Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Friday, April 30, 2021


Joy.  "The emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying."  dictionary

Joy comes in different varieties and different ways to each of us at different times throughout the day and different times throughout our lives.  It does come.  Don't miss it!

Joy is self-imposed, perhaps.  Sometimes, I can find joy in many, many simple every day things.  Sometimes, joy isn't happening because I am not open to it.

I like when I am open to it.

May You be open to Your Joy!

I have seen enjoy written as 'injoy' - like to be in joy.  Pretty clever.  That in itself can be joyful when I let it.. !

I find joy in music, joy in dance, joy in exercise, joy in deep discussions, joy in full moons, joy in  sunrises and sets.  I feel joy when YOU, people from all over the world stop in to visit me here.  I am really joyful thinking that, just maybe, You connected to something joyful, important or of great value to You while you are here.  You are of great value to me.

Perhaps, list five (5) things that You find/feel joy in/with; if it is something that feels right to You.

Color your life with loving relationships...  Open your heart.  Stop to smell the roses.  Love into and through every breath you take.  

May You be open to realize and experience fully all the possibilities that can bring You joy; as often and as much as possible. 

May You let your love be joy-filled.   

Wednesday, April 28, 2021


I first started off, and still use this on my emails... "Breathe.  Stretch.  Smile."

I think it encompasses, in a very compact way, happiness.

Last night, after witnessing this amazing sunset, these words came to my mind...  "Expand.  Grow.  Emerge."

I feel that this is what I like to do and it is also what I like to teach.

Expand instead of contract.  Expand open your heart, your mind, your body and your beingness.  Grow from where I am now to where I will be going forward.  Emerge from my self-imposed limitations into the vastness that is in each of us.  

We are Beautiful.  

You are Beautiful!    

If you'd like to 'play', 'hear' three words that come to your mind just now and ask yourself their meanings and what they 'feel' like to You; their meaning to You.   May prove interesting.  !

Thank You for sharing Beautiful You with me every time you visit me here. !!  It is my greatest hope that You visit You here.   That You find another piece of or peace for yourself here.  

May You always share Beautiful You with You.

Own all that is You  and  "Breathe.  Stretch.  Smile.  Expand.  Grow.  Emerge."

Thank You.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Magical Science

Often, things are not magic but have scientific reasons for things being so.   It can, sometimes, feel like magic anyway.

Life.  In every day, we are living it.  No matter where we go, how we see things, what we say and how we open ourselves up to things, people, situations and circumstances, we are living our lives.

Nature often feels like magic to me.  Connecting with people often feels magical to me.  Watching a ray swim in it's home waters or having a person share meaningful and/or 'just moments' of themselves with me feels magical.  

There is scientific evidence around nature.  There is scientific evidence about people.

Enter into your day in the way(s) that is(are) most fulfilling to You.

There is no right or wrong way if we come through our heart, soul and spirit.   There is fact based scientific evidence that can explain a lot to us if we come through our minds and the love of science.  

There is a scientific reason that, at sunset, the clouds can be orange.  And, an orange cloud in the sky feels like magic to me.

May You live in and from the space that lifts and carries the most fun parts of you forward...  Like an orange cloud, you can be precise and fact based And you can be magical.    Just sayin’.  !

May you explore life in the way that feels best to You.  Let your instinct lead you.  Let fact based information lead You.  

I say because we have the ability to use both our minds and our hearts, let them both lead You.  You get to choose.  

Stay mindful, aware and curious in what, how, and, perhaps, why you choose what you do and honor your choices that honor You in your best way.

Egad.   lol    I never know where I am going or where I will end up on these posts.  I honor what comes through me in hope that there is someone, somewhere needing to hear just this.

You get to choose how you live your life and what you let flow through You and how you respond to same.   How magical and scientific is this.!.   Ha.  

