Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Saturday, May 31, 2014


Sometimes all we can do is get through.  Today is one of those days for me.  I wait for the insurance check.  It is delivered but not to my door.  Delivery was attempted at an apartment that had no answer, therefore, check and mail carrier went on their way leaving behind an 'attempt note'. 

I see no check.   I see no attempt note.  I was home waiting for delivery.  

Can't make this stuff up.  I have many people waiting on this check.   I have many people deserving payment from services rendered. 

I have no backup check that is due me from insurance company.  I could feel myself wanting to get sick to my stomach.  I hear myself talking myself through that it is out of my control and it will work out as and when it is supposed to.

I don't like it working out this way as fondly as I would if carrier would've come to the correct apartment - mine - and taken my signature for said check.

Wasn't supposed to be.

What is a woman to do! 

Situations can be tumultuous.  Life can feel tumultuous.  "Sometimes when life feels like it is falling apart, it is actually falling together" (unknown).  I sure hope what I am feeling is my life falling into place.  I'm in big trouble if it is not! 

I'm not able to grasp and hold onto too many thoughts today.  Perhaps, it is as simple as I just don't want to.  Perhaps, it is as complex as there are just too many thoughts floating around. 

I am not in a great state of comfort.  I know I am safe and that I will know what to do and be able to do it when the time comes.  In this, I find the peace that I crave.

May you know that you are safe and that you will know what to do and be able to do it when the time comes for you to do so.

Friday, May 30, 2014

9 of Diamonds

After I published the "Grow Yourself Complete" post and sent it to a few close friends, I picked a card and this is what it read:

From Serena

9 of Diamonds:  "Nine: Surprise with money. New business opportunities. Restlessness."


Yet, I do experience hesitation because with all the 'signs', I really thought 'my' house was going to be 'my' house down here.  That hasn't happened.

I move on.

I move on as best I can.

I sit here with heavy, beautiful, white and steady rain falling from the sky.   I sit here with my dogs at my feet.  I sit here with my cat home with me where she belongs.   I sit here with my bird chirping as she wants to go out on the patio, however, I have her bottom of her cage soaking to clean it.

I am here in this moment, and I am okay.

May you be where you are in this moment and be okay or whatever it is you are feeling or experiencing.  I honor you and your feelings.  May you honor you and your feelings.


"Grow Yourself Complete"

Hey. Hey. Hey.

"Grow Yourself Complete!"   I think this is going to be my catch line; my new slogan! 

When I had Beachin Bodies, my saying was "Make Yourself a Beachin Body!".  Now with Just 9Be U, I'm thinking it is going to be "Grow Yourself Complete" as this is what Just 9Be U stands for....  'Be U to completion'.   The number 9 can represent completion. 

Hoot!   I'm cracking myself up as I'm creating my business cards and this is what I came up with.  What fun I am having.

I may be nuts, but I am having fun! 

My dream/goal/desire is to help others grow themselves complete.   Only we can do this for ourselves.  Yet, having help is always a good thing.

I'm not sure we are ever complete.  However, I do believe we can be complete in this moment; 'enough' in where we are and we can bring our whole self with us wherever we go and into whatever situation is upon us.

"Grow Yourself Complete!".

May you grow yourself complete.  Woo hoo.   Now, this is what I'm talking about!   lol  hoot!

Thursday, May 29, 2014


I'm building myself again.  The exterior, the outside, the body, the hair and the 'look' that I want to present to the world.

I have my inner-ness going on.  I feel deeply.  I am connected deeply.  I know who I am. 

I feel irritable as I write this.  I feel childlike as I write this.  I feel 'who cares' as I write this.  Do I? 


Yes, I do care.  I have done years and years of intense work to get the inside of me to speak up and out and to own who, what, and how I feel, think and am. 

I was very good at fitting in to whatever person's life I was with.  I'm not sure I'm so good at this anymore.  While I want to believe that I can be me and still 'fit in' to your life, I'm not so sure.  I am hopeful.  I do believe anything is possible.

So, while I cross out my list of eye doctors, dentists, hair professionals and make up artists, I am building me up so I can feel complete and share my completeness with you.

My wholeness comes from inside.  My completeness, maybe, comes from inside and outside being what I am and what I am able to be as best as I can. 

I want to be the natural me.  I want to enhance my natural appearance with fitness, health, make up and fun.

So, while I'm building myself again, I find myself questioning the right answer.   If I can feel my best, then, this is the right answer whatever that means to me.

May you allow yourself to feel your best whatever that means to you.

Go for it, go for you, go for your wholeness, your completeness and sharing of who you are with our world.  Whoomp, there it is!  lol

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


The world has lost a beautiful heart; a strong woman and a friend to everyone.  I am saddened by her loss.  I know her soul still shines on and I am thankful that I have been 'touched' by this gracious woman.

I am sorry for those closest to her and that feel this loss on the deepest level within themselves.  Their pain must be great.  Their joy of having her in their life blessed. 

God has a new angel on His team.  Our world has a much greater chance with this wondrous angel with Him, still doing His work from the unknown place that is death.

Maya - You were beyond special and the world is a sadder place without you in it.  The world is a much better place because you were in it.


