Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018


Whatever you are feeling, let it be so.  Do your best to be aware and enjoy the 'good feels' fully.   Do your best to be open to the challenging feels.  No need to run.  No need to ignore.

If you are sad, let yourself be sad.  Share your sadness out loud.  There can be much beauty sharing what we feel from the vulnerabilty of not liking it but letting it process through us anyway.

Speak what is on your mind and in your heart.   Keeping things in empowers same.  Sharing them, perhaps, creates openness to a better mindset.

Feel what you do and let love sit with it; with you.

In our brokenness we create the beautiful truth of who we are.  It empowers the depth of ourselves out.  It empowers the beauty within to reside outside of us too.

Your power; your innate ability; your processing what is true for you empowers others to do the same.

This, perhaps, is the greatest gift of all time.

Most of us want to support, love, be seen and help one another.  Most of us want the best for one another.  Most of us enjoy growing over destruction.

Sit; stand; walk; be in your truth.

May you open your own wings and let yourself fly.  

Truth does create, open up, allows, builds and empowers all that we are.

In truth and flow, we leave stagnation and our false sense of self.

In flow, we are our most creative, free and the highest vibration we can experience.

May you experience your highest self from time to time; again and again and again.

Whatever is meant for you will eventually show up.

As we stay open to our highest possible self from a place of freedom and truth, we meet ourselves and become more and more and more.

I wish you your most true self in every situation you find yourself in.

The best of you is already with you.  May you invite it to be so by being true you, free you, open you, ... YOU.

You are everything that you need.   Sharing yourself is the greatest gift you can know.

In the depth - or is it the height - of love is where you live your greatest way forward.

Live You onward.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Trying Life as Yourself

Everyday we learn.   Everyday we do our best.  Everyday we are enough.  Everyday each and everyone of us matters.  

As we learn, do our best, live in our ‘enoughness’ and make a difference, we become more in tune and indepth with who we are. 

We come out of hiding. We become less afraid. We open up our hearts and minds. It is my desire, to live all of what I am from the place within me that is my most authentic self; loving myself.  

May you live from your most authentic self; loving yourself.  “Come out, come out wherever you are.”  

No need to ask “Mother May I”.  No need to bring pretense.  Just decide today is the day I share who I am, what I feel, what I want from a kind, gentle and courageous place.  Perhaps, with the people closest to you and, then, eventually with everyone or vice versa.  Maybe, some of us need to be true to our own self first.  Whatever works for you.

Deep inside, where the love for yourself resides, is who you truly are.   

Let (y)our world know you.  Let yourself see you for all your awesome.  

May you let you always be you; as often and as much as possible.  

This may just be the best healing tool we have.  

Heal away my dear friends.   Heal on.  Heal. 

May you ‘heal’.

                                       Picture by Panther Herrington

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Stumbling Blocks; Road blocks; U-Turns and Detours

We have all experienced blocks, wrong turns and a need to take a step back or away and regroup.  ReGoal, if you will.

I went to a new doctor who promotes as a holistic, a medical doctor and a medical marijuana practitioner; 3 in 1.

I made one appointment and the experience I experienced was to tell me every dis-ease comes from a leaky gut; poor digestion and/or constipation.  This very well may be true. It was my goal to deal with my symptoms and my body/mind/spirit as a whole.  It turned out the main goal the doctor wanted for this one appointment was for me to eat mostly complex carbohydrates; no meat, no dairy and very little fat.  She also ordered a lot of blood work (which isn't a bad idea).

I have participated with a 4-month fruit and veggie smoothie diet in the past.  This doctor says to not blend fruits, to eat them whole.  Her reason being that too much sugar gets too fast into the system for a sure sugar high and the big letdown that follows.

I know I can do this for two weeks, which is what she has requested as a start.  I'm going into it uncertain that this is a perfect plan for me.  Is my attitude and uncertainty if this is for me, along with my own stubbornness of being here before, not going to allow it to work...  My attitude and uncertainty comes from my experiences of the past.  I am still willing to try it.  Two weeks is nothing in the scheme of time.  What was, perhaps, is not as important as what is now.