I do think there is, just maybe, a bit of competition between these two these days.  Stay true to You.  Stay on course.  Stay observant.  Stay open.  You are extremely important to your life and to our world.

Sunday, April 25, 2021


What we engage in with our minds and our senses is what we experience in our moments and lives.

Nature blooms and so can we.   Nature flows and so can we.  Nature transforms and so can we.  

I'd like to offer for you to encourage yourself to think and look for happy, beautiful things that allow and invite you to be most like the you that you are at the deep, innate knowing of yourself and the you that you want to be going forward.

It is in this self-encouragement that your life grows, blooms and becomes the you that is elevated; the you that is your best of; and the you that is whole and free.

Your life is your choice and your choosing.  It is often in the little, every day moments that we can find our self transforming and evolving into the life that is truly ours to live from everything that is inside of us, around us and through us to live.

May you look to see everything that is beautiful in, around and through You. 

Beautiful comes from within.  It is yours to choose, connect to and celebrate.   May You get connecting.  I believe in You.  


Saturday, April 24, 2021

Multitudes Shall Become One

Our World.  Your World.  My World.  

Our world has surely gotten connected in ways it has never, ever, ever been connected before.  Woah.  The amount of information, the possibilities of connections, the ability to network - Woah!

Not one of us know how.  Not one of us have ever lived this before.  Not one of us have experience to the depth that life, living and connection can be experienced now.

If I could spell supercalifragilicious, I would spell it correctly right here, right now.  Just maybe this is that!

We all shall become One.  

That doesn't mean that we are not different.  That doesn't mean that we do not think differently.  That doesn't mean that we are not taught or that we do not learn different things.  It doesn't mean that agreement on all things is possible.

Perhaps, it does mean that we all want to matter.  We all want to feel like what we are here for has a purpose.  We all want to love and be loved. 

There is this place within each of us where we are the same.  We all have hearts that beat.  We all have breath that breathes.   We all have an inner knowing that radiates and vibrates through us.  We all have a body in which we can watch the mover, thinker and doer in this body.  This is where we are one.

The word 'namaste' comes to mind.  Namaste - I honor the place inside of you which is also inside of me.  At the depth of who we are, we are awesome and connected.  The light and energy that lives through Me lives through You.

Just like the ocean, the sky, the ground, the forests, the air.  There are particles that make up and comprise the whole of each.  Just like we are 'particles' of the human race of human beings and human doings.

What a miraculous system.  This system is in each of us.  We are supported by this system.  We are energetically all connected to this system.  We are this system... until we are not.  

What we are here for is represented through the uniqueness of each of us in the totality of the system.

BAM.  BIG.  BOOM.  Not messing around.  And, it can almost be and feel like we are a blip opening up to, floating through and leaving our presence (presents).

Perhaps, we who do this win.   And, whether we are aware and do it consciously or we are living and doing it by just doing it, we are all here winning and living and being exactly as we are supposed to.

Multitudes Shall Become One.

It is in this that we lift and enter into our highest selves; individually, together.  

May You meet yourself exactly where you are and put who you are [exactly as you are], through as much love as you can, into everything you experience.  


The beauty of life within You.  The beauty of life outside of You.  There is always beauty to be seen, discovered, explored, and lived in and through.

Even in chaos and hardships, if we look and open to the beauty of life, it is there.  Sometimes, it is only a tiny sliver, sometimes it as great as the ocean, beautiful colors and the vastness of the sky.  

If you are feeling an urge, a wish, a dream and it feels loud, perhaps, it is time to Jump.  Take the plunge.  Jump with the love that is You(rs).  Jump from the truth that is You(rs).  This is where the most beauty, just maybe, resides.  

May You jump into your life and live it.  

The freedom of You awaits your permission.  

This is what my calling in life is just now.   I feel it so strongly.  Stronger than the resistance to same for me has been.  To support You jumping into You.  Magnificent You.

I look so forward to participate and witness many 'jumps' into individual magnificent lives.  


