Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Thursday, February 15, 2018


Our world is in quite a 'state'.  I read where the sky (astrologically) has actually shifted itself.  Some people talk about this great shift.  The shift that has never happened before.  A shift that is like no other.  A shift that has been being prepared for since the beginning of time.  A shift that we are all here for and signed up for and agreed to participate in (together) in our 'life contract'.

I can't confirm or deny.  I can confirm how I have been feeling lately.


I am not hungry.   I find myself not thirsty.  I find myself wanting to be alone, quiet and just breathing.  I find time zooming by.  I find myself very relaxed in my alone time.  I find myself very uncomfortable in my having to do anything at all times.  I know something big is going on.  I know many are being challenged under great distress.  I know many are being challenged deeply.  I know many are learning who they are from different viewpoints.

I know much is 'in our face' and much is unlike anything we have ever experienced before.

Warped speed; strong pressures; unknown and/or uncomfortable feelings; questions that have no answers to; connections that run deep; a desire to be deeper connected; unyielding feelings and feelings that will not go away unless we deal with them direct and honestly...  All these things are touching some of us.  Some of these things are touching many of us.  Something is touching all of us.

"In your face" the universe is saying and we cannot pretend otherwise in the way(s) we have in the past.

Your loving, true self is asking to be outed.  Our fears and concerns are wanting attention.  Our connections are wanting to be observed and lived through.  Our hearts are wanting to be loved.  Our minds are wanting to be heard.  Our beings are wanting to be seen.


As you bring your true self into every breath with you and wherever you go, whatever you do and as whoever you are, you are creating fulfillment deep within.  This fulfillment will give you peace and this peace will grow through all of us and our world will be the world that most of us, if not all of us, truly want to reside and move around in.

It is time for a big world hug.   It is time for unity in humanness.  It is time to open the door to vulnerability to tap into everything that is meant for each one of us to experience, to learn, to grow and become.

It is time for us to meet ourselves where we are at and support the 'best of version' of each one of us.

I send out energy, you pick it up as love. You send out energy, I pick it up as love.  We send out energy, we pick it up as love.

We let love lead us.  We let love show us.

We don't fight pain and hurt with pain and hurt.  We deal with pain and hurt through love; our own love.  We don't answer hurt with hurt.  We answer hurt with love.  We don't answer anger with anger, we answer anger with empathy and compassion.

As best we can, we move forward in this way.

We become the healer and healed or we stay the hurt and hurting.

I want to be healed and the healer.  I can only do me.   You can only do you.

We live on.  

May you live on from where you are now as to where you want to be as to who you want to be.  This is where we are.

This is the choice we are being shown to step into.  Just maybe...

May you step on up...  or is it under...  or is it in...   You have the power to make a difference.  What you do; how you step makes the difference.

May you be aware of the difference you are making and may you feel great fulfillment in this choice.

The time is now.

May prayer, love, the Universe; God show you who you are meant to be and show you the way to be so...

You matter.  You are love(d).  You do make a difference.  You and your heart and your choices rock the world.

May you rock us all gently, lovingly, openly, truthfully, faithfully, and superbly.

You are where you are for real reason.  May you accept, learn, live it and share it from your most respectful of places...  deep within yourself.  

The true and loving 'state' of you is needed. You are needed.

May you show up.

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