Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Learning Anew

Whatever comes up for you...   May you just feel it through your own love; relaxed and open, with a slow, long, deep breath. 

Perhaps, if it feels right for you to try...
Every time you do something nice for another, say something nice to yourself or say "I love 'insert your name here'"... or, simply,  "I love me".

May you look in the mirror and tell the person looking back how much you love them.

Look at all the things you love about yourself; not the things you do not.

As we love ourselves, we are happier, more open to life and loving kindness, and living free comes easier.

Good luck.

Today is a new day to ‘love yourself’ even more.   Talk to yourself as you would if you were talking to your 10 year old self.  

You’ve always been enough just because you were and are.   

Every time you hear yourself saying something that could feel hurtful or does feel hurtful to yourself, ask yourself if you would say that to very young you; to little you.  If you would not, say I’m sorry to yourself and realize that it was coming from your learned habit(s) from past experiences and connections.  Change the hurtful saying to something nice, kind and loving.   

Such as “you are so stupid/worthless/ugly” can be changed to “you are so smart/worthy/beautiful”.   Please use your own words.  You know what they are. You will know when you listen and respond through your own love.    

I believe in you.  You matter.  

World change does start with You.   

You can start right now in this moment.  Try it starting right now in this very moment.  'Play it out' as often and as much as possible.   

Sometimes we are our own worst enemy.  May you be your own best friend.  Awww, the magic of your own love.  


Monday, March 30, 2020


There is beauty in just about everything.  Sometimes we need to connect deeper to realize it and see it.  Sometimes it is so prevalent, it creates an awe within us.

May you open up to the beauty of your life. 

May we all connect to where the beauty lies within; individually, together.  Connect as often and as much as possible.

Go inward to the heart of things.

When ugly and hurt is so in our face, it is easy to hear/feel/know it, connect to it and dislike and even fear it.  

Yet, during any
ugly and/or hurt, when we look for beauty we see it.  However, whether we look for and/or see it, beauty and/or positivity is always happening too.  

In the depth of my own pain, I can breathe.  I can love.  I can feel supported.  I learn perseverance, new ways, patience, gratitude for good moments, openness for new direction, lessons, compassion, letting go and so much more.

In deep sorrow - connection, love, what was, and just the ability to feel sorrow because something was so good - good enough that it creates sorrow within us when something or someone is no longer a part of our life. The sorrow is so great because the connection was so fulfilling and joyful.  

In times of world crises, as we know it today, sickness, death, fear and a new way is being shown to us on a worldwide level.  At the same time, togetherness, care, compassion, creativity, support and loving ways are more loud than ever.  This, to me is beautiful.

If you find or feel yourself focusing on the ugly and hurt, may you remember to open up to see, experience and maybe even create the possible beauty that is available to be presented and come forth or through.

I wish you beauty.  The beauty that is within you connecting to beauty that uplifts and helps carry you through the ugly and hurtful.

Blessings, love and beauty.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Bridge Over Troubled Waters

I very much would like to be a bridge for your troubling thoughts, concerns; your relationship with yourself and/or any other ‘troubled waters’ you may be doing your best (just now) to stay afloat in.

These are troubling times. These are the most unknown times I have ever experienced; our world has ever experienced and, most likely, most of you too. 

My goal here has always been to share my truth and thoughts, and in doing so inviting you to feel, open up and experience You living You through self-love.  

You are unique. You are one of a kind.  You are sensational.  You were born this way purposefully.  

We humans feel.  We humans emote. We humans experience wonderful times. We feel rough times. We think which can be troubling in itself.  Ha!  We dream. We create. We spin when all of these things collide, come together and happen at once.  

May you always come back to this moment here and now available through your breath.  

May you come back to the current goal of your very next step.  Baby steps from washing your face to making a meal; to reading these words.  Medium steps to admitting to yourself and sitting with a truth you have been avoiding.  Large steps to speaking this truth outloud.  Huge steps to speaking this truth with the one that, perhaps, some pain and or angst have arisen through your connection with a person, a situation, a need, a misunderstanding, and/or a miscommunication.   

Any change in your daily routine will lead to bigger change in your overall life.  Like dominoes, our moments can be connected and once touched together, life falls differently.  Even when life feels like it is falling apart, it often is falling into place. 

The more you live from the truth within yourself, from the most love available in each moment, the more you ask the universe to support you living your best authentic self. 

