yourself what brings out the joy and the love from within you.  Do this and let the joy and love happen as much as possible.

Freedom to explore, allow, present and know the true Christmas spirit within you is a very cool thing. 

To do things because we tell ourselves we have to sometimes is the answer and sometimes it is not.

Only you know for sure.   May you follow the best answer within you as often as possible.

What joy we get from giving.  What joy we get from receiving.   What peace and joy we get from being true to a situation and offering what we are easily capable of giving.

Christmas is for love.  Christmas is for Jesus' birth celebration.  Christmas is for opening the heart wider.  It is for seeing others through the lens of love.

With six more days to go, I wish you peace, love and joy.   I wish you freedom to allow yourself to open your heart and let it be filled from the inside out with truth, love and inner knowing.

Let your 'Christmas' heart be open. 

Give.   Receive.   Feel.  Flatter.  Create.   Love.   Breathe.

Within the Christmas spirit, let the bells of what you believe in ring.

I wish you ease, allowance, easy giving, openness to receive and gathering of everything that you believe is good, healing, love and joyful.

Love.   Love yourself.   Love one another.     Support.  Support yourself.  Support one another.

Let's start and/or continue on here this Christmas and let it extend out from our heartlight into 2017.

May you be the beauty that you want to experience.

The giving of one's true self and the opening to receive same...

Sunday, December 18, 2016

7 Days Til Christmas

With one week until it will be Christmas Day, there may be a whole lot of different emotions, feelings, thoughts and things surrounding us and within us.

We may know peace, organization, joy and excited anticipation.

We may know chaos, uncertainty, rush and stress.

We may know contentment.  We may know emptiness.

We may know all of it, none of it or some of it.

Whatever it is you are feeling, may you know that Christmas Day always comes and goes.

This coming Christmas Day we have never experienced before.  We have never been exactly like we are just now in this moment.  We may have many similarities, but we have no exact situation(s).

We can come from where we are today; how we are today; what we are today; with the people that are in our lives and the situation(s) we have surrounding us presently.  It is okay and, perhaps, even good to be present in your truth; whatever that may be.  

When we bring our pure loving truth into each situation, we are opening up our hearts, spirits, minds and souls.  We are opening up to fulfillment and creating the best possible road for us to travel forward on.  The truest road may not be the easiest.  When we face and live our truth, we create and feel what we are supposed to create and feel.  It is okay.  It is our truth.  It is who and what we are today. 

When we come from our loving truth as much as possible, we enter into our true loving moments as deeply and richly as possible.

May you open yourself up to what you feel; how you feel; what you want to do; what you don't want to do and be true to yourself to empower the true you and empower everyone you touch in this manner.

Christmas can be the same experience.  Christmas can be a whole new experience.  Christmas can be between the two.

May you let Christmas be what it is by the truth of what you feel in your heart, know in your mind and touched by your soul.

It is Merry Christmas time.   May you allow yourself to be true you and, perhaps, this is the best present you can give yourself and others.  May you be present in each moment and think of it as a present to yourself and your loved ones.  Be fulfilled by allowing yourself to feel and share the true you. 

You are beautiful just as you are. 

We can do this at Christmas time. We can do this anytime. 

Saturday, December 17, 2016

8 Days Til Christmas

With only eight days until Christmas Day, I see and hear the word 'eight' and I find myself wanting to talk about food and eating.

I have not been perfect at eating what is best for me.  I haven't been horrible.  I could be better.   Currently, I am eating a chocolate covered dry cherry and it is melting in my mouth and the flavors are enjoyable as I chew.  It is like a party in my mouth and I don't feel too guilty eating it.  The reason I do feel some guilt is because it is the first thing I am eating this morning.  I know there are better choices for this time of day.  And, this is why I feel and think and know that I could do better.  For me, saving the chocolate covered dry cherry for afternoon would be less guilt inducing. 

I think being aware of what we eat; tasting what we eat; feeling how we feel while we eat it and then after we eat can be very informative, helpful and lead us into the life of eating that best works for ourselves.

Do I feel guilty... then don't eat it or get rid of the guilt.  The body responds better with digesting when we feel happy and content with what we are eating. 

Enjoy what I eat.  Notice the smell and the appearance.  Taste the flavors, the textures.  Chew it long and be aware that I am chewing it.

Do I feel comfortably full or do I feel stuffed...   What feels better to you...  May you shoot for what brings you the most comfort.

Am I eating a variety of color...  Notice all the colors you can find in your salads, your smoothies (before you mix them) and on your plate.  Let it be as vibrant and colorful as possible.

What do I know about the calories, the ingredients, where it came from, the amounts of protein, fats and carbohydrates...

Are they empty calories or are they nutrient dense...

Read labels.  Ask yourself if you want that in your body that you want to create for yourself.

Will I feel better or worse if I eat this certain thing...  If I feel better, go for it and feel better.  If not, perhaps, this one time, don't eat it.

You are in charge of what you put in your mouth, intestines and belly.  Be your own best friend and start by being aware of what you put in your mouth.

Often, the holidays and celebrations give us permission to splurge and/or overeat and even drink more.   There are calories in libations.  Often empty calories with no nutrients.  'They' are correct when 'they' say 'everything in moderation'. 