Earth Day - a celebrated world wide holiday.  Every time something happens positive for the earth, something positive happens for our loved ones, ourselves and total strangers.

We are supported by the Earth.  We can ground to it, we can float and cleanse on and within it, we can be nurtured by the nature of trees that give us oxygen and we can look at the horizon or up at the sky and there is always a different picture, perspective, sight that we are presented with.

Happy Earth Day Earthlings!   May we do our best to protect, love, respect and honor our Home and one another.

Individually, together -- we rise best.  

May we 'set' in motion the life that protects, loves, respects and honors all living creatures and beings of our world.

   Thank You.   

#home #earth #love #honor #respect #protect #earthday #earthlings #world #yours #mine #ours #green #land #water #forest #sunset #you #u #core #sky #vibrations #live #love #life

Thursday, April 22, 2021


The Promise.   The promise of fascination in each day.  The promise of life and living when we wake up to another day.  The promise that there will be lessons, challenges, wins, awesomeness and a multitude of life living moments.  

I am learning, loudly today, that the promises to one's self are maybe the most important ones.  As I promise to connect with someone.  As I promise to do something.  As I promise to share.  As I promise to live... As I promise myself...  In these promises is the life that I want to be true to.  There is no other reason to make a promise.  Broken promises can be hurtful.  Broken promises that we break ourselves affect us greatly too.  I am not being true to me if I break a promise I made to myself or to another. 

I want to honor myself and honor You by honoring my promises.

I promise to do my very best to bring my true self; my true feelings; my true experiences; my true how I am in each 'now' moment with me wherever I am, whatever I do, whatever I share, however I feel.  

With living in my truth of every situation, circumstance, feeling, relationship and moment, I allow self-fascination to take hold and whatever comes from this, is the 'this' that is supposed to be so.

May You bring the truth of You into all that You breathe.   May you feel the fascination of ‘Just Being You’.    

You open to You Just Being U...  What fascination. !!

Wednesday, April 21, 2021


Contrast...  [balance, differentiate, match up, be diverse].

We can sometimes be afraid of what we know nothing about.  When we are doing new things; things and experiences for the first time, they can feel challenging.  They can feel scary even with a side of excitement.  We can be unsure and tread with apprehension.  Our awareness may either be on high or held back as we walk in and through the new and/or unknown.

We are certainly being asked (forced) to walk into scenarios that are new, unknown, different and often chaotic because of these same in today and tomorrow.

When you bring your truest, most open self into it all, wherever you travel and/or tread, the path is the most true one for You.  It has such empowerment and power in it.  It allows for love and more ease.  It creates faith that what you bring with You is enough.  

May we embrace the contrast in each of our lives.  May we choose to be informed and feel love rather than let ignorance, misunderstanding or fear of what is unlike us to keep us apart.  Through our spirit and deep inside of ourselves, there within, contrast is melded, together and in accord.  

May we meet where contrast is melded, together and in accord.  

This is the new way, the new world.  Let us stand together through our differences where harmony arises from.   

Tuesday, April 20, 2021


Stormy moments.  Stormy times.  Stormy days.  Stormy skies.  Stormy land.  Storms.

We all witness and experience them.  They are a part of life.

May you be true to You and love yourself through any and all storms; as much and as often as possible.   You will get to the other side.  Fact is that you have 100% of the time.  Great odds. 

 Love through...  You totally matter.   

I was offered that love was meant to be shared.  I agree it is most fun when it is.  When we know we have someone at our backs, during the storm, it can make it more doable and enjoyable.  

As I grow into the professional side of "Just 9Be U" more and more, it is so my desire to be the 'wind beneath your wings'.   

I want to listen to You, hear You, support You and offer alternatives on best ways to witness and experience the storm(s) and the best ways to gather yourself together and flow with the storm.

If it is in You, it will happen.  If it is not in You just now, it will either eventually come to You or it wasn't meant to be.  There are always alternatives.  There are always new and unseen facts that we can discover and play with.

