When I think of home, I think of an address, a place, a family and me.
When I think of being home, I think of feeling safe and supported to be who I am. Home to me is wherever I am living my true self from the core of who I am with other people.
That hasn't always worked out for me and there is something within me that knows it is my choice and responsibility to be 'home' wherever I am. It is my greatest gift to myself; and to others as it can invite others to be true to who they are. It is where and when I honor my Creator. It is where, when and what I have to offer is the best, greatest and most magical part of me. My most authentic self. It is a fulfillment, a contentment. It is one of my favorite feelings to fully live just being me.
Why it doesn't come natural at times is because I let fear of ridicule or hurt get in my way. Hurt for myself and not wanting to hurt another. I stop and/or hold back ME when I don't feel safe or when I do feel judged harshly from a non open-minded way; even my own. UnFun. Certainly not authentic. For any one.
We are here as unique individuals. We are here to learn from one another and to love one another. [At the very least, be kind. We all have our 'stuff'.] We are not here to hurt or suppress one another simply because it is not within our own 'home' repertoire. Just because I don't understand something, does not mean my/one way is the only way. Very likely there are many ways to the success of the human race, our environment and nature to live in harmony.
May you open to living in a harmonious way believing that there is more than one way to do so.
May you be happily surprised by what experiences show up as you live in the authenticity of You.
Open heart. Open mind. Truth. Trust. Honor.
"We are all just walking each other home." Ram Dass
Travel well my friend. Everything you need is inside of You.
May you know thyself. May you let love.