Again, will I drink because I enjoy it or will I drink to get drunk...  Our choice.

Awareness.  Awareness.  Awareness.

Like location is what it is all about with real estate -  Awareness is what it is all about with good health.

May you let yourself be aware. Turn your aware button on.  Learn what you do not know.  Question how you feel and watch how you think.

Be gentle with yourself.  Gentle strength feels kindest to me.  Use the route that feels kindest to you.

Beating yourself up is not the answer even if it works.  I say this because I don't think beating ourselves up for the rest of our lives is really something any of us want to do.

If you do it, Stop.   Love yourself to the best answers for you.

We all fail or don't always do what is best.  It is called being human.  But, if we fail less and less and win more and more, Yay!

May you live in the Yay of your life as often as possible...


Tuesday, December 13, 2016


It doesn't have to be a happy day to have happy in it.  Moments of happiness are fun and enjoyable.  There are always chances, people, situations and feelings that we can find happiness in.

Happiness is a choice.   We choose it.   We feel it.  We let it in.

May you let happiness be your choice as often as possible.   May you let it in.  May you be it.

Wishing you happy moments; today and all days.

May you get your happy on...

Sunday, December 11, 2016

So This Is Christmas

The season for Christmas seems to expand further out each year.   The ads, the decorations, the music are seen and heard before Thanksgiving often.

The gift giving for me has changed.  I give less out of obligation.  I have, for the first time, a less excited feeling about the whole social idea of Christmas.

The haves, have tos, shoulds, don'ts and dos...

They are not in me.   The 'do what feels right and best for the family' is what is in me.  Love through.  Share love.  Be open to allowing each and every one to do Christmas the way that they currently know how and (think) the way that they want to. 

Cheers for those that are happy, merry and bright.  May you shine that beautiful light from a place of openness and love.

It's okay if you are in the middle and know Christmas cheer and am open to meeting Christmas where you are at.

It's honorable if you do Christmas from the truth that is inside of you and from the feels that you are feeling.   May you feel it all through love; openly and honestly; as best as possible.

Christmas is love.  May you love from your own heart into your own heart and love out from the truth of where you find yourself into the truth of one another.

Christmas is what I make it.   Christmas is what you make it.  Christmas is what we make it.

May you make it a perfect Christmas from where you are; what you feel; what you know; what you are experiencing and the grandest thing of all - your own love.

My current bah humbug comes from a lot of struggles over these past two or three years.  The changing of homes, doctors, people I love's health and just not sitting pretty (thriving) in my own being.  I know there is more inside of of me that is ready to be lived and shared. I find myself growing restless. 

My being is present and full.  My being wants fun and to thrive.

May you know your being.  May you give your being what it wants and needs the most.

Be in the silence of the night and hear your soul talk to you.  Listen.  Respond favorably and cheer your own self on.  This, perhaps, is fulfillment.

Cheer another on who needs it and/or who is asking for help.

Let the Christmas spirit in; whatever that looks and feels like to you this year.  

I love my loved ones.  I am grateful for all I have; for all I experience.  I'm grateful to be settling in to a new way of life and living.  I am grateful for the need to be true and stand in this truth.  

I am grateful for all those I have touched and for all those who have touched me. 

I may be in humbugville where parties and presents and decorations are concerned.   I am in awesomeville where love and sharing and being and living from the truth; my truth, as I know it.  

This is the greatest gift, perhaps, that we can give ourself and our loved ones.  Present your truth as you know it; through love. 

Celebrate from the truth, the ability and the passion of the loving spirit that is you.

May you know what you are feeling and honor it.   May you allow, accept, acknowledge and embrace everything that is you.  May you let it carry you forward into all that you are and all that you want to be.

Wherever you are - as long as you are in your heart and soul, along with your mind - let all this carry you home into yourself for Christmas.  May this create your best and most fulfilling Christmas for you.  Celebrate all you've been through, all you've known, all you've had in the presence of your loving truth with an open heart and mind...

If you are celebrating through a loss, it is okay to feel exactly how you are feeling.  May you also acknowledge the bond to this loss that has you feeling so sad.  The sadness is from the greatness that you were blessed with at one time.  Perhaps, there is gratitude for same that you can choose to connect to as well.   Feel it all.  Take the time.  Take your time. 

You are honor(ed).  You are love(d).  You matter. 

This is all we may need do. 

Honor thyself in all its humanness.  Honor others in all their own humanness.  Honor the path - past, present and forward. 

There is good and not so good in everyone of our paths [of living; of life].

Friday, December 9, 2016

Tis the Season

It is the Christmas season as the month of December moves onward towards the end of the year.

Christians celebrate Christmas and the birth of Jesus.  Many get caught up in the gifts; shopping, wrapping, socializing, festivities and togetherness.

It can feel like a special time of year.  A time of goodwill and cheer; kindness and giving and receiving.  It can feel and be magical and fill our souls. 

It can also bring up old and dormant issues and the 'shoulds' and 'supposed tos' with expectations and anticipation.

I'd like to offer for you, if you celebrate, to celebrate from where you are.  Celebrate through who you are and what you are experiencing and let pretense be gone and truth take over.

