Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Hello. Is it YOU You're Looking For...

I sit here with my breakfast to the side of me.  I await the cleaning people and the landscapers and I am dressed for a lunch with a friend who states 'there is a lot of new stuff going on' and would like to talk with me.  I find myself honored.

I look to see if there is any 'action' on my blog and I am grateful and I thank the universe (God) for people connecting to me.  It makes me feel good.  It helps me to feel connected and it helps me to feel whole.  And, it brings me much happiness.  I always hear myself thinking "please let my 'work' connect to everyone that it is supposed to".  This is one of my greatest prayers and wishes. 

With social media, I can get caught up with the amount of likes and views.  I can, at times, feel my worth balancing with same.  And, deeper down, it is the connection that makes me feel fulfilled.

When asked to say one word about myself I often see myself saying 'connected'.  Deep connection is important to me.  It is what I wish for; what I want; what I desire and what brings me to my own wholeness.  It is loving and open connection to you that I greatly enjoy.  When connections can benefit us all, it is one of life's greatest blessings.

When I first started this blog [because I heard myself saying start a blog - I didn't even know what a blog was at the time], I wanted it to be just me 'voicing' me.  I didn't want feedback or comments because I was afraid.  I knew it would sway the way I thought and challenge me to not lose the deep reality of myself in my posting.

I have recently been feeling (a couple of months now) that it would be nice to offer anyone to feel free to comment, ask questions, connect on their end here if you so feel inclined.  I feel able, stronger and deeply based within myself...  As deep as I can get for now.  I am still a scaredy cat because I haven't experienced this and, apparently, there is still this part of me that exists.  And, it is what is inside of me to do.  I think it may be a next step.

I know that I am supposed to - was born to - help others to acquaint their self with what they already know and are.  My desire to be me; the life I've lived; the classes I've taken; the lessons I've learned; the paths I've crossed; the credentials I've earned are what "Just 9Be U" is built on and originated from. 

May you always seek your truth within and live your truth without.   Let what you feel on the inside be shown as same on the outside; from a place of love, trust, kindness and awareness.  Do YOU with what you are; what you feel; what you know; what you think; and where you are as best as you can - as loving as you can.  As we empower ourselves, we empower others.  I say it is always time to

Empower on!

   Go deep.  Get high.  Ha.   
unknown picture     

Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day

Today, in The United States, we honor the fallen; those who have died in war.  This is why Memorial Day stands as a holiday. 

I am greatly sorry for your loss if you know and/or love(d) a soldier that died in the fight for peace and freedom.  Some know more than one.  Some know many.  I sit torn as I do not understand war.  I do not understand creating a savaged land in the name of peace and freedom.  A 'land' where we injure and kill each other.

Cannot peace and freedom be freedom from war...

How inconceivable that we have to live forward while our loved ones give their lives.  I wish for a day that an act of violence does not create more violence.  That we can find ways to obliterate violence with love.  

 I honor the fallen. I bow my head.  I open my heart to a 'no war zone' life.  As we all breathe the same air; as we all want bonds through love and support, can we not find a better way going forward...  I pray for the day when the only war we know is the card game.  I respectfully put this into the universe.  May we find a better way.  

May Memorial Day grow to be about the unofficial start of summer only - as war becomes extinct and future people will not have to know the great pain of losing a loved one to battle.  Today, we still honor this loss.  May tomorrow know more and more freedom for all from this kind of loss.

May we be shown and be open to a less savage and better way in the search and the continued ability to let freedom ring.    Thank you.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Don't Give It All Away

I was taking a walk the other night and I came across many beautiful sights.  It was dusk and as the dusk was falling into night, I was aware of the peace, the quiet, the serenity of the moments. 

I felt gratitude.  I felt love for the universe.  With nature all around me, I knew, once again, that this is my home. 

Everywhere I looked, I saw the beauty within the nature of living.

As I stayed open and interested, I felt a wholeness of being.  I felt the earth underneath my feet.  I saw the darkening sky as a beautiful painted picture.  I heard the sound of trickling water fountains.   I felt the calm and quiet as birds flew across the sky going 'home' for the night. 

I knew this must be love in some of its many forms. 

I gathered the love up and walked on.

May you always have a reservoir of love within.   Be and share your love as often and as much as possible.

May you always save a reserve of your love for yourself.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

My Favorite Poem by Marianne Williamson

Marianne Williamson Power Poem

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
 Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves - who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous, powerful?

Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We were born to manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us, it is in everyone.

As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fears, our presence automatically liberates others.

Now is the time to let your light shine."     Marianne Williamson

I believe it is so brilliant and empowering.  It is time for us all to take heed and live our full life.

May you see yourself living your full, whole self and may you aspire to do, be and live all of who you are from inside of yourself out loud; as lovingly as possible.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Movements and Moments

My daughter is moving back home after being in her own apartment the last nine months.  My baby is coming home!  She will not be traveling for the summer as she has every summer since our family has moved to Florida full time.  However, I do know the baby part is only in my heart and the adult part is the one moving back!  It is said that it is short term as the goal is for her to find her own place so she can be on her own while finishing school and also working as much as she can.

I am looking forward to having her here.  I know it will challenge us all and it will also give us moments of happy laughter.  Tomorrow will be the day [that is set in stone] that will be her first night here. 

I wish us all success, happiness, togetherness, kindness and growth.  I believe everything happens for a reason and I look forward to this part of my life having the opportunity to continue loving my family and also learning to fully love myself. 

My wish is that we individually and together grow, love, live and know our best of selves and support the best of each other. 

This is my wish for all the world. 

May you be open to bringing your best of self into each movement, each moment that you experience. 

May you support others to be the best of themselves in the way that is right for them.  Not what we think is right, but what another may know is right for them. 

It certainly is okay to lovingly voice what we would do or what we think.

It is really cool when we can allow others to learn, grow and be who they are from their own inside out.

I think one of my biggest challenges is to allow this with my loved ones.  And, I KNOW (I think!? ha!) that what they feel, know and think is right for them.  What I feel, know and think is where I'm supposed to be for me.

May you be open to what you feel, know and think as only you can and may you allow others to feel, know and think as only they can. 

Let our uniqueness work in harmony, empowerment and growth for each other and ourselves.

Let our open hearts, minds, souls and energy create and allow what is the best path for every individual through kindness and truth.

It is what it is.  It ain't what it ain't.  We are who we are. 

Harmony on. 

I'm in.

How exciting.  How challenging.  How wonderful.  Oh what a journey this human experience is.  Bring It On. 

Love is here for us all.  Just maybe, one only has to believe, know and allow. 

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Love Thyself

Come out; come out, wherever you are...

Thank you for loving yourself...

May you love yourself..

May you look in the mirror and tell the person - you - looking back how proud you are of them; how awesome you think they are and how much you love them.

Start from wherever you are.  Start with whatever you can.  Say whatever wonderful thing you can to yourself and hear it, feel it and let it be a part of you.  Let it reach every cell of your being.  Let it come from your soul and go back to your soul.

The very sole person that your love matters to and affects the most is you.  

Be playful.  Be open.  Be warm-hearted.  Have a big heart towards yourself.  Have gratitude for your beating heart.  

"Love is the answer."   "Love is patient. Love is kind "

May you answer yourself, always and in all ways, through love.   

May you truly and deeply love yourself.

Thank you for loving yourself.  

Perhaps...  It heals you.  It heals me. It heals our world.  

May the door to your heart swing both ways.

Come.  Search.  Feel.  Invite.  Allow.  Make it happen.  Let the greatness of you happen.  

Love Thyself.  

Friday, May 19, 2017

Just Because

I write just because I can.

I write just because it is a release for me.

I write just because I get informed.

I write just because I care about others.

I write in hope that I can make your day just a little bit better; a little lighter; and to be connected to you.

I write because something inside of myself encourages me to.

Do you know why you do the things that you do...  I'm not sure it matters to know.  I think it may matter more to do what is inside of you to do regardless of the why.

It may matter more to be kind, open, loving, caring and supportive to one's self and each other.

It may matter more to live the life that is inside of you to live; to share the you that you truly are.

Perhaps, when what is inside of us matches what is outside of our own self, as our own self, we are whole. 

Perhaps, we are born to learn how to be whole.

As we are whole, we can, perhaps, learn to say we are who we are...  just because.

May you give yourself permission to be who you are...  just because.

And, in this just because-ness, may you know contentment, ease, and the greatest power that you will ever know here on earth, yourself.

You were born of something bigger than yourself.  The all-ness that touches each of us.

May you honor this all-ness by doing your part - the part that only you can - the part that is YOU.

Much love, light and hope...  just because.

Thursday, May 18, 2017


As I listen to my thoughts, I am aware that I am not always kind to myself.  As I listen to my needs, I realize that I sometimes ignore them. 

