Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Thursday, June 29, 2023


Limbo.  And not the dance…

I have been moving, literally, for over six weeks now.  Moving from high above the intercoastal waterway with a fabulous view to my house behind a gate with lush landscaping, beautiful fountains, comfort and many wonderful amenities.  A gate I have lived behind off and on, seasonal and year round since the year 2000.   

We were scheduled to have movers move us about 10 days ago.  They decided to not show up even as I heard them saying all day long they were coming.  The day felt like a 96 hour day.  We still have managed to live at the house since that day with very few things from the condo and surely what feels to me like limbo.  

Tomorrow, we have new movers and the boxes et al that have been ready to be moved will hopefully make their way here.   It will happen.  The two places are only 6 miles away from each other.   

As I heard myself often think of limbo recently, I realized that I believe that there is, perhaps, a general, collective sense of limbo with all the changes, growth, breakdowns, new ways, new consciousness and the way many of us are feeling our world as One, yet still separate.  We are, possibly, more aware of our connection to each other as a whole entity more than ever before.  

Limbo means “intermediate, transitional, or midway state or place”.  It can feel like a nothingness, uncertainty; a feeling of not being settled or a feeling of life being ‘out there’. 

Inside of us, there is a place of wholeness and wisdom.  

If you ever feel like you and/or life is in limbo, may you go to this place.  Now, as you are.  Through love and trust; through your truest feelings and the unique, wild, real and raw You.  

Sometimes it takes limbo to leave what no longer is meant for us and jump in and build what is to be.  

I wish You to know this place that is unique to You.  Open yourself to it and let it fill you up.  Who you are, what you want, your next move, your love and joy, your trust and steady foundation of living through/from the roadmap and possibilities within you to engage in your best life.   From moment to moment, situation to situation, through breath and movement — totally You in the devotion to ‘just 9be u’.  Be our complete self fully, loving and true in each moment; now and every moment going forward.  

This is what brings us through limbo and turns what can feel like UnFun into a feeling of security, freedom and flow which, to me is Fun.   

Oh the experiences that are available to you as you just let You be You and step on, through and up.  

May you know the place within You where wholeness and wisdom live, reside and are uniquely You(rs).   

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Dis Section

I feel many of us are going through our own dissection.  Dissection of life as a whole. Dissection of our own life. Dissection of our self.  Dissection of thoughts, situations, relationships and our beingness and own doingness.

We are finding ourselves studying, examining, researching and taking a closer look and, perhaps, very  thorough looks at what the hell is up.  Curious about the meaning of things.  Perhaps, even a deeper, most meaningful relationship with all that is through an awareness of what we know, think we know and want to do.

I am finding myself understanding and making sense that has before felt non-sensical now with less fear and a more openness of looking at the good side of what feels, especially at first,  like a ‘bad’ thing.  Certainly in unexpected or what has in the past felt undesired and/or problematic because it didn't fit into my scenario of get up and go; live.   

When I accept how life is through my experience of it, life gets more accepting to me.  My experience gets grander in a more minute way.  It is wild yet I am calm.  

Life overall feels most different than I ever remember it feeling.   Great change  Great truth.  Great harshness.  Great love.  Greatness is here.  The more I look and see it as such, the more I am open minded and open hearted.  There is an excitement within me amidst chaos outside of me.  

We are not science projects.  There is a lot of new science going on.

The best science is owning and developing the experiences of your self and allow ‘what is’ now to flow like it would be the desired outcome you would choose.

This is life.  This is your life.  This is your experiences, thoughts, ways, being of You.  You being You.

Sincere, raw, vulnerable, authentic, learning and unlearning You.  

Deep what is within You is coming forward to live.

Sometimes, there are no answers but to go through and forward   We can accept and be open to living truthfully in union with what life is showing us or we can fight it and want it to be different.  Just what is as we accept and bring our truth to ‘life as it is’ allows ‘different’ to just flow from our honoring life and our self as it and we are just now at this time.  