Give what and if it is in your heart and ability to give.  Give gifts.  Give of yourself.  Give of your service.  Give the loving truth of you.

Be true to where you are and be true to how you feel.  Be true to what you know.  Be true to what is showing up inside of you.

As we celebrate Christmas from the truth of our self, we empower the celebration, the connection, the togetherness and one another.

Speak up with how you'd like to celebrate.   Speak up with calmness and love.   Speak up with the truth of yourself.

Sharing love, self and inner joy is what Christmas spirit is to me.  Each year is different.   If being traditional is what works for you from the truth of yourself, then be traditional.  If creating new paths to celebration because you are in a new space, place and/or truth, then create these. 

As you are, so is Christmas.

This is the joy of Christmas to me.  This is the fulfillment of giving to me.  This is the empowering of one another to me.

Do not expect, be open to acceptance.  Accept yourself.  Accept others.

In our ability of honesty, we know calm, peace, joy and ease.

May you know calm, peace, joy and ease.

May you be open to your own kindness, light, ability, inabilities and the truth of self.

Merry Christmas time.  Let it be a time brought forth from where you are today.  Let love lead you.  Let truth carry you.  Let Christmas be Christmas as it fulfills your senses that are open to be fulfilled.  Let it not lead you away from yourself but towards yourself.

As you are more home within yourself, the 'home' that is you is a most welcoming thing.  Be welcoming... to the best of your ability.  Opening your heart is the best gift you have; just maybe...

Monday, December 5, 2016


I'm 'stealing' this from a woman who was Head of Volunteers for a Hospice Company in my community.  She has the biggest heart, most kind soul and gives of herself like I have seen no other give.  She is a special friend and lady.  I am blessed to know her.

She writes:  "A story that makes sense to me is that our life is a tapestry.  On this side we see the knots and tangled threads, sometimes making it hard to understand what it all means.  On the other side, God sees the beautiful finished picture.  Dear one, my picture would not be complete without you woven into it."

Nothing more needs to be said.  Beauty emanates from this for me.

May you believe that the 'knots and tangled threads' in your life are making a beautiful picture that will one day be complete. 

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Whole Lotta Lotta

There is a whole lotta, lotta going on...

Many are sick.   Some are in huge change in their lives whether it be on the job front, the home front and/or relationship front.

Change - huge - lotta, lotta change is in the air.

Much of it is not easy to understand.   It doesn't feel easy to live through some of the things that we are being asked to live through. 

And, yet, each one of us, with everything that we have lived, known and experienced, we get through.   We get by.   We survive.   Our survival rate in this lifetime is 100% thus far and this is very good odds to continue on with.  !

May you believe in your life, your self, your process and even your struggles.   May you trust the way you feel and know the way that things are; that everything is leading you into a better, more evolved you.  A more fulfilling and real - from the inside out - you. 

What is happening in your life, no matter how difficult, is happening for your overall evolution and transformation.

What you are feeling in this moment; is leading you into a different place than you once were; that you know; that you've maybe even ever experienced before.

May you believe that good is happening even when it doesn't feel so.  Maybe, especially, when it doesn't feel so. 

Change is happening.  Huge change.  Little change.  lotta, lotta change.

May you trust that process of everything that you are experiencing, bring your truest self and feelings into it and be open to create from this sacred and divine place within you, your most sacred and divine life.

May you grow into everything that you are and allow yourself to feel what you feel and not want it to be different from the most trusting and open place within yourself.

This is huge and your life and innate being are 'huger' and this is right where you belong to share, live, play out and be all that you were born and are here on this planet earth to be.

You and your life matters just as it is and you are perfectly imperfect going forward and becoming and reaching towards the home of yourself that is you.

Yay you.   You are doing good.   Believe in yourself.  I surely do. 

                                                       Picture Unknown

Friday, December 2, 2016


I feel like one of the seven dwarves, "Sleepy".   I sit on the couch, I fall asleep.  I don't even know it is coming.  I take a beautiful nap and I feel calm and decent; healthier and more content.

Part of me wants to tell myself it is wrong to sleep during the day.  Yet, the true and real part of me knows that to sleep when one is tired is the best gift one could give themselves.

So, I say - Gift on...  with a tiny bit of hesitation yet.   I really want to let go of that hesitation part of me that is not for my own good.   They are words of the past; beliefs of others and ones that I 'bought' into.

I know I feel better when I sleep when I am sleepy  - don't eat, don't drink, don't jump up and down, but sleep.  I know it is not always possible.  But, when it is, may you do what YOU want/need to do whenever you can. 

Just what if we all listened to our bodies as best we can and support each other in doing the same.

We just may all be content.  Wouldn't that be something....  !

May you listen to your body as much and as often as possible.  May you respond favorably in the now.  May you (just maybe) find contentment.

Thursday, December 1, 2016


As I start my day, I realize that the worst thing so far for me today is that they are cutting the grass so that I cannot bring my dogs outback to do their morning thing...   How awesome is this!  Grateful.  If this is the worst thing that is in my life currently, oh la la!

Yes, I feel the scleroderma.   An achiness covering my whole body.  I go back to Pilates today.   I believe this I will enjoy!

I went from being with people (and lots of them) to being alone (with just my dogs and I).  It is an interesting feeling of peace and non-peace.