As I listen, I hear from a place inside of myself that allows what I hear to be blotted by my own beliefs, experiences, and feelings.  Even my learned habits play a role. 

I read the other day that we all have energy flowing through us and this energy becomes unique to us because we are the ones translating, passing and experiencing it.  These words felt so true and the meaning stuck with me.   

Outside of our self, energy is just energy.  Once entered into our very own domain, this energy becomes a part of us and everything that is us.  It leads us, along with our thoughts and beliefs, down the path that we find ourselves on. 

We are this powerful.  We can be this hurtful especially if we are not aware and are on auto-pilot from what we have learned and/or experienced as hurtful in the past.

I want us to be powerful in love and self adoration.  I would like us to listen, examine and let energy be freeing, empowering and supportive.

What do you do with the energy that shows up inside of you...  Do you let it feel good or do you let it hurt you...  May you just be aware.

May you let this energy be empowering, freeing and supportive.   May you let your energy pick you up and give you the gift of your best self.

Monday, May 15, 2017


As I pull myself out of bed this morning, I awaken to a new day just like you.  Another new beginning.  Another day to live my life.  Another day to love.  Another day to feel things I don't want to feel.  And, another day to breathe and this 'another day' leads me to much opportunity, possibilities and chances to spread and be love.

I'd rather want to get up and be ready to get out of bed and live and thrive.  This is not for me just now. 

I've had many moons of this.  Where I couldn't wait to do my day again - another day.  I was so full of hope, excitement and the opportunity for new possibilities.

I now let the achiness of my body put a damper on this life thriving thing.  I lived many years with the achiness and still thrived.

What is the difference now.  I suppose it is my mindset.  I'm letting it feel too heavy on me as it does.  I'm wanting it to be different because it is not fun to know pain.  I'm weary and dreary.  I still love strong.

I'm very open to me changing.  I'm very open to knowing ease.  I'm very open to popping up out of bed ready to tackle and live a new day with vibrancy and gusto.

This is not my day today.  Ha.

Wherever you are; whatever you are doing; whatever you are feeling, may you love to your best ability.

If you are thriving in this moment - go for it - bask in the feeling.   If you are struggling, allow it - feel the feeling.

Regardless of how you are in this moment, let there be love present within and shared without. 

Perhaps, love is the magic that keeps us going forward..  May you keep going forward.  YOU are worth it.  I believe in you.

Thursday, May 11, 2017


As I get ready to call it a day, I feel the desire to pop in to say hello.  I have nothing in mind to discuss.  Nothing in mind to share.

It is one of my greatest desires that my presence in this world would help to provide, open up and encourage positive growth in other people.  I just love it so when a person realizes how awesome and wonderful they are.

I read something that talked about being open to finding your own gift and sharing it with the world.  I want to - I need to support others in finding their gifts; growing their self; and becoming both.

It gives me the most fulfilling feeling to see a person better their life in their own mind; within their own beliefs. 

I believe that we are here to do just this.  We are here to learn to become, live and share our best self.  We are here to grow into the person we are born to be.  To experience our greatest of self is to experience our greatest calling.

When you know joy, you are living your greatest path.  When you know productivity, you are working your greatest self.  When you know self-love, you are open to everything that the universe is.

May you know joy, productivity and self-love; just to name a few sensational feelings that we humans can engage in.

Engage your full self with your full knowledge from the depth of what is within you.

May you be your gifts and thrive.


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Me. You. Us.

I went to the dentist today and received my permanent bridge placed into my tiny mouth.  But, it is in and I'm looking pretty darn good!  ha!

It isn't the easiest thing for me to sit in the dentist chair.  I have to gather my courage, get in the right mindset and greatly trust that I will make it to the other side of the appointment.

I did.  It was one of the easier ones and I am so grateful for easier.  I'm always so open to ease.

I am in the process of applying for a medical marijuana card as the Pain Management Doctor seems to think I am a "perfect candidate" for it.  With my constant struggle; with my discomfort and challenges; and my constant irritation with acquiring legal pharmaceutical medicine, I just have to try this.  I have to know if it is for me.

Never say never.  I never thought I'd be in a doctor's office requesting the legal dispensing of marijuana; medical marijuana.  It is either a vapor or capsules that they offered me and I will try the capsules first as it is what I know.   I have a feeling that the vapor may be a better choice, but one step at a time.

