Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Thursday, October 27, 2022


I sit here at my desk with a blank mind and as a willing participant.

I have not a thought on what to share.  I am realizing that I am hopeful that it could be something fun, meaningful, helpful or all of the above.

I am noticing that I seem to be collecting a few ribbons because I find them too pretty to throw away; as they come from parcels I have ordered online.  

Here at my desk, I have a shimmery lime green.  On top of my refrigerator I have a shiny teal blue.  I just received a black and white silk and soft ribbon today and I ended up not throwing it away but putting it around my beautiful silver panther's neck... now that it is winter time.  Ha.

Seeing just a pop of color here and there makes me smile.  It feels good to smile.  Smiling produces feel good chemical messages from the brain and who doesn't like feel good things.  I have read that even just making a smile, whether there is a reason to or not, opens us up to many healthy benefits and I think a smile looks good on everyone.  Smiles are the contagions that, perhaps, could be fun, meaningful and helpful to us all.  

May you smile.

May you be open to realizing things, people and places that make and support your smile.

Smile.  It looks good on You.

Whether you have a reason to smile or just to have your face do a 'blank' smile, invite those happy hormones to flow.

Thank You.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022


In the northern hemisphere, winter is coming our way and the chill in the air begins.  Even here in tropical South Florida, USA, I can feel the chill even when it goes down to 60 deg. F.  

I am so used to the summer weather - hot and humid - hovering between 90 and 100 deg. F that 60 can feel somewhat cool.

The weather forecasters call it a 'cold front'.  Being originally from the north, real cold to me is 38 deg. F and below. 

However, with scleroderma, as it is for me, cold scared me.  My blood vessels constrict blood flow in the cold and numbness, pain and anguish can happen.  It was sometimes helpful if I allowed myself to stay 'chill' and honor my needs of staying warm and relaxed as much as possible.  I had a deep fear (a real fear) of cold.

Living here, the fear of the cold is gone (for the most part) because if it does get cold it is only for a few days and 'cold' is usually in the 60s.  It is not the real bitter cold and it doesn't last for months here.

For this I am grateful and less of a 'scaredy cat'.  It is close to Halloween..

I've always heard myself saying that 'we all have something we 'have' to live with and scleroderma is my something'.  

I still believe we all have our own 'stuff' that doesn't feel easy.  I also know that it is how I look at it, speak about it, feel about it and how I deal with it that creates my own experience of it.  I can create constant suffering or I can live in acceptance with love and there are many possibilities in between these two ways [or lack thereof] of living in it and with it.  Perhaps, even through it.

May you be aware of how You are looking at 'your something' (life), speaking about life, feeling about life and how You deal with life in each moment, in its fullness.  

How are you experiencing life just now...  Are you being true and loving or other... 

Are you chill and open to relaxing and doing your best to love yourself through...  Are you fired up, frustrated and angry at the unfairness of it...  Are you both...  Are you neither...   Are you somewhere in between...

Being aware of your own ways of dealing, coping and living is the first step in dealing, coping and living the way that feels best to You.

May you be aware of You and your responses/reactions to all that passes by, through and in. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Fall Colors

The skies have been extra entertaining and deeply colorful recently.  I'm grateful to see pictures of all the beautiful colors from the fall leaves on the trees in the northern states.  It is a most beautiful time of year.  The reds, yellows, purples and oranges.  The bright vibrant colorful leaves 'snowing' and 'floating' down from the branches to the ground.  

When I lived up there, I found it so much fun to decorate with pumpkins, corn stalks, hay bales, mums and cabbages.  I really liked the purple ornamental cabbages and the combination of both orange and white pumpkins in all sizes.  The deer and squirrels would love to eat the ears of corn peeking through their peeled back covers as to add the yellow corn color to the full experience.  Then add ‘Indian corn’ with squash and gourds and the exhibition of fall colors and natural decoration was complete.    