It is nice having people support and care about you.   It is nice to spend some time alone.

My husband and daughter are away at the annual meeting for my husband's company.  Jess has been working there on and off, throughout college, to see if it is a good fit.  They are in beautiful Key Biscayne.  They will be gone the whole week.

So to go from going, going, going to kind of/sort of a recluse, it is on both ends of the scale.  I am sitting with it, experiencing it.  

Life gives us many things to experience.   Can pain be a sensation...  Can joy be a let down...

It is our mind that decides this for us.   It is our minds that we can train to think better and experience better.

If your mind is thinking a thought and it doesn't feel good on you, perhaps, change it up.  Change it up to acceptance and love.  Change it up to inner knowing and moving through.  Change it up to what thought does empower you.

May you think thoughts that empower you and bring you joy; as often as possible.  Xnay out the thoughts that bring you down and dis-empower you.

May you be aware of your thoughts; you do have control over them...

I'm Back

I'm back from my wonderful trip to see and be with my sister and her family.  It was an extra bonus to see my sister-in-law and my niece and my dear friend and her family.   I fit a lot in for a short week.!  If I don't mind me saying so, it was a great week and I did good!  It brought me great joy to hug and spend time with every person I was blessed to encounter. 

I did not have blue hands or fingers!  This is huge.  It was cold and I felt the cold but it didn't seem to hurt me like it has for so long.!   It must be the prolactin that is being made through the respirodol drug.  I experienced strange and scattered, but very welcomed feelings. 

THIS IS HUGE for me.

Forty years this coming year (2017) and for the first time (other than being pregnant) I did not experience painful, hurtful, and blue hands in the cold. 

... ... ...

I sit with this truth for a moment.  What awesome truth!  My mind is still not letting me believe it completely and yet I've seen it with my own eyes and experienced it with my own being.

How interesting the mind can be separate from our own reality...  ...

May you let your mind be within and about your truth and let this truth carry you 'home' into your greatest life; here on earth.

It is my wish and hope that you are finding your way through love, truth and sharing all of you in each situation; as much as possible. 

Honor thyself.  Do not ignore thyself.  Thyself is a blessing.  Thyself is the only person you live your whole life with.  Be kind to thyself.  Thyself is YOU.  Thyself knows everything that is necessary to know in the exact moment(s) that is most helpful to you and your life. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016


As I contemplate Thanksiving, I think to myself that the word alone means giving thanks.  There is always something to be thankful for.  

10 things Im thankful for are:
1.   Im warm when it is cold out.
2.   I have a nice, comfy bed. 
3.   I have a kind and caring family.
4.   My immediate family are supportive and we grow individually, together each day.
5.   I have wonderful and fun friends. 
6.   My health is as good as it is. 
7.   I'm surrounded by lovely things that I never tire looking at.
8.   I'm grateful for my oh so many adventures.  
9.   I'm grateful for my first paying client for Just 9Be U.
10. I'm grateful for all the pain I have known (or some of it anyway) because I never would've dug so deep and connect to so much inner knowing otherwise (most likely).

And, to add one more, Im grateful to you and for you, the reader, the human, the one that matters just because you are.  What you do in your life matters and ripples out into our world.  I'm grateful that you care and either love yourself completely now (and others) or are working towards loving yourself more and more (and others).  You are lovable. 

May you realize the things that you are thankful for and feel thankfulness.   

Life.  May you open your heart; your mind; your arms.   Embrace life from your loving and happy place as often as possible.  Embrace life from the truth of who you are and deeply want to be.  

Sunday, November 20, 2016

I am Off

I am off to visit my lovely and precious sister for the week and help out with my beautiful niece's bridal shower!   I will be away a week.   !  I will be by myself without my dogs or my immediate family.  My husband will stay to 'hold down the fort' so to speak.

It has been a while since I traveled alone.   I am very excited and looking forward to the freedom it provides me.

I will miss my family immensely and my schedule that I am constantly looking to update and add to.

My dogs will miss me and they will be fine without me.  I still have a bit of an abandonment issue but I walk through it easier every time I go away knowing that I am not abandoning, I am going on a 'holiday', a 'vacation, a 'get-a-way'.  I will return.   I will return in fine form.

I am seeing a dear and my most long time friend (since we were 14) for Thanksgiving holiday.  I look forward to this as well.   She is not very close to where my sister lives and the two hour trip one way will be an adventure - Thanksgiving traffic and all.  Hugging her, and all my loves ones, is my goal. 

I am packing, planning and gathering everything and anything that I think I may need.   It is my thought not to take my vitamins (first time ever) to see how my body responds to same.   If it responds with negativity, I can always purchase vitamins in Pennsylvania, USA.

So, off I go.   I will be back.   I send you love, inner knowing, strength and the greatness of you.

I hope to meet you back here because you being here means something to me.  It means a lot to me.

With great gratitude and joyful cheer, I bid you adieu.

May you know and live the truth of YOU.  May you experience it as a 'holiday'; a 'vacation' from time to time; and a 'get-a-way'.   May you look at your life and let it be all about the freedom to be your best and most loving self; in towards yourself and out towards the world.

In this, we all win.   May we all win.