There is no greater freedom. 

I want to offer to, sometimes, be the bridge that helps and/or supports you.  I am honored when you come here and you are reminded and/or connected to your own unique light, love, truth, way and path.  

You so have you.  You so know you better than anyone knows you. 

I wish you freedom to live your life as you were born to.  

May you give yourself permission to be free to be you. 

To ‘grow yourself complete’ again and again and again.   

No one can do for you what you can.  You are what you need, want, fulfills you.  You are who/what you are looking for. 

When you are present, your best life is presented to you.  

Boom. Bam. Bing.  Let yourself arrive to and in every part and relationship in your life.   

My greatest wish for You.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Breathe in.  Breathe out.   Notice that the air may be cooler coming in.  Warmer going out.    
Breathe deep into your belly.  Let your belly fill like a balloon.   Release the air slowly; steady.   Pull your belly in as you exhale.         Breathe.  

Relax your shoulders.  Release any and all tension in your body.  From the top of your head to the bottom of your feet.  Do a 'scan'.   Let go.  Become heavy.  Let whatever is underneath you support you fully.  Sink in.  Breathe.  Don’t forget your face and your fingers.   

Let your own love fill up every cell of your body.  Love to your skin.  Love to your organs. Love to your blood flow.  Open to your body’s own harmony and unity.   

Expand open to be one with the amazing beauty and power of nature.  Sit in it with your mind.  Connect as One with the universal flow.  

Trust the process of life. Trust yourself to know and that you will be able to get through anything that comes your way.

Know that you will know what you need to know when you need to know it.    

Your survival rate thus far is 100%.  Very good odds.  

Everything you need for this lifetime you were born with inside of you.   Breathe and know thyself.  Invite your inner wisdom up from deep inside of you.  

Breathe and be.   Breathe and be totally true to You.   

When you are ready, open to and feel the full wonder and true amazing you.  Take this you with you and into everything you do; every breath you take and everything you dream and create, every situation you encounter.    


Namaste.       Thank you.   

Monday, March 23, 2020


May you offer harmony and unity between what is going on within yourself and what you are showing and sharing on the outside of You.

This has been my goal for as long as I can remember.   This just may be vulnerability at its depth.

As we show the world our dreams, desires, feelings and truthful emotions, we open ourselves to possible ridicule, misunderstanding, judgment and out right being laughed at or anger, madness and/or hurt coming straight at us.

Ouch.  Hide. Surrender.  Change.   Apologize...

These are things that would penetrate my being and have me believing that I was wrong, bad, hurtful and or too much to handle; too sensitive.

I am learning that if attacked or being on the receiving end of anger or a verbal ‘beat down'...   These attacks have nothing to do with who I am and the open loving truth that is me.   They have everything to do with the person and what is going on inside the person on the defensive and what feels ugly and unlovely to me.  

Ouch.   It stays.

Hide, surrender, change, and/or apologize does not.

As our stillness is heightened these days -- the air, the water, the land and the sky remain and allow for tons of replenishment, light, abundance and glory living between and in conjunction and continuum of one another.

We can learn a lot from nature if we open ourselves fully to witness it and to be one with it.

'Days of' ... are over.  'Days of' ... are here for us to create.  Individually, together.

What role are you ‘being called’ to offer...

I sit in openness to hold space for everything beautiful, fulfilling and marvelously miraculous to all living creatures; large and small; hurting and well, opened and constricted.

May we all shine.

May we all answer the call.

May you respond favorable to your life, your calling, your light and your love.  May you let the journey of you shine so bright that the you that you want to be and are bursts forth from thr depth of your own vulnerability.  

Friday, March 20, 2020


. . . . . .

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. . . . . .

When you find yourself in stillness, may you be aware of what is going on inside of you...

Are you in a loving, kind and/or open to ease place...

Are you freaked, anxious, worried and/or stressed...

Perhaps, an assortment of feels is what shows up.

May you let full, compassionate breathing in your stillness; as much and as often as possible.

In our mindful stillness, we heal.

In our physical stillness, the earth heals.

In stillness, awareness has the greatest chance to be present.

In awareness and stillness, we can birth new ways for who we want to be going forward; what we want the world to be.

May you be/give the present of stillness.... when possible.


Are we looking for direction from the Authorities?

We look for information.  We stand open to hear what is going on that we are not privy to at this time.