Now, I live in the most southern USA state (on the east coast of Florida) and I was blessed to see beautiful fall colors like a natural painting in the sky and there was nothing I needed to do but notice it.  'Paradise' comes to mind for me.

May you know and believe that paradise is a state of mind and you can live in it any time you open to it and choose to let it be paradise for You. 

Ask yourself what makes you happy.  Ask yourself what makes you feel most whole.  Ask yourself what opens you up to feeling the magic of being You.  Ask yourself what uplifts you and brings you great joy.  To the point when you are in a zone of gratitude and completeness living in the moment with no thought or experience of anything outside of this being here now.  You are fully in this wondrous moment you are currently experiencing.   

Allowing ourselves to do what we want, when we want, with who we want and how we want can be the most freeing and one of the greatest invitations for the rising up of the glory that is within us.  

When you see me living in my glory, perhaps, the easier it is for the glory inside of You to engulf you.  And vice versa.  

Choose kindness.  It seems to work best for all to share our truth (our best way) through kindness.  

Oh, when we trust our instinct and desire with no harm rendering forth, paradise lives on and through us.  It surrounds us.  It embodies us.

May you create what is 'paradise' to You.  No harm done; through your truth, trust and wisdom.  Let it be an adventure to live the truth of the life that is within You to live out loud, openly and free.

May you let your true colors snow, float and revel in and on by living in the reality of your experiences through consideration, acceptance, honor, wholeness and assuredness.  

May you honor your own and others' true colors.  

Together, may our true colors [and paradise] fall into place especially now when we are watching, witnessing, questioning and experiencing so much in life that has taken the 'normal' away.

From what many of us considered 'normal' to humanity being unique and allowing love to ride and drive us forward into all new experiences and creations of paradise for You, for Me, for Us.

Just look at the colors.  They are magical and miraculously beautiful.  They are a part of us.  We are a part of them.  To me, they feel like a promise of beauty to always be available. to You, Me, Us.

Learn.  Teach.  Let go.  Grow Anew.  Invite Paradise.  Thank You.

Monday, October 24, 2022


Lifeline - “A vital line of access or communication”

I have needed/wanted many lifelines through my lifetime thus far.

Friends, family, work, play, love, faith, nature have blessed me, many times, with great pleasures.   

My connections and connected to my feelings have driven me and uplifted me wondrously and gratefully.  

My experiences and beliefs have given me strength.   My learning and lessons have taught me magic and consistency. 

My desire for survival has shown me my way through and forward.    

Love shines from within me and connects me to love outside of myself.  Same with kindness, genuineness, vulnerability and empowerment.   

Animals have been wonderful companions to me.   Dogs, cats, birds, fish, horses, bunnies, guinea hens, hamsters and even hermit crabs.   

Everything I have connection with is my teacher and I graciously believe and hope there have been students too.  

Outside my window from the 21st floor overseeing the intracoastal and the ocean, in line with the sky and the clouds - as I call it my ‘live entertainment’ - I am constantly reminded of the certainty of miracles, togetherness, magic, and in flowing with and in just being me is the most productive/real way of life.   The ever present promise of grace and trust in the divine [not always knowing the way but allowing our loving truth] opens the very best ways through and forward.

May you be present in what ever entertains and feels like the promise of ‘Just Being You’ is the most valuable, uplifting and empowering wisdom and gift that You are.   

Perhaps, the greatest belief is knowing that there is nothing that is already meant for You that can be stopped from happening for You.  There is everything within You that makes your whole life possible, doable, beautiful and, perhaps, already written.  The most true and self trusting You are, the more fulfilling and ‘wow’ your life can be.  

Let You and Your feelings, imperfections, questions, openness, trust and truth happen.

May you let You happen.  May you connect to the lifelines that uplift, show up and restore and replenish You being You; whatever they are for You.  

Friday, October 21, 2022


What is fun or funny to one is not always fun or funny to others. While visiting my beautiful, precious, wonderful daughter I saw something I would have never ever thought of and these people’s creativity gave me laughter and a hoot every time I passed their mailbox.  

