Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

What If

What if I sat with what feels painful to me and love myself through...

What if I wrote a letter to what is painful to me...

What if I rethink something that is bothersome to me...

What if I stay present to the truth within myself...

Can I say kind things to myself...  Can I choose to be extra gentle with myself...

Have I tried asking for help...

Do I dare close my eyes and feel the presence of my life (my aliveness) within me...

Can I welcome the Divine, the Higher Power, the Higher Presence, God within me...  Can I know I am worthy of this divinity that is within me... Will I grasp and live through this beautiful universal energy that is within me, mine and unexplainable and true... 

I believe the whole universe exists within me.

I am what I am of that which I come from.

Oooh.  How mystical and mysterious this can sound and feel.  How marvelous and amazing this can be and feel.  How true and real when it comes through my love and truth.

To know that something way bigger than myself has me living the life that I am.  The life that I was born into.  The life that I have cherished, altered, participated in and have grown.  This life now.   My life now.  Exactly how it is.  Exactly how I am.

You come from something way bigger than you.   You are not alone.  You are meant to experience You as You.  All that You feel.  All that You are.  All that You breathe.  All that You cherish.  All that You, well, have experienced.  It is You.  It is Yours to be so.  Your life now.  Exactly as it is.  Exactly how You are.  

What if we stopped labeling all that we are and open to the experience of Being who we are.  Just Be.

From all the mystical, mysterious, marvelous and amazing life experiences that happen.  

Scientifically written and what is not written to grasp.  Just is.  Just are.  Just am.  Just be.


Honor You(rself).  Honor what You feel.  Honor all the life that passes through and opens with every breath that You take.

May you open your heart, mind, body and soul.  Relax into.  Live open.  Let your innate knowing and love be so.  

Blessing and Love.

Monday, February 27, 2023


Clarity - “Certainty.  Accuracy.  Precision.  Purity.”

Be clear about yourself.  Be clear about your intentions.  Be clear about your desires, dreams and what works for You and what does not.  Be clear to yourself first.  Then bring this clarity into everything you do, share, are and experience.  

Being clear gives us a better picture of our lives.  It becomes clear to the Universe what you are wishing, feeling, needing, desiring and creating.

In this clarity, perhaps, our best paths can come into fruition.  What we dream can be engaged into and bloom.  As we own the truth within ourselves, we strengthen our resolve.  We encourage peace, love and ease.

With clarity, a peace of being happens when we add focus to our own clarity.

With clarity, we can best go after what we want.  Within clarity, truth happens.

When we are clear, we better serve ourselves and each other.

How beautiful clarity can be.

You being clear on what you want brings forth what you seek.

Be clear.  Be true.  Trust.  Let love.  Open to receive through the clarity and openness that is You(rs).

Perhaps, no matter what is going on around us when we get clear, it is harder for confusion, chaos, conundrums, uncertainty and blocked paths to challenge us to the point of stopping us from growth and going forward.

May you get your clarity on.  Own everything You.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Cup Runneth Over

Our cup.  Our calling. Our reason for being.  Our joy.  Our service.  What makes us feel most productive; most us.  

I love.  I share.  I embody humanness through my soul and my spirit.  I feel.  I care.  I want inclusivity and togetherness.  Health and Wellness.  Body, Mind and Spirit.   Being present.  

As this is my ‘cup’, my cup runneth over.  

You are here for a reason.  Right now.  Right as you are.  You, perhaps, have a calling, a joy, a service that makes you feel the most like You.  

May you let your calling, your reason for being reach out to the world from deep within You.  May you experience your ‘cup’ running over.  May it be a constant, genuine fulfillment that you are aware of.  Let this energy of You fill the air and space within, around and past You.  

As our energies attract, uplift, merge and combine, may we let our 'cup' and our love lead the way.  

May we let the oneness of wanting to be love and to share our love be the greatest 'cup running over' of all.  Like an amazing and beautiful waterfall that its beautiful presence and energy rains/reigns for us all.  

