Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017


May you breathe.  And,  may you know that you are... !

I like to just feel the air I breathe into my body; feel my stomach fill up like a balloon; and slowly let the air release and pull my belly in and let all the air out of my lungs.  Follow the breath in and out of one's body.  Repeat.  Repeat as many times as it feels right to open up to the inner peace that is you(rs).

Breathing.  It is nice to know that I am... !

Sometimes, perhaps, one can notice that the air is cooler coming in and warmer going out of the body.  Just be with it.

As I breathe out, I can let my 'skeleton', organs, muscles and skin relax and let go.  I can find any tension in my body and let it go.  I can just breathe and invite peace and letting go.  Just 'hang' for a moment or two.

What a beautiful gift to one's self...

May you breathe and be aware of all that is you.  May you let it all go but your breath [in this moment].  


Today is All Hallows Eve Day - Halloween!  Happy Halloween to those who partake!

I have been resistant to coming here.  I don't love where my life is just now and I feel like I don't know how to share same.

I am still trying the medical marijuana.  My body and mind are not easily taking to it.  I feel jittery, anxious and hopeful.

I brought my 'medical marijuana card' with me to the pain management doctor to be on the up and up.  She immediately lowered my dose of hydrocodone.  Ugh.  Not what I wanted.  I want the freedom to discover what works and what doesn't.  She took this away from me somewhat.  I can guess at the reason(s) and what does it really matter.

I fought it all the way home hearing myself say again and again 'I am done', 'I am done'.  I felt so beaten down.

I have since realized to not fight it and do the best I can with it and just maybe this is the universe supporting me.  Just what if this is so...

Fighting it hurts me.  Embracing it and 'playing it out' to see where I find myself feels kinder to myself.  Beating myself up because I don't like what life is showing me doesn't change what life is showing me.  It just takes away from the moments of possible peace within.

I really like peace within.!.

May you choose peace.

May you choose your own peace within; as often and as much as possible.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Another Day

As I sit at my computer, I notice that I hear the air conditioner blowing its cool air.  I hear the vacuum running.  I hear music on the television.  I hear the fountain trickling the water through its pump and over rock.  I see the palms dancing in the wind.  There is a light and cooler breeze outside.  The sky is both blue and has scattered fluffy white clouds.

I feel the chair and floor underneath me supporting me.  I recognize if my shoulders are relaxed.  Little Bear and Tiffany (my two little dogs) lay near me, relaxed.

I breathe.  I realize gratitude for comfort and for help.  I love the blue sky and I love the palm fronds dancing.  I'm grateful for my breath.  I am grateful for my dogs.

I am having lunch with a friend.  It feels like it is long overdue.  I'm grateful for friends.  I'm grateful for food.  Ha!

We are nearing the end of October and the holidays are beginning their descent on us.  We can choose how we want to experience them.

May you meet the holidays where you are this year and let love guide you; self love and love for others.  

The door to our heart works best when it swings both ways.  Love is empowering, uplifting, beautiful and a great guide.

May you let love be empowering, uplifting, beautiful and one of your best guides.

"Today is a good day, I have never seen it before."  Maya Angelou

May you open up to a fresh new day.  May you open up to gratitude.  May you be aware of everything that you can give thanks for.  

May each day be a reason to bring your best of self with you wherever you are.

We are not what happens to us.  We are how we react to what happens.

Best of Self Reacting!  

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Where I'm At

I am trying medical cannabis.  I haven't fallen in love with it as of yet.  I am hopeful my being will and I will know peace in the dis-ease of scleroderma.

I know miracles happen every day.  I believe from dis-ease going into ease is one of many of them.

There are at least two 'strains' of marijuana offered in Florida.  One is for day time intake which could give people pain free moments and, perhaps, energy.  There is a nighttime one that helps to sleep and keep the pain away. There is also a hybrid which I believe contains both strains.  I have much to learn yet.  I know the CBD oil capsules did not work well with my current chemistry.  I hear wonderful things about healing and marijuana.