Thursday, November 17, 2016


Wisdom     What is it...  Is it an inner knowing...  Is it a learned knowing...  Is it from memorization...  Is it something we were born with...  Is it something that we are taught...  Is it helpful...  Can it be hurtful...

Wisdom.  - to be wise

What makes a person wise...   Knowing questions to answers about matters and things...  Knowing insider information that only a few know...  Knowing answers on a test that gives us an 'A'...  Knowing what makes us happiest and knowing how to achieve same and live same...

Perhaps, there are all kinds of wisdoms.   I think the one(s) that makes us happiest is(are), perhaps, the most important and meaningful.

To achieve things we don't want to achieve...  is this necessary to achieve things we want to achieve...


May you have the wisdom to your own happiness; walking through with the most amount of peace as possible; allowing joy to enter your veins.

There is only competition if you want it or think it is supposed to be so.   Many love competition and this is wisdom to compete if it brings one joy and peace.

There is internal competition - to be a better person than you were yesterday.   But, what if you were a pretty great person yesterday... is it wisdom to just be and allow and love on...

May you know the wisdom that completes you from the inside out and may you allow it to participate in the life that brings you the greatest peace, joy, and love.  When you are on your deathbed, may this wisdom that you choose, bring you the feeling of success, peace, accomplishment and fulfillment.  Will the people around you feel you and know your wisdom. 

This is the wisdom I wish for us all.   Let the wisdom that you seek and live, let it bring you your whole self; your whole-ness; your whole life into gratitude on your deathbed, which, in turn, will bring wholeness to you now.

Just what if...

May you know the wisdom I speak of...   if you want to.   If it feels right to you.  If it floats your boat.  If it brings you into fulfillment. 

Whatever wisdom fulfills you, I wish for you. 


                                                       Picture Unknown

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


The weather here in sunny South Florida, USA, has been beautiful with no humidity, light cool breezes and warm sunshine. 

I just want to stay outside and so do my dogs.  We go for extra long walks and breathing is such a delight.

My body gets energized from the perfect composition of 'happy' weather. 

It is not cold and it is not hot.   It is comfortable.

How we, as humans, love comfort.  Whatever it means to you, I'm thinking you find solace, peace and even enchantment in comfort.

I think we are most comfortable when we don't question what is; when we allow what is; when we accept what is and bring our fair self to same.  Comfort - it is a beautiful thing.

May you balance out comfort, joy, your inner knowledge with your outer doing.  May you create balance in the comfort of just being you.

Allow not guilt.   Allow not engaging in discomfort.  Allow balance.   Allow comfort in all that you know and do; as much and as often as you possibly can.

Even when the weather is rainy, dreary, dull and/or uncomfortable, allow yourself to find comfort in experiencing and opening to what makes you most you; what makes you warmer/what makes you cooler/what makes you comfortable.

Give yourself permission without anything attached to open up to comfort as it feels so to/for you.

Comfort on.  Try it, you just might really like it.  And, I'm thinking you know when you are comfortable--your whole body and being feels relaxed and safe.

May you feel relaxed and safe.

Monday, November 14, 2016

I await

One week from today I am going back to my hometown to see my family.  My beautiful niece is getting married and we are having a shower for her as the bride-to-be.   My sister is the mother-of-the-bride-to-be.

Oh great fun.   !

They are going all out.  I do hope that I will be able to keep up and go from morning til night non-stop as this is how it is being done just now.   And, the excitement and anticipation of same feels happy to me.  I trust myself to find my best and most honest way to walk through the celebration of celebrating!

I wonder how the cold - if it is even cold - will affect me.   I've gotten so spoiled here in this tropical weather.   To live unafraid of the weather is a pretty freeing thing for me.  I enjoy it and am grateful for it.

Wherever we go; whatever we do; whoever we see - there is always good and not so good to it.  If we focus on the good, the not so good takes care of it self.

May you focus on the good in your life and may it grow and help you to know completeness and fulfillment.

May you celebrate your life just because you can.   You are special.  Your life is special.  The people in your life are special.

You have the power to make your life what you want it to be.  Connect to what is inside of you and bring it out.

In this, fulfillment and completeness are met.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Sun day

I come to you on a Sunday morning.  I was raised and taught that to go to church and family time is what a Sunday makes.

A quiet, reflective time is what I grew into it to be.

A sunny day a Sunday can bring.

A day of light, reflection, love, calm and openness.  A day to be together with my family and a more leisurely day, perhaps, than any other of the days.

'They' say it is a day of rest. 

What is a Sunday to you...  Is it what you want it to be...

What is a sunny day to you...  Are you experiencing what you want to experience...

May you create your days to be what you want them to be.  Perhaps, start with minutes or even seconds of 'you time' and grow into days, months, years and your lifetime.

We win most when we live the life as it is inside of us to live.  The people around us win most when we do this, as well, because this helps us to be happy and 'sunny'.

Life cannot always be happy and/or sunny, perhaps.  It can always be fulfilled as you learn to let these seconds, minutes, days, etc. be true from inside of you out.

You were born with everything that you need for this lifetime within you.  The ability to live out your life is inside of you.  

May you open up to it; flow with it; allow it; feel it; be it.