I wasn't offered cookies or lollipops or anything else.  I am now applying with the state and I needed a 2x2 new passport picture.  I went and had that taken.  Step my step, and maybe within four weeks, I will be experimenting with cannabis and the effect it has on my health, mind and vitality of life.  Last week, it was a 3 month grace period before I could acquire it.  Just this past weekend, the 3 month waiting period was banned.  Lucky for me.  I'm sure for others too.

It is my hope that you are doing, trying, and open to anything and everything that shows itself to you as a possible step to experiment with things (and life) that could have a positive effect on your health, mind and vitality of your way of life.  

I truly believe we are the ones who know what we feel the most accurate; the deepest and the many different emotions and levels that we go through.

May you open up to your best and highest frequency possible.  How high can you go??!?! 

Individually, together, as we walk this journey called life - as we stay open minded and open hearted and as we relax into our vulnerability, it is my hope, dream and belief that this is what is going to give ourselves, each other and the world the opportunity to live at our highest of peaks as often as possible.

I wish you heights that come from within you and, maybe, even exceed your wildest and deepest dreams.

May you live your wildest and deepest dreams from the depth of yourself; your knowing and whole self.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Just Because

Be extra kind to yourself today.  Be gentle with yourself today.  Be loving with yourself today. 

Let go of  any judgment.   Let go of all tension.   Let go of anything and everything that bothers you just now.  Take a deep breath and let go.

Believe in yourself.   Look how far you have come.   Look at all you've gotten through.  Look at all you have done.

Just because.

May you love yourself just because you can choose it for yourself; today and everyday.

May you choose self-love, self-compassion, self-support, and believe in the miracle of YOU.

YOU are a miracle.  Stunning.

Thursday, May 4, 2017


There are many times when things just pop up in our minds, our heads, our hearts, our 'being'.

Most often many of us ignore or only pay a slight attention to these things.  We hear them but we don't listen to them.  Some of these pop up thoughts happen rarely; like if something happens and we are reminded of something. 

Many of these pop up thoughts are common and they pop up many times a day on continuous days.

I'm thinking it is a good idea to start listening to them for me.  Really hearing them...  Give them my full attention.

A song, a rhyme, a happening pops up and I'm open to paying attention to it.  To, maybe, get the song and play it in full.  To know the rhyme and say it out...  To relive the happening or the feelings the happening brings up and feel them through.

Just what if these pop up thoughts are here to lead us either into something or away from something.  Just what if they pop up to tell us/teach us something that really matters.

Perhaps, it's just to process through it and let it go for good.  Perhaps, it is to lead us in a best direction from where we are.  Just what if...

May you hear what your thoughts are telling you and give yourself the freedom to let your thoughts support you, love you and, maybe, even guide you.

Let your thoughts connect to your instinct to know the power of you. 

You are the only one that thinks completely like you.  No one, anywhere, thinks like you. 

Sometimes we are our own worst enemy.  May we be our own best friend.

Think ever-evolving you.  Since we humans think, may we think well...  Ha!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017


I find myself, again, in a war between what I know and what I feel.  I find myself, again, not wanting to have pain and discomfort and not knowing how to let go of pain and discomfort.

Every day can be a battle of what I want and what I know.  Every day can be a battle of not wanting scleroderma and knowing that I do.

Every day I have an opportunity to let go and be free.

Every day I oscillate between holding on and letting go.

I wish I could say I feel great, vital and that I just do whatever I want.

I can only say I could feel much worse and I do the best I can.

It would be enough if I would let it be so.

Maybe tomorrow will be a day that I will let it be so.  Maybe one minute from now, I will let myself be enough exactly as I am.

I am grateful I have many moments of this.  I am human where it is not for always and ever.

I am human where I question and wonder.  I am human where I get frustrated and sad.  I am human.

May you continue to walk forward and from the place that you are in this moment and all the moments to come.  May you know that you are human also.  May you let yourself be enough as often as possible.

You are enough.  We truly all are. 

Just what if we are exactly where we are best to be.  Just what if we know exactly what we are supposed to know.  Just what if we feel exactly what is best for us to feel.

Let your feelings waver.  Let them be what they are.  We are not our feelings.  They are only a part of our life experience.

May you open up to love.  Love of self.  Love of others.  Love in each moment.

Breathe love as often as you can.   Come back to love every time that you can. 

Everything you are and feel will lead you into your truest of self if you let it be so.

May you let it be so.

May 'enoughness' be yours...