May you offer your best loving self in the memory and celebration of Maya Angelou's life.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


I am in the state of bewilderment I think.  Hearing stories, feeling energies, participating in situations; just bewildering.

Our world as we knew it is gone.  Our world as it is, is transitioning; evolving.  While everything is at our fingertips, little is for certain.

I went to the movies this weekend.  The theatre had an unpleasant smell and for about 2 minutes the sound was off.  We all sat there in murmuring silence.   I remember turning around in the 'old days' when the projector tape would flubber and the theatre would get loud in almost a 'demand' of a fix. 

Nowadays- we just wait, we expect, we encounter and we live through much unprofessionalism as we work through the kinks of progress and the inability to make sense out of nonsensical things and situations pretty frequently.

There is a whole lotta good coming from this.  There is a whole lotta new demands and roads we are encountering.   While we are becoming more individualized, we are also having to become more accepting and have the mindset to 'go with the flow' if we want peace inside and around us.

It is a hugely exciting time.  It can be a very scary time. 

With so much technology, our world has become smaller.  There are way less 'hiding' places for one to sit in the privacy of our own life.   While, perhaps, this can be a very good thing as we twist, change, grow and evolve into our best selves; this can also be a difficult thing because very little is ever ignored for it to go away.  Most things/situations/people need to be dealt with for real change and growth to occur. 

I believe this is going to bring and connect us to a greater understanding and growth of a peaceful evolution.  I also believe it can be an extremely challenging, 'in your face', share what may be hard for us to share and create a new world of supporting individuals' reality, together.


May you live who you are from the inside out, support others to do the same and be open to participating in the biggest evolution our world has ever known.

Together, each person here on this Earth now, at this time, can make a difference - a huge difference.  We all live in each other's 'wake' and as the ripples reach you, may you stand lovingly strong in what you know is best for you and support others to do the same.  May you also be aware of the 'ripples' that you are sending out. 

Out of bewilderment, just maybe, we can grow our best part of our lives yet; best part of evolution yet.  "Game" on.


Saturday, May 24, 2014


While America celebrates the fallen soldiers, I honor all those who have fought with the foundation that they are saving, helping, caring, and doing 'what is right'.  These soldiers have the utmost courage and heart and the people that love them have courage that needs to be 'unrockable' as well.  I honor all.

My wish is that we only have and know soldiers of peace going forward; that soldiers of war become a thing of the past.

I don't know if this is possible.   I don't know if this is impossible.   I know our world would be more peaceful if we had soldiers coming from peace instead of heading to war.

Soldiers of peace on.  Soldiers of war, God be with you.   Both are loved by somebody if not by many. 

Thank you for your courage.  In today's world, perhaps, both take great courage.

May we all have the courage to know which 'soldier' we are and live from our truth on the shoulders of all the fallen soldiers everywhere. 

Happy Memorial Day.



I am being challenged with requests just now.  Request on living in a house that doesn't totally excite me from the get go.  Requests from people who I do not 100% (I'm wondering what is 100% complete certainty) know their authenticity.  Requests to do 'me' differently than what is in my comfort zone.

It is quite interesting.

I'm doing 'me' as best I can.  I know I am bringing and sharing the truth of me wherever I am as much as possible.  I do have great anticipation around this; anticipating an outcome that may bring more discomfort.   Yet, I am learning and believing that if I am true to me, the outcomes are just what I need in my life and when.  I believe.

Like the lion that is forced to jump through a fire ring, I am requested to do things different.

If I lion can do it, then so can all of us. 

My wish is for the day when we will all support and live from our innate knowing and this be the only force that drives us...  until then, we can choose the consequences/rewards of which side of the fire ring we want to be on. 

I truly did not know this is where I was going....  however, this is where I went.... and it feels totally 'truth on' for me.

May you find your truth being totally on from a place of love and support of self and others.


Friday, May 23, 2014

Loved Ones

My loved ones have arrived here in the south from the north to spend the weekend with me and share 'life'.   How lucky and blessed I feel to have them here.

Sharing Love Matters.  Love truly matters...  to my heart, to my soul, to my mind, to my joy, to my everything that creates my being.

Love matters.  The 'filling up' of one's self by being with people who support me, who somewhat live like me, who enjoy some of the same things, who has a hand to offer and another to hold....  love matters.

I haven't seen my sister and my niece since last August when I came down from 'Shambala'.  It warms everything about my life to have them here and to just sit in silence, laugh in fun or walk in enjoyment..  Love matters.

May you have someone to share your love with and theirs with you in optimal conditions of just spending time, living moments, creating situations, and no pressure to be or do anything but to just be you.

"People, people who need people are the luckiest people in the world."  Barbra Streisand


Thursday, May 22, 2014

Great White

The great white north (much of northern USA) seems to be forced into shutting down, knowing silence, seeing nature 'asleep', and missing the ease of living that once was.  The cold, harsh winter has challenged many. 

In California, USA, water is creating mudslides and life is different almost everywhere just now.

With the tsunami, the nuclear, the hurricanes and tornadoes -- nature and disasters are talking to us all.  Do you know what it is saying to you... Is it here to teach us something... 