I wish you to be fulfilled in the sunny days and the not so sunny days.  They are all a part of life and our own growth.  They all matter.  They all touch us.

May we touch back with our truth; our love and let the reflection of yourself be what you feel best in it being...

I wish you fulfillment in the you that you are.  It is inside of you.  May you tap in.

                                                      Picture Unknown

Friday, November 11, 2016

I awake

I awake earlier these days with the time change.  It is daylight one hour early.  I stir.   I lay in bed for an hour or more reading and 'playing' on social media.

I sit out back for a few moments watching nature rise to the day.  A little bird flutters from tree to tree.  The silence is much appreciated.  The temperature is welcomed.  My breath is honored.

I come to my computer and I feel, see and hear the fountain with the water spout dancing with its natural flow.

I feel the chair underneath me supporting me.  I feel the ground at my feet holding me. 

I am.   I just am.

It is moments like these where I know ease, I believe in ease.   I believe in life and I believe in myself.

There is nothing I need to do in this moment and I am grateful for this special and precious moment.

I breathe.   I relax my shoulders.  I let go of any tension that I become aware of in my body.  I breathe.

May you notice the moments that are yours that you allow yourself to just be.  May you be one with them, appreciate them and know 'easy'.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Life and Love

Life.  It is full of ups and downs, ins and outs, shows us better - shows us worse. 

May we just love through as best we can.

May you just love through.

Whatever life is showing you just now, may love be strong and possible.   May you let love lead.

Walk through with an open heart and an open mind.

Bring love into everything and anything.

Let love.

Let your love.

Let there be love.

May you love yourself, love another and love each other.

Monday, November 7, 2016


I am itchy in a way that I am irritable.  My skin does not itch but I seem to want to get away from myself because I feel tension, tightness and an 'alertness' within myself that is not comfortable.

I feel a need, a desire, a calling to do more than I am doing.   To touch more than I am touching.  To physically be in our world touching it; cajoling with it.  [I don't know where the word 'cajoling' came from but I looked it up and it fits. To coax, build up, crowd, get around, get next to, hand a line, urge, work on.]

I want to be involved with the good, the building up, the changing of, the growth, the completing of.

I have an itch to do just this.  I wonder how I will 'scratch' it...

I sit with my itch.  I stand with my itch.  I walk with my itch..  I do pilates with my itch. 

I hope this itch leads me right to where I'm supposed to be.

Whatever you are feeling, may you let it come up for you.   May you love yourself through.  May it lead you into the best pieces of yourself.

                              'Little Bear' gathers my shoes when I am away from home.
                                                     How cute is this!

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Miracles are Real

I have been trying to get an answer from the pain resolution doctors since the 19th of October to have a prescription filled and paid for by insurance.   They have not returned one of my approximately 10 phone calls.  The pharmacy has tried to process the prescription just as may times. 

Today, I gave up and decided to call the pharmacy and have them fill it with the intent for me to pay the full amount of same.  It went through!  It went through and insurance paid for it.  Cannot make this stuff up.   I cried tears of relief; mostly because I feel someone has my back.   I like it when we have each other's backs.

May you let people have your back and may you have another's back.

In this, we live better.

May we live better.

Miracles are real.   Be open to them.   See them.  Feel them.  Be them.   Know them.

They do happen.  They will happen.  They come in all shapes, sizes, places and ways.  They want to come for you.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Best Gift

The best gift you can give to anyone or bring to any situation is your truth; your loving self.

When you bring who, what and how you are feeling/thinking to a person or situation, you are bringing the gift of you.

This enables and encourages others to do the same.

When we come from a place of encouraging kindness whether we are feeling anger, frustration or love, with our intention being to be true and open - this is the greatest of all gifts.

Being true and open is the best gift we, as humans, were given and can give.

Many of us peeps were not taught or encouraged to do this.  I believe this is changing.  And, I also believe that it is the way of the universe now or the universe speaking to us through what we know as life and living [in the now] to offer and encourage this within ourselves.

No more hiding.  No more pretending.  No more letting ourselves be what we are not or pretend to be something that is not us.

Many places and (often) in the family dynamic, many of us have gone astray from the truth of who we are.  Whether it be to 'keep peace', to 'be kind', to 'not hurt someone', to withhold truth for fear of being ridiculed, we have learned to hold back, speak not, share not, pretend so.

Times are changing.  We are changing.  We are learning that to not be our self is harmful and not as productive as to be all that we are. 

To speak and show who we are inside.  To let our outside match with our inside.  To live the life that is within us to live...  THIS is where our most powerful and inspiring self resides.

This is the greatest gift we have and that we can be to give.

May you know, be, share, and give your most authentic self to yourself, every person, every situation and to everything. 

The time is now.   The time has come.  The gift of you is your purpose for being.  Just what if...

It sure seems to me the uniqueness of you is your superpower, your calling, your offering to others; to life; and to our world.

When we feel seen, heard, loved and attended, the strength of who we are within is the most beautiful and giving to all. 

May you feel seen, heard, loved and attended and may you also support others in being seen, heard, loved and attended.

This is what will create our greatest of lives; the best of us living.

Friday, November 4, 2016


I am off to the dentist this morning.  Not my favorite place to be by a long shot. 

