Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Thursday, June 29, 2017


I'm feeling heavy this morning.  Some thing is weighing me down.

Tapping in to the depth of myself, I learn new things each and every time.  Sometimes it is not the 'thing' so much, but, perhaps, a new way of looking at the same thing.

My body talks loudly to me.  It helps me to know when I am on a path that is for me or when I may be veering off from where it is best for me to be.

I cancelled pilates today.  I feel the need to go inward; stay inward and explore what is here.  Movement does often help me with exploring.  And, today, it just doesn't feel right.

I went back and forth with - but it's good for me - but I'd be pushing - but I often push - but today I don't want to push - let it be so - push - let it be - it is okay - I am okay - honor where I'm at.

The fight within.  The fight between what our brains want and what our bodies want.  The fight between right and wrong.  The fight with what we want and what we need.  The fight between our experiences in the past and a new experience from right where we are today.  The fight within.  I believe this is part of being human.

And, as we let go of the fight, ease, light and love just happen. They take over.  They lead us to peace within.

This is where I want to live from.  This is my forever goal.

I get glimpses of this often now.  I cannot ever stay in this place of peace within.  I like to believe that this is just the way it is for me for now and it is okay.  I am a work-in-progress.

May you believe that where you are is where you are supposed to be for now and let the peace within rise up and out; as often and as much as possible.  You are a work-in-progress.  

Love yourself through.  Be aware of the fight within (if there is one present).  Open up to letting it be. Open up to being true to you.  Be aware of the peace within (fully embrace it when you have it).  Know gratitude for it all.  It is You living You.

Sometimes we are our own worst enemy.  May you be your own best friend.

Miracles happen every day.  YOU are a miracle.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Energy Healer

I went to an 'energy healer' today.  We went in deep to what was in deep.  Ha.

I connected with my fear of stepping out of my non-doing and into my doing; anew  It keeps coming back to me just letting me be me.  Allowing myself to embrace all that I feel; all that I want to do; and all that I want to be; all that I am.

This is where 'Just 9Be U' comes from - my deepest and greatest desire - to just be me and be at peace being me.

Be like 'air' is what I was told.  I take this as to allow what is to flow, which is what I see myself often writing and talking about.

Trusting the process of life; letting life flow through us and bring our truth to each situation.

I mostly know what I want to do in each moment.  I do not always do it.

I think it's fear.  The healer was saying it is just more habitual and just what I taught myself.  This rang true for me.  And, fear rings true for me too.

Not wanting to be questioned in a 'are you nuts' kind of way and wanting to be understood.  I flow too easily with what I think others want than standing firm and knowing what I want.

I know things like I want to exercise; I want to laugh; I want to be with people.  I don't know things like what do I want to have for dinner always and where do I want to go with another.  I don't want to do anything that will make another sad or uncomfortable.

I hesitate knowing/doing me when another is affected in a non-positive way.  I also know in my brain that 'others' are the only ones that can choose a positive or negative action/reaction.  We are each in charge of our own thoughts.  And, I still allow myself to get stifled.  I guess that all my cells haven't bought in or caught up to what my brain knows. ! .

This comes from my actions and reactions not being liked when I was a child.  I was not encouraged to be the real me.  'My' adults had too much of their own stuff and were - a lot of time - unable to create space for my 'stuff'.  Children were to be seen and not heard.  Children were not people until they became adults; often, in my world.  Even then, we are not always set free to be what made us happy.

I'm happy to see children are more people now, yet, not everyone 'plays' this way.  I look forward to the day that we all 'play' to support and empower each other only to live from love, not worry or fear.

May you know what you want and allow yourself to (at the very least) offer it out [speak it]; reach for it.

May you let children be people while bringing your true loving self into each situation that arises.  Is it your fear or your person/belief that may be holding a child back...  [If, in fact, you find yourself holding a child back.]  Sometimes, this may be a question to ask ourselves.

Are you holding yourself back for the same reasons...  fear, beliefs, who you are in each particular moment.

May you let yourself gooooooo....

Be like air- flow.

Be like bamboo - bend.

Be like a flower - bloom.

Be like the divine - love.

Be like you want to be - live.

I know that as we just be ourselves, we empower others to just be themselves...  Let's empower each other on.

Note:  I do believe that we know our children and ourselves better than anyone.  When we live from our best self, we do the best we can.  No judgment.  My only thoughts are that, perhaps, we will support our best and happiest self forward.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Anxiously Excited

I have an anxiousness; an excitement whirling around inside of me.  It cannot seem to find a place to land or to dissipate.  It seems to want to stay with me.  Ever-present.

