Imagine. Design. Create.
Imagine -- What comes to your mind when you are day dreaming or 'escaping' or allowing thoughts to come up that enhance and peak the authentic You...
Design -- What do you see in your mind's eye? What can you picture from within yourself? What visits you, perhaps often, that comes from your core and invites your excitement? What feels true to who You are..
Create -- Pull a few things together. Create a picture, an outline, a master plan. One step. It starts with one step. Be open to following through and seeing what is possible.
May you be happily surprised by what is possible within, throughout and around You. It and You are boundless.
Let it be so.
I'm dreaming in new ways these days. I'm feeling in new directions. I'm imagining different responses, direct paths and believing in infinite possibilities.
My clarity is a bit blurred. I know that while I may not see or understand clearly just now, there is a wisdom within me that is mine only that is free from obstruction and/or obstacles. There is a strong knowing and understanding within me. A 'GPS' so to speak. I was born with it and so were you. Your very own blueprint; a map to just being U. Being the real authentic, true, awesome You.
May you get quiet from time to time. Breathe and know that you are. Feel the love inside of you and let yourself free. Open to your imagination and your creativeness. Feel the destination(s) of your heart, instinct and soul's desire.
Fly. Let your spirit fly within You; beside You and wherever it wants to go. Let love.
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