With creativity, even mailboxes can be fun(ny).

Bravo on their creativity and their funny.   

May you let your own creativity free.   It’s the ‘(he)art’ of You that matters.   

Be free.  Be wild.  Don’t hold back.   Let whatever brings you joy bring you joy.   

We don’t all have to feel the same to support each other in our creativity.  

Make a snow angel.   Build a sandcastle.  Tell a joke.  Smile.  Write or sing a song.  Write a poem.  Write a blog.  Dance.  Draw.   Act.  Surf the waves.  Create something or work a plan that comes from and through You.   Take pictures.  Help others.  Help yourself.  Build a business.  

May you let your creativity flow.  No outcome.  No judgement.  Just freedom to honor what is uniquely inside of You.   

If it makes you happy and does no harm, we all win.  

May so many bills not make it to You.  Bahahaha   

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Ch Ch Ch Changes

Changes.  Changes here.  Changes there.  Changes Changes everywhere.  Serious stuff.  Great stuff.  Trying stuff.  Difficult stuff.  Big stuff.  Little Stuff.  Sometimes tons of little stuff.  Open to stuff.   Let go of stuff.  Create stuff.

I am stuffed.  Ha.

Throughout the day, I am realizing the stuff that is different in many of our every day lives and ways of life.  The stuff people are feeling.  The stuff people are experiencing.  The demands.  The frustrations.  The joy.  The new.  The old but still different.  Every.  Day.  Changes.  

Great change is upon us.

I started with the word 'change' thinking about the big change in weather in many places.  I know my body feels the big change in temperatures and it takes a bit (days) for my body to acclimate.  I feel it.  There is an achiness and discomfort with my body's inability, just now, to easily adapt and keep going.  It is a process for me.  I am still learning to honor it.  I'm honoring it better than I ever have (I think) and it is still a process and a prayer.

Whatever changes you are experiencing, may you know that you are still and always will be You.  You can always choose You.  It is ok to still care for others and care for yourself through everything.  

We can fight it.  We can ignore it.  We can embrace it.  We can (fill in the blank).  

I find myself having a conversation with myself to find the best and easiest way/reaction to make it as gentle on myself as possible.  To flow.  To trust.  

May you flow with what is.  Trust the process of life.  Trust yourself that when there is something you need to do, you will know what it is and be able to do it.

Notice now in this moment, what is the truth.  100% for certain; for sure truth.  What is happening in this moment.  How are you feeling...  What do you need...  Is there one thing you feel or think to do and want to and can...   Does the most productivity come from doing nothing just now...

Are you okay...  Are you okay even if you don't feel okay...  Are you really being You...  Are you doing your best with what you know and with what is going on...  Are you living in your truth...  Are you letting your love participate...

These are my best ways of dealing with change(s) that may feel not so easy to deal with.  

When it's a happy change, we don't often question it.  When it is a no fun at all change, we often question and challenge it; not wanting to accept it.

Just what if the change is closing one door to make room for others to open.  If this is happening, walk as honestly, open, trusting and true through your own love as possible.

Y Y Yes UUUU Cc Cc Can.  I believe in You.  

Your great wisdom is always with You.  Invite it up and out.  

Carry it through any and all Ch Ch Ch Changes.

You are worth it.  Our world is worth it to let it change and bring our openness to ride with it.  As we ride with it supporting each other and ourselves, the best doors to change open up.  

Just what if on the other side of change, some of your greatest ever experiences await You...  You being You as often and as much as possible is what we are being asked (forced) to do just now.  Maybe 'this' is the greatest show on earth.  

May it be so.  It is so.  If we open to participating for it to be so.

Boom.  Bam.  Pow.  May we do this together helping each other out.  Amen.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Colors Blue

Colors matter.  A color palette can show the meaning and vibrations around and in each color.

Some colors can pick us up and invigorate us, like yellow and red.