It isn't the most comfortable place to be and I am trusting that this is exactly where I need to be.

I am open to it being change; transition; transformation of what was to what will be.  I am open to my calm and light rescuing me through what can feel like chaos.

I feel the seat underneath me; the keyboard underneath my fingers; and the floor underneath my feet.
I welcome another day and wonder what wonder it will bring. !

My goal has always been to know peace no matter what else is going on around me.  To be peace no matter what else comes up for me.  To share peace because peace and love are what feels best to me.

Connectedness is where I thrive.  Connectedness through peace and love.  I like the depth of being human.  I like the truth that we are all one as we all come from the same source that brings us breath and life.  This is where I like to reside best.

I am open to residing in my favorite way of life.

May you know what works best for you and be open to living in this as best and as often as you can.

May you innately bloom into the innateness of you.

You are the gift, the answer, the superpower that you are seeking.  Perhaps, this is a true reason for being. I have heard the quote - "What you are seeking is seeking you".  Just what if the answer is truly and really 'just being you'... [Accepting you in your divineness; your innateness.]

May you be.  May you Be U.

Sunday, June 25, 2017


There is a peace within me.  There is peace in the air.  I wake up to a quiet morning with the sun out, a breeze, the fountain 'singing' and my dogs happy.

A Sunday morning peace...

I am learning more and more and living more and more that we decide how we feel.  We choose how we love.   We choose how open our heart is and we choose how we want to react.

In the beginning, reactions would just come.  Feelings would just show up.  Emotions would emote and whatever touched me would be judged and/or determined good or bad.

Just what if there is no good or bad.  Is it possible that what is good for one is bad for another... that what is bad for one is good for another...

We get to choose.  We cannot feel a certain way without our own permission and allowance.

If someone tells me something that I don't buy into - it will not affect me.  (i.e.  If I am told that my arms are too long - I don't believe this - so it will easily not bother me.)

If someone tells me something that I do buy into - it can very easily affect me.  (i.e.  If someone tells me that my fingers are ugly - I do also believe this (often enough) so I can allow this to easily bother me.)

If we choose to not react or to not react negatively (in a way that we feel less), then it doesn't matter whatever the external sources are showing up as.

Internally we can choose peace.

We are works-in-progress.  Wherever you are in your journey is okay.  Be with it.  Embrace it as much as you can.  Embrace all of it not just the easy parts.

As we embrace our journey from where we are and where we find ourselves; as we meet ourselves where we are at - we can experience our life from our own truth within and choose peaceful outcomes within our self.

May you choose peace as often and as much as you can.  

Peace in the exciting times.   Peace in the hurtful times.   I wish for you to choose peace if and when you are ready.

May you open up to each situation and see for yourself what you are choosing and how it feels within you.

May you choose your own peace.

                                                                           (picture unknown)

Saturday, June 24, 2017


Today is my husband's birthday! We celebrate him.  We celebrate the birth of him.  We celebrate his life and all that it means to us.

Our birthdays are special to us.  It is the day we were born here on Earth.  It is the day that we came into this world as who we are.  It is a day that after being in the womb for 9 months we breathe on our own.

Every year after this, we celebrate this memory, this coming of; so to speak.

We sometimes get gifts.  We often get well wishes.  We get acknowledged.  We have an opportunity to acknowledge our self.

For years, I would get a new outfit, get all happy and excited and celebrate me with others.  Now, it is not like it was.  I still recognize that this is my special day.  I love that others think of me and send me love.  Yet, I've learned to do it much quieter than before.  There is no other reason than it is how I feel now; for now.  It is where my life has led me and it is okay.

I greatly enjoyed the energy of me back then.  I greatly appreciate the energy I am now.  I am love.  I am still love.  I hope to always be love.

May you celebrate you.  Celebrate who you were; who you are now and who you are becoming.  Celebrate you the way you feel your energy is easily able to.  There is no right or wrong.  There is no should or should nots.  There is only you.

You are the person that lives your life.  You are the life that matters most to you.  You are certainly the one who affects you the most.  It is in your thoughts, actions and reactions that you live.

From your born date to your birth date to you in the now --  celebrate you as best and as often as you can.

Perhaps, as we celebrate ourselves and love our self, we can only offer celebration and love to others.

May you create the type of life you feel best to be living in.  In this, may you know fulfillment and love.