These are surely interesting times we find ourselves in--in so many ways. 

I feel like I'm in nowhere land trying everything out and journaling when I feel best and when I do not.  I am open to learning (and doing) what is best for me.

May you tread with gentleness and learn what you are interested in.

Guilt is still a 'built-in' thing with me.  I heard myself saying that I have different options now.  I have the largest amount of options that I have ever had and I am told to take it on as I deem necessary.  I have the freedom to alter, switch, subsidize and take or not take as I feel best.  What a beautiful gift indeed.  To allow my inner knowingness to lead me in the now and going forward.  What a great opportunity to learn to trust my most basic of instincts.  The great feeling of being in homeostasis (balance; working in harmony).  Allow instinct.  Let go of things that we have learned that hold us back.

I am the only one experiencing life as I experience life.

You are the only one to experience life as you experience life.

May you be gentle, kind, smart and trusting of what you feel, know, believe, and live.  You can change any of these at any time.  You can choose which ones to experience and which ones to let go of.  

May you give yourself the freedom to reach your goal(s) in the most pleasant of ways for you.  

May we let life be easy and may we trust our self that we know what makes us whole, complete, and fulfilled.  May you know that it is your birthright to be whole, complete and fulfilled.

Get YOU on(ward).

Monday, October 23, 2017

"Super Soul Sunday" OWN

"The simple intention to rest, consistently applied, turns the valley of the shadow into sweet surrender."  Martha Beck; Super Soul Instagram

How beautiful this is to me!  Joy in simplicity and surrendering to rest sounds like pure peace and happiness to me.

Many of our lives are so overwhelming and far from simple.  So many of us fight to not surrender and to not rest.  I often think that I surely don't want to miss something good because I am resting.  And, just what if, the rest itself is the 'something good' that I do miss in the fear of missing out in life; buying into the complex competition of what we sometimes call life.

Just what if life isn't a competition; a challenge; a 'should'...  Just what if we are all winners being who we are as we are meant to be.  And by believing and being this truth that is within our self of who we are, there is nothing to compete against.

We all get exactly what we are supposed to experience in the exact time we are supposed to experience it.  There is nothing that will get in its way and there is nothing that will stop our unique journey of life from happening exactly as we are meant to experience it.

What if in resting when we are tired, we win.  We become the most productive we can be.  What if we don't put pressure on our self in the name of creating, building, becoming and/or being who we are being called to be; in living our unique vocation.  What if we stop the fight of withholding rest...

What if, when you do get tired, you acknowledge it and respond favorably...

May you surrender to the healing; the beauty sleep, the rest of one's tired self when the need for it shows up. 

You can relax in a store line or a doctor's office, in a traffic jam or at a standstill, or for even a part of your break time.  You can relax by just concentrating on letting go of any tension in your body.  You can relax by observing your breath.  You could choose to notice your surroundings more.  Whatever it takes to just let go and/or relax for even just moments at a time, will bring you to a sweeter you; a more relaxed and awarely energetic being.

May you give in to the sweet surrender of rest.  May you find completeness here.  May you let your light shine on; recharged.

                                                                 Haze.  Photo by Jess.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

What's Happening

I am trying new 'medicine' and (what feels to me) a lot of it.  Different medicine that we do not know how it interacts with each other.  We do not know the certain amounts of each to take; we do not know the consistency or a tried schedule to take it and/or when.

I love the freedom of following how I feel and administering said medicine as I deem necessary.  I also know the feeling of being overwhelmed because I do not know how to do this and there are no guidelines that have been documented.  Trust of self is a beautiful gift here that is showing itself for me to learn (again).

Legal marijuana and (now being more openly condemned) opiates have not had many open studies or documented results of the use of these things together.

I've been doing this on and off for a little over a week and I've been very uptight, confused, unsure, overwhelmed along with a bit of hopefulness.  I can easily connect to these same feelings now.  And, yet, something today told me to just trust my own inner knowing, my informed answers and my own 'guesstimates' as to accomplish my goal.

