Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Real Experience(s)

Here.  This place.  Now.  This is where I face 'me'.   I face me head on.  I go deep and I share depth. 

It is not always the easiest place to explore.  It takes much energy, brain and heart power, and trust, openness and time for this kind of exploration.

I know that I am worth it.  I know that you are worth it.

I do find myself [as I've said before] coming here to this [life-changing for me] blog less often.  Where I used to come here pretty consistently, I find myself going to 'Facebook', 'Instagram' and 'Twitter' more.  While I connect to my depth, what I share is my hope.

Is it because I need a break from self-exploration...   Is it because I don't want to put words to what I feel...  Is it that I don't want to take the time...  Do I not have enough energy...  Am I benefiting less...  Have I found my best way for now and need to physically process it only...  Is it all of the above and/or more...

As I sit down to write this, my mind is on going to the local "Enlightenment Center" where, today, they are having a huge sale on crystals.  I am 'called' to go and 'look'. (lol)  I want to go to see what they have and bring some beautiful stones home.  It excites me!

Yesterday was Thanksgiving here in the USA.  While I had a wonderful day with my family, my hands were in the water a lot and today I am feeling this extra use of my hands.  I ate too much and my body is feeling this as well.  My body feels like it is 'pulsing' out of unison as a whole.  There is this energy that does not know where to land.  I feel sporadic and jumpy inside.  I feel tense, heavy, imbalanced, unstable and somewhat disassociated. 

I'm a bit uncomfortable and my body is screaming quietly.  Quietly; yet screaming.  I do not like the feeling.  I feel like I want to run away from it.  And, here I stay, uncomfortable and aware of all of this that I do not understand.

While I see others doing their thing, functioning and being productive, I see me pushing and sighing from within the pain and discomfort.  My body surely does not want (or, perhaps, know how) to function or be productive easily without my attention to it's discomfort.  The discomfort speaks loudly. 

This is going to have to change.  I request my body to perform differently.  I request for my body to produce the perfect amount of collagen; to have skin loose enough that it fits the skeletal bones easily; to have mobility and elasticity in the skin with enriched, nourished and hydrated cells.   I'd like to request easy and brilliant blood flow to my extremities, my heart and throughout.  I'd like my brain to sit comfortable in my skull and be fluid and nourished enough to be used at its peak capacity. 

I want to have it all.  I want to live, share, function and produce to my fullest capability; just the way God intended.  I want to allow, embrace and love me exactly as I am as I grow into my fullest potential within every breath.

I, again, got a new monthly prescription for pain medicine.  I, again, was told I had to wait almost three days for the prescription to be confirmed, authorized and filled.  I, again, allowed myself to feel like a criminal and misunderstood. 

I believe that THIS is what is going to be my healing.  This is what is going to heal the scleroderma that I have known and experienced (on and off) for close to 40 years. 

This loud, awful frustration; criminally produced way of dealing with drugs and dis-ease is what will get rid of 'my' scleroderma as I feel like I do not want outside sources to own me in the way of drugs/appointments/silly conversations/unheard words and (what feels like to me) inhumane actions.  Yes, it is deeply affecting me.  And, in this... just what if... this is what is going to take away my body's dis-ease and change my inner knowing, growth and chemistry to be voided of dis-ease..  scleroderma no more...

I'm game.  I'm walking through.

And, what I shared on Instagram this morning is just this...

"I walk through life with an open heart, trust, truth and love.  I live the experience of me.!.  This, perhaps, enables me to bring the best of me with me wherever I am.  Empower(ed) on.

May you live the experience of you.!."

                                                    Picture Unknown

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