Green is the healing color to include balance and peace.  Gold can be about wisdom, enlightenment and the greatest healing of all - love.

Blues can be about a number of things depending on the shade.  Many of us know that to 'feel blue' is to feel down.  Light blue can represent friendly and refreshing.  Dark blues are strong and reliable.  There is a calmness that can come from blue as well.  Maybe, feeling down is necessary for some wonderful and/or real reasons... May you love yourself honestly through.  

If you are drawn to a color or even drawn to a piece of clothing to wear that is a certain color, go for it.  Honor it.  Wear it.  Play with it.  It just may be your innate wisdom helping you out; taking you forward.

There were many blues in the sky and sea today.  The clouds were multiple colors of blues and whites.  The water was showing me many contrasts of the color blue.

Today I found myself emotionally experiencing much of what blue can represent.  Yet, I was wearing brown.  Brown can be about reliability and strength.  It can be about loneliness and isolation.  It often represents Earth and Nature; it can be grounding.   

When you find yourself 'blue', may you be open to noticing the beauty that may be present also; within You and around You; through You.  

It is not often that we have a whole bad day, perhaps.  It is often that we can have bad moments.  Yet, how is it that the same type of moment for one of us can feel 'bad'.  And for another of us, the same situation can feel 'good'.

May you be aware of what you are really feeling and experiencing.  May you notice that we can stay stuck in a feeling.  In awareness, perhaps, we can feel many things in one moment as we allow our feelings to flow through us.  May you notice if you are able to 'watch' your feelings come and go.

May you color your life.  May you live your true colors.  May you accept what is as your truth rises and is called into play.

Your life is full of color.  You are full of color.  There are so many colors between black and white.  

May you explore and experience all the colors that life has to offer.

May you notice what is beautiful inside of You and for You when you experience 'the blues'.

Monday, October 17, 2022


What we pay attention to grows.

May you pay attention to what you wish to see grow.

This reminds me when purchasing a new brand of car, every where I looked I saw this type of car.  When I was concerned about an exact thing going off-course, it often did.  When I saw a situation playing out positively, it often did.  When I felt a certain part of my body wanting my attention, until I stopped fighting it and created a relationship with it, it kept hurting more.

What we pay attention to grows.  Let your good thoughts, your happy thoughts, your productive thoughts think.  Let your own love be felt.  

May you pay attention to and enjoy the things and situations that uplift You.

When I'm ready for action, there it is.  When I'm ready for rest, it can rise up to meet me.  When I see myself being me in a certain situation, there I am.  

When I tell myself something that is not of myself, it can show up.  When I tell myself I am in the moment and focus on my 'in this moment' goal, I step into it and get it done.

This is not 100% of the time.  And it is more often than not.  Is it because it is what I believe...  Is it because this is what my attention is on...

May you try it if it feels like a right time to do so.  May you try it and play with it if it resonates with You.

What we pay attention to grows.

When I watch the sky and congregate with nature, the magic inside me grows.  The wisdom inside me is realized.  The connection to all that is is a promise to me.  It reaches into the so many, many things that I can be grateful for.  The sunsets, sunrises, oceans, lands, birds, animals and so many beautiful hearted people.  A plentitude of souls wanting connection.  

When I give my attention to these, proof of the same grows.

May you grow through putting your attention where it feels best and 'Grow Yourself Complete' again and again and again.

Sunday, October 16, 2022


Life.  Who'd have thunk it that we would have experienced what we have and are experiencing more and more as a whole 'New World' (new way of life) than ever before.

I know a few, including myself, that believe(d) we were going to experience a 'oneness', a togetherness, a more united front than ever before at some point.

I never could have imagined it was going to come in the back way, through harsh realities and deep, major changes to just about every one of us; if not each and every one of us here on Earth now.

While life can be extremely exasperating at times, there is still beauty, still miracles happening everyday and most of us care greatly for one another and our planet, et al.  New possibilities are rising and showing up everywhere.