Do you find yourself going with the flow of the forecast or resisting it with everything in you...  Do you trust you will be okay or are you finding yourself breathing more shallow and quickly...  Is it a choice how we respond to all of the above; to life...

May you choose to find your ease, peace and self and know that even on our death bed, life is okay.  It is all within the process of life.  We are all here for the experience of what is. 

How very simple and how totally complex.

May you choose your best response on each 'route' you find yourself.  Perhaps, the best response is love and truth within ourselves, and without to each other.


I wrote this several months back but for some reason did not post it.   I post it today, just because it feels right.

Turmoil Out

I have some turmoil in my heart.  I have beauty in my heart.   My heart knows love.  My heart is love.

I worry about the future of what's to come next  -- like in a few minutes, an hour, a day, a week.  When I worry, I am not IN the now.   I want to be in the now.  In the now is the only place we can truly live.

When we are continuously sad, we are mostly in the past.   When we are fearful, we are in the future with our thoughts.  When we are in the now - we just are - we live.

May you be in the now with your thoughts and if you wander elsewhere, just know you are the only one that can bring you into this present moment.  May you allow yourself to be here now reading these words.  Take a deep belly breath, relax your shoulders and be aware of you in your surrounding just now.  My wish.

Present moment on!  Blink and it's gone.  Don't miss it!   Ha!


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

House Update

The work for the house up north started this past Monday to restore, renovate and re-establish a beautiful and awesome house. 

"My' house down here just went through another auction - I did not participate.  I did watch.  Status quo or so it seems.

The house we are most likely going to purchase down here will be around July 1.  While this house does not excite me as much as 'my' house did, this house surely has everything I need (my family comes with it!) and will be heavenly to have all my 'stuff' under one roof with all my animals that have survived this transition and the tragedy of disaster.

I have learned that 'my' home is really inside of myself.  This is the best 'home' I can settle into.  Stand strong in who I am, trust where I'm at this very moment and breathe through trusting myself to be okay no matter what comes my way.  I choose to always come from love as best I know how.   I know this to be true.  Not every cell in my body is on board yet.  However, I am working on this and open to this happening to the point that ease, love, trust and truth will be with me wherever I find myself.

May you allow ease, trust, truth and YOU to be with you wherever you find yourself.


I am thankful for all the people in the different countries that read my blog.  I am grateful for you. 

My wish is that by hearing my thoughts, both crazy and sane (ha), different and same,  you will connect to your own thinking and create the best life for yourself by being open to people's uniqueness and know innately what comes from deep inside of you.

My hope is that we can support each other in this and through love.

May the love that is within you propel you to come from love in everything you do.

Currently, these are the countries that show up as 'stopping by' on my blog.  Thank youMay you allow the truth of all that you are propel you into your beautiful wholeness. 

Your presence here is like a lifeline to me.   I honor it and you.    


United States





United Kingdom






My sister and my niece are coming for the weekend.  They arrive in just a bit more than 24 hours.  This is my beautiful, intelligent, caring sister who has worked beyond description to help me with my house up north; for the past 10 years and since the tragedy of the water pipe bursting.  She has been on top of it non-stop and I don't think she has slept much at all.   I AM SO SO SO HAPPY that she is coming because I want to hug her and for her to get some rest and relaxation.   She deserves it probably more than anyone I know just now. 

I cannot imagine living through that for someone else, more or less.   She has worked extremely hard and I am more than forever grateful to her.

And, my beautiful, kind, caring and get-it-done niece.  Her presence always brings me joy.   I can't wait to be with them. 

Yes, I wake up blessed today with immense gratitude.

Happy Memorial Weekend to those who celebrate.  Remember the good things; create good times; and allow good to flow through you; whatever that means to you. 

May you connect to what you are thankful for in your life.  May you Feel that. 


Memorial Weekend is to remember the Fallen Soldiers.  I want to convey gratitude for the men and women who fight for the cause; for their people; for their country.  Beyond brave. 

I do wish for one day to not have to have soldiers of war; but soldiers of peace.  That only soldiers of peace would be necessary.   Now that would be a world I would vote to live in. 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


A dear friend did not achieve something she wanted to achieve.  She was down on herself and felt like she let others down.  I have surely felt this way.  Perhaps, you have too.

We went back and forth with thoughts and ideas.  I remembered that I had two great thoughts from two great women on their interpretation of failure (from watching Super Soul Sunday on OWN).

I'd like to share these with you. 

Failure is not the opposite of success.  It is a stepping stone to success.
Arianna Huffington

It leads one to bigger and better things. 
It is God moving us into our best direction.

And, then I added....

This is not what is best for us just now. Be open to what is. 


I thought these were pretty brilliant thoughts on failure.  So, I'd like to offer if you find that you are failing or have failed at something, may you be open to any or all of these possibilities.

We either win or we learn.  Either way, it's all good....  just maybe...

May you allow yourself to process the feelings and thoughts that come with 'failure' and may you be open to receiving guidance on your best direction.


Both Challenging and Beautiful

I am living in both challenging and beautiful days.   I awake scared of the uncertainty within and without.  I know that to not 'know' is okay and I will know what I need to know as I need to know it. 