Happy Birthday to my Husband!

Friday, June 23, 2017

Uh Oh

As I continue carrying my Be U blog over to my Be U website blog but now opening to, perhaps, more interaction there, I am more aware that, perhaps, more and different people will be reading this.

I feel more self-conscious as I have gotten so used to just letting me rip on this blogpost page.  With no thought of having to please anyone or worrying about bad and/or negative comments, I easily (mostly) gave myself permission to just share the real me in the current moment.

I want to continue doing this as this is what works best for me.  I want to be as real as possible.

I want to support your realness as much as possible.

This 'just being you' came from me just wanting so desperately to be me.

So, as I embark on my next chapter of my journey [wanting to share some professionalism], I'd like to invite you to be open to knowing yourself, doing yourself, being yourself and carrying your true self forward with you wherever you go; whatever you do.

I don't know what tomorrow will bring.  I don't need to as long as I know that I will allow me to fully be myself - the best that I can.

May you fully and truly be yourself - the best that you can.

We are all on this journey of living and life together.  We are all here now with our struggles and our triumphs experiencing and creating our own lives.  May we create the best world for ourselves and one another.  May we allow and empower the life within each of us to live out loud and peacefully alone, together.

Boo Yah!  
                                                               (picture unknown)


As I awaken this morning, I find myself bending to reach my toes.  I don't reach down fast and easy.  I don't get there without any discomfort and pulling.  And, I do get there!  Ha.

I stay there for a while.  I breathe.  I relax.  I let go and I reach.  I make it to where my hand is on the floor.  I bend one knee at a time for a deeper stretch.  I breathe.  I hang.

Oh, does this feel good!

I feel more open, taller and happier just from a small toe touch.

It is a rainy morning; a lovely rainy morning.  I like waking up to the sound of rain and the darkness it provides.  It seems to caress my wholeness and, if I let it, encourage my calm.

Today is Friday - another reason I can find myself happy.  The weeks are flying by and I still appreciate the ease and leisure of a weekend.  It is nice to not have to concern myself with the time; with schedules of any kind.  It is nice to focus on down time and healing time...  Family time...

May you know what you and your body need and want and may you give yourself permission to experience it and let it happen.

May you create your happy from the simplest of things.

Have a weekend full of simple things that you choose for you; from openness, love and ease.  No matter what you choose to do, I wish you love doing it.  Don't stretch yourself thin, stretch yourself harmoniously; as 'harmoniously' as possible.  Ha!

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Thank YOU

I want to thank the following people from these countries for coming back again and again and 'visiting' me.

It is my hope that your heart and soul are touched and awakened to live your best self in your best life in your best way - for today and all days.

May you always open to YOU.  Love yourself and treat yourself like the precious 'diamond' that you are.

Many thanks for uplifting me just by being here.

United States


















Note:  I have been transferring these blog posts onto my website.  However, I try to keep them less about me and more about life.  I have this belief that someone coming to me through a professional space do not want to hear about me.  They want to hear about and know themselves.  And, in total truth and sharing me - I feel safer to be less vulnerable there.  Who knows where I will take myself.  I'm excited to see as I sit the best I can in the unknown of my life.   I wish this for all - to know and love thyself in fulfillment through peace and harmony; as often as possible - to sit in the unknown of your life as best as you can.  Namaste.   and THANK YOU

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Let It Happen

This journey of life and living is a journey of unknown, uncertainty, joy, magic and emotions popping up all over the place as we open up to everything that is.

I wake up this morning achy and uncomfortable.  My first reaction is to want to change it, make me better; take away my pain.

What if I just allow it, accept it...   Will it pass...  Most likely it will.  Usually it does... Perhaps, even whether I choose to fight it or accept it...  It still passes.

Yesterday I heard myself saying that I don't want to get up.  I don't want to do the day.  Then I heard myself saying I don't want to do the day in this minute.  Yay me!  This was more my truth and it certainly felt a lot lighter on me than I don't want to do the whole day.   I liked that it was just in that moment that I didn't want to do the whole day.  And, yes, it was - before I started to do the whole day that I experienced this...

As I sit here typing this and my body cries out for something, I pause....  I breathe...  I love myself....  I feel the pain and discomfort...  I ask what it is trying to tell me...   I do a little stretch...  I breathe some more.....

We all have our moments.   We all have our stressors.   We all have our fears.   We also all have our joy...  All have our 'good' things...  We all have moments of miracles...  We all have moments of peace...  We all have it all.

