Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Living where I live now, I have so much beautiful and uplifting [island life] nature around me.

The other day while I was looking at all the pictures that I have quickly accumulated, the word ‘soulventure’ came to mind.

I would like to offer to your soul, your own soulventure.

May you open your soul and see and feel where your soul wishes and desires for you to venture.  May you connect to your beautiful soul and live out from there. Namaste    


Balloons.  They can pop, expand, deflate, be molded and have many different colors.   Life and life experiences can do the same.  They can rise up and they can sink to the bottom.  So can we.  

They can be beautiful, colorful, happy, festive.  They can show support. They can be offered as love; from love; through love.  So can you.   

Whatever feels, just maybe, like it’s dominating your life right now, you have the choice to change it or let it be so.  A choice to mold, inflate or deflate it; to rise above or sink and lay low.   

Your life. Your choice. Your experience.  May you choose/create the option(s) that allow(s) you to feel like your most authentic [badass] empowered self.   

Yes.  You are this powerful; this beautiful and this able.   

May you feel/know/envision the bouquet of ‘balloons’ you wish to create and let the 'helium' (breath of your life) support you.   Oh yes!    

“The color purple relates to the imagination and spirituality. ... This is the union of body and soul creating a balance between our physical and our spiritual energies. Purple or violet assists those who seek the meaning of life and spiritual fulfillment - it expands our awareness, connecting us to a higher consciousness.”  unknown

May you “Just 9Be U” from the depth of everything that you know is you.   The purity and sincerity of your complete truth, trust, love and compassion.  

Wednesday, May 15, 2019


I read something today that reminded the reader to not let yesterday take up too much of today.  How true can this be from time to time...

Some of us hold on to things that happened yesterday, last week, last month, and even when we were little.

Why do we let it here with us today, thinking and feeling about that instead of being open to the new things and adventures that await our consciousness now...

This is what I plan on focusing on tomorrow.  If I hear or feel a past thought or emotion come up into my now, I will acknowledge it, thank it and set it aside stating that I am more interested in my present happiness than anything else.

I feel my fingers on the keyboard.  I feel the chair underneath me supporting me.  I feel the ground underneath my feet.  I breathe and open my heart and my mind to my soul's inner knowing with the circumstance that I am currently witnessing.  I'm looking out of the window from the 21st floor and I see gray-blue-navy clouds still in the sky.  I see a blinking blue light on a boat on the water.  I see the lights popping on as dark takes over the day.  My dog lays nearby.  I hear the trickle of the fountain's flow.  I feel myself sitting up straight and I breathe and relax my shoulders.

While I am mindful of all of this, no past or other thought creeps in.  I am being here now; in this present moment.  This is a gift to our human experience and it is my goal to really be aware of this gift for the next 24 hours.

My past has brought me into my now.  This moment, if I allow it, will bring me into a new future if I let go of my usual repetitive thinking.

It is said that we think like 90,000 thoughts a day.  Out of these 90,000 thoughts, we think about the same 74% of them every day.  I am ready for new thoughts.

Thoughts of strength, safety, creating and awesome shared between myself and 'you'.

May you be open to new thoughts of strength, safety, creation and awesomeness shared between you and 'me'.  

Let us replace thoughts that keep us stuck or thoughts that are not for our most positively-available self with thoughts that make us feel good.  Let's choose thoughts that support our happy.  Thoughts that promote our love to grow.  Thoughts that provoke creating the best that we have to offer.

If it is not a thought we like, say goodbye to it; unwelcome it.   Let us only allow thoughts to possess our mind's ability to tell us how empowering powerful we are.

You are the one behind your thoughts.  You do have control of your thoughts.

Choose your own thoughts that rock your own world.  Yesterday is just that.  Today, we can allow, create and choose anew.

May you get to it - to YOU; the You that You want to be and have it in You for it to be so.

Truth; Get Down On It

It has been a rough, uncalming, high stress move for me from the house, which is inland, to the condo on the water.

The view is beautiful. I get so excited with the sunsets, storms and everchanging appearance of the backdrop of the sky, the ever moving water, the colors of the clouds and the velocity of the wind.  It invigorates and elates me.  I have met lizard (iguana) friends that I now look for every day.  There is a variety of people here with many life-living differences.  There is always a person to connect with out and about.   The parking, the contractor ease (or disaster of same), the acreage of beautiful landscaping are all either something to get used to or something I miss.   The openness of land and community, the no need to carry keys, the privacy and the help, or lack thereof, we get from management is all different and I'm learning the differences and how to process them.  I am not close to being comfortable, however, I do find myself getting more comfortable every day.  Living through it is often the only way to adapt, find and create the path(s) we will walk on.  Only by moving through each situation is where we find ourselves and our best way.

My blood pressure has been high. I have been dizzy and lightheaded.  I have not allowed myself to feel safe nor to easily calm myself.  There are moments of calm.  There are more moments of 'uncalm' just now for me.

It is said that moving is one of the biggest stressors to a human life.  I have moved three times in the last 6 years.  That can be looked on as a lot of stress.  It can be witnessed and thought of as following what my life is showing me and to honor, follow and support it through the best of my ability.  It is still unknown to me what is really happening.!.!