Stand true to all the genuine elements that make up who you are and let your love flow, let it shine, let it create.   

May your cup runneth over in your most genuine and loving way(s).

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

You Are Your Sunshine

Shine on Beautiful You.  Shine On.  

You.  You are the only one like You. You are the one that creates the experience of You.  You choose. You feel.  You witness.  You breathe.  You respond. You are.  You.

I am the one that responds to my surroundings.  You are the one that responds to your surroundings.  We both could be surrounded by the same experience and there could be very different responses.  

Today we may feel one way. Tomorrow, with the same situation, another.  

It is our mood, our mind, our feelings and in the moment experience that comes forth.  

We get to choose. I get to choose. You get to choose. 

With awareness of our reaction, we get to keep and/or alter our responses to every stimuli that occurs. 

Only You create the response for You…. Good news/Bad news….  Hmmm. 

Are you feeling good with your responses...  Are you being true to your response…. Are you being the best of You when you respond…  Are you responding through love or other...

May you feel the most genuine as You respond to your surroundings.  May you invite your own love inward and out.  

Delve into the awareness of You being You.  With kindness, truth and love    

May you be your own sunshine.  

Monday, February 20, 2023


I am going with the flow and the flow can feel so roiled, stirred up and/or disturbed.

The flow of life is feeling quite roiled in this moment to me.  The flow is every where and in every thing.  There is a plentitude of change going on.  

I am open to honoring this change and believing in this change as best as I can.

I feel upside down, over and out, off and on, calm and not calm.  

Our Earth; Our World - in many places and in many things is stirred up greatly just now.  Many of us are just stepping forward with as much trust as we have in every step.  

If you, too, are feeling these stirrings, some turbulence, perhaps, you can ask yourself in this moment now, what is the goal.  What is your goal in this very moment.  Moment by moment be fully with each goal.

Know it.  Do it.  Feel it.  Be it.  

It can be as simple as taking a deep breath; to brushing your teeth; to checking the weather; to drinking some water.  As you do these simple things, may you be aware that you are.

The goal can be much bigger like fulfilling a promise to either yourself or another; to starting, continuing onward or finishing a project; to doing a task that you'd rather not do.  Be fully engaged in the experience of You in this goal now.

Be present to your 'now' goals.  The goal can always be changed.  As you are present to it, may you be true to you, let your love, trust yourself and participate.

When things around you feel like they are stirred up, you can choose your goal in each moment.  

This just may be one of the best ways to experience the 'roilings' of our world; in your world.

Through your truth, trust, love, breath and goal in this moment now.

May you breathe and let the flow of You participate through the calm and beauty of You; as often and as much as possible.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Be U Medicine

This morning as I was waking, I thought to myself how amazing it would be if there was a pill I could take to Just Be Me.   Pure me.  Freedom to be just me, as I am, with no hesitation.   

Myself; through self-love.  Myself; in truth.  To be myself and open to the joy, comfort, love, peace and freedom that comes from just being who we are.  Through our loving truth.   

Who we are from a place without self-inflicted angst.   Who we are from a place where love supersedes. Who we are without grudges or judgments.   Who we are creating inner peace and where chaos has no home.   

This just may be the drug that Huey Lewis sang about in his song “I Want a New Drug”.  

We can get there through mindfulness and growth; listening to our own inner wisdom.  I have visited ‘here’ many times.   I haven’t quite moved in full time.   

May you get to the place where You being You is so full of your love, trust, truth and contentment.   May you match what is inside of You outside of You in a way that you feel good creating your most open, trusting, kind, caring and genuine ways.  

Take a dose of ‘Be U medicine’ and let your love for yourself flow into everything You are and everything You experience; as often and as much as possible.  

May you take your “Just 9Be U” ‘medicine’ often.   “Grow Yourself Complete” again and again and again.   The fullest version of yourself now.   

As we open ourselves up to vulnerability by owning who we are, we encourage and invite others to do the same. 

