Whatever comes up for you... May you just feel it through your own love; relaxed and open, with a slow, long, deep breath.
Perhaps, if it feels right for you to try...
Every time you do something nice for another, say something nice to yourself or say "I love 'insert your name here'"... or, simply, "I love me".
May you look in the mirror and tell the person looking back how much you love them.
Look at all the things you love about yourself; not the things you do not.
As we love ourselves, we are happier, more open to life and loving kindness, and living free comes easier.
Perhaps, if it feels right for you to try...
Every time you do something nice for another, say something nice to yourself or say "I love 'insert your name here'"... or, simply, "I love me".
May you look in the mirror and tell the person looking back how much you love them.
Look at all the things you love about yourself; not the things you do not.
As we love ourselves, we are happier, more open to life and loving kindness, and living free comes easier.
Good luck.
Today is a new day to ‘love yourself’ even more. Talk to yourself as you would if you were talking to your 10 year old self.
You’ve always been enough just because you were and are.
Today is a new day to ‘love yourself’ even more. Talk to yourself as you would if you were talking to your 10 year old self.
You’ve always been enough just because you were and are.
Every time you hear yourself saying something that could feel hurtful or does feel hurtful to yourself, ask yourself if you would say that to very young you; to little you. If you would not, say I’m sorry to yourself and realize that it was coming from your learned habit(s) from past experiences and connections. Change the hurtful saying to something nice, kind and loving.
Such as “you are so stupid/worthless/ugly” can be changed to “you are so smart/worthy/beautiful”. Please use your own words. You know what they are. You will know when you listen and respond through your own love.
I believe in you. You matter.
World change does start with You.
You can start right now in this moment. Try it starting right now in this very moment. 'Play it out' as often and as much as possible.