I know less sugar; more movement and opening up to achieving a goal (or five) is a way for me to defunk myself.

And, sometimes, it is so easy to get caught up in just playing in the funky stuff.

May you know and do what is right for you to defunk yourself.  

If you find yourself in the funky stuff, please do not beat yourself up.  Know that this is a part of being human and great things can come from finding one's self in 'funkytown'.

Steps.  It is the steps that we live presently; the steps that we walk through during blocks, wrong turns and regrouping.  It is our goals.  It is our reactions.  It is our responses.  It is our thoughts.  All these things create our experience.   And, experiencing life - however it shows up for us - is what life is all about.

It is one of my goals to experience life as the best of me.  To be in joy, in truth, in love, in openness and everything that takes me from funk to defunk.

May you experience life from the best of you through all the funk and through all the defunking.

May you experience the experience(s) from the best place inside of you.

Thursday, August 16, 2018


I am feeling dizzy and confused.  I am going to a new doctor who is holistic, a medical doctor and a marijuana doctor all in one.

This can feel very exciting to me as I have never had the pleasure of meeting someone so well covered in 'healthcare'.  I feel overwhelmed and afraid because I don't want to get my hopes up and be let down.

I am tired of telling my story and I am doing my best to get a mindset of anew; starting fresh; living from this place onward.

The confusion and dizziness is, perhaps, from my lack of sitting strongly in who I am and my goal.  Not owning my thoughts, desires and having to reach out for help.

So, I know that I am a caring and loving woman who lives with chronic pain and has - up to now- not been able to let go of the pain.

My goal would be to get rid of, and if not get rid of, to manage my pain more effectively that I allow myself to feel free to be, do, live and blast out this life that is inside of me to live.

I know the answers within me.  I do not know the answers that this doctor will offer.  I am not supposed to.  That is why I have an appointment with her and I go to share and see what she will share.

Stay in my own head; my own lane; my own truth.  Listen to her; hear her and then decide for myself what resonates and what doesn't.

May you stay in your own head; your own lane; your own truth.  Listen and hear what is going on around you and within you and decide what you want to carry forward with you and what you want to let go of.

In doing so, just maybe, we let go of the confusion and the dizziness.

One can certainly try if this is their goal.

You are certainly worth serenity and loving ownership of all that you are and experience.

I wish you serenity, excitement and wholeness in being, living and walking forward as You.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018


When I took this picture (attached to this post) earlier today, I could think of only the words 'jungle' and 'beautiful'.  Amazing nature makes some amazing pictures.

I think about the diversity of the plants and how beautiful they are individually and together.  It feels like glorious energy to me.  I feel love; my own love.

I think how wonderful and special it is to open to as much love as possible for everything, everyone, every situation, encounter and possibility that we are offered by just living.  When we carry and share love, we carry and share beautiful possibilities.

We can love the differences in each other.  We can surely learn by the differences in each other.  We can do so many things through diversity and love.

This is what I'm wishing for today and moving myself forward.   To love as much and as often everything that I can.

Through this love, it is my hope to be just as beautiful (or even moreso) as I find the picture below.

I am learning, and it seems to be constantly confirmed, that as I love and am open to 'all things are possible', I connect to so many more possibilities.

May you open to the love within you and your ability to love greatly as possible all things that touch your existence.  Through this existence and love, you create the most beautiful situations and relationships that are possible.

Just for now, I'd like to think of this as 'jungle love' and I am reminded of the song "Jungle Love Oh We Oh We Oh" by Morris Day.

May you get on with abundant love; your abundant love; oh we oh we oh...

Monday, August 13, 2018


I am learning to love to be in my stillness; my quietude; my me time.

Just what if who we really are is best known, embraced and lived first in our stillness somehow...

I saw a saying on "Instagram" this morning and love it so much I want to share it.

It is from "karcorless" Instagram page.

"Take time to sit in silence, and listen to the sound of your soul, reconnect to the part of you that gets shoved aside in the hustle and bustle of life and see what ideas, thoughts, and feelings come to you.  In stillness you will find the answers...."