The dictionary states “The foundation for open communication is based on honesty, trust and vulnerability.”

What a beautiful way of being and living.   May you be your kind of beautiful.  

Monday, February 13, 2023

Experience You

I have always felt that my posts and the words on each post come through me from something larger and more than myself.  I started this blog hearing ‘start a blog’ when I wasn't sure what a blog was.  I knew nothing about creating and building a blog.

I’d like to offer that as you read my posts, read them through You.  Experience yourself reading with your awareness of how You feel, react and any thoughts, songs, noise, memories, silence that may surface...  anything and everything that comes through You and/or to You.  

Be aware of yourself..  Almost like you are stepping outside of you and watching yourself.   

May you watch, feel, know and be mindful of you being You.   Your experience.  This is what matters most.

My wish is that you get to learn, know, see, evolve and transform through the words, sentences and paragraphs.  Feeling by feeling; feeling between the lines so to speak - whatever may stand out/get your attention/call to You.   

Be true to You.  Listen to your heart.  Watch your mind.  Feel your instinct.  Hear your soul.   Put all 4 together as One and be, do and live that.   

To know thyself.  To grow thyself.  To live thyself..  To let love…. Through every breath that you breathe.  

You are the center of everything You experience.  

We do experience our self at the center of the universe, perhaps, because we are the only true one that is fully and totally involved in every thing and every one we experience as our own life's journey.  

It is You.

Friday, February 10, 2023

Hello Is It You You're Looking For

With each day comes new things.  Enjoyable things.  Growth things.  Changing things.  Sometimes tragic things.  Amazing things.  It seems to be what most of us know that this is the experience of what life is.  

Things in each of our lives that create and encourage feelings, thoughts, reactions, productivity, relationships and an opportunity to watch one's self and learn.

It is my thought that every one of us is exactly where we are supposed to be.  Through what we were born with and our experiences, relationships, thoughts and reactions to same.  Feelings.  Knowledge.  Wisdom.  Truth.  Untruths.  Etc.  

Feelings of worry and/or fear can paralyze us and keep us stuck.  Feelings of love and faith can open great paths.  It is my experience that being in our own love and faith seems to work way better for every one of us instead of worry and/or fear.

Where are your thoughts right now...   Are You open and curious...  Are you worried, maybe weary...  Are you allowing your love and faith to lead You...  To let life show you, through your love and faith, the best way to embrace and grow yourself; to create forward in and from this 'now' moment...

I believe we all feel our best, in da flow, and strongest when we have what is inside of us matching what we are living outside of ourselves.  In da zone, so to speak.

It is a really magical [you know you have You] place to be.  Perhaps, there is always a possibility to be in the zone by being true, trusting, loving and with deep belief in yourself.  To bring these things that are You(rs) into every thing and every situation you encounter.

Hello.  May you be in da zone of You.

Thursday, February 9, 2023


Stop hurting yourself (if you are).  

If you are hurting from your thoughts, from your reactions, from things you are doing, from long time habits or ways, from not living through your truth and pushing it aside or burying it deep or making things up.   Stop.  

You have the power.  Add help and/or support to your power and let it be done.  

What is one thing that you can do now to lessen your own burden.  It can be teeny-tiny.  It can be big.  It can be anywhere in between.  Just one thing you know you would like to stop, to start, to be, to think different   May you do it now and release the hurt.  

Then keep doing so again and again and again.  

“Grow Yourself Complete”  

Who are You and how good can you feel as you stop hurting your own self...   

Oh the ‘awesome’ You can grow.   

Sending love and hugs.    I believe in You.   

One thing.. now    

  Give yourself a hug.  

  Say five things you like about yourself.

  Connect to a person that you feel most You with.   

  Have a treat.   

  Breathe deep.  Exhale relaxing your body.    

  Stretch.  Move.   

  Smile.  Laugh.    

  Do something you have been wanting to do.  