Many of us are creating/recreating/learning anew.  Through information and sensory overload; lack of privacy and moment to moment change, our human beingness cannot process it as fast as it is happening.  Where I once felt I knew where everything was and where to reach out to get a goal complete, I now pray I can get through the day doing what is most important and hope for safety and wellness.

I kid you not.  Whew.  What a ride.

And, I need to believe that this 'ride' is happening to create the whole new way of life for all living creatures through honesty, openness, truth, perseverance, kindness, support, loyalty to self and others and everything else possible to create illness to wellness; dis-ease to ease.

I so want to live in a world where we walk through any door and know that we all have each other's backs and it is okay to be true to ourselves knowing that even if we don't understand, we can still choose to support the 'do no harm' and 'love one another' standards.

It is my goal to do no harm and support living beings to experience the best of...  in this new world that feels like it is being forced upon me.  I am so in if this is the end result.  It is the only end result I want to consider; the 'best of' principle... and it feeling and being excitingly peaceful.

You being you.   Me being me.  Meeting US in the middle of success, love, willingness, care, compassion, support and the possible best of our planet...  with 'awesome' leading the way.

May you live in your truth through as much love and openness to everyone's best; high on the list being your own.  The only best that you can really create is your own.  However, in this best that is you, you support the best of all that is.

Best on and it being so divine.  Oh yeah.  I am thinking that we do not even know the possibilities of the best and empowered self.  I believe we are learning this now.  You are divine; from the divine; through the divine; as the divine.

May you be [open to] your best divine self.  

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Lovin’ Vibin’ Bolts

If, by chance, you see lightning anywhere today, 😜, you are being blessed and kissed by the universe.  You are being reminded to love yourself, hug yourself and one another.  There is an energy and power inside of you that can and will allow you to accomplish and walk through everything and anything life brings to you.  I have heard it said that if you are brought to it, you will be brought through it.   So, if by some crazy, unforeseen reason, 🤣, you do see a lightning strike (or 2 or 3), may you tap into the energy; the power; the love and the awesome that is You(rs).   You have a whole lot of beautiful connected to you.   

May you shine the most unique aspects of you through the highest commonalities of being alive which is our breath and that all life matters.  Your life matters, greatly, just as it is and just as you are; just because you are here now.   

May we bow our heads in unity and, mindfully and fully, send out loving peace, ease of support and an enchanting kindness to each other through ourselves.   And so it is.   And so you can be.  And so we shall.   

...This is my deepest desire for woman and mankind and all living things now, at this time; while we are here.   May we Do This Thing; individually, together.  

INFLICT LOVE upon the land and all its inhabitants.   


Saturday, May 11, 2019


There is something inside of me that has been very uncomfortable within my body.  An unsettling; a discomfort; an unease.   It just pops up and it feels like a drum is being played in a not so poetic way.  It is like energy is moving through my body and not knowing where to land.

I have known this feeling of energy not knowing where to land before; a lot of befores.  I have never had an awkward drumbeat that I have no understanding of.

I scares me and persuades me to not trust in my self ability and strength.  It pulls me into a place of dis-ease and discomfort.

I move my body as to move these feelings through me.  There doesn't seem to be an easy fix to change this/these feelings.

I know great irritability and tightness.

I want to know expansion and ease.  So, I invite expansion and ease.  I breathe deep within myself.  Peace is not sitting with me.  I must search for it and create it.

I feel my feet on the ground; the chair supporting me.  When I breathe out, I let my body become heavier.  I ask for a answer that can teach me, grow me, allow me and transform this uncomfortable energy into a higher and more supportive energy.

I let go of my thoughts and just breathe and be.  I open myself up to processing these feelings and, with or without understanding, let go of the discomfort and open to releasing and letting go.  I offer myself to just be; nothing else matters in this moment than just being present to my present.

I see white fluffy clouds out of the window against a soft blue and still sky.  I imagine myself floating through the clouds and being comforted and protected.  I can allow my mind to go on any journey I wish it to go on.  I choose opening my heart and sending, spreading, grabbing onto and breathing in and out love.

I find gratitude for the warmth of the sun.  I feel grateful for the experiences that have made me me.  I really like the high energy happy times.  I am also grateful for the low energy serene times.  I trust that everything I have experienced and everything I will experience is for my fulfillment in my life's journey.

This being human is quite the blessing and, perhaps, the curse.  When we can still choose love through pain, hardship, dis-ease and discomfort, our amazing love is always present to support, claim, comfort and bemuse itself upon us.  It is this loving ability that wins the peace.

May you let your own loving ability win the peace that is meant for you.  Peace in the moment.  Peace in the hurt.  Peace in the excitement.  Peace in the chaos.  Peace in pieces.  

May you believe in the peace of being you and let being you bring you peace.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Here Goes I/You

Wherever you are, there you are.

I find myself in a very strange mood coming to the computer to write what my fingers will type.  My belly is full and a bit uncomfortable.  I am home alone with the animals and find myself wanting the day to turn into dark.

It is dark early as it is a cloudy, overcast evening.  There will be no sunset visible to see.  And, yet, I know - we all know, there is a sunset occurring whether we see it or not.