I tremble with lost connections and getting out of my own comfort zone.  I know that to do this, there is more life and fabulous-ness awaiting. 

I connect with my innate knowing with the ego or human mind wanting to not participate with such. 

These are both challenging and beautiful times.

Through the challenge, we may feel and know the beauty.   It is always present.  We are always present and, yet, at times, we may rather be somewhere else.

However, wherever I go, there I am.  I am me wherever I go, whatever I do, whoever I'm with, however I'm doing it.  I am me.

As soon as we own that 'I' am good enough; I matter; I count; I am loving and lovable; the beauty settles in. 

When I question myself, my beliefs, my inner knowing, this is when fear can rock me.

May we all decide right here, right now, to own who we are, through God or whatever your belief is that brought you here...

May you decide to own everything you are, everything you feel, everything you think, and everything you do as YOU.  YOU matter in this world, right now, today, right as you are.  Let's own and feel who we are deep inside and live this on the outside of ourselves through truth, kindness, gentleness and support of same.

We can be angry and still exhibit love.  We can be hurt and still exhibit kindness.   It is when I am angry with fear or when I am hurt and want to hide it that 'ugliness' or stagnancy enters my journey.

Journey on through your absolute truth.  Ugliness pushes people away.  Openness and kindness draws the energy that we all want, need and love to heal, support and thrive.

Just what if we could all work from this space of our own selves within; trusting and experiencing everything that we are without the harshness, drama, or untruths that can arise because of our own insecurities.

Be and live your own true self and your own true life will reign.  Reign on. 

I believe that no one is born evil.  It is our circumstances, situations and words that we experience that make us the humans that we are.  When we are connected to who/what we are born as and speak and work through what we have experienced, we can share the truest of ourselves and we can change the world.  YOUr experiences matter. 


Monday, May 19, 2014


My word for today is befuddled.  I am befuddled that this is my world; our world.  The context of change is all around us and life has run amuck.  It is time to take this amuck-ness and turn it into anything that comes from the truth within yourself. 

My wish is that we allow our truth to lead us to the whole of ourselves and share this wholeness with each other.  My wish is that the whole of everything that already is can be lived in and through.  It is here for us.  We only need to claim it. 

To know wholeness is to know fulfillment.

To live your whole self is to be fulfilled.

I support you in your greatest fulfillment.  I support you to live the best of yourself each day by being your whole, true self.

May you allow the truth within you to create your wholeness.

Wholeness on!

Sunday, May 18, 2014


Many changes are happening and being shown to me in most aspects of my life.  I know that this is the time for me to go from 'what was' through what is to 'what will be'.  I believe many of us are doing just this if not all of us.

I'm having a hard time comfortably knowing what is 'proper' and effective and what is 'incriminating' and possibly hurtful.

I do believe, 100%, that my truth will always lead me to my whole self and that this truth will bring into my life what is best for me in each moment.

I do have apprehension on some judging me and, perhaps, finding myself uncomfortable in their judgment.  I do have excitement reaching out, being open and sharing all that I have discovered in hopes that it will help others to connect to and be their truest of self in every breathing moment; to live their truth in the best manner we can.

So much chaos inside of ourselves and outside of ourselves.  Do we allow the chaos... Can we be one with the chaos...  Can we go with the flow...  Do we fight it even knowing we can't fight destiny or 'what is' in the moment for a different outcome just like we can't fight nature...

If I relax into whatever it is that is in front of me... is my life easier/better?   or does fighting sometimes actually change things...

For me, accepting what is; experiencing the way my internal knowing wants to experience it and live my truth through it, in love and trust, is what FEELS best on and in me.

Currently, I have a loved one bebopping through the airport trying to find a new connecting flight because the scheduled one is canceled.   They can go trusting it will all work out as it is supposed to or they can freak out, allow tension and lose their peace OR they can create many scenarios within these two.  Only they have the ability to live through it their way.

Just like all of us are the only ones that can create how we react to our own reality.
May you know your best way to live with, through and on.  May you allow wonderful adventures. 

"Pressure doesn't exist, we create it for ourselves."  Derek Hough


Force Greater Than One's Self

Have you ever felt this...  Something pulling or pushing you.  Something so strong within you that you just need to go with it and allow it and almost harvest it.

I have no idea what I'm talking about and it feels more real to me than a lot of things.  Maybe I am finally really losing it.

My head feels like it's spinning very fast.  Energy all around me and through me is flying.  My ears are ringing and I'm feeling out of control.

I can't make this stuff up.  I can't understand it.  I sit here paralyzed and I sit here stunned.

I'm going crazy.  I'm losing my dang mind.  Fear is so strong within me for not wanting to want what I want. 

Something Big is on the Horizon of my Life and I've felt it for a long time and I'm scared it's true and I'm scared it's not true and I'm scared I'm stark, raving mad.

What's a woman to do...

Have U ever felt something so strong within U that couldn't be understood or explained?  Am I the only nutty one.  It's almost criminal.  AND I so don't want to go there.  cripes.

