Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Sunday, May 29, 2022


May you believe in magic.  

Magic is “any extraordinary or mystical influence, charm, power, etc” in the dictionary   

Look for it.   Feel it.   

It is everywhere.  

May you get you some, be some, know some and create some… Perhaps, being true to You creates the best kind of magic for all.  

You being You is magic.  

Your love is magic.  

Your kindness is magic.

You caring is magic.  

Your laughter is magic.  

You are connected to and are more magical than, perhaps, you could ever imagine.  

There is so much magic in every day.  

Look  around.  Feel it.  Be it. Be one with it.  

In and through all your experiences, may you look/feel for/be it.  

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Quote Yourself

Quote Yourself.  Do you like what you are saying...  Do you like what you are sharing...  Do you like what you are hearing through your thoughts...  Do your 'quotes' portray who You are and who you want to be...

Below are quotes and/or comments I have shared with others.  They are Me and the Me I feel best being.

May we stay in our love in a world and time when so much darkness is erupting to be changed.  

The only (and best) way through it.. is through it.   Egad.  We can. You can. I can.  

I know that feeling well that you speak of.  It is ok.  It is your time.  It is healing time.  I love You all the time.   

This is not an easy world to live in when we are filled with love and want to share and spread it.   Take the time you need.  Trust your inner knowing.   Hugs.

May you connect to the healing power that is You(rs).   

Just what if everything you need to heal is inside of You.   

Honor it.  Honor yourself.

Today is your day. A beautiful joyous freeing explosion of everything you are Not.  What remains is everything God created in You to live in peace, joy, abundance and your immense Youness.   

The empowered You.  The only one that can allow it or stop it is You.

May what you think, say, share and utter uplift energies right then and there - now; as often and as much as possible.

You are this powerful.  

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Nature’s Promise

Whenever I see and experience amazingly beautiful moments from nature, I feel I am experiencing promise of beautiful, awesome life. I believe there is a divine plan, that we are here now together, to witness, experience, change, grow and create forward. Rebuild. Anew. Better. 

Life can feel very difficult and sad. And in the difficulty and sadness, with great gentle strength, we can see, witness, experience and create beauty and awe. 

As a whole, peace and unjust can walk together; underneath it all, above it all.  May peace win through it all. 

As you are - just as You are in this moment, you can always choose love.  Your love. And, what a wondrous choice this is.  

May you live through your own love.

I wish you the process of living in the promise of your loving truth.

May you Just Be U; naturally You.   

Live In

Honor exactly where we are.  We are here for real, true and beautifully healing and awesome reasons.   

Our being and our body know intuitively.

May we let this, love this and live in this with an outpouring of love; and a good dose of inpouring too.

Just now, just in this moment (and from moment to moment), what is going on - what we are each experiencing, we are ok.  underneath it all and/or above it all, you are [at the very least] surviving.  Your survival rate so far is 100%.  It is what human nature is.

Surviving. living, thriving.  Experiencing.  Being, doing, growing.

Wherever you are on the spectrum of your life experience is a moment.  Every moment is new.  Put your full self into it.  Allow the totality of just this moment, this breath to be full.  For you to be as fully in it just as you are; just as you feel with the awareness behind it, underneath it and above it.  As much and as often as possible.

With each new breath, there is an opportunity to keep your same thought, alter it or change it.

May you think the most loving thought available to you in each moment.  

Love yourself through.  Be grateful for the present win or the present lesson.  Be true to your experience of it.  Ask yourself how you are.  Ask yourself what you need/want.  Ask yourself what thought is available to make this a moment true to the depth of exquisite you; divine you.

Honor You.

In this, may we create and share the best of.  May we watch the best of our experiences, individually and together, grow into peace, joy, light and truth.

May we trust that this is what we are doing on this planet now.  

Pray for help from your higher beliefs whether it be God, Allah, Universe, etc.  This higher belief does not have to be labeled.  Let it ignite from within and live through it out.

Praying for sanity on Earth and let it begin with our own.  

Blessings, love, faith, truth, trust, guidance, kindness, grace.

May it be so.  It is so.  