  Change a thought that hurts you into the thought that frees you.  

One thing.   Go You.  


Chill and Relax.  Relax and Chill.

I like to give myself time to relax and chill; to chill and relax.

Our encounters are different in many ways since 2020.  I am different.  You may be different.  Many are different.  Life shows differently.  I found a comfort in my seclusion of 2020 for the most part.  I felt like I was here to stand up for and open to a greater love than myself.  

To a world love.  To a healing love.  To a trusting love.  To an all and all out love.  Whatever all and all out means.  The love, this purpose, felt and feels true to me.  

I continuously felt like I was sending out love and good to our world.  I still do.  I so want love and good for every living creature.  I often feel the heaviness of the world.  The best answer I know is my own love and kindness.  

Harmony.  Peace.   Adventure.  Excitement.  Open hearted and Open minded.  Abundance.  Love.

It is inside of us all.  It is what lets us answer and live our reason for being.

May you follow the path of Being U through your love, wisdom, what excites U and what shows up for U to walk in, to be, to bring forth and to be true.

May you give yourself time that brings you deep within the silence of yourself that connects U to what is right there for U to reach out to and to live.

May you 'chillax' as you live it and put your whole body, mind, heart, soul and spirit as One into the joy of Being U.

Open up to all of the life and living that connects U to gratitude. 

May you be aware of what U are really experiencing, feeling and how U react through it and to it.  May you be aware of the miracle that is U.  May you be aware, present and process life and living - your life and living - through all of your senses that will give you the ride that you are here to journey through.  The ride of Ur life.  

This is it.  It is now.  

May you chillax into the life that is You(rs) and lead with your love and be true to your truth.

May this 'recipe' raise U and grow U into your bestest experiences and productivity of Just Being You.

Boom.  Bam.  Bing.  Bang.  Doing You.  

The coolest thing to me is to be so able to [just] do this because inside of You is everything You need to let this be so.  Y O U.  

True, Unique, Loving, Authentic You.  Chillax into everything You; kindly and true; as often and as much as possible. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2023


I come here not knowing  what I am going to say or share.  There is nothing wanting to come through so strongly that I am ready to type away and blog to.

It is getting darker later and I really enjoy watching the daylight expand with each day that passes by.

There was just a full moon recently and there are clouds and a breeze off the ocean.  They were reflecting on and playing with the water as the sun went down tonight. 

I saw a pelican flying low.  The freshness of the salt air is such a gift to breathe in.

As the sky turns from light to dark, the stars and the planets light up and shine down.

I heard and felt a lot about listening to the universe today and I am very aware of it speaking.

While I want it to be, feel and sound beautiful, I am tapped into the chaos and frustration also.  It must be within me for me to so easily experience it.

I so love being connected to the peace, love, light and I love being 'high'.  High vibes.  High energy.  High connections.  High fives.  

And, that is not always the case with us humans.  We are here to experience all that life is.  I don't think there is any one of us that gets 'out of here' without being unscathed.  Untouched by the tremors of hardship and pain.  Untouched by the beauty and flow.  

This is one thing that we are all as One.  We feel.  Even when we choose not to feel, that is a feeling.

Life can feel utterly scary.  Life can be feel amazingly wonderful.

May you open your heart to the life that is yours just now.  May you feel, experience and feel your angst when it comes.  Feel the beautiful within and around You.  

I said something today about there being beauty in pain.  Sometimes, the allure is not readily or easily accessible but as we look for it, and even choose to be it through our highest self, it is there.  Perhaps, you have heard someone say that a hardship they have experienced and lived through was one of the best things that ever happened to them.  

The balance in our overall lifetime usually travels between the angst and the beautiful and everything in between.  

May you breathe in the beautiful and trust your own love, truth, and self through the angst.

Honor your life as it is now.  Honor yourself as You are now.  

May we honor each other.  May you realize the peace in your life through honoring what is.   

Let your reality be genuine and your love always present; as much and as often as possible.