We are bombarded by the same information; we are updated again and again and again.

How many times are we subjected to the same videos...   How many times are directions reiterated to us...   How many times are you open to digesting them...

We all ‘digest’ information differently.   What works for you works for you.

Maybe it could be a good time to check in to see how you are digesting information and what feelings dominant your mind and life just now.

Do you like them...  Are you comfortable or uncomfortable or somewhere in between.   Is fear prominent...  Are you allowing your calm to happen and how often (if you would, in fact, like your calm to happen)...  

Just be aware.  Invite in what you wish to experience in the truth that you are consciously and/or subconsciously digesting.  Be aware how you feel.  Be aware how you react.   No harsh judgment or right or wrong.  Just what would be your preferred reaction to the information, situations, circumstances, connections and self-made responses you are in and having.  

Life as we have known it will never be the same.   We are in a crux to stabilize ourselves, our lives, our world; individually, together.

One world.   Everywhere.  All.  Everything.  Nothing is untouched just now.

What peace, promise, priority, positivity can you bring forth...

May You do just this.

May you do the thing that can promote a world into a ‘together we stand’ and living in the highest vibration of ourselves that we can be.  

I am so in.   I have been waiting for this ‘new earth’; highest of humanity; lowest of suffering; kindness, compassion and togetherness abound world.

What is inside of you as happy, magical imagination..   may you make it real.


Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Hang On

Just what if you were born to live right here, right now, during this time.

Just what if being your authentic whole self from the depth of your compassion, uniqueness, truth and love is exactly the part you have been assigned to ‘play’.

Hang on.

You were made for this.

May you try it on and see how it feels to You; if it feels right for you to so.


Be ever so gentle.   There’s no place like YOU.  

Sense of wellness, creativity, emotional balance, sexuality, harmony, passion, freedom, intuition, and expression of emotions. (google)

May you let the truth within you live out loud; gently and compassionately.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Then and Now

Our world is changing.  Our world is more 'One' than ever.  We are being forced into this.  It can prove scary.  It can, just maybe, be one of the greatest of all times in history.  I am praying that it will not be as near catastrophic as it can seem to be.

I find myself offering my thoughts, ideas and connections out.

I'd like to share them with You just in case something within here could connect with your own peace, hope, and love.

"Relax into your own awesome love and strength whenever you feel anything like a ‘what if’ coming on.   

Most of us could have never ever thought this up.   May you see the good in it, sometimes, just because you can.   

I do find myself having a hard time breathing it in at times.   I tell myself...  Right here.  Right now.  I am ok.

If I find myself confused and/or overwhelmed, I can ask myself what is the very next step I want to take.   

Get water.   Eat.   Take a picture.  Reach out to someone.  Stretch.  Take deep breaths.  Brush my teeth.  

Whatever it is...  I put my mind fully on my current step/goal as best I can.

When I feel myself starting to worry, realize this and change worry into love.   If I find myself worrying about a loved one or a situation, send them and/or it love.

Doing ourselves differently."   It is time.  The time is now.   It is in us to do this.  It is in me to do this.  It is in You to do this.

Big Hugs.

May you relax into your own love, peace and fortitude as often and as much as you can.

I wish you well.  Be safe..  Be smart..  Be informed but not bombarded..  Hang loose..  Be cool..  Stay healing...  to the best of your ability and desire.

Perhaps, the earth heals as we humans get find our stillness...

Sunday, March 15, 2020

My Goal

My goal, when starting this blog, was the same as it is today.

To speak my truth openly, lovingly and without fear to, possibly, encourage you to realize whatever, if anything, comes up for you during the reading of it.  I am hoping and trusting that someone will become and grow into more of who You are and want to be.

If I can touch you in a way that you do better for you, I have accomplished my goal.

As it turns out, I have gotten so much out of this blogging than I ever would’ve thought.

Im learning more about me.  Sometimes I write the same subject matter back to back and this shows me what I need to or what I am actually working on within my own being.

Sometimes when I read it back, I learn something or I find myself triggered or even feeling like someone or something, bigger than I, has my back.

I mostly write without an agenda and the words come through me from an outside, or is it deeply within, source.

I write a word and sometimes have to look up the meaning and it has been 99% accurate for the sentence and the gist of the post.

It helps me to feel connected.  It helps me to feel productive.  It helps me support and live my ‘calling’; my reason for being.