The vastness, pieces and parts of each of us are like a 1,000,000 puzzles to put together and take apart  for in the now moment, and only now, is the best puzzle possible.   It gets put together best by truth, trust, love, vulnerability, curiosity and adventure/exploration of your life on the inside matching and in union with your life on the outside.  

May you unite what you feel and are on the inside with who you are and what you show on the outside.  One   


If you love yourself, let go.   Surrender and open your heart, mind and body to your soul.   What stays is You and for You.  What does not, is not for you as you move forward and become all that you were born to be.  

What is your calling will keep calling until You answer.  What is meant for You will show up.  What is not meant for you will not happen.  

May you relax into yourself being, feeling and inviting in everything that is for your highest good.  

‘If it is in you to dream it, it is in you to create it’ and experience the reality of it in your life.  

Honor thyself.   Honor thy heart.  Thank thy heart.   Honor the mind.  Be aware of your thoughts.  Let stay only the thoughts you enjoy best.   Honor the body.  It moves you best as you move it.   Honor thy soul.  It is your wings.  

“If you love something, let it go.  If it comes back to you, it’s yours.  If it does not, it never was.”  

Trust the process of life. Trust the process of your life. Trust yourself.  This is one of the best ways to love life and to live.  

You honoring You opens you up to honor everything and all.  You are everything.  Without a You, there is a nothingness.  Within everything that is you, there is a connection to your everything.  

Revel in it. 

May you spin into the life that is You(rs) by spinning into everything You feel real and true in each and every breath that You take.  

Your breath is your life.  May you breathe it and be one with it.  

Breathe in.  Breathe out.  Be. Become. BeUtiful You.    

Thursday, June 15, 2023


The status of your life and the way You experience your life can be formed, transfixed, developed and lived through the way that You most want.  

It is not so much as what is going on, it is most about how we react, respond and ‘see’ what is going on.  

When I want what is happening and showing up in my life to be different than it is - UnFun.  

When I accept and bring my loving truth to what is happening and showing up in my life - better than UnFun.  

When I accept and see/feel/create the beauty of what is happening and showing up in my life - Fun.  

May you be aware of the status of your experiences, excursions and relationships and welcome 'Fun'; as much as possible.   


Tuesday, June 13, 2023


Everyone, here now, reading this is a 'survivor'.  As I write this, I, too, am a survivor.

We have 100%, thus far, survived through all we have been shown, experienced, created, given and challenged with.  How awesome we are.  

The word 'survivor' can be and is used in many ways.  What is most familiar to me is a cancer survivor.  The Survivor TV show.  Surviving in the wilderness.  Surviving great losses.  Surviving hardship.  We certainly all have survived unexpected changes.  

As we stand here with who we have been, who we are now and in an energy of who we are becoming, it can be (perhaps) realized what these lessons and changes have added to our lives.   

Do we know ourselves better...  are we stronger...  have we grown...  Is there a more openness/surrender to life itself within us...   Have we become kinder and/or gentler...   Are we less or more trusting, more aware...  

One thing for sure that I am is true and vulnerable; real.  I am less reactive.   More go with the flow and see where it takes me.  I keep my honesty, truth and love on my side, I feel safer and open to explore and to adventure... to own my ownership in my experiences and relationships. 

As we survive, we own who we want to be and our reaction to change.  This can be a beautiful freedom.  

May you listen to your instinct, yourself and your internal wisdom.  You are the only one who lives, experiences, witnesses and changes in your own unique way.  

Power You up, through and forward.  

Being You as You happening is a goal, a way; extraordinary. 

Let love.  Be love.  Share love.  Create love.

In this, you are most striking and impactful for your life, others' lives, the world and everything of the universe.  Your energy and how you bind to it matters.    

Let your surviving be an act of self-love, self-care, self-ownership, self-empowerment.  Healing does not always mean free of dis-ease.  It can be knowing dis-ease and inviting as much ease as possible.  

Let your heart flow