We are creating this New World.  

I believe many of us, including me, are here - came here - was born to be present, here and now, for just this reason.

My eyes have caught this sentence a few times recently..  --If you ever felt like you didn't fit in, perhaps, it is because You are here to create a new and different way--.  Something to that effect.  Perhaps, it is You.  Perhaps, it is all of us, here now, alive and living; learning, growing, becoming, being.  

May I offer to live in your truth as it and you are now; with an open heart and an open mind.  Do your best to not live in a made-up mindset of a possible future.  Live in the truth within yourself in every breath you take.  Live in the truth of your reality, as it is now, with an openness and possibility that it is not always possible to know 100% for certain and/or without any doubt the many things that are not within us.  Everything outside of us, we can only guess and/or create a most probable untruth and unreal experience of what is actually happening.  

May You choose to enjoy what you have and where you are now as you reach for and create what You want.

This is my wish for each of us to live in the now through our own love and open possibilities with a new kind of awareness and becoming best friends with our own innate wisdom.

Let's get it on.

Friday, October 14, 2022


Too much information (TMI).  Here. There. Everywhere.  My brain is on overload.  I find it not so easy to process all the information that is available to me here and now.  A constant bombardment of information is swirling around, available at our fingertips 24/7, comes through conversation with our family and friends and even from far across the oceans.  We are able to hear and know 'it all'... or what can feel like it all.  

We are being ‘hit’ through so much technology and many different situations generating information that in some moments, when one more bit of information crosses my brain, I am discombobulated, in flux and my brain, heart and spirit just doesn't want to participate anymore at that time.   I truly hear and feel 'no more'.  Can not.  

As I type this and then read what I am sharing, I find myself aware of not really loving this and/or even admitting this.

And, I also believe that plenty of us are feeling this way in our own ways.

So, I invite my own silence to come alive and be with me.  I so love my silence just now.  I need it.  I crave it.  It heals and allows me to hear myself.  It opens an opportunity to realize what is mine to process and what is not mine.

I care deeply.  I care about our world, its people, the environment, the animals, our children, et al.  I care about You.  I care about Us.  I care about Me.  I care.

I am the type of person that feels deeply within myself another's pain; another's joy.  I feel best about myself when I can support what I can and what shows up in my world to be supported.  This is when I feel most 'high'.  

I live for the times when I experience someone, or a situation, is better within the best dynamic way of being.  This lifts me up.  

I took a test once regarding what do I want to be when I grow up.  The results were in the community in a profession where I could be of help.  It first brought me to Personal Training and then to Life Coaching.  When I first heard the words 'life coaching' at a Fitness Seminar, a bell went off for me and knew I had to go after it.  

I'm getting off track of the TMI subject (or maybe I'm more there than I think - Ha).  

I believe that as all this TMI is showing up, it just may be asking (forcing) us to go within.  Go within to our own beliefs, experiences, silence and sometimes even our own chaos within that could use a good clearing out and letting go of.

I often read the sentence this time of year that "the trees are showing us how beautiful it is to let go".  The colorful leaves against the blue sky floating down and letting go.

May you let go of what isn't yours or of You.

May you let go by asking yourself 'what is my goal in this moment' and focusing on this.  Let every other thought and situation go but the goal you are choosing in this moment.       If you feel confusion or overwhelm,

  May you focus on your goal in this moment.  It can be to take a sip of water, to study, to make a call, to breathe, to relax your body, to move your body, to do one thing -- whatever this very moment goal is -- live in it fully now.  And, do this again and again and again.

Always come back to You and what is going on with You.    

You may want to step out of yourself [so to speak] and watch yourself.  Are you in the best and most loving of You now...   Is there something you can change... Are you focused on the goal in this moment being as kind and gentle with yourself as possible...

You are the power of You.  You have the power of You.  You were born to live the You that connects to the you that You most enjoy being.  The beingness of You is yours.  