I am just going for a consult as every time I am there, I am under the influence of Xanax xr because my mouth is so tiny that I cannot even get my own fingers in it; let alone someone elses along with their tools.   oh my...  I go without extra Xanax in my system so that we can discuss and devise a plan as to get the work done that needs to be done. 

I am nervous knowing I am only going to talk to the man.  Wow.  I love myself through and am aware and open of what I am putting myself through for possibly no reason.   I have reasons to feel this way but these reasons are not warranted under these circumstances.  I must tell all my cells in my body and my brain to get 'on board' with this.

May you be aware and know what you do or think or feel..  Is it warranted; under the circumstances that are currently being shown to you...

Only you know.   You do know.   May you know that you know.    Ha.

I hope good moments are within you.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Thank you

I am thrilled, delighted, honored and proud that you visit me here.  I am grateful for your stopping in and I hope that you are deeply touched within yourself and that you are open to growing from within yourself out.

My goal is not to tell anyone what to do or who they are.   My goal is to emotionally/deeply touch you in places that need to be touched and within these 'touched' places you will become and be.

Thank you to the following countries who have visited me here.  Your presence is felt.  Your presence matters to me.  Your presence creates a lifeline for me as I wish to create a lifeline to yourself for you.

United States                                         Ireland

Germany                                               Latvia

Turkey                                                  China

France                                                   Romania

Portugal                                                Netherlands

Russia                                                   Figi

Denmark                                               Czech Republic

Algeria                                                  Croatia

Spain                                                     Poland

India                                                      Canada


I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I wish you your truest, happiest and greatest of self.  I do believe in our human race.  I have seen and experienced such awesomeness within and because of it.  Humans helping humans.   Humans helping animals.  Humans helping. 

By being our greatest of self, we have such greatness to 'help' with...  By loving our own self, we have such love to share. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Time is an untouchable thing.  We go by time to make appointments; to determine what time we eat (sometimes); to determine many things throughout our day. Yet, in reality, we can change time by 1 hour every fall and every spring and it does not create the end of the world.

So, go about your day.  Organize your life thru time.  Be who and what you want to be.  Do what you feel like doing - all on the outside of man-made time.

Follow your internal clock as often as possible.

If you are tired, rest.  If you are sleepy, sleep.  If you are hungry, eat.   If you want to call a friend, call a friend.   Put yourself out there away from time and let YOU live through your own time format as often and as much as possible.

Wouldn't it be cool to just be and gather and complete and be together when it felt best to do so.  Give yourself permission of this freedom from time to time.

Yes, time keeps us on track.  Yes, time keeps us in sync.  Time can help keep us organized.

It is man made; a human thing.   We like it (sometimes).  We like how it helps us.  We also can, perhaps, depend on it too much and allow it to add stress.

Just be aware, please, that you are in charge of your time and how you use it.  If you feel like you don't have enough time, are you trying to or thinking that you need to do more than you already do.   If you feel like you have too much time, are you doing things that you want to do and filling yourself up with your own breath and creative projects...

Are you putting your importance on time or lack thereof...

Are you allowing ease into your life...

Are you knowing that you are important just because you are... You are alive.

Time is what we make it.

May you fill it with your breath, your truth, your love and follow through from what is inside of you out; through gentleness, ease, productivity, and love.

Sometimes the most productive thing we can do with our time is nothing; is to just be.

May you sometimes be the 'most productive' you can be and allow yourself to just be...

Sometimes in silence, we hear the most.

Know thyself.  Love thyself.  Be thyself.  Share thyself.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Uh Oh

I just purchased a new computer and to transfer everything that I work with from the old one to the new one is quite the endeavor.

One step at a time.  One program at a time.  One keystroke at a time.

It, perhaps, can be related to our new thoughts in our minds to our old thoughts.  We have to cross out the old thoughts that are hurtful and unhelpful and enhance the new thoughts; create them and learn to let them become habit.  The new thoughts that bring us peace and bring our life into the best it can be.

It is not easy.   It is not impossible.  It is one thought; one program; one subject at a time.

And, both are so worth it.  Everything eventually starts working more smoothly and more powerfully.  It creates an easier world for us to get our stuff done; to enjoy/to be/to do. 

There are glitches in between.   There is some downtime that we have to allow for and there is a learning curve and process to live our best from where we are in each moment.

May you allow whatever and however it takes to change from the old way of being to the new way of doing.

You are worth it.   You are possible.  You matter.  You can meet yourself where you are at and allow the flutter, the thrill, the challenges to work and process through what it is that you know and that you are.

May you be open to your best self.  I'm cheering you on.


I do not have my pictures downloaded yet so this post will go without a photo as I meet my life where I am at...   Ha!

Thursday, October 27, 2016


When a baby is born, there are so many firsts.  First time they smile, first time they laugh, first time they crawl, first time they speak, first time they walk and so on.   A world full of firsts.  Having firsts can be pretty exciting.

I am pretty excited.   I have my first paying client with Just 9Be U, LLP!!!  Yippee.   I am thrilled.   She is perfect.   She is so ready to learn and to become and to open up to her best and to her most real worlds for herself. 