Monday, February 6, 2023

Be. Alter. Heal.

May you listen to your body.  Relax into it. 

As you relax your body and breathe into and through it and you turn your mind to just this [only this], we get out of its way (our own way) and we invite it to heal itself.  Open to your body's homeostasis (balance and stability).  

May you ask your body what it needs and listen, hear and respond.

May you ask your body what it doesn't want or need and let that go.

Let the love, care, food, movement, kindness and nature be medicine for you and your body.

As you give it what it needs, let that be medicine.  What you let go of, let that be healing.

Our bodies have a wisdom that many of us are just beginning to tap into more and more.  We have, perhaps, only touched the surface of this wisdom.  

Tap into yours and and may you see, know, recognize and be the miracles that you have in You and that You so are. 

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Being Truly You

It is much easier for me to share positive and honest posts of living with what is and accepting what is and loving ourselves through.

In truth, life does not always and it is not supposed to be (maybe) what feels best and always in da flow of goodness.  Always 'good' is not my experience.  

Life can feel hard, difficult, strange and disenchanting.  Hard when I don't feel good.  Strange when life or what is happening is awkward and/or far from fun.  Disenchanting that no matter what I tell myself or how I look at things, there are moments and situations, relationships with others and self, that just are and feel difficult.

I am not loving the way I feel in this moment and I'd certainly rather feel more pleasant and comforted.  I do not.  I feel irritated and there is an achiness and discomfort that runs throughout my body.

I can tell myself I'm supposed to feel this way and to go with it and love myself through.  That feels good to hear and be open to adapt into.  

I can tell myself to wait a bit, I will eventually feel better.  

And, I can also feel mad and sad that this is my truth just now and honor my mad and sad.  This too feels ok.

To get lost in the madness and sadness and not send love, light and hope into it, does not feel great to me.

I have ignored these feelings.  I have numbed these feelings.  I have honored these feelings.  I have owned these feelings.  I have really infused myself into these feelings.  I do not think I have ever just fully and wholly let them take me where I (or they) really want to go.  

What I would consider anger being out of control or being mean because I am sad is not a place that invites me to feel good about myself.  This is me from and through the experiences of being me.  

Sure I have had moments where anger overtakes me and I reach a boiling point.  I have felt sad where feeling lonely and blaming it on being the result of what is outside of myself instead of owning the part of me that creates for myself to feel these things.  

And, I vibrate higher and feel best about myself when I can release my anger through ways that are non-threatening or hurtful to myself or other than myself.  I feel best when I let my sadness live out loud and know that it is what it is that I am connecting to inside of myself that is making me sad.

If someone doesn't like my long hair, it does not affect me because I do.  If someone suggests that I am not a good person, it doesn't quite affect me, because I know I am.  If someone says you 'should' be doing better or different or more -- this can affect me because there is something of that that brings me inside of myself and there is a part of me that can believe it and wish and want to do more like I used to; like I think would be great; that I wish that I could do -- even when it truly just isn't any where in my being to do other than what I am.  

Connecting to yourself as the true love of your life will bring everything loving into your life.  Being truly You with judgement or through an unloving channel is never ever the best way to walk on.

May you light yourself up.  Love yourself up.  Believe in yourself.  Count on yourself.  Admire Yourself.  as you Truly Be Yourself.   

Not in a way that one person is better than another.  In a way that we each are good enough as we are as we honor who, what, when, where and why through our love, truth, trust and openness of what truly feels genuine, authentic, kind and often so real it can be awesome.

It is okay to not always have good moments or to not always feel good; to honor each moment and all the ways that You feel.

In this, being truly You, honors and uplifts ourselves and all of our lives.

Let it be okay to feel what You feel.  As you honor and let love, our beings know we are greatly supported.  

Let it be okay to feel what You feel.  It is okay to be angry and feel irritated.  May you realize this irritation/feeling comes from inside of You as we never react to something that is not present within ourselves.  We cannot be provoked if it is not something that we connect to within ourselves.