Everything that is human, we are all touched by in our own way.

Does it still happen whether we fight it or allow it...  Hmm.

May you know when to fight and know when to open up to the moment.  Perhaps, in this is our greatest peace.

I offer peace to our world.  I offer love to your struggles.  I offer you your most loving self.  I offer hope to what feels hopeless.   I offer miraculous moments to the most mundane.

It is my greatest wish, just now, to be able to offer you these things.

May you embrace, allow and offer gentle strength to what life is showing you just now.  Carry on from the place inside of you that carries and holds your peace and inner knowing.

Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin with me...

May we let peace happen.

As I end this post, my body crying out has dissipated...

May you let 'life' flow through you.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Happy Father's Day 2017

Happy Father's Day to all the men that support (their) children.  !

Fathers help to build and empower a child's well-being and self-worth.  They teach respect as they offer it.  They bring joy with their laughter; strength with their love; honor with their compassion; and business sense and work ethic through their own.  

Fathers are vital.  You matter.  You are appreciated.  

Thank you for loving your/the children through your own unique love, support and fun!

Happy Father's Day 2017!

Today we celebrate You!

Friday, June 16, 2017

Live Your Self

No one is coming to save us. It is best when we do it for ourselves. It is best when we are brave and courageous and loving and awesome. It is nice to let others help us and, at times, support us but not live our life for us.  Our life works best when we do not live how others would tell us to live; how they know to live through who they are.   

It is best when we believe in our self and the way we feel and what we know and what is inside of us. 

We must let ourselves breathe and find the answers within.  Everything we need for our lifetime we already have.   It is within our inner knowing. 

No one can heal me or change the way I see things [without my permission].  No one can give me answers on what to do that is the very best for me but me.  No one can do as good of a job as creating me to be me as me.  

This is one of those good news/bad news things, perhaps.  AND, it can be great news if we open up to it.

May we all open our hearts, minds and souls and know that we can live the best of ourselves.

May we know that we are ok; that we are going to be ok; that we survive and that we thrive.

Believe, know and live as if the cycle of life will flow on, with ease, if we let it.   May we let it.  It is going to flow no matter what.  This is what life does. 

You are love(d).   I send you love.

I see your kindness and your beauty.  Let You shine.  Let you know you deserve your awesomeness.  We honor our Creator (and each other) when we honor our own awesomeness. 

Awesomeness on!!!!!   

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


I find myself getting and feeling 'antsy' lately.  Yesterday, I found myself cutting back - way back - a bamboo tree.  Today, I'm walking around the house moving things; changing things; adding things.  I don't want to sit still.

This is a bit unusual for me.  I'm not sure what it means.  I am sure that I wish it to mean that I'm ready to get moving onward - to my next chapter; to another way of doing me.  I've been talking for a long time about healing; about working; about helping our world...

I [sort of] can't wait to see what I do next.  Where will this precious life lead me...  Where will the love in my heart lead me...  Where will the days; weeks, months ahead lead me...  I can't wait to see.  There is an excitement within me that is bubbling up and I'm waiting for it to erupt into a beautiful fountain of self movement and colorful self energy.

I am ready.  I am open. I am willing. There is some fear present as to whether I am able to or not...  but there is a greater love present that I am able to do whatever it is I can dream up, reach for, allow, and open up to.

May you believe in yourself.  May you believe in what you are dreaming.  May you be open to all good and awesome things to come your way.

Your uniqueness will carry you to it.  Your openness will know what it is.  Your love will surround you and empower you.  Your 'self movement' will create, live and go beyond even your most far-fetched dreams.

If you believe...  And I believe.

I believe in your dreams.   I believe in my dreams.

As we dream the dream as only our individual self can, may we, together, create a better world for you and me.

Dream on.  May the dream(s) that you are supposed to bring into fruition - where nothing at all will stop it(them) as it(they) is(are) supposed to be - happen.  May you believe in you.   May you believe in your dream(s).  

Monday, June 12, 2017

Where I'm At

I am excited about the unknown.  I am excited about being professional at doing what I do.  I'm excited to grow and reach out to help others that desire the help.

I haven't heard from the Florida State Compassionate Use Registry telling me if they accept or decline my application for medical marijuana.  I am so ready to try it.  My curiousity is high.  My hope is present.