I am so excited to have the honor of sharing this journey into herself with her.  I am beyond elated that she has been sent to me and I know, believe and want to help her succeed into a happy, fulfilled, true and easy life that comes from deep within her; her own innate knowing. 

Oh, this is going to be fun.  It won't be easy work all the time.  Most of the time, it will be hard.  It can be hard to take a true look at our own self.  It can be the most fulfilling thing we do.  And then to share this self... oh it is what we humans are here to do! 

So, she is my first.  Oh la la; it is a day of celebration!

May I get sent many that I can be of great help to and may I know and show them the best of their self by just being open to all that I know, am and here to be.

Woo Hoo.  !!

May you have firsts and may you enjoy them tremendously.  Be open to your first(s) and may it happen through you as you are being the truest, deepest, most loving of self you can be in each present moment

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Own Hands

I'm taking my healthcare back into my own hands as best I can.  When I came to my new home, location, life, I was taking little medicine and my weight was decent.  I wasn't perfect, but I wasn't as 'uncalm' as I am now. 

With all the stress of seeing different doctors, being sent new directions, finding my new way, I have gained weight and I am on different medicines and I have lost connection to my own needs vs. what the doctors tell me my needs are.

It is important to listen and learn from our doctors, healthcare providers.  It is important to listen and believe what we know is true for ourselves.

So, as I find my voice, speak up and share my truth, my experience(s), my own knowledge with these doctors, I am open to having it my way to comfort, healing, better health and peace.

I am ready.  I believe it can happen.   It will happen.  It is happening.

It isn't the easiest way to go but, for me, it is my best way.

I must even get the pharmacists involved; the insurance company involved.

But, I am worth it.  And, so are you.

May you let yourself be worth fighting for and/or speaking of your truth, your experiences, and your needs to get what feels best on, in and around you.   Only YOU know best after gathering all the facts, information, options and connections.

May you live your best through your own inner knowing, your own inner being.  May you live your best through your own outer doing.  May you live your best you.

Perhaps, the time is now.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Where I'm At

I am on the verge; the fence; the precipice; the edge of what I was doing to what I am going to be doing. 

I've been teaching, sharing, learning about life.  I've been called on by friends and random people to speak of life; to help with life; to hear others' stories and to comment.

I am going to be doing the same thing, but, it is my biggest and greatest desire right now (other than staying in a decent state of health), to instead of calling these 'connections' friends and random people to call them 'clients'.   I want to work.  I want to work so badly.  

I hear it calling me.   I feel it calling me.   I am setting up a new desk area to be more private than what I have now.  I am getting fully prepared.  I see myself walking and working in beautiful homes and offices.  I envision my 'office' to be outdoors at times.  I want to work.  I am ready.  !!!

I have been watching "Super Soul Sunday" with Oprah on the OWN network and after each show - I call it 'enlightenment entertainment', I write to Oprah and tell her my feelings; the residue from the show left inside of me.  She must want to hear this, right...  She must look forward to reading this, right...  Ha!  She may not even ever see it but there is something strong inside of me that needs to do this. 

My husband and I were just having the conversation of working and being a professional and being deeply true and loving.  I think we can be all, although going back to being a professional after being away from it for 20+ years and doing only 'spiritual' (deeply loving and 'knowing' work (for free)), I am very curious to see how I will blend it all together.  I know that I will.  I believe it is supposed to be this way.

And the last "Super Soul Sunday" that I watched was with Jeff Weiner, CEO of LinkedIn, and he was talking about compassion and wholeness in the workplace.  BAM.  Another show, another connection, another interesting topic, another interest to better and support our world.  I totally believe that what I'm thinking of or working on, it is a part of what I watch next on the Oprah Network.  I love the OWNers idea.  I think it means if I am an OWNer, I declare that I own my own stuff and want to learn more about sharing and living the stuff that I own.  Perhaps, you are an OWNer yourself.  I know I am not alone in loving her work. 

This is a deep, light (instead of dark) secret of mine that I'm supposed to help Oprah.  Her and I are dear friends.

She just doesn't know any of this.  My daughter calls me her 'stalker'.  I just LOVE her work and Iyanla Vanzant - well, I think I am a white Iyanla Vanzant.!...  Imagination is good.   Imagination is good.  !

So, I'm just following my inner knowing, my truth, my excitement, my 'draw' and I am open to being the best, fullest, trustworthy, open, helpful Life Coach that is possible for me to be.

The only thing holding me back is, of course, I don't have any clients (ha); and, my own fear of getting sick and being unable to thrive the way I see myself thriving.  I want to touch people at the depth and the worst and the best of themselves.  Man, I need to do this.  I was born to do this.  It is time for me to fly with 'clients'. 

May you feel deep inside of you.  May you let the inner knowing, truth, excitement and draw come forward.  May you be open to seeing this into fruition and may it be so.  I wish this for you if you wish it for yourself. 

I 100% believe in you.  I 100% believe that if one can dream it, one can become it.  If one can think it, one can create it.

May all your dreams and thoughts of positivity, fun and excitement come true.  May you be working towards them right now.  May you get a sign that, yes, this is the path for you...  May you be open to seeing this sign.  May it be and come right from where you are at.

                                 Boo!  No more skeletons in the closet.!.!  Let us free ourselves.