Let's really and truly love our neighbor by living from our own truth, trust, love and wisdom.

May we be guided and led to the best parts of being truly us... in and through all our feelings.

May You be guided and led to the best parts of being truly You...  in and through all your feelings.

Saturday, February 4, 2023


It feels to me as if there is an earth's pendulum and it is just now swinging far to where it has never gone before.   It swings in relation to how our whole world is touched by life like never before.

What used to happen over there, I didn't feel or associate with it like I do now.  

As we are all connected through modern day technology, we are connected through our personal lives as well.  What happens over there is delivered, known and felt here, and vice versa, in a way that has never been more speedy or deep.

What we have lived with for a long time just 'because it's the way it is'  is now being questioned and looked at through most, if not all of our views, personalities, experiences and beliefs.  We are individuals being asked (or forced), with many willing, to be united as One.

Perhaps, ask yourself if harmony, kindness, caring and being understood and heard matters to You.

Gathering before us is reflection of reality and what works and what doesn't work in today’s way of life and in today’s society.  What is all inclusive and what leaves people and things behind.  What is uplifting and what keeps us stuck.  What feels beautiful and what feels ugly.  What do you feel to be true and right to You and what feels false and/or hurtful…

We are living/working with each other's truths, experiences and desires.  We are working/living through connection among ourselves like never before.

We are being asked to feel life.  We are being asked to be open to life.  We are being asked to be open to each other.  We are asked to being open to 'see' differently.  We are being asked to balance the pendulum.

As we share our loving truth and be open to other ways and new innovations through creative care and thinking, our world is changing.

Love really is available to us all.  Success is available to us all.  Growth is available to us all.  Within ourselves, we have love, success and the ability to grow.

As we share our own love, kindness, truth, trust, empathy and understanding of what is within us and be willing to look for all of these things in each other, we grow and we have the ability to bring this pendulum to a new center going forward.

You matter.  You matter  You matter.  We all matter.  

May you live knowing and acting like we all matter.  Because we do.  

As you swing/flow through your most loving place within You out, we can nama-stay in a beautiful balance looking after, being with and picking each other up.  As we find ourselves being happy for each other’s happiness and success, our own happiness and success is invited in, created and comes through  us.   

There is an ever abundance of it available to us.  Let's support each other to find our own while honoring 'what is' that each of us experience in this human journey of living life [here, now] on Earth.

The pendulum is no where close to the center just now. And, just maybe, it is a very exciting, albeit often difficult, time to be living in and through.  We can choose to be a part of the positive and be as immensely complete within our own self to bring about real, absolute, genuine and loving paths for every living organism that makes up our world.  And to coexist.  

May You love beautifully.  

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Ooh La La

 “The most powerful determinant of who you are is inside you,”.  From the book “Educated” by Tara Westover.

Go there.  Love there.  Expand there.  Explore there.   Live from there.

May you let your care, curiosity, gentleness and instinct flow with You.  Bring these into every situation, circumstance, relationship, and idea that you encounter as your full, whole and loving self.

Everything you need for your lifetime is inside of You.  We are all born with a built in road map; so to speak.  You are the common denominator of everything you experience.  It is You.  The things you connect to including your feelings, your innate wisdom, your heart, your soul, and your gained knowledge are your direction(s).  With awareness and no judgment, these best guide us on our path.  They lead us towards. They lead us away.   

You, my dear friend, do have it all… 

Manatee can be about generosity, compassion, peace, curiosity and trust.  They can remind us to slow down and connect to our own beingness.  Swim and flow through from all that is within You out. 

May you let your inner life/world connect you to everything that shows up for You in the outer world; in every breath. 

Learn thyself.   Know thyself.   Be thyself.   Open to your dreams and desires from the innermost depth of yourself and what makes you vibe high and thrive.    

The purpose of You.  When You just know your living your purpose… ooh la la.

I wish You ooh la la.