I'd written this blog post quite some time back.   I wasn't sure whether to publish it or not.   It came up while I was researching my blog.  I still feel this way at times and for more situation in my life...  So, I decided to just let it rip!  lol   truth on! 

Friday, May 16, 2014

Getting My Pretty On

I find myself wanting to have my hair done, make sure my make up is complete, get eyes checked - maybe even wear contacts - (with my fingers, yikes!)

I find myself wanting to 'represent' a professional appearance as well as I can.  I feel I can 'sell' myself better when I feel complete in what I know and what I look like.

I am torn with just being one's natural self and what it means to me to look pretty.  I'm torn between what is my ego and what is my soul. 

I know my heart and soul will be my heart and soul.  Just what if, me feeling pretty can help my heart and soul to soar.

...  I then ask myself well why can't my heart and soul soar without all the 'cosmetics'.  Dilemma!   (lol)   If this is the worst thing in my world.... I'm doing pretty good....   lol

I am human.  Perhaps, there is a differentiation between being human and being soulful.  And, we are here to be both.  I am learning how to be my 'human' self again after many years of living by supporting others and giving up things that I love by my own volition.  After many years of exploration within, I am ready to be my complete self here on earth and here in my being out there in our world. 

Oh this is so not the place I can go easily!  

I'm needing to get some sun kissed skin.   I'm wanting to get beautiful hair.  I'm wanting to paint my toenails again (although my toes are 'crying' some like my fingers).  I want to get back to regular movement - strength training and cardio output.  I'd like a regular schedule of massage to include cranial sacral therapy.  These and a few other items are on my list to 'getting my sexy back'.  oh boy

So, as part of me feels this is inauthentic, another part of me knows that it is very much a part of our human world.  When I feel good on the outside, I present myself in a more confident manner.  When I feel good with my body, I feel more confident in what I can do.  Confidence is sexy.

I'm sure I will be 'tossing this around' a bit more.   I will still ask the question of what is ego and what is soul in regards to how I want to look. 

I believe my soul is more giving when I'm more settled and whole in who I am.  I have the sit strong in myself part down.  I am now working on sharing strong in connecting through appearance, charm and my whole deep truth.  I think I still have this charm and wit.  I think I can still be attractive with my older self.

Oh what a tangled web of questions I weave.  I offered this to my hair stylist and we had a good laugh.  She was laughing as she said just be quiet and get your hair done.   lol  hoot

So, as I 'paint on' my façade that I want to share as me in the world, I come from love, peace and really wanting you to be all that you can be.

I believe I need to be all that I can be in order to truly help one be all that they can be.  Of course, only if help is requested.  I know I want help!  lol 

I honor where you are on your path and "You know you have it if it makes you feel good" down to your soul.  Janis Joplin

May you do what makes your soul truly soar in another's presence so that all souls may soar as our human experience creates outside what is inside of you.

Life is about sharing and not only letting but supporting each other to be their truest and bestest of self; through love of all.   If you don't love something or someone, perhaps, we can still choose to send love to it, to them.  Amen. 

Thursday, May 15, 2014


"The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are."  Joseph Campbell sent by en*theos email

I believe I may have post this one before, however, it's that good, I feel!


May you be privileged; very privileged.

All That Is

"My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration.  I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists."  Nikola Tesla

May you know that 'it' exists in each and every one of us.  "It" exists inside of you.  You are that powerful and important.


What's Uppeee

I have no idea.   "My" house is back on the market once again, started 'fresh' for the third time....  Looks like it is a new listing.   We know it is not.   We did put a bid on another house as my husband is tired of playing this game; understandably so.

So, I do not know what is uppee.   All I know is how I react to what's happening in 'my world'. 

Just now, I have 'no words'.   I am with no words and it is okay.

Wherever you are just now, in this moment,

I hope that you will allow yourself to be okay, fine and even great to your best ability possible.   Allow yourself 'to be' with where you are; not judge it and let is process through you with your most relaxed self possible.

If you are tense, let it be okay.  Whatever you are, let it be okay, if only for a moment or two.

May you love and trust through.  And, the moments, hours, days, months, years that you get happiness with it, be grateful and enjoy yourself. 

We all have life situations that ebb and flow.  There are great lessons in them all.  Live your life now.  Feel it.  Be with it.  Love it.  Embrace it.  Connect with it.   Lovingly, gently, kindly, passionately grow with it. 

My wish.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


It seems that the intensity has still not peaked for many.  I keep thinking the world has peaked and it can't possibly get any more intense.  I am learning that I am not correct in this thought; today anyway.

Boundaries are still being questioned, challenged, learned, created, and crossed.  The intensity within, from what people share with me, along with my own experience, is WOWZA. 

It is beautiful to watch everyone finding and correcting their way.  It's difficult to watch the pain, anger and hurt that many may feel.  It's wondrous the strength of humankind. 

How do we know what is ours to own and what is 'theirs'....  We know.  Deep down we know.  Honor this knowing.  Be truthful in how you feel and how other's actions make you feel.  My hope is that we do not 'brush it under the rug' anymore.  We just say it, feel it, be it, share it, and process it. My hope is that we stay connected with love.  When we find ourselves questioning what is, we ask our emotions, feelings, thoughts and actions to blend all together in truth and process whatever is before us in the moment; as much as possible.

