It seems that I go in and out and I don't want to be in this at all, ever.
I hear myself wondering why I feel like I do and is it something that I need to be concerned about.
When, in reality, I know that as I get out of my own way; my own head; my own thoughts, life is much more enjoyable.
I'm alone this week; 8 days. I talk to people, I see a few people and I have my animals. With the way that I am telling myself I feel, I don't feel like reaching out and/or getting out.
I know that this is not helping and, just now, I don't know how to do or be different. Even just to sit and get my hair done... it is not in me to do so.
I'm honoring this as best I can and I, at times, can easily put the 'L' on my forehead and think 'Loser'.
There is a part of me that knows honoring, allowing and flowing with how I feel can be super productive and one of the hardest things to do.
There is a part of me that can think I'm just being lazy. I definitely find myself feeling scared and I, deeply, believe that there is a strong lesson within all of this and to 'play' it out and 'see' where I end up can be extremely awesome and liberating.
I did go out with appointments that I wouldn't cancel. I did not enjoy it. I looked forward to getting home.
It has been very cold here. Uncommonly cold. Cold is not my friend. Cold hurts me. My hands were purple and my body constricted and painful.
Another 'avenue' I have been exploring is - is this the Scleroderma, the dis-ease that I was labeled with. Is this the medicine I am on. Is this something else. It is what it is. It is not what it isn't. Ha.
So, as my thoughts are not a pleasant course of action. As I know that I am not being here now in this moment as often as I'd like to create a full day of enjoyment and/or peace within, this is where I'm at.
What is a woman to do... !
I breathe. I count my blessings. I feel grateful for the times that peace is within me. I do bring my true self into each communication. I'm open to doing better as I do know better. I am open to being my own best friend.
This is, also, me feeling sorry for me. Sorry that cold bothers me. Sorry that I am choosing to be alone. Sorry that I feel like I do. Sorry that I'm not choosing or able to choose to create easier for myself.
This is, also, me open to what is. Allowing what comes up for me to come up. Allowing awareness. Allowing all my feels. Playing 'me' through being me until something within me changes. Until something outside of myself encourages change. Change will happen.
So, wherever you are; whatever you are doing; whatever you are feeling; whatever you are allowing; whatever you are creating; whatever you are open to...
May you be aware of it all. Be extra awesome and kind to yourself and delve into the lesson(s) that is present even if there are no clues available to really know what it is...
Walk on forward, thru and out and let this journey that you find yourself in be.
There will be great journeys; hard journeys; unknown journeys; journeys within the journeys.
This is being human. This is life. This is you. This is yours.
You are living right now in exactly what is deemed by the universe; by God; by our higher power to journey through.
You have you. You were born with everything you need to live your life in its entirety.
Believe and breathe and be and bask and Bam... Let your life always come back to being true You.
I send you love. I believe in you. You matter. You are enough just as you are.
May you be aware if you are in some kind of cycle or if you are letting life flow through you. May you know what feels best and be open to it.
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