My goal is to feel the best that I can feel.  To be as peaceful as I can be.  To thrive to my greatest ability and capacity.  To live the truest of me.

Can drugs deter my true inner knowing capability...  Very possible, as it is a mind altering regimen that I am taking on.

Can drugs help me to feel the most comfortable I can within myself... Maybe.

Can drugs hurt me... Yes.   Can drugs help me... Yes.

As I open up to be my own and true best friend, I let go of the mean and hurtful thoughts and things I tell myself in regards to hoping to have more ease because of narcotic drugs.

I am deeply working through my layers of what feels like my multiple onions.  I am open to learn.  I am open to receive good and easy answers.  I am open to change with the help of knowing how.  I am open to being free.  I am open to living from my heart.  I am open to living the truth of myself.  I am open to show/live on the outside what I feel on the inside.

I am open to the best me possible.

May you be your own best friend.  May you be open to being and living the best you possible.  

May you let 'happy' happen even in situations that can be true and real reasons for unhappiness.

We are happy because we choose happy.  We are happy because we work at looking at the brighter side of things.  We are happy because that is who we are and who we want to be.

I choose happy.

I certainly do not know everything.  I certainly don't have all the answers.  I certainly am not liking some of my only options.  I certainly can still connect to happy.

'Happy' is always within our reach.  Sometimes, we need to use different meanings of the word happiness to think of ourselves as happy.

And, there is always something to be grateful for.

Live from gratitude.  Connect to your happy.  Be the You that You want to be.

May you meet yourself where you are at and allow contentment of believing in your own strength be 'in your pocket' and easily and readily available to you; as often and as much as possible.

We humans have tremendous strength.

May you be gentle and let love carry this strength and know that it is present for your use whenever you choose to breathe and tap in.

Tap into the magic of You.

Saturday, October 14, 2017


Change is ever flowing in nature.  Change is ever present in life.

I have been feeling more full lately.  My belly fills up quicker and I am eating less.  I am extremely quiet and things are processing within me that I am uncertain of.

I keep hearing myself tell myself that I am healing.  I have been telling myself this for 30 years.  It has not happened yet.

I do my best to embrace the stillness, the quiet, the rumbling storm within.  It feels like electrical currents are happening throughout my body and they do not know where to land.

The tinnitus in my ears is loud.  The buzzing in my head is constant.  The tightness of my skin calls for attention.  My breathing and my lungs are working a bit harder than usual.

I haven't done regular pilates sessions in two weeks.  I often do a little movement wherever I am and I have not felt like doing so.

I really am in a quiet, still place from within.  I am not choosing it.  It is choosing me. And, yet, it has been my underlying request to the universe for a long time - to know peace; to stay in peace.

I could easily find the word 'loser' to use on myself.  And, yet I love.  I choose love.  It just feels so much better to me than berating.

May you choose what feels better to you.  May you meet yourself where you are at.

Everything is temporary.  Change is always happening.

Be like nature and let change flow through.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017


I still sit in stillness.  My mind is quiet.  My heart is beating.  My breath breathes.

We can spend time in foreign lands.  We can spend time on the web.  We can spend time thinking about this or that.  We can get immersed in a project or goal.  We can have tunnel vision.  We can experience the depth and horizon of all that is.

Life comes into us or is it us that comes into life.

We speak and spend time with these or those persons.  We feel and experience what comes from within.  We feel and experience what comes from within As it meets what is without.

Never say never because we can often find ourselves there.

As you open up to the day; as you bring into the day what you focus on; as you meet yourself where you are at, you are living.

Right here, right now, in this breath you breathe.  We breathe life.

Life is experienced as we see it, believe it to be and what we bring to it.

If you want to know peace, be it.

If you want to share love, extend it.

If you want to share joy, tap into it.

Do you fight what is...   Do you focus on what you think you'd rather have than the positive that you do have...   Do you spend life as you would like to...  Do you spend life in awareness...   Do you numb yourself so as not to be aware...