There is always love.  Your love is always with You.  Your love is da bomb.  Your love is the most powerful 'storm' to any storm.  Your 'love storm' will deal with the present storm each and every time if You choose to let it be so.

It is my happy place to help and support You to connect to the best version of You in and during and beyond the storm.

Love anyway.  Just allow yourself to love anyway with what comes to You and through You for lessons, excitement, play, confusion, overwhelming, 'ouchies' and what can feel like chaotic and scary.

Let me help You, if you want to go there - to be the calm in the chaos of any storm.  For You.  For Your peace.  For your magic.  For you are the power in your life that will lead you through the storm into and through the lesson of it and out on the other side where the skies are blue and the birds are singing and what makes You the most joyful awaits You.

Thank You.  However you feel right now, in this minute, is exactly how You are supposed to feel.  It is up to You to choose to stay in this feeling or create anew.

Transformation through awareness and love is a miracle unto itself.  And it is so possible for You.

Monday, April 19, 2021


My daughter sent me this picture of a 'campfire' her friends and her were having.  I think it is so pretty, magical and alive that I want to share it with You.  I especially love the embers against the dark blue sky.  I made a wish.  If you want to or feel like it, perhaps, you can make a wish too.  !!  

Fire...   Externally, it can “keep us warm and it can also burn us”.   

Fire can be “A process that is nothing less than the opportunity to grow as a spiritual individual and to create a radically new and different existence.” (J.  Damgaard)

Fire... Internally, it can ignite who we are, who we want to be, our dreams and our passions.  

Fire...  one of the four elements with water, air and earth.   

They are to be respected and honored.   I marvel at each element’s power and dance.   

May You be aware of your own energy and dance.  It matters.  You matter.  You are beautiful.  

It reminds me of a sacred quest.  A 'Sacred Quest' is also my new three month one-on-one exploration of us, together, exploring You.

It is on my website... 

May you honor yourself as it is always my pleasure to honor You; extraordinarily so, from the depth of You out, up, on, emblazed, ignited, lit, loving and free.  

picture by Jess

Sunday, April 18, 2021


There is light.  There is dark.  Many, not all, of us label light as good; dark as not.  I have labeled upbeat and happy good, down and out not so good frequently in the past.

It is my goal to still love, still know I can be helpful and know I am enough whatever mode of humanness I am in.  

Just what if I stopped labeling.  What if I just let it be what it is.  Experience it as it is.  Bring my true self into situations and relationships as they show up.  Walk through without labeling.

We all have our own labels for what we do and who we are.  Wife, mother, personal trainer, life coach...  Who are we without our labels...  Perhaps, this is who we really are on the deepest of levels.  Where we are all the same.  Is this the place love, spirit and soul hangs out without fluctuating; remaining on, constantly vibrating same.

May we meet each other, as often as possible, where our love, spirt and soul hangs out.

What feels lighter, what feels darker -- perhaps, it all belongs.  It is, for now, all a part of the human experience.. the human journey.  

As we live from the place within that homes, knows and grows love, spirit and soul-filled ways, perhaps, the human journey may change and be recreated into a place that we all support each other's light and dark in uplifting, soulful, and loving ways only.

Until then, may you always look at/for the lighter side of things; as much and as often as possible.  There is always a lighter, brighter ‘something’ amidst what can feel dark, scary, heavy and unclear.

May You lighten up, turn on the light, be the light, feel light.  Let your lightheartedness dazzle You.   Shine your light.  Enlightenment awaits You.   

May You open your mind and let your innate wisdom, love, spirt and soul come forth.

Saturday, April 17, 2021


Life.   It is happening now.   You living your life is happening now.  

As so much change is happening now, many of us are overwhelmed with life and living not being as simplistic as we knew it to be before we 'progressed' with and into the Worldwide Web. 