I replied "Now this is a party going on!!!  Yes!  Thank you.   lol    Lovely!"

May you have a party with your silence.  !

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Doctor Doctor

I am currently waiting to get an appointment with a doctor.  A medical doctor; a holistic doctor; and a medical marijuana doctor.  She, this woman, is all three.  Yay on her!  Hopefully, Yay on me.

This will be helpful and productive to have someone that could have my back and work with me from all aspects of healing through the world of a 'doctor'.

This will be a first for me.   I feel like I need a first.

So, I wait for the receptionist to call and give me an appointment.

I already talked with the doctor on the telephone.   Plant based diet, healing medical marijuana and me taking on the role of primary self-doctoring.

I believe this sounds exciting and unlimiting.  I have to be honest that the plant based only diet doesn't sound like the easiest thing to do.  And, I know I am open to doing my best.  I am open to experimenting and see where this route could take me.

I only want to come home to my true, fulfilled and healthy self.  I know I am in here.

I've had glimpses of; years of and months of same.  I hear myself saying that if I can be home some of the time, why can I not live from this place that I call home more often.

This is my goal.

I wish to thrive being who I am.

May you thrive being who you are; if this is something that you wish for.

May you follow your inner knowing and live in and from the source that is your happiness, your paradise, your destination.


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Universe is Listening

Speak up.  Speak out loud.   The Universe is listening and responding.

I not only want to see, feel, and know the light of our world.  I want to be it and live it.  I want to live in it.

I want to forevermore, going forward, let light lead my way.  I want to live in light and love.  I want to be the light for others that, perhaps, have not fully recognized the light within themselves yet.

I want to share peace and kindness.   I want to offer support.  I want to give of myself for the betterment of all living creatures; within my ability and 'know-how' and always stay open and expansive and at the ready to learn.

I want to experience and practice harmony.

May you know what you want forevermore.  May you speak it out loud.  

May you remember that not only is the universe is listening to your requests and thoughts, you are also listening to each and everything that you are saying and putting out from inside of yourself.

May you let your kind, peaceful, loving self live out loud.

May you open your heart to its own joy and contentment.

You are the speaker, the listener, the doer and the being that creates your experiences.

I wish you great experiences going forward.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Fill 'er Up

I had a big dinner tonight - too big.  I ate too much and find myself uncomfortable and still not satisfied.

We can fill ourselves up with information, energy, friendships, food, studies, work and even noise and lists.

We can fill ourselves up with things that make us feel nice, good, comfortable and truly fulfilled.

After reading a friend of mine's (who is a great Life Coach) blog on winning, part of my reply to it was --

Doing what is kindest to self is a sure way to create and empower everything that is good inside of us out!

This is the kind of fulfillment and 'fill up' that I want to live with.

May you fill yourself up with things such as self-kindness, self-love, self-awareness, self-empowerment and self-comfort.  Do your best with the healthy foods.  Ha!

In this, may we know less discomfort and more [really good] self-fulfillment.

Self-fulfillment on.  Winning!

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Hit the Road

I am getting ready to call it a day; to read a book and relax.  I hear myself singing "Hit the Road Jack" and don't you come back no more...

I'm feeling like it may be time for a road trip.  Just get in the car and see where I end up.  Do I ask someone to come or do I venture off on my own...

I like both.  And, this time, I'm not sure of the answer just now.  It feels like I want to fly and feel who I am from the inner most deepest part of my fun and joyful self.  It feels like I've been concentrating on growing, becoming, being and learning better ways that I've put fun on the back burner.

I don't think I want to do this anymore.  We saw Kevin Hart live last night and just laughed for a couple of hours.  His energy, itself, seems to just invite laughter.

Oh my, is laughing good for everything about who I am, my life, and living.

May you let laughter, your laughter, happen.  It is good for everything about who you are, your life and living.

Fun is enjoyable.  Fun is healing.  Fun is empowering.  Fun brings on creativity.  Fun is, well, fun.

