Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


COLD.  People that know me know that this is one of my least favorite things, subjects, feelings.  I do not like the cold.  My circulation seems to get very slow to my extremities and I'm pretty uncomfortable.  My hands and feet turn purple. I lose tissue on my fingertips if I stay in this state too long.

The weather is turning colder here in the Northeast United States.  I love the beauty of the colors of the leaves; it's such a magical time.  Red, orange, yellow against the blue sky - there is nothing like it!  Probably if I ever did move to a warmer climate year round - this would be the one season I would miss.  However, I do not like what it means.  It means winter is coming and without the sun for days and the freezing cold - it's tough for me.  This is what my mind believes because more than not this has been the truth for me for most of my life.

There was one year when I was jogging through and around the ice and piles of snow.  I remember this and it was fun.  I wonder how I did that?!?  My mind and body were telling me different than what I experienced most winters.  I wonder if I can have my mind and body work that way this winter.  I guess the excitement and anticipation and dread is starting for me already.

I remember telling my masseuse one Fall that my 'backyard was closed'.  That's when I realized in my mind my backyard was already closed.  Didn't realize this was a reality for me just because of the thought.  That was an aha moment for me.  My backyard closed - wow  - just a belief and it was very real and true for me.  Was it really closed - no.

As I sit here, my toes are numb and my fingers are a very low scream and it's only in the 50s.  I realize the drastic change in the temperature and my body do not get along very well.  It takes me a bit to adapt.

I love breathing the cool fresh air; I love when I feel invigorated by it; I love putting on my Uggs.  I do not like the lack of sunshine for days, wearing big heavy coats, shivering and freezing.  How weird is it that my hands are responding and the fingers are turning a bit purplish as I think this.  HOW STRONG ARE OUR MINDS!  Wow. 

I started writing this with hesitation and thinking I was probably not going to 'publish' it.  I'm still not sure where I'm going with it; if anywhere.  This hits 'home' for me completely.  It's probably my biggest battle.

OK, I now have many more 'tools' to think differently; do differently.  Fear of not feeling well; of suffering; of not living my life fully plays a really big part for me.  I know I can be in control of the temperature of my body.  I will take this thought with me as I continue on into the colder months. I hope I can keep it with me anyway!

Is there something small/big/in between that you would like to change/enhance/delete from your thinking?  Is it possible if we really, truly are ready to change our thought pattern and do it differently we can think and do it differently to be a happier, healthier human being?

I know one psychologist said that just by changing how we do things automatically - like putting our right leg into our pant leg first or drying our backs first when getting out of the shower --  if we do things like that differently there is a momentum that changes and that alone can maybe be a start towards more awareness and change.  Maybe it doesn't hurt to try it?  You know I did and still do at times! 

Make it a great day for you!  Notice how you automatically just do things and maybe change one way or another the way you do it.  Have fun playing!  Perhaps, change it up some just because you can.

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