I have heard it say that we are all here now, together, as a big united plan to uplift and better our world.  What if we did choose now as a time to be here for this reason.  To bring our part of who we are and what we know into these complex times to create a world that has never been known before.  What if You chose now to be here for this reason...  What if your uniqueness is valued in ways that have never been in your awareness before...

We often have many, many options.   No matter which option you pick, it will be best for You.  It will be your path and character to walk.  It will be right for You now.  So don’t hesitate.  Follow your instinct, your feeling, your truth and participate, engrossed, fully and joyfully; as much and as often as possible.  Forward; may we all go...  whatever that looks like, feels like to You.  It is best when it is You who decides for You.  

From sunset to sunrise; from sunrise to sunset...  You are happening.  This is You living your life.. Now.

May You be true to You and Your life.    You are amazing !

Friday, April 16, 2021

The Magic is Love

Love is magic.

The magic is in You.  

May you fill up every cell with your own love.

May you walk your path and leave a trail of your own magic.  Let love lead You.

May you live in and from your own Love.

Share love.  Feel love.  Allow love.  Invite love.  Be love.  Choose love.  Let love.  Open to love.  Grow love.  You are love(d).

Love empowers.  

May love empower the beautiful, innate depth of each of us; individually, together; to rise up, out and to be so.

Oh, the magic!

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Empower Your Power

Where we go...  What we do...  How we respond...   What we hold on to...  What we let go of.        Choices.  Choices.  Everywhere.   

May you choose the truth for You.  Bring your truth with You into everything You do and are.  In this, you support others to do the same.  

Colors are beautiful.  Choices are lovely.  Responding with and through love and kindness wins. 

For yourself.  For others.  May You win. 

The colors of the sky...  Dusk.  Dawn...  Keeps me believing.  

You are powerful beyond anything you were ever taught to believe.   You  Are  Powerful  Beyond  Belief. 

Sunshine Orange

The sun is starting to come around every night to my balcony to say good night, life is awesome.  I so enjoy the feel of it, the beauty of it, and the brightness that it radiates.  The sky is different every night.  What a magical gift.  It is one of my all time favorite things to do - watch the sun set; and the sun rise.  

May You do more and more what makes You happy; what makes You shine; what makes You You.

Be your own sunshine...  shine bright...  shine beautiful. 

  If You are not..  May You ask yourself why ‘orange’ You!?!?    Ha!   

May You live in the awareness of You.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021


May you not be in a hurry to act.   Do not act hastily.  You will know when to act at the perfect and right time for you.

You will also know how to act with wisdom and clarity when the time for you to act comes forth.   Trust your instinct.  Trust your own inner wisdom.  Trust innate and divine guidance.  As you are feeling it, go full throttle and dive in.   

This is the guidance of the Falcon.  

I wish you ease, full capacity and capability.

May you give what you wish to strive for everything you’ve got.   

I wish you success in whatever spells success to You.   

“You know you’ve got it if it makes you feel good.”  Janis Joplin

There is a time to perch.  There is a time to fly.  The greatest productivity is to be cool, knowing that what you are feeling and what your instinct tells you is the best and right thing for You now, in this moment.    Hang loose and let You happen.  Let You do You.    Do You with gutso.

 #encouragement #timing #wise #itworks #hangloose #feel #readysetgo

Monday, April 12, 2021


Decorate your life with things that remind you of who you are and who you want to be; things that light your soul up; things that open your heart; the colors, shapes and sizes that work best for your world exactly as it is now.  

I found this picture on my phone and it was from this past Christmas.  Our tree was so very different than anything I have ever celebrated Christmas with.  There were starfish and beads; teal and white.  My goal was to replicate ocean life and what is outside my window.  

I had a lot of fun decorating.  I heard myself saying never say never.  We truly do not know how we will feel, what we will think, what we will enjoy and what we will do in the future.  One thing can change everything.