May you bring uplifting things forward with You to the best of your ability; as much and as often as possible, in every breath you take and every step you make.

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Seek Without Hiding

Oh these are some days!  These are unique times.  It is now that our lives are changing, adapting, growing and participating in fast but deep depths.

The depth of the life we have lived in; are living in; and opening up to new depths to live out from.

From just two years ago (even longer) till now, there is not much that remains stable, same or linear.

It is known that our own DNA can change; scientifically change, through experiences of new thoughts, reactions and studying our humanness.  We know microscopic and massive change.

We know change of minute and huge proportions.  Like when the whole world was lit up with a virus in a way that we never lived as a whole Earth before.

What is happening over there can greatly affect us over here.  We 100% know this now.  We've lived in out loud.  

We can change a thought purposefully and we can change our perspective and the way we feel instantaneously.

We are learning a new way of co-existing.  I believe we are co-existing better when we consider what other lives are experiencing and living as and through.

When I own that everything I think, feel and experience comes from within myself -- Wow.  It is a truth that wows me.  It is great news and it is challenging news.

If something is not in me to connect to something outside of myself, I respond one way.  When something is in me that something outside of me 'triggers' or connects to, I am touched deeper within this 'something'.

Breathe.  Just breathe through your own uniqueness.  Let it be so.  Love it.  Love yourself.  Let your love be behind everything that is even in the moments or experiences that are impossible to love.  

Underneath (or it is above) it all, there You are.

Be this You.  The You that can watch your breath, change your own mind and reactions and connect to the love that is You(rs).

Your uniqueness.  Let it set in and live out with your own love.

Be the beauty that You want to live in, with, around and through.

Empowering You.   I so wish to tap into the part of you that empowers You.

Friday, May 20, 2022

Of the Earth & Heaven Sent

We are not only Heaven Sent.  We are also Of the Earth.  

The meaning of 'realm' in the dictionary is 'the region, sphere, or domain within which anything occurs, prevails, or dominates; the special province or field of something or someone".

From the thesaurus words such as world, place, radius, range, expanse, zone and dimension show up.

When being true to myself, I get a feeling of lightness and openness.  I feel deeply grounded in my truth and myself with so many possibilities and realms laid open in front of me.  With an ease of life and not creating difficulties.  

May you be true to You and connect to a world where you are free to connect to your own open heart, soul, body and mind working together.  There is magic.  There is beauty.  It is You.  It is Yours.  There is always possibility that exists from deep within you to live through and out.

You are Heaven Sent.  You are Of the Earth.

The enormity.  The freedom.  The simplicity.  The grandeur.  The wonder.  The awe.

What we believe we often create.  

May you come from the depth of your loving truth into the expanse of what is possible.  

Live in the beauty of being true to your super power (your own energy).  You being You.  

It does not mean that everything is easy.  It means that you trust what you are feeling, being and experiencing in the fullness of letting it be so; through as many realms as possible.  'Walk this Way'.  !  

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Heaven on Earth

Nature.  Flow.  Beauty.  Look.  See.  Be.  Create.

Heaven on Earth.  

May you get You some.   

Within myself, there is a natural place of me being me.  I know I'm connected to it when I am peaceful, excited, fulfilled and brave.  Going through this place living and being with what is, is the most joy I know.  I want it all the time.

I have always asked myself if I can get it, know it and be it, why can I not always be this way; live from this place.  I am learning, it is not how I work just now or just yet; if ever.

Being human is about all the feels, all the experiences, all the natural ebbs and flows.  From this inner place, I flow with and believe that what is meant for me will be so and what is not meant for me will never be.

There is a peace in this knowing for me.  There is truth and trust.  I flow more fluently in this way of behaving.

May you flow in whatever is peace and with whatever makes You feel most like You.  Complete in the moment.  Reigning free in what is meant for You and what is not.  

You are beautifully made to master and (simply) live Your truth.  May you know it as easily and as freeing as possible; as often as possible.

You.  You being You looks, feels and is beautiful on You.  When you let your love dominate, magic - your magic - aligns.  