Our life is ours to live.  Here.  Now.  Feel kindness walk with you.  Flow into what brings you contentment.  Let life flow through the truth of your experience from a loving and open heart.

With each breath, we experience life.

Experience it from the truth of what is through the truth of who you are from the most easiest and allowing place inside of you.  This creates the stepping stones into your best path forward.

May you live in and walk on as you create your best path forward.  This may be the pathway home to our true essence.  In our true essence we live our greatest of self.

May you live your greatest of self.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Feels like A Long Time

It feels like a long time since I have sat down to write.  Every time I walk by the computer, nothing comes to mind.  No words, phrases or sentences are being created and/or feeling the need to be written and/or heard.

Maybe I don't want to know what is going on inside of myself.  Maybe I don't want to share the same.  Maybe this is peace and manifestation of stillness.

Maybe I don't need a 'why', 'how, 'what', 'cause' or 'label'.

Maybe no words are necessary.

I have this desire to just be love.  To just share love.  To just offer love.

I am honored, grateful and know joy in just being love.

I share, offer, and send love...  from my heart to yours.

May you just be love or whatever it is that is most valuable to you just now.

Be that.  Be the You that you want to be.

Be it, share it, offer it, send it and live it...   As it brings you true 'peace', may it bring the same to our world...

                                                                 picture unknown

Monday, October 2, 2017


Dear God (Your Higher Power)

Please let us feel Your love.  Please let us feel Your presence.  Please help us to be and do better.  Guide us to our best and most loving path to stop the chaos that our world is experiencing.  

Help those that are hurting to feel love.  Help those that are love to keep their hearts open and continue to send out love.  Help those that are in the middle of chaos to have the ability to step back and/or out and connect to their own loving grace. 

I believe there are so many more humans with loving hearts than not.  I believe we all know and suffer some kind of hardship(s).   

May you teach us, show us and empower us to create, live and offer the best of what is available to us to carry on from this moment forward in the most beautiful and fulfilling of ways.  

Teach those that are hurting to reach out for help.  Teach those that are hurting to not continue the hurt but to find easier and more loving ways to deal with and process the hurt.  To turn it from pain to lessons and betterment.   

Let us be one in togetherness to stop the fighting, the pain, the horrific and the terror as much as possible.   

Let us not live in fear.  Let us live from love.  Let us learn to do no harm.  

Teach us to create peace and harmony. Teach us to let it deep within each of us so that we may build it and share it and pass it forward.  

May we let there be peace on Earth and let it begin from within.  

May You show us to be able to feel our own peace within.   May You enter our hearts and let us know, feel and be the saving grace that we are learning is greatly needed today; everywhere, and throughout the things we are experiencing and in this journey that we call life. 

And so it is. 
May we learn honor and to be honorable.   May we open to the best of ourselves and each other.
Picture by Jess          

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Help From Our Friends

I have a wonderful woman who I took the Life Coaching Training sessions with and we have stayed in touched with each other ever since.

She recently offered to 'work' on me - 'distance healing' - just because she felt urged to do so.  I happily accepted and wanted to offer the same to her as I am still working on receiving love and care easily.  It still feels a bit strange for me to take without giving.

I believe that it all balances out in the end in the exact form and way it is meant to.  I still need to learn to get out of my own way on this one and let people give me and help me just because.

I feel honored and blessed for her; her love; her gifts; and her care.  How lucky and blessed I am.

She has decided that a week worth's of healing feels right and I'm jumping up and down with joy on the inside.  I have even told myself that there is a person that will want to support my healing just because and this is what I wait for.  She is here now!

I am open to receive and be dis-ease free.  I am open to send her all that I can and support her in being her own best self.

How beautiful and loving is this part of life.  I love it.  It is what I breathe for...

May you be open to a balance of giving and receiving. 

May you know that as good as it makes you feel, to give - take, so that you may still be giving a gift of receiving from others and it helps balance out divine connection with each other.  Allow another the gift of giving.  Receive.

Namaste.  Live wild and open your heart.  Let your soul shine out.  Cherish the power of giving and receiving.