Yesterday during a huge wind, rain, sleet and thunder storm, the temperature dropped from 88 deg. F to 64 deg F.  24 degrees!  Wow.   It happened so fast.

I'd like to offer for You to 'be here now'.  To enjoy this moment.  To live fully in this moment as the next moment could totally be different and show something new, exciting and different to You.  Embrace this moment; and the next and the next and the next.

Embrace this version of You and "Grow Yourself Complete" and be fully with what is.. as it is now.  Bring your truth with open heart and mind into each moment and this will carry you forward in your best light, love and circumstance.

May you decorate your life through your very own being-ness.  

You are a work of art.  You are many works of art throughout your  life.  Enjoy this 'capture' of You now.

Sunday, April 11, 2021



Brilliant.  Magnificent.  Mysterious.  Peaceful.  Beautiful.   

Take it in.   Experience it.  What a gift for us all.   

Throughout each day (and night) there are gifts for us to experience and see.  We create gifts for others.  We create gifts for ourselves.  One only has to see and feel something as a gift to experience it as so.

You are a gift to me.  When I see that people are reading my posts, I send You love.  I send you gratitude.  It puts a smile on my face.  I feel grateful and hopeful.  Grateful that You stopped in.  Hopeful that it supports You in positive, uplifting ways.   

Thank You for the gift of You.  

Every day holds gifts. 

May You open to them; experience them.   Overflow with gratitude.    

#sunset #gratitude #gift #experience #feel #see #heart #sky #view #nature #you #u #peaceful #magnificent #thankful #mindful #encourage #together #we #us #awesome #wow

Be U

I am taking some pictures for my website,, and this was a fun one for me to share.  It is my logo which is a heart with the rainbow/chakra colors with a 'diamond' placed on top of the "Be U".  Sun rays are coming from the heart.  

It is my greatest desire through "Just 9Be U" to support You to open up to all that You are; to live the life yet inside of You waiting to live.  !!   You matter.  Let love.  Your love.   

Always start here at your own openness, truth and love and watch, feel, listen and be..  amazed.   

When we are in the flow of our own joy, care, wisdom and truth through love, we are in the flow of the divine and the universe.  We are in the flow of what makes us us.  We are in the flow of who we are supposed to be and what we are supposed to do.

We are living our innate life in which everything we need to do so for our entire lifetime is within us.

May you flow in your own joy, care, wisdom and truth through love; as much and as often as possible.

Bring out the FUN.  

Friday, April 9, 2021


Freedom.  The feeling of freedom.  The belief of freedom.  The freedom of freedom.  It really expands everything that I am and feel in the most beautiful, flowing ways when I tell myself I am free.   When I feel free to be me, there is no stopping me.  There is great light.  There is lightness.  There is joy, endless possibilities and WOW that abounds and invigorates everything I am and everything that I do; everything that I dream.  I feel all aglow in the most uplifting, fun and love of life way.  

May you find yourself all aglow living You from the inside out.. the purity of You that you were born to live. !! 

Light the innate You up!  You are free to live as you deem loving and free; dancing and prancing.  Get your swagger on. !!  Let yourself feel aglow.  Work it.  Ha!

It is an empowering power within us all.  We are the only ones that can free ourselves and empower our power.  

I so want to encourage You to live free; to free yourself; to free your mind and follow and live in and through each beat of your heart and radiance of your soul.  Live the You that feels aglow and is aglow.

Aglow - light, happiness, luminous, radiant, unclouded, unobscured, shining, ablaze and brilliant

Thursday, April 8, 2021


We all have feelings that come and go.  We all have feelings that we are more familiar with than others.  We all have feelings that we enjoy more than others.  Sometimes, we tell ourselves they are not there, they are not real, they are stupid, they don't matter.   Did you ever say the word 'whatever'...