Monday, May 16, 2022

Full Moon Eclipse

 It is time to authenticity.; authenticate.   You.  Me.  Us.

This is what will set anyone free who feels like they are not.  A beautiful freedom to live as You are.  

To roam this Earth; to live out loud; with ease, surrounded by same.

United.  Together.  Understanding or Not.  Allowing each of what is love to breathe.  

With no harm to each other because we live our truth instead of through our fear of our truth.  To live raw and real instead of shutting down to a feeling of fearfulness or a thought that there is not enough for all.  

There is.  How do we know if we do not try...

It is time to, if you are not already doing so, to feel fear and say hello to it and go above (or below) it and decide what is best for You anyway.

Let go of the fear.  Walk on.  Walk forward.  From within your loving, awesome truth out.  Realness.

Authenticity United.   Let’s own it. !!

Genuinely You(rs).  !!

May you live naturally, through everything you are, know, fear, feel, experience, and realize to grow into everything beautiful You are and can be.

Your uniqueness is your superpower.

Power On.

Let love guide You; cover You; be with You and shine from You.  Your love.  It's magical in its most true form.

Friday, May 13, 2022

Your Time

May Your Time be now.  Your time to connect and openly and truthfully realize and live in your truth; your feelings; your needs; your wants; your dreams.  To create your days and your way of being from all that which is happily You.

What does make you happy?  Perhaps, name five (5) things.

What do you need?  Again, list five (5).

What do you want?  Five (5).

What dream comes forward most when you think about living your dream.

What is one thing you can do somewhat easily to pull it into your reality?  To reach in that direction...

I read a cool thing yesterday asking what is anger?  The answer was hurting one's self because of one's own reaction to something or someone. May you not be hurtful to yourself.  

May you be gentle and loving to yourself. 

In the joy that this provokes are so many cool answers towards being the best of yourself; now and in the future.  

My wish is that you open up to it being your time.  

I wish you your truth with your heart, mind and soul in unison, your  'cool' on and your needs, wants and dreams becoming your existence and living your life with 'just being you'.  

Free.  True.  Trust.  

If fear is present, acknowledge and walk through it.

When love is present, let it ride shotgun.  May love always be your way.  Love empowers.  Choose love.

When what is beautiful and different about you prospers, so does your life and experience of living.

Hell to the Yes.


Wednesday, May 11, 2022

You Anew

Anew.  An-old.  Always.  Before.  Just the way I am.  Just the way it is.  I don't know any other way.  It's just the way I've always done it.  Tradition.  It has always worked for me in the past.  Open hearted.  Open minded.  Soulful.  

Any thing sound or feel familiar to You?

Oh my.  Welcome it all.  Let it flow through and on.  Welcome everything You.  

If I am not changing or becoming more sane, then I am not being true to my life as I am now and through my experience of being me.  I'm excited to see what comes next.  As I am trusting in my own awareness and feelings, I am letting go of what doesn't work to allow me/support me/make me be true to me.

It feels like conundrum after conundrum and it feels like the most empowering and awesome time I am investing in my life; paying attention to life and living real and raw in every breath I take.

Real feels.  Real talk.  Real insight.  Realness.  Real.  Raw.  

It's so real that it seems like, just now, it is best for me to experience it all and not forcing myself or even asking myself to try to put it into words.

Living it seems to be the most enjoyable, enhanced, embedded and involved way to be.  Just live Me.

Whatever you are living, feeling, experiencing and becoming aware of - and I'm thinking it just may not be tiny, easy stuff, may you just live, feel, experience and be in it - allow it while you nurture, accept, go into your truth and breathe.

May You Just Live You.  

Astounding.  Outstanding.  You are.  

As You Are, anything and everything is open to the best possibilities for You, of You and from You.

May you live Your You-ness in whatever way feels best and most loving to You; now.

Thank You.

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Labeling the Light.. and Dark

 As long as there is a light that seeks the light, it will grow, become, be, be known, succeed and win.

There is a darkness of heaviness still in our world.  Has it always been here or is it just louder and more available to readily see and even examine...

As we see it, we can connect to our own and grow the light or the dark and everything in between.