For many years, the only place to find my words were here.  Then I had a website created and I post the same blog there.    I find I talk less of my individual experiences in as much depth and it somewhat comes through a part of me that knows professionalism over personal.  It seems the line/boundary of this is getting more blurred as we grow, become and connect in today’s world.

We are all a work in progress.  We all have a reason for being.  We all matter.  We all are doing the best we can.  We all are living this journey of life from our unique perspectives, inner wisdom, outer experiences and unique beingness.

We all want to be seen, heard, acknowledged and loved.

'Do' You.  Whatever that means to You.  Do You from the most authentic and nonjudgmental cells of your body.

Do you.

May you be aware of You, see You, acknowledge You, and love You.

May you open up to your work progressing; your reason for being.

May you let your inner wisdom connect with your outer experiences.

Thank you for being here.  Thank you for being open to being the best version of you walking in your awareness of all that is you; for you; by you, through you and known to You.

Friday, March 13, 2020


Breathe.  May you breathe and live in your truth, right now, as you are, through your own love and inner wisdom.    Through this, may you be free.  

Free yourself to create your own paradise.  Perhaps, it starts in your mind and in how you choose to be from all the ‘yous’ that are possible....    Ha!

Each one of us have many feelings, emotions, thoughts, ways of being, ways of expressing and things we love and things we do not love.

Realizing which is which.  Feeling what comes up.  Being in the moment of now...  frees us to live authentically.

Just Being U, without judgement; without fear and with lots of love is paradise to me.

I wish you paradise.  Get.  It  On.


“... each moment offers us an opportunity to accept what we feel, think, want and need without allowing our fears to result in more self-rejection and thus more suffering. The majority of our self-criticism actually results from denying our true self, because in doing so we are lying to ourselves and to others. Then, we give ourselves a hard time for doing so. This is why finding the courage to speak and act based on our true feelings now is the most practical expression of accepting all of who we are as well as the most direct path to enjoying our life.”

“Through following our heart, we eventually realize exactly what we need to realize about what supports our overall wellbeing and love for ourselves, and what does not, because it’s only through trial and error that we finally learn to enjoy life each day without doing so self-destructively. This dance between what we desire and the associated pleasure and pain always leads to a clear understanding of the universe’s perfectly designed plan to wake us up and help us remember that all of the peace, happiness, freedom and love we desire will only be found within ourselves.”
            From the book "You Were Not Born to Suffer" by Blake Bauer

BAM!  It is my time to know my truth, feel my truth, hear my truth, live my truth, witness my truth, respond to my truth and share my truth...  from the most loving place available to me within allowing my truth.

I see myself doing so.   I hear myself doing so.   I feel myself not being able to do anything other than acknowledge to myself and express my truth out to everything that is involved in this known truth of mine.

Whoa.  It can feel scary.   It can feel hard to stomach.  It is definitely being vulnerable.  It is enlightening.  It is the greatest gift that will lead me to the truth of my life.   The most awesome available to us comes through living and sharing our truth from the most honest, open and compassionate place deep within.  Fill it with light and let it burst forth beautifully.

May you open up to experiencing, hearing, feeling, living, witnessing, responding and sharing your truth.  May you fill it with light and let it burst forth beautifully.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Holy Moon

Last night was a ‘supermoon’; a full moon; the 'worm' moon; the spring moon.  It was a beauty.  The sky was so bright from inside of my condo that I felt like I had to go downstairs and take a look.  I was called to experience the magic of the moon.

Holy moon!

The wind was so strong.  I felt it moving, encasing and circling around me.  It felt wonderful and exhilarating.  I felt so alive.  Every part of me was uplifted, what felt like, into the light!   I so appreciate moments like this.  FUN

Just giving of one's self completely to the moment and feeling(s) associated with the moment.  It is a gift.  It is one of the greatest gifts we can experience.

May you experience just giving into moments where you just open up to, feel and respond to your feeling(s).   Sometimes there’s a soulful whisper asking us to do something.  Sometimes there is a release.  Sometimes there is great joy.  Sometimes, an unique experience just for you is present and offering itself to You.

 divine   spiritual   humble   faithful   pure   blessed   unworldly

May you open up to the most holy/wholly of You...