Our feelings ripple into everything we do whether we are conscious of them or not.  Our feelings, when we bury them, do not go away.  They become a part of us.  Often a heavy part of us until we deal with them by feeling them and letting them go.  Processing them.  Sometimes, we invite dis-ease without even being aware if we bury them too deep or hold on to them too long.  

It is best to process by embracing, allowing and experiencing them as they come up through the utmost truth of our experience of them.  Through love is a loving way to go.  Sometimes, it feels better through anger, angst, tears, movement, vocals and other more strenuous ways.  We can still invite love to process with us.

Whatever you are feeling, allow it.  Be gentle.  It is yours to own or it wouldn't be present.  Go with it and as it passes, just maybe you will learn something of great value - You.

A New Day

The promise of a new day. 

May You be aware of your thoughts when you wake up in the morning.  Are you happy to do so... Would you rather stay in bed...  Are you thinking it is going to be an easy and/or good day...  Are you thinking it is going to be a rough and/or bad day... Are you thinking anything at all...

May You be open minded and open hearted whenever You think about what will be coming at You And what is showing up for You; to You; with You; as You; through You.  May you stay aware and thoughtful of what you are allowing and creating yourself to feel and experience.  Open up to the wonderful possibilities that can grow out of this day and into your life and from your beingness into reality.

There are many new things every day every where.  We are bombarded with change, the unknown, the anew, the uncomfortable, and new rules, regulations, and fears.  We are being forced to see, do, be, think in ways that we are not yet comfortable with and some things that we are not sure if we ever will be comfortable with.

To stay in your truth and your own love through it all is one of the best ways to grow.  The only way through is through.  

As we do more and more repetitions, lessons, growth and feel the abundance coming out of all of these new ways; the possibilities that can come out of the darkness; the light that flames our fire of life, us living and our love, WOW - endless possibilities and extreme awesomeness awaits for us to step through and into the depth of ourselves and meet one another at this depth; this innate knowing and true essence of each of us. 

We will surface, each one of us, at the exact and right divine time to live the lives that we all are here to live; individually, together.  Awesome and Brilliance awaits You; is You.  

And, as we journey into this New Earth and New Life and New Way(s) of Living, may You walk through your life knowing You can always choose love; your own love.  'Orange' You glad You are LOVE(d)...

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Tree Art

I was out walking the dog one day and I came across this beautiful tree just planted there with an elegance and a beauty unlike any other tree on the street.  Its dark brown silky looking and feeling bark intrigued me and engaged me.  It had a soft peel going on and its unique branches looked fine in the space it just naturally sat in.

I heard myself call it 'Tree Art'...and a picture is below for your viewing pleasure; if you so feel it.  I put my back up against it and felt its energy - its aliveness.     #treehugger

If you find yourself missing out on hugs, perhaps, hug a tree.  They are known to increase the ‘happy hormones’ and they create the cleanest air to breathe!   Thank you trees!  

The calm, peace, love and enjoyment you find from or within anything that crosses your path offers you health benefits.  Whatever it is, whatever offers this to You, whatever makes you feel good from connecting with it from your inside out, be grateful for it.  And, thank yourself for noticing, being aware and allowing what surrounds you to lift You Up.

Wishing You joyful play.

May you open your heart, mind, soul, spirit and being to what is joyful play to You.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Wow YOUrself

Sunrise.  Sunset.   

North.  South.  East.  West.

Vertical.  Horizontal.

Longitude.  Latitude.

Summer.  Fall.  Winter.  Spring.

Birth.  Death.

Favorite Moments.  Moments.  Not so fun moments.

Happy.  Sad.  

Open.  Closed.

Expansion.  Contraction.

All of these things are a part of each of us.  We all are human.  These are all human things and moments and there is so very many possibilities in between and during these things and moments.

The experience(s) is(are) present.  The experience(s) is(are) happening.  The experience is in each of us.

We choose the experience of our human being, doing, experiencing.