May you choose You.

In this, the offering of being You is endless, beautiful, powerful, empowering, loving, peaceful, exciting and right on.  Be cool.  Be You.  

You uplift and live in the flow of life every time you live true, loving You.  You can be You in everything you hear, know, live and experience. 

May you give this gift to yourself and to those you love and those you will never even meet. You matter this much.  Your energy speaks volumes and across distances.  

Thank You.


Thursday, October 13, 2022

Surprise Yourself

Oh the things we can do that we are not open to do, that we think we can’t do, that we just don’t want to, and the things that we are just used to doing..  We human beings do.  

Oh the things we can do when life sets it up that there is no other option that is better or greater than the one in front of us or that comes from inside of us.  

‘When push comes to shove’ keeps popping in my head.   

Sometimes the better option is to change something or to change ourselves, our thoughts, our actions, our response.  

Sometimes it’s to change how we do something different than we always have.

Sometimes it’s to accept ‘what is’ because the reality of it is certainly so.

Sometimes, it is said that ignorance is bliss.  Is it…

When 'right' just feels right to us, regardless of anything outside of ourselves, the power of what is right to us is best to not ignore.  

When something feels wrong deep within ourselves, for us, it most likely is.

There are always options   Not making a move or a decision just yet can certainly be one option.

You are the one that lives your life.  Only You.

Some of us were taught that others know best; better than we do.   Yet, ‘others’ do not live inside of us, we do.  We are the only ones.  We live the consequences of what we do, allow and are.

If there has been something you have wanted to change and/or know that changing something would be a positive thing, surprise yourself, change it.

If you know your reality is one way and you’ve chosen to ignore this way at your expense of ‘contentment’, stop ignoring it.  Surprise yourself.

If you are resisting something that you really want to do, surprise yourself and do it.   

Baby steps are allowed.  Going in the direction of what feels best for You is, perhaps, a super superpower.  

If something is for your higher good, surprise yourself and grab on.

May you surprise yourself and go, be, do, engage, let go, change, aspire. 

May you surprise yourself and let out what is inside of you that wants to be free.  Connect to the loving awesomeness that is You.

May you let your loving truth raise you up, in, on, and to the thing that has been waiting patiently for You to do; that you want to do; that you don’t want to do; that will be better if you do.

Surprise yourself and love yourself through.

Surprise yourself with a reward.  Give yourself a treat. 

Surprise yourself and watch the power and love of You upgrade and uplift the vibration of our world and situations just by being true to You.  

May you experience wonderful surprises by living out loud [in your vulnerability] through living your authentic and genuine truth   It opens up wonderful connections, new paths.  In your own genuineness, your life is free to live its true colors of beauty strength, truth and trust.  

The 'bestest' news is that when living the truth of You is when the greatest possibilities and the largest windows, doors and relationships come about.  

May you take the very best care of You.

Surprise!.!   You are the best one to do so.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022


Most of us are, now, living life worldwide.

Worldwide shipping.  Worldwide meetings.  Worldwide Connection.  Worldwide energies.  Worldwide knowledge.

We have had a worldwide tragedy.  We have experienced a worldwide loss.  We are still experiencing the experiences of this worldwide pandemic.

If there can be a tragedy worldwide, can there not be a worldwide peace epidemic...  A contagion of love, peace, honor and respect.

I believe there can be.  

If I am not adding to/creating it, may I support the ones that are; the things that are.

My concern is for human life; all life.  I care.

The world I wish to live in and dwell in is a world where authenticity and genuineness is rampant and supported.

I don't think we will all think, feel and behave the same.  I do think we can think, feel and behave in a way that is open to each others' thinking, feeling and behaving in each others' own way.

We can still be respectful and kind.  We can be loving and open.

Our hearts and minds connected through our souls can live in a peaceful and exciting world starting from the inside out.

Following our dreams, desires and joy, we can reach them through honor and love.