I'm reminded of 'Laughing Yoga' where, literally, we just look at each other and laugh around the room.  Roaring laughter.  It certainly changes the energy within and without.  There is a loudness to this energy.  It feels inviting.

May you invite yourself to let your laughter happen.  If laughter comes easier when you are out and about, may you be out and about.   If laughter comes from one on one communication with a special someone, may you be with this special someone.  If you choose to laugh on your own just for the experience of laughter, may you create this for yourself.

Laughter and flight...  Two things that can bring out our adventurous, explorative, open, healing, joyful and great energy self.

May you let your bright self brighten your way.  Let laughter 'hit you up' and get those happy hormones happening.

I wish you laughter, love and light in your now and in your future; always.

Friday, August 3, 2018


We all have our own beliefs.  One thing happened once to create a certain belief.  We were raised with certain beliefs and belief patterns.

We decided to think about something a certain way because this belief worked (or protected) us at a certain point in our lives and it is no longer working for us now.

I hear people say that 'there is not enough time in a day'...   How does this belief make you feel...  Is there a better belief to take on that would bring you a happier, more content you...

'I will never be able to do that.'   Here is another one.  Is this true...  Do you know 100% without a sliver of possibility that this is true...  Who would you be without this thought...   especially if it is something that you would love to do.  Maybe you just don't really want to do it; and that is okay.  Maybe what you end up being able to do is exactly what you are supposed to do.

If you hear and listen to your beliefs and they feel like they may be holding you back, can you change the thought, the pattern, the wording of such a belief...

I have a belief that I have restrictions on my ability to do things because of scleroderma.  While this may be true for some things, I am certain that it is not as true (nor powerful/debilitating) as I let myself believe.

I must ponder my beliefs and change them up so I can meet myself where I am truly at now and be and act like my very own best friend.  Supporting beliefs only.

May you, when and if it is time, support yourself through your beliefs; be your own best friend.   Keep the ones that empower and expand your life.   Change the ones that diminish and hold you back from doing things that you may want to do.

What we believe is true, we live as such.   If we think we can, we very possibly can.   If we think we cannot, we very possibly cannot.

May you allow only happy, strong, empowering, uplifting and feel good thoughts; as much and as often as possible.

If you are being called to do something, do it - try it.  There is no failure in trying.   There is only winning and learning lessons.

If it is in you to want it, it is in you to do it.   I believe.   I believe in you.   I believe in me.

May you too.

Thank you.

Thursday, August 2, 2018


I don't have something 'screaming' in my head, currently, that wants to be ignited into a post.  So, I come up with "love".

As love is one of my favorite things.  Not only love between life partners, but love between family members, friends, animals, strangers and, yes (for me), love for things.

My humanness loves to be surrounded by beautiful things that make my life more enjoyable and easy.  What comes to mind is marble, granite, wood, crystals, diamonds, accessories.

Knobs that are easily used with my hands.  Warmth that surrounds and encourages coziness.  Things that are easy to clean.  Things that just being around them, make my human cells energize and smile.  I can feel the totality of myself vibrate higher by surrounding myself with things that I find beautiful.
A love for a stranger...  The love is more about me and how I perceive things and react to things.  Love is what I want to share and live through.  Love brings me peace.  Love brings me wholeness.  Love brings me security and strength.  Love brings me connection.  

Love brings me love.

May you notice how, what, and who you share your love with.  It is your own love that changes you, your experiences and your circumstances.

Self-love is the greatest and most honorable love that, perhaps, we can have.

We honor our Creator by loving the creation of ourselves.  We share this love with one another easier when we are in this state of living from this love.

May you let your love energize, enhance and create smiles wherever you are; whatever you do.  Let love.

May you choose love.

Love anyway.

Be true to the love that is you.  Be true to the love that is yours.  Be true to the love that you want to share.

Be the love that you are/have/know and watch and feel magic and miracles happen.

May you let out the magic and miracles that are inside of you.  They will enhance your life and they will go directly (or indirectly) to the people that are meant to receive them.   Oh, the magical, miraculous mystery of just this.  Yay!

LOVE - let yours breathe freely.   It and you are beautiful together.