Sunday, March 8, 2020


From the book "Thriving as an Empath" by Judith Orloff

"As I’ve grown as an empath, I can appreciate the gift of being different. I am moved by this anonymous quote: “If you feel you don’t fit into this world, it’s because you’re here to create a better one.” Sensitive people are meant to bring light into the world. Empathy is a strength, not a weakness. I applaud everyone who looks different, feels different, or thinks different. The world needs the difference you will make.

SET YOUR INTENTION I will not buy into any belief that doesn’t affirm the worth of my sensitivity, compassion, and love. I will be empathic in my own life and advocate these values in the world."


"Still, a big challenge for all sensitive people is how to be compassionate without absorbing the stress of others and the world.  We don't have the same filters as most people.  We are emotional sponges who feel everything and instinctively take it in.  This differs from "ordinary" empathy, where your heart goes out to others in pain or happiness, but you don't take on their feelings.  We empaths are helpers, lovers, and caretakers who often give too much at the expense of our own well-being. Research suggests that our mirror neuron system (a part of the brain responsible for compassion) is hyperactive, which can burn us out.  This is not how I choose to live.  I want to be loving, but overhelping or absorbing someone's distress just puts me on sensory overload, which is painful to my sensitive body and soul.   It also doesn't serve the other person in any lasting way."

Judith Orloff writes beautifully and the information feels true and helpful to me.  

May I offer some (maybe) helpful tips if you feel burned out by caring, doing, giving too much of yourself that you find you have very little to nothing left for yourself; at certain times.  'At certain times' meaning way too often.   Ha.

EVERY time you give out to the world, a situation or another, keep a bit of what you are giving out for yourself.  As you give away 'energy', store some of this energy inside of yourself; each and every time.

PERHAPS, try to picture a bubble around yourself.  A bubble of protection.  Nothing can get in unless you allow it.  You can imagine mirrors on the outside of the bubble facing out as to deflect negative energy from yourself and allow what is happening outside of yourself to be mirrored back to the world, a situation or a person that may be presenting in a way that feels unsupportive and even harsh to you.

NUTURE yourself.  Do something every day just for you.  It can be as simple as taking a moment to just sit and breathe in and out fully and mindfully. to exercise. to a massage, a bath, a dinner or an outing into nature.

TALK kind and loving to yourself.  If you do something that you are proud of, thank yourself.  If you make a mistake, comfort yourself.  If you find yourself being your own worst enemy, begin to be your own best friend.

REST when you are tired.  If you hear yourself saying that you do not have time to rest, then, perhaps, work at a 75% energy level instead of your usual 100%.

ASK for help.  Give someone the opportunity and gift of being able to help and support you from time to time.   Knowing how good you feel when you help 'others', allow 'others' the same feeling of good.

'Empath' is not even in the dictionary.  'Empathy' is "appreciation, compassion and recognition".

If this feels true to you, it feels true to you.  This, much more than a label, can be your guide.

It is a beautiful thing to care, support, give and love another.   It is a really beautiful thing when we care, support, give and love another through a full and supportive 'tank' of same within ourselves.

Magic is the loudest.  Life is the most enjoyable.  Love carries us all.

Light is the brightest.

May you allow your magic, your life, your love and your light to be the loudest and brightest possible; as often as possible.

May  you live in the truth of everything that you are... from a place of inner wisdom and a fulfilled feeling of self-empowerment.    just being U.

                                                  Picture by Rebecca Ilene Photography

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Truth Changes

Truth.  Being truthful.  Living in our truth.

May you not judge your truth harshly.  May you just feel it as you experience it and live in it; the truth you perceive just now.  Notice it.  Does it uplift you...  Does it bring you down...

Not every one’s truth is the same. In fact, no one’s truths are 100% the same.  Sometimes it may be hard to understand another’s truth because we haven’t experienced same. We haven’t lived it.  It is, however, possible to let the other truth be so - even when we cannot connect to it.

I think the best way to do this is to allow for truths outside our own to be just that.  Truths that are different than what We, I, You know as truth.

I do know that there are things/thoughts that were once my truth in the past are no longer what is true for me today.

The saying ‘never say never’ is a real and true thing as we continually live through and experience new situations.  We grow and learn from these same and reoccurring situations.  They usually keep happening until we do.  We also grow and learn from all the changed and new situations that occur.