If you are experiencing intense feelings, you are not alone.  Trust yourself, trust your Creator, trust yourself to believe and walk through as you.  Do not try not to feel.  Do not 'try' anything, perhaps.  Just be.  Just allow 'it'.  Just believe in everything you know as you experience it with open heart, mind and being.

May you know the peace within.  Allow yourself to sit with stillness and be open to your truth.  If you find yourself judging, 'nay' it.  Do not go there.   There is no 'should' or 'shouldn't.  Only what is.

May we all connect to our peace within.  Breathe.  Relax your shoulders.  Feel the support of the chair you are sitting on and feel the support of the ground you are standing on.  Allow love of self to guide you; deep love and breath from within.

If you find that you need to let intense energy go, may you scream out loud in your car; hit a pillow, or jump up and down; whatever works for you.   Allow the flow of energy to flow through you.  'Stuck' is no longer an option.  My wish for all of us.

Namaste'.  At the depth of myself, I honor the depth of you.

May we all know peace from within.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Where I'm At

I'm scared and I'm so excited.   I'm setting up addresses/'paypal' account/filing company name with courthouse, ordering tax id number and ordering credit card so that I can do business as "Just 9BeU". 

I remember doing this with Beachin Bodies 30 years ago when life/society/connection to things were different.  There is so much more complexity now.  There are so many things that are so much simpler.  It is quite the hoot.

Click of a button - every bit of information necessary to do the above is right here, right now.  With the click of a button, I get so much information that I can find myself overwhelmed and my head spinning.

What a ride! 

I have 'to do' lists and I am living among you humans ready to continue the next chapter of my humanness.  I live with open heart knowing that the people I connect to and encounter are exactly the right people that I am supposed to connect to and encounter.

I am home alone with both daughter and husband traveling.  I am here giving myself permission to do me and to create the life that I am ready to live as an individual and a woman.  I will always support my family and I am learning that to support one's self is of utmost importance.  Thriving is a beautiful thing and, perhaps, the only way one can truly thrive is if they live the life inside of themselves to fulfillment. 

So, live I shall.  I'm ready to not only be a mom, a wife, a friend but to once again be a professional.   Yikes.  It is scary and it is exciting.

It is inside of me to do.

So 'do' I shall.

May you do what is inside of you to do.

May you first connect to, dream with, encounter and know what it is that wants outside of yourself.  May you know when you are ready.  May you be gentle on yourself throughout each process and situation that you find yourself in.  May you create your dreams within without.  It is time.  I believe.  Continue on. 

                        Photo by Greg as shown on picture  (I'm sorry - I cannot make out his name)  
                                         This is a flower that looks like a butterfly; a 'black bat' flower.

                                Sonia Ochoa, a professional dancer that looks like an angel.

Either way, I believe their beauty in their art is from within because it is glorious.

May you allow yourself to shine the beautiful 'art' that is within you.

Monday, May 12, 2014


I wake up this morning knowing gratitude.  I'm grateful I have covers to cover me while I sleep.  I'm grateful I have my dogs that are so lovable and cute.   As I take the cover off the bird cage and say good morning to Sunshine the cockatiel, I'm grateful for her beauty and her little chirp back.

There are so many things in our lives that, if we choose, we can take pleasure in.  Perhaps, it's the simple things that are the most meaningful.

Where our thoughts go, our feelings and body follow.

May you know peace and gratitude in the little things today.


Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day 2014

I want to wish every mom, every person that supports, loves and nurtures another throughout and within every situation, gathering and moment, a very happy Mother's Day.

"There is no love like a mother's love."  Unknown

Only since I have become a mom, have I experienced and completely understand and agree with this statement.

We are blessed to have a love that is so giving, so sacrificing and so deeply contenting and fulfilling in our world.

May you love and be loved with what is, perhaps, the greatest love of all.  May you know how blessed you are if you've experienced this love in any form.  May you be this love as best you can to yourself and to others.

You deserve it just because you were born; just because you are here now on Mother Earth.

Saturday, May 10, 2014


I believe in you. 

May you believe in yourself.


Friday, May 9, 2014

Elephants and Explosions

All the 'elephant(s) in the room' have no room left to sit quietly. 

What was is changing to what will be and this what is now is pretty explosive from my viewpoint.  Luckily, my explosions are quiet as in coming from love and colorful like fireworks.  There is tenderness and underneath these explosions, I feel a sense of 'finally we are going here'; facing what I had resisted facing. 

Our greatest fears are being realized in a sort of ignited fashion.  Turmoil and chaos reigns if we see it as so. 

I see it as so.   I also see it as necessary 'movement' to enable the undercurrent of each of our lives to connect and allow the spark of each of our own truth to blend together in the greatest light of all time.

To just be ourselves and encourage and support others to do the same.  To face what we have resisted and to share it with the people that can help us do something about it; the people that are involved in these feelings.  To come from love and share the bitterness, mistrust, fear and confusion inside of one's self.

This is the elephant in the room exploding into nothingness that no longer has power over any of us.