May we find the place within us that dark and light are both beautiful, sincere and we genuinely know and feel that both are important and a part of the world; the plant and animals life and our own human lives.

Perhaps, we have been programmed to think and feel that sadness is dark and 'bad'.  Like when a toddler falls, it can sometimes depend on our own reaction to this fall that teaches/shows the toddler how to react.

What if there really is no good or bad -- there is just what is.  

How would our lives be lived if we grew up, into and through our lives believing just this.

Perhaps, when we sometimes hear our self saying that we are having a bad day; in truth, it is a 'bad' moment or moments in the day and not the whole day.

Perhaps, sometimes what we perceive as bad brings about one of the greatest happiness' in our lives.  So, is it really 'bad' then.

Hmmm.  Thought provoking, perhaps, if you want it to be.

May you watch yourself respond and label moments, things, situations and people.  We even are known to label ourselves.  Does this labeling give you a 'pick me up' or a 'bring me down'.

I wish you as many 'pick me ups' as possible.  You do have this power within You.  It was built into You.  It is not a custom made order.  It comes standard.  Ha.  You are supposed to and meant to and do light up the world.  May you participate in same. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Just Be(cause)

Hello to You.   

I hope you are being good to You and you are treating yourself with love, kindness and being oh so gentle with yourself.

There is much truth within each of us coming up/forward for us - if we choose - to deal with.

To change what we've always known.  To reprogram what we maybe had programmed for us.  To be the truest of true to ourselves and each other.

When I find myself being vulnerable, it almost always turns out to be a great gift and life lesson.  My vulnerability takes me and puts me where it is best for me to be/go.  I have learned that our own vulnerability invites others' vulnerability and it wows me every time.

I had written earlier that 'Love is Powerful and You are Love'.

Well, loving through vulnerability is the most powerful, exquisite, eye-opening, heart-opening, mind-opening, soul pumping thing that can be.  It may one of the hardest ways of life to learn for many, yet, it is definitely the most valuable part of being me that I can know, live, be and share.  Loving from and through your own vulnerability may just be the most valuable part of being You that you can know, live, be and share.  

When we are vulnerable together, the angels sing and our spirits soars.

May you hear/feel the angels sing and see/feel your spirit burst through.

The light within us.. The healing within us.. The knowledge within us.. The gift living from within ourselves out - extraordinary.

I wish it for You.  I wish it for All.  I wish for what is within us to be the loudest and most loving, exquisite, extraordinary part of us that becomes the every day ordinary way of living.

Now, that's what I'm talking about and shooting for with every breath I take.

Breath is magic.  May you let your breath connect you to the magical true essence that it is - You(rs).

Extraordinary, exquisite, born as, You.  

No one else is You.  Being You, truly, fully and lovingly, is your super power.

You Are

Love is powerful.  You are love. 

It is said that Paradise is a state of mind.

As you breathe and relax into your own truth and self-trust and self-love, feel the success of 'Just Being U' opening up and sprinkling out over everything You experience, do and are.  

May you live in Paradise.   May you think thoughts that allow and encourage you to feel and do your possible best, now.. again and again and again.   

Live as You are right now believing in what you are feeling and allowing it to be so.  This just may be the most empowered we can be.  Let your love color your world.  

Monday, May 2, 2022

Natural Lift

Perhaps, there is an abundance of unbeknownst and non-sense in many moments and experiences just now. 

Perhaps, we are being asked (forced/guided) to go within ourselves at this time.  To go deep within where our own innate understanding and knowing resides.  An understanding and acceptance of what is for the greater good. 

It is my experience that there is an unique roadmap for each of us to follow and journey to the same and happiest reach and outcome available (whatever that means to each of us).  To live the loving truth that is in our own heart, mind, body and soul united from a divine depth that uplifts and invites peace in each of our beings and our going forward beingness; individually, together.   

Let’s give our world a ‘nature lift’ to live naturally and free through love for ourselves and each other.   

May you go courageously deep to the place inside of you that knows and can admit to yourself that You know…  You know what You feel; what You want; what is inside of You to grow, become and let be so.

May you be oh so gentle in your search for your own knowingness.