June is Scleroderma Awareness month.  It is also Father's Day.  It is also my husband's birthday.  Many are 'boosting' and getting the word out of what scleroderma is on Facebook. I'm proud of and grateful for them.  Many have linked their profile picture to it.  I support them and I support the cause for a cure.  It is not in me to put scleroderma on my profile picture.  I feel I would be saying that this defines me.  I don't think this is what others are saying - I am saying that I feel this is what I would be saying and I don't wish to 'play my cards' in this manner.  Everyone that knows me or is curious about me can know that I have been diagnosed with scleroderma and it has been a part of my life for most of my life.  I don't want to give it any more energy than it asks for.  I empower myself by keeping my page 'professional' and about 'just being me' or - as I like to say - it, 'Just Be U'.

My body aches every day.  My inability to use my hands and even put a spoon in my mouth are getting harder; I just noticed yesterday.  I found myself sitting and crying about this same thing.  Sitting in the frustration of it; the hopelessness of it.  Also knowing that I could be so much worse.

I go to the scleroderma (rheumatologist) today believing that there will be nothing new to say - no new drugs to try - leaving with as much information as I go in with.  Yet, I still go.  How interesting I find this today.

The weather makes my back sweat as I'm out walking the dogs.  Today, I let it feel good and I welcome it as sweating doesn't come easy to 'my scleroderma skin'.  I have very little cellulite.  Ha.  There is good in everything if I look - or look hard enough - it can surely be found.

May you look - look hard enough - to find the good in anything that may be frustrating and/or hopeless to you in this moment.  May you find it.  YOU are good.  From the depth and magic from whence you came, you are good.

May you connect to your own depth and magic and live from this as often and as much as you can.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Let It Rain

"Sometimes when life feels like it is falling apart, it is actually falling into place."  unknown

"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass.  It is about learning to dance in the rain."  unknown

After the storm, the sun comes out and sometimes a rainbow.

The sun always will eventually shine.

Dance in between the raindrops.  Dance underneath the raindrops.

Let the rain cleanse your soul.

It is rainy season here in South Florida.  It rains just about every day.  It is a nice rain.  A needed rain.  It encourages me to live at a slower pace; a quieter pace; a more peaceful place.

It is a game for me how to figure out how to walk the dogs between the raindrops.

Everything is so green and vibrant.  Albeit weighed down, perhaps, but happily.  Nature is weighed down with the gift of life.

Sometimes we are weighed down with the gift of life.  Do we choose to see it as a heavy unwanted weight or can we choose to see it - and feel it - as a weight that is a gift of life -- one to embrace, allow, participate in and share.

It is how I see things that creates my life.  It is how you see things that create your life.  It is what we tend to believe that gives us weight.

May you choose to embrace, allow, participate in and share your life as only you can.  Be true to you.  Let it rain.

The sun always will eventually shine.

I honor you and am honored by your presence.

Thank you.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

A Stationary Trip

I went on a 'trip' yesterday but my body stayed in the same place..

I went to a 'healer' who did muscle testing work and energy work.  I've experienced this many times in the past and it was usually spot on and fun. It still was.  It isn't easy 'work' because I choose to look at myself in the full light of me and facing some unpleasant memories and current emotions and experiences is not always easy.

This being human - for me - is not always easy.  Ha!

I now [usually always] know exactly what feelings are going on with me, for me and through me.  I shared what came up for me and we 'played' with each item as it did.  He could feel and understand what I offered and he offered his own things that surfaced for him.  He was brilliant.  He was completely open and I appreciate this.  Openness is the best way to go; openness with loving support.
I have learned to give a voice to all of me.  I HAVE LEARNED TO GIVE A VOICE TO ALL OF ME.  If I don't use my voice, I will never be heard...  I hope to offer who I am, what I need and how I feel a loving voice always.

Basically, I still dealt with the dad thing - the experience of my dad leaving at a very young age and the experience of this brought me to unworthiness and led me to shut down my feelings and had me experiencing 'looking for love in all the wrong places', so to speak.  Being love but not giving myself the same love as I offer out.  And, what was even more interesting is how at age 57, I am still letting these feelings that became built-in (deep inside my cells) as me experiencing life through and not the truth of who I am now.  I was still not letting me be who I've worked so hard to reconnect to and be; who I want to experience as now... my true me live. I'm living through the me I became because of certain situations.  I didn't know how to stay true to me.  I now know that I can and I'm supposed to and it is my job to live the me I am now through the truth of myself sharing my truth and not holding back and still being love.  (How many layers and layers and layers and layers of this must I go through...  the answer, I suppose, is as many as it takes...)