How free and easy we would feel without these elephants weighing on our shoulders.  How wonderful it will be to allow these elephants to roam free as energy that can be picked up and used as positive healing, flowing energy.

My daughter has made it to Kentucky and is settling in very adult-like.  Her mouth is still 'talking' to her and she will find her way through it.  She is brilliant like that.  She always has been, always will be.  I hope she never lets elephants stay too long up in her space.  I hope none of our children do.   I hope they know, do and breathe better than we did.  Yet, perhaps, their ability comes from our loving openness to be our best selves and share our truth (age appropriately) with them and that we are their parents, yet, we are humans and all humans are perfectly imperfect.  It's vital to be real in front of them from our most loving self; especially as they are becoming adults themselves.

So, here I am with my husband, building the next chapter of our lives, one that includes an adult child and freedom once again to be a couple.  Oh boy!  We were so brilliant at it in the past.  We lost the ease of it to new and unknown responsibilities.   We are ready to let what doesn't work die and create a beautiful, fun-filled adventure going forward.

Not only do we want to get on the same page again as a couple going forward, but I feel I want to get in the same book as we deal with some of these elephants head on.  Huge.

'House' is a big one for us.  We built what was, for us, one of the grandest houses we could envision.  While we do not what to do that again, we do want to create a place of comfort, peace and feel oh so good.... 

May you send love to your 'elephant(s)' and may you come from love as you share your truest of thoughts and may you allow the elephant to roam away as you create a wide open space filled with love and connectedness.  Be open to all possibilities that are inside of you to live out.

                                                  Iyanla VanZant, Facebook

Thursday, May 8, 2014

"Miracle Gro"

May you ask the universe for what you need and be open to receive it.

I am asking for 'miracle gro' today.   I feel like I need a miraculous growth.


Wednesday, May 7, 2014


It is a good time for me and, perhaps, for you to learn clearer, more loving and healthier (happier) boundaries.  As I set up my website; and I'm learning that many websites also have blogs, how do I go from a very personal blog to a professional blog. 

I'm asking myself - what is the difference, what will be most helpful and touch most people's souls in the way I wish to do so.

I'm torn and sit in some distress about this.   I find myself not coming 'here' because this stress has me quiet and without words.

I also talk with other people who are in the perfect situations to create loving boundaries of their needs, desires and dreams while wanting to show compassion and support for their loved ones that are living through chaotic situations that challenge each one of us to our core.

It is big 'stuff' just now.  It is a big time just now.  It is a changing and eye opening time.  It is a challenge and there is a great need to learn complete acceptance of what we are uncertain of and what others are certain of for themselves.

How do we show compassion, support and love while not trying to change or hinder another person's ability to grow into more of who they are...


My best advice would be to stay focused on love.  If you find yourself fearful of another person's situation or challenge, send them love.  Sent the situation love. 

If you find yourself uncertain and feeling discombobulated, give yourself gentleness, acceptance and love of just where you are.

Breathe in this very moment knowing that this very moment, you - inside of yourself and with yourself - are okay.  One second ago, you may not have been.  A few seconds from now - who knows.   But, right now in this 'second', you are love and you are okay. 

May this be true for all of us as we ban together through gentleness, love, and acceptance. 

You may feel differently than another, it may not be right for you, it may scare you -  however, is it ours to own or another's...  This being human is the greatest lesson of all.  Be the human you were born to be - in true totality through love and gentle strength - and just maybe, we are onto the greatest spiritual evolution of all time.

How cool are we?!?!?!?!    Yikes. 


Tuesday, May 6, 2014


There are huge life affirming, confirming, questioning, portraying, recovering, recreating, truthful, moving on stories being lived just now.


Many are in the throes of their butterfly within wanting out.  My butterfly sits on my shoulder.

'My' house that I was so certain was mine was sold yesterday.  It is stating that it is under contract.  I wish the family great happiness there.   I am sad that it is not me and I believe it just wasn't meant to be or it would've been.   I surely did everything in my power to make it so.   I am still letting it go. 

I hear many stories from the depth of people and it is as beautiful as it is sad.  We are no longer satisfied walking around with only part of ourselves living.   We need all of what is inside of us to thrive, live,and reach the outside of ourselves.

This just may be the greatest altogether challenge our planet has ever experienced and witnessed.  We are here now to succeed in this change and these challenges as best we can.

By coming from our ultimate truth that is even hard for ourselves to face, we win.  We find wholeness. 

We no longer want to feel like 'something is missing'.   We may know now that this 'something' is our innate knowing that resides deep within.   Our innate knowing wants out and it is coming kicking and screaming, gently and lovingly; everything that being human represents.

My daughter leaves for Kentucky today - a 900 mile road trip and she will adventure on for the rest of the summer.  My wish for her is to be herself, share herself, love herself and live what is inside of her to live as truthfully, lovingly, gently, and joyfully as possible.  I know she is ready.  I know she can and will do brilliantly.

When I decided to be a mom, I did not include this part of 'momhood'.  I didn't think past her being my daughter and me being responsible for her.   Well, the time has come and I couldn't be more proud and in awe of the young woman that she has grown up to be.  She is ready to fly more and more and I know she has everything she needs within to create her best without.  Her truth coming from love will lead her to where she belongs.  Woo hoo.