Most of us have been in situations; growing up with each other; experiencing the same sort of ordeals and witnessing of and participating in the same exact 'stories' and, yet, each one of us will have experienced them differently in some way and/or would label their version of same as truth; from a different perspective; a different life; a different version; a different experience; a different outcome which could look and sound like a completely different 'story'.

Do you ever watch something such as a TV show or during a get together or even when driving down the road and the person with you will say did you see that; did you see this; wow, I can't believe that just happened and you truly and simply will not know what they are talking about.  And it is [simply and interestingly] because you were having your own experience of the same thing.  You were looking at the same story (completely) different. You were hearing it in a different way.  You both were experiencing the same exact scenario but from and through the experience of you uniquely being you.

What you each saw was true for you in the moment because it was from your own individual lens and being-ness.  It is true for you in the moment through what you know, feel, gravitate towards and look for.

How about is the  glass half full or half empty...  Either way you see it, you are right and it is true for you in that moment.   Some may say it doesn’t matter because it can be refilled.  Again, true for that person.

Just like our truths can be challenged, rediscovered, redirected and reenergized, so can the way we look at things, see things, discover things, react to things and participate in things.

If you are not comfortable and enjoy the/your truth that is currently forthcoming, you have complete choice in creating a new truth.  One that feels better on and in you in this very moment.

May you be aware of your truths.  Explore them.  Question them.  Feel them.  Do not make them right or wrong.  Just allow them to be.  'I want to keep this one.  I don't want to keep that one.  I want to create this experience anew because I am worth it and it allows me to experience truth through and in who I am now and who I want to be.'

What was your truth yesterday, in many ways, is not and doesn't have to be your truth today.

May you live in your truth of meeting your whole self, now; from where you are today and how you want to feel, perceive and walk through this moment, situation, and scenario in this current moment.

You have you.  May you trust that you do.  May you trust what you are feeling and what just may be 'knocking' at your soul through a whisper is the call you would do best to pay attention to and answer.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Get Your Peace On

Peace seems to be the subject that is most forthcoming in my world, and in this world, that I find myself sharing with others today.  It is what is coming up the most in everything and everyone I find myself connecting to and with.  

- Be easy, gentle and live in each moment [at a time] and not in all the endless possibilities of so many multiple moments.

- I walk forward in trust, truth and as myself.  God has it all figured out.  I will fear not to walk forward because He has me and I am love(d).    

- To be who we are from our most authentic place within ourselves could, possibly, release such huge pressure to be something other than what we are.  If we all lived in this self authenticity, we could create 'heaven on earth' or at the very least, peace within because we could choose to share the 'weight of the world' with each other.

As we allow peace within and support and value each other's true being-ness, peace in our world and with each other just happens.

May each of us try it.  We just may like it.

May you open up to your authentic self from the deepest and most loving place inside of you.  May you try it.  May you find that you like it a whole lot.  It just may be the reason for You being.

Owning, Loving, Believing in, Being, Sharing, Speaking, Living the uniqueness of You is the greatest and most awe-inspiring thing you can do.

May you let your heart beat to the 'song' that beats from and through everything that You are.

Your 'song' is your fusion.  It is your truth, your uniqueness, your love, your vulnerability, your compassion, your dreams, your creativity, your likes, your dislikes, your most free to be you symphony/harmony. 

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Sky Kissed

Sun-kissed - Sunkist - Sun Kissed is common word/phrase.  It can mean that the sun is kissing your skin  to change its color.  It can mean that it warms your bones and being.  It can mean healing.  It can mean an orange.  It probably means a number of things to many people.

When I saw the sky, as portrayed in this picture, I thought and felt sky-kissed.  Mother Nature was kissing the sky.  The sky was sending love.  The sky was showing beauty.  The sky was offering peace, magic and positivity to connect to and enjoy.

How blessed that, especially when we look for same, we are blessed with beautiful moments, thoughts, feelings, experiences, awe and wonder.

Color and the transfusion of color can be felt and experienced in the 'power of awe' in so many ways depending on what we are open to see, experience, and feel.

I wish for you to see the beauty in moments that are right in front of you; within you and there for You.  So many opportunities happen when we open to, look for, connect to and believe in the simplicity within every day uplifting moments.
Sky-Kissed.   Wild and free.   Wild abandon.   Beautiful love.   Divine.    Colorful.   Magical.   Awesomely Authentic.   You.  

May You Free Yourself to ‘Just Be U’.