My take home was to know the cleansing of the divine within me.  I never experienced life though this.  I know the wholesomeness, the beauty, the cleansing is a part of me - I never fully experienced this with my senses and my mind working together in this.   So, this is what I 'play' with now.  This is what I wake up to this morning stretching and feeling the cleansing of the universe - the fountain of cleansing - within me.  I bathe in it.  I open up to it.

I look in the mirror and see the spots on my face and immediate react negatively.   So, I turn full circle, look back into the mirror and see the 'fantasticism' that is staring back.   The 'empoweringness' within/behind/in this is WOW.  BAM.

This is where I want to live my day from...

So, I shall - as best I can.

May you find the WOW and the BAM in you and may you choose to live forward in your WOWness and your BAMness...

                                                              picture unknown

Tuesday, June 6, 2017


We are all accustomed to certain things.  Holidays, celebrations, responsibilities, certain clothing, work, travel to and from work, weather, etc.  We fall into a life of custom things that we do regularly or similar each and every time.  We expect certain things to happen or not happen.  We grocery shop, fill our grocery carts; we put our food into bags and load them up into our car or carry them home.  We then put the items away in the kitchen and certain areas of our house that we keep each item in its accounted for space.

Well, a loved one sits in Customs just now; in Canada; for two hours.  This is not a thing she is accustomed to.  It is nothing I am accustomed to.  With her there and me here - I can't even call it 'fun'.

In life, we do things on a regular basis that can create a comfortable situation.  In life, uncomfortable situations arise.  It is who we are that teaches us; allows us; and encourages us to react to each situation.

If you are having to be patient, perhaps, it can teach you patience.  If you are having to speak up to share your point of view, perhaps, it can teach you to use your voice in a helpful way.  If you are having to know discomfort in a situation, perhaps, you can learn trust and allowance for situations that are not in your comfort zone.

If you have to wait at Customs to get into another country, perhaps, you can do it with an open mind/open heart and with compassion and trust holding you together.  I'd rather wait with a peace of mind than a mind full of negative chatter.

It is up to us.  It shows and tells us who we are.  To take responsibility for our own existence; our own experience(s) and our own being is to have control over how we experience our own life.

May you experience your own life from the place of peace, joy, harmony, compassion and love within you.  May all your experiences teach you more and more what you feel like to be content.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Doing Me

I just finished taking multiple quizzes for the upkeep of my certification for Personal Training.  What fun it is to read and learn about the body, mind, nutrition, exercise, meditation and so much more!  I truly get very excited and happy in this world of growth and inner/outer work of the human body, mind and spirit.

I found myself holding my breath as I entered each test into the online system to see if I passed.  I have approximately 4 more CEC's that I need to be able to renew my certification.  I am close.  I hope to complete full renewal this week.

I love the direction fitness is going.  When once it was about how many repetitions and strain one could put on one's body, it is now about steady and different kinds of movement, positive perceived exertions and keeping up the ability to do everyday things easily and with our most powerful strength and unlimited perseverance.  This is for people that want their best health, their best life and their best of self; wholly.

Wherever you find yourself, may you do 'it' with love and awareness with the belief that you can and will achieve your goal(s).

Let love lead you.  Let your passion carry you.  Let your knowledge portray you.  Let your dreams invigorate you.  Let yourself shine the light on these gifts that bring you great pleasure and these gifts that other people may need/want.

Just what if we all did this.  We could share, teach, learn and grow in every relationship we encounter.

In fact, I think we do share, teach, learn and grow with every relationship we encounter.

May you be open to sharing, teaching, learning and growing.  Bring your best self to it.  Go through 'it' to get to 'it'.

'It' being your greatest version of you.  Whoop Whoop.

Yes, this is exciting.  I do believe.  I believe in you.  I believe in me. I believe in us.

May you believe.  Believe in you.  Believe in me.  Believe in us.


Do You ---  'everyone else is already taken'!

Thank you for your open mind, your open heart, and your openness to walk forward onto unspoiled paths as only you can.

May you walk on...

                                        Photo by Charles Stout, Facebook

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Just Because

This is a just because post...

I love you...  just because.

We are worthy..  just because.

We are enough.. just because.

We experience as we do.. just because it is our reason for being.

We are walking our path.. just because.

We are human.. just because.

We have choice.. just because.

We are who we are.. just because of what we've experienced and what thoughts we think.

We believe  or don't.. just because.

We breathe.. just because.

I love you...  just because.

May you love yourself.. just because.

I love the below picture..  just because.