I went out to walk the dogs this morning and there was a small baby bird that fell out of the tree and two young girls with their mom were picking it up and taking it to see what they can do to help it.  They weren't sure if they were going to nurture it themselves or take it to a wildlife center.   It did have it's feathers already. 

All baby birds eventually fly one way or another.  All children eventually fly one way or another; one time or another.   We all need a little bit of help from time to time and if we are lucky, we surround ourselves with people that will help us from time to time and also let us fly as who we are always.

May you fly as the beautiful being you are.  May you help/allow other beautiful beings to fly.


Sunday, May 4, 2014

'Homing' In

We are going to look at our second choice home today, as a family. 

I went to 'my' home this past week and sat and cried and said goodbye to it.   I was sorry it wasn't meant to be.  I really thought it was.  I'm still learning it is not.  It is still bank owned.  Apparently to a bank that is in no hurry to sell it. 

My goal is to get out of the apartment and into a house where we all have more freedom, especially the dogs and I.  It has a small yard which is perfect for us to play and run around without my fear of them running too far or getting into trouble because of chasing after random living creatures that we share the apartment complex with.  No leashes!  Freedom!

I will withhold my opinion and thoughts until I go 'feel' this house as mine; ours.

May you 'feel' your way to your own contentment.  Believe what you feel, allow it to be okay and let it guide you through your truest and best life.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Uncharted Territory

I feel as if there is much unknown; much need for light and inner perspective through love and gentleness.  I feel there are many new paths being opened that most have not walked before.   I believe we are living in uncharted territory. 

The truth of 'what is' is far more exciting than anything I can make up. 

I am seeing all of 'this' as an adventure.   This is an adventure of new territory, new paths, new ways, new endings and new beginnings.

This is the adventure.  Today is the day. 

I am walking forward through love.  When I walk forward through love, fear dissipates.  When I walk in excitement of a new adventure, I know openness, willingness and curiosity. 

I love adventures.

Today is the day to think of everything that is new, questioned, uncertain and scary to be considered an adventure.

May you adventure on any and all territory that is in front of you as new or different; challenging or scary; wonderful and awe-inspiring.

Let yourself be part of this adventure of a lifetime and may you be open to exploring all that is you within every circumstance that arises.


Friday, May 2, 2014


I'm off to get a massage this morning.   I am going to the spa.  When I walk in the door, I allow myself to let go of everything.

I am grateful for letting go.   I am grateful for massage.  I am grateful for peace within.

May you do something that enhances your gratefulness and peace today.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Ms Calm

I have had an interesting week thus far.  On Monday, I was diagnosed with high blood pressure.   This is a new thing for me.  I've been lucky enough to have low, comfortable numbers all my life.   Now, it is up - high for me.  The doctor is calling it 'stressed induced'.   I surely have had a stressful time with houses and dogs.  Guess I wasn't handling it in the way that my body wouldn't produce hypertension.  I will take my pressure twice a day for two weeks and see where I am at.   It will be normal again for me.   Only once since I started taking it has it been higher than I feel comfortable.   It is not a fun feeling, however.  It was scary and there are moments when I am still uncertain and fearful of how happy my heart is. 

A better balance of movement, I believe will be the answer for me.

Yesterday, my daughter had to go to the dentist because of one of her teeth bothering her.  It ended up we needed a second opinion and we drove to another area and had the dentist that does root canals, endodontist, look at her.   He did work on her some, but did not do a root canal.   Of all things, just after learning I had high blood pressure and, if you know me, you know my 'love' of dentists [Not] - he kindly insisted I stay in the room.  I sat in the corner watching this dentist work on my most precious daughter.  Oh boy.  That can't be the smartest thing for me to do!  However, he was kind, gentle, helpful and caring.   He was a hoot with his words and his love for what he did.  Of course, I felt the need to tell him about my small mouth and he had one patient that he had experienced this with.   He understood.  And, I did great, and more importantly, my daughter was so brave and did wonderful. 

Maybe - just maybe, I won't have palpitations nearly as much visiting the dentist for myself next time. 

I survived.   I survived this week because this is what we humans do.   Sometimes we do it well, sometimes we do it sloppy.   Sometimes, we are uncertain if we are going to do it.  But, do it we do. -- until we don't.  And, thus far, we are at a 100% survival rate. 

My wish is..

May we lighten up on ourselves; relax our shoulders, breathe into our bellies, trust the process and know that we survive until we don't.  So, let's get the turmoil out of our heads and know that the 'moment' isn't -99% of the time- near as difficult as our minds can tend to tell us it will be.  

Let's change this up and "Be Here Now" and believe that when we get 'there' --  together, with each other -- the people we share life with --  we will be okay through it all; especially when it doesn't feel so.

KNOWING this in every cell in my body would change my life drastically. 

May you 'know' you survive, learn, grow and evolve.  May you know 'this'  with every cell (or most of them) in your body.  This is an experience of being human and alive.  This, perhaps, is a/the reason we are human and alive.

Believe in you on, together.