May you own your experiences, your choices, your now, your moments, your things.  Own who you really are, what you are feeling and the infinite truth of both.  In knowing that you can choose and that you experience these things as they come to you through everything that is You, may you open up to the awareness and let go of the blindness which is also in (y)our choosing.

May You open up to your WOW.  !!  You so have it.  It is in your acceptance of your truth and walking through this truth with your love level turned on Wow.

Monday, April 5, 2021


A cloak, a blanket, comfort... grab onto it, use it and share.

Most of us  like to know comfort and relaxation.  We like to feel safe and cozy.

I want the world to be like this for us all.  I do believe our world is more loving than not.  I believe people are more caring and want to help one another than not.

It is said that hurt people hurt people.  I'd like to add healing people heal people.  People that feel loved love people.  Happy people live through their happy.  

It all becomes what we look for.  It all is what we experience.  It changes as we change.

Just maybe, we are all blanketed by a universal energy of goodness. 

May we believe in our own empowering power of divine life and living.  Never forget that it is in You as live as such.

Your kindness and goodness lifts up everything it touches including You.

Sunday, April 4, 2021


We are all living now, at this time; individually, together.  Our minds, body, spirits and soul; each unique.  Ever changing.  Ever exchanging.  

When we can live and flow with our hearts, mind and soul working together, we can feel what it is like to live the truest of ourselves.  It can feel like heaven on earth.

When we live in, through and with our truth with love being what fuels us and permit life to flow through us - our best of self flows with it.

The energy of our vibration, vulnerability and innate essence is what feels the best and lifts me the highest.

May you let your vibration, vulnerability and innate essence lift you high.

You are so enough.  You are magic.  You matter with every beat of your heart.  You are unique and as beautiful as the sky.  

May you let your heart, mind and spirit flow as one.  Soar.

Sometimes like a rocket.  Sometimes like a roller coaster..  Rise.  

Friday, April 2, 2021


This is it...  You are living life right now.    Your life is happening.  

Memories are being made.  Feelings are being felt.  Thoughts are flowing through.  Relationships are being had.  Things are getting done.  Creations are being made.  Opportunities are being discovered.  Just 'being' can be a gift to one's self.  

Senses are being used, optimized and, maybe, even left out or heightened or dampened.  

The experience that is happening is life.  

What if, for just a day, notice, be aware, participate and let go of any kind of judgment and just 'let it be'.

Whatever presents itself.  Whatever life shows you.  Whatever you bring into life.  Let You Happen.

It is said awareness comes first. 

May you open up to the full awareness of how you are participating, creating and living in your life.

May you be open, true and aware that you are living your life in this moment just now.

And, if/when you feel inclined/ready, may you realize what You truly cherish about your life and focus on that going forward.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Moment in Time

A moment in time...   They are everywhere.    May You let yourself be immersed in them.

As you go about your day, your week, your month, you are living your life.  You are, moment to moment, experiencing life through your senses, thoughts, energy and essence.  Moment to moment is available to us all.

We can get very caught up into whole experiences, past experiences, future experiences when, in reality, we can only live all of this in our mind and thoughts.  These cannot be lived through our presence and in this time; in reality or the now.

When you find yourself getting or feeling overwhelmed, lost and/or confused, perhaps, ask yourself what is my goal in this very moment.  Do that.  Experience that.  Be in that.  

It can be as simple as taking a breath.  It can be feeling the warm clothes as you fold them as they just came out of the dryer.  It can be brushing your teeth.  It can be feeling challenged to complete something.  To be fully aware in the moment is to live your life fully.

To experience, feel, be true, be open and to let love are the moments and the how I want to experience each moment; as much and as often as possible.    

May You be fully present as to make each moment’s presence a full and fulfilling present to your senses.   

Participate with what is in front of You now.  Look.  See. Feel.  Touch.  Smell.  Hear.  Engage. 

This, right here-right now, is the only moment that we can fully experience.  Everything else is in our head.