May all our own dreams, desires and joys live together in harmony, honesty, openness and respect.

Who I am deep within me honors who you are deep within you.  Namaste'.

You are me and I am You.  We are birthed from the same-ness.  

May we open to a new world where the best things in life are contagious through our own truths and through the trust in the process of life; starting with ourselves.  

May we give up the pursuit and allow each other to just be who we are.  What we are here to do.  What we are here to be.  

May all our callings be answered by the ones getting the call.  May we all feel the love that we came here with.  

Honor.  Grace.  Gratitude.  Abundance.  Love.

Follow your heart.  Listen to your soul.  Just be the You that is loving and true.

Worldwide Epidemic of Reality, Love, Truth, Trust and Honor.

This is the world I live in my being.  It is the world that I invite us all to step in and create together.

Thank You for Your Love.  

Get it.  Be it.  Answer the Call.  

Tuesday, October 11, 2022


“Whenever you think or you believe or you know, you’re a lot of other people: but the moment you feel, you’re nobody but yourself.”  E. E. Cummings

What my 'takeaway' from this quote is that as we think, believe or gain knowledge, a lot of it can come from outside sources.  How we were raised, the schooling we experienced, where we grew up, how we grew up, with who we grew up and what we have lived through and how we reacted through learning, growing and becoming.

How we really feel internally, sitting with our silence, how we instinctually relate is who we really are.

Gather, watch, listen, learn and respond.  Is it uplifting and loving or something else...  If it is not uplifting you then it is not the you that you were born to be.

May you walk yourself 'home' to You.

Perhaps, hold the little child within you that is/was you [with who you are now and the 'tools' you have now as an adult that you had no understanding of as a child] and walk in unison (fully united) and live in the loving, whole truth of awesome You.

Feel.  You are love(d).  

May you feel the love that you are and that is You.

You matter.  I care.  I so wish for You to live through the awesome and innate knowing that is You(rs); especially if this is what you wish for Yourself.

May you feel the 'present' that is You; underneath it all and/or above it all; through it all.  


One doesn’t have to see the ‘whole picture’ of ‘what is’ to feel and experience the magic of/in one’s own life.  The picture below is the full moon's magic without a picture of the moon itself. 

One doesn't have to create the magic within themselves.  We are all born with it.  Just being here now - present in your life and our world is magic.

Your breath breathes.   Your heart pumps.  Your blood circulates.  Your brain learns.  Your soul shares wisdom.  Your silence is loud.  Your words, thoughts and what you do matter.  You matter just because you are here now, in your uniqueness and in your shared experiences.

There is nothing perfect other than accepting what we may deem our own imperfections. 

This is life.  This is your life.  This is our life.  Here.  Now.

Nothing more.  Nothing less.  Just being true in who You are is the greatest gift we each can offer.  

When we are love; when we teach love; show love, share love - we aspire to go higher.

May you open to your life.  May you live the kindest, gentlest, most empowering and empowered You possible.

May you feel and experience your own magic. 


Friday, October 7, 2022


Listen to your heart.

Listen to your breath.

Listen to your thoughts.

Listen to the silence within You.

Listen to your own wisdom.

Listen to your voice.

Listen to your movements.


Listen to the wind.

Listen to the rain.

Listen to the sounds around you; the birds, the trees, the ocean, the mountains, the open land, etc.


Listen to the flow of life.  

As you listen, you learn.

As you listen and hear your life pulsing in its own unique way, you realize the miracle of life that is within you and around you.


Listen, hear and feel gratitude for the miracle of You.

The way you listen, hear and feel is up to You.  You can create the way that most fulfills You in your listening.

May you respond with and shine your light into and throughout the life that is You(rs).

Wednesday, October 5, 2022


In the boundless grasping of change, perhaps, we are asked to go internally where there are boundless answers to living our own lives.  

When it gets too uncomfortable to remain the same, seek not outside of yourself.  Seek within.   

