These are troubling times. These are the most unknown times I have ever experienced; our world has ever experienced and, most likely, most of you too.
My goal here has always been to share my truth and thoughts, and in doing so inviting you to feel, open up and experience You living You through self-love.
You are unique. You are one of a kind. You are sensational. You were born this way purposefully.
We humans feel. We humans emote. We humans experience wonderful times. We feel rough times. We think which can be troubling in itself. Ha! We dream. We create. We spin when all of these things collide, come together and happen at once.
May you always come back to this moment here and now available through your breath.
May you come back to the current goal of your very next step. Baby steps from washing your face to making a meal; to reading these words. Medium steps to admitting to yourself and sitting with a truth you have been avoiding. Large steps to speaking this truth outloud. Huge steps to speaking this truth with the one that, perhaps, some pain and or angst have arisen through your connection with a person, a situation, a need, a misunderstanding, and/or a miscommunication.
Any change in your daily routine will lead to bigger change in your overall life. Like dominoes, our moments can be connected and once touched together, life falls differently. Even when life feels like it is falling apart, it often is falling into place.
The more you live from the truth within yourself, from the most love available in each moment, the more you ask the universe to support you living your best authentic self.
There is no greater freedom.
I want to offer to, sometimes, be the bridge that helps and/or supports you. I am honored when you come here and you are reminded and/or connected to your own unique light, love, truth, way and path.
You so have you. You so know you better than anyone knows you.
I wish you freedom to live your life as you were born to.
May you give yourself permission to be free to be you.
To ‘grow yourself complete’ again and again and again.
No one can do for you what you can. You are what you need, want, fulfills you. You are who/what you are looking for.
When you are present, your best life is presented to you.
Boom. Bam. Bing. Let yourself arrive to and in every part and relationship in your life.
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