I tune in to wondering how many more things are occurring and happening without our ability to see it.  Is this earth supporting us in ways we are unable to see, know and/or understand...

Are there spirits, fairies, elves, etc...  Is there a vibration that we cannot see or feel happening...  Are we alone or are we not...  Do we have just this one life or do we have several...  When we die, what happens...

Oh the Unknown...   It can be loud.   It can feel scary.   It can feel exciting.  It can be a good thing.   It can be just a thing.

What is most important to our evolution...  What is most important to our being...  What is most important to our soul...

Is there one answer or several answers...   Will the unknown answers ever become known...

TRUST.  BE HERE NOW.  In this breath, I am surviving...  I may even be thriving.

If I have shared love today, is this what matters most...   If I have loved myself today, have I had a great day...

Oh, the great unknown can be great.

Maybe nothing else matters as much as you sharing you; as you living you; as you being you; as you bringing the truth of what you feel into everything you are.

May you invite yourself to go; to happen; to be.  Perhaps, there is no need for any questions if we just allow life to flow through us and to be true to our experience of same.   Accept this moment through what we are feeling without judgment; with open heart and mind; with love.

Here goes you/I...   Perhaps, this is the most, the best, the greatest way to journey on.  As You; As I...

Ponder what comes to you to ponder and feel what comes to you to feel and, perhaps, ask yourself if your thinking/thoughts are lifting you up or breaking you down.

May you choose to think the thoughts that truly lift the you that you want to be up.


My thought is what a strange place to find myself and I want to be okay with it.  My acceptance is that this is what is true for me in this moment.  My love is that I love myself whether what I am experiencing is known or unknown.  If it feels strange, then it feels strange.   I love me anyway.  In this moment.  No matter what.

May you love you anyway; in this moment, no matter what.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

May the Force be With You

It feels like there is such a force within me, around me, screaming at me and supporting me. It feels like I am being forced to go as deep within myself as I have ever known.  The greatest and longest fear I have ever lived with. What seems to be my biggest struggle in relationships with others and also myself.  Some serious experiences are showing up not as a tap on my shoulder but as a oh heck what do I do now...

Perhaps, being forced into and through these deep issues of mine is the last of the undesired modes of myself that, once through, I will choose to live through my loving truth easily and only. I will not allow or know/participate in life any other way.  No sidestepping.  No stepping back or out.  The only way to where I want to end up is through my loving and open truth from my mind, my being and my soul.

I want to end up being the most loving and authentic me that I can be. This is how I want to experience and live the rest of my life. There is no known other way I want to get life on through love and authenticity.

I'm in.  I'm ready.  I'm able.  I'm open.  I'm signed up to deliver me home to myself from everything I think, say, do and am.

This is the best and 'realist' possibility for me. This is true freedom, deep depth, raw emotion and the best of the best.  I deserve it.  I worked hard to get here.  I suffered greatly to connect to it.  I am free to be me and I will let nothing alter this calling/desire/knowing that one day I will fully get here.  I have arrived.  I'm here to stay.  I'm welcome my high of highs and I'm ok to sit in my low of lows.

This is the human experience and I no longer want to do it any other way but experience what life shows me to experience.

I'm happening.  I have a need to support any and every one that touches my world through their best ability to experience their human journey under the guise of knowing, being, living and open to their best truth and authenticity.

I say Best On.  Best of you.  Best of me.  Best of life.  Best of connection.  Best of togetherness.  Best of connection.  Best of self.  Best of the human experience.  Best of the soul’s knowing.

May you "Just Be U" and be open to the best time of your life that is currently available to you.  Let the 'magic' and 'colors' of you happen from the depth of yourself.

Buddha; Ghandi; Martin Luther King, Jr.; Mother Teresa

May you go deep enough within yourself to come out to give of your best self; like 'masters' before us.

I am wishing you loving joy, empowering peace, gentle strength and the best of yourself through the oasis that is at the core of your being.

In other words, let your super-duper vastness of awesome be gathered and surge forth.

In other words, I offer you flowers and stones, crystals and shells to support you, encourage you and to send out love and light to surround, flow through, and encompass you.

May you feel my love and belief in you just because you are doing the best you can with what you know; who you are; where you have been and where you are going.  Booyah!   

May you be open to the best of your love within, creating/growing/being rock solid with it and sharing it out.

Zing. Zonk. Bonk. Bing. Boom. Bam. Love wins. Love empowers.  Let love.


One Breath

I speak to whatever ails you.  I ask it to teach you what it is there to teach you.  My wish is for it to be as gentle as possible on you; to leave you in peace, renewal, rebirth and freedom.

May you open your heart, mind and soul letting go of any fear so that your beautiful light from within can and will shine as bright as it wants to.

One breath at a time.    It is all that matters just now.

Just for these next few breaths...  Feel love.  Feel your depth.   Feel the unknown.  Feel the known.   Feel trust that your life can be and is awesome.

Just for these next few breaths feel love; your love.  The love you so willingly and beautifully give to others.  May you give it all to you.

Every so often, may you give your breath only to You.