We are born with everything we need to live this entire life that is our own.  We share life best when we live truly free to state and to share who we are through our experiences and knowledge.   This is the greatest wisdom to live through.   

You being You is the greatest gift to share.  

Through truth, trust, vulnerability and openness, we create and offer the world to live the same.   As One.  In Wholeness.   

In this Oneness of being our unguarded, unique, and wise self we allow the flow of total truth to raise us onward, upward and forward instead of swallowing us whole.  

It is in not being our true selves, that ‘work’ occurs as frustration, manipulation, confusion and more. 

In being You, life flows as it is meant to and self-acceptance is the win.  

For You, for Me, for Us, for All.  

May you know thyself, befriend thyself, be thyself and live thyself.   

Loving truth reigns us free and unbinds us from being anything other than what we were/are born to be.   

May you grasp all of who and what You are.   It is the only change that you can fully, wholly and always participate in free of any planning or outside influence.  You being You.  You are You.  Just let You happen.  

Breathe You.   Your truth, feelings, whispers, wisdom, knowledge, vulnerability and passions united through your heart, mind, body and soul.  

Sunday, October 2, 2022


“There is nothing more important than family.”

I have been hearing this and saying this most of my life.   

Is it true to You?

Family certainly can bless us so deeply.   Family can give me a feeling of safety and belonging.    Family can make us proud and, together, we can create a lot of fun times and share a lot of laughter.  I truly appreciate, love, enjoy, have great pride in and have been uplifted and cared for by my family.   

Family is a blessing as, most often, they know many sides of us.  They love us.  They have been with us through so many chapters of our lives.   

Family members can have many different and individual opinions of us and how we live our lives.   

How we live our lives can, perhaps, affect family members the most.    

As family, we are often the ones to step in and step up when a family member is in need.    

Yes.   Family can be on the top of who is in our lives and who is important to us.   

And Friends can be the family members we choose to invite in.    

We can also create a family within ourselves.  Our heart, mind, body and soul - when lived in unity and through love, this systemic unique network of who we are can be divinely inspiring, transpiring, engaging and lift us to the heights we are born to live.   

Family.  Familia.  Common attitudes, interests, characteristics, features, properties.

May you feel unity with what takes You higher.

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Live Talk

What if experiences that are really ‘hard to talk about’ are realized easier to talk about than living through the actual experience itself…  What if we could look at talking about them as freeing our residual emotions simply, well.. [somewhat] simple… 

Do we (perhaps learned through mainstream society) have a hard time sharing and/or facing situations head on, ‘going there’ or talking about experiences and things that have been hurtful to us because we tell ourselves to do so is to relive them and/or even more hurtful.   

Labeling certain experiences shameful, guilt ridden and/or negative is not the way to freedom.  

In our pain and/or fear, have we learned to either ‘sweep it under the rug’; do not talk about ‘the elephant in the room’; ignore and/or bury; and my all time favorite would be being afraid of talking out loud about something ‘because it will make it real’.   When, in fact, it is already as real as real could be.   It happened.  The situation is with us because we have lived it.  

Talking about it doesn’t make it real.  Already living it is what makes it real.   

May what you experience be the catalyst for a chance to love yourself more; to grow.  To live the life that is inside of You asking to flow through You.   

May you realize if it hurts, perhaps, it was shown to you to lead you another way.    If it hurts, perhaps, it is because it was one of your greatest blessings when it didn’t hurt.  The blessing is still with You.   If it hurts, perhaps, there is a lesson there.

As the talking about it happens or even writing about it, answers/ways/paths come about.  Letting go of the hurt - in whatever time it takes - the processing of it brightens the light(ness) of it.   

May you let the positive of it stay in your heart.   Let yourself live in your own positivity as best and as often as you can.  Feel everything you feel through the love for yourself.  Perhaps, call on your own gentle strength.  

Let the talking about it help the process of an experience/situation through your own love, gratitude and being open to your own peace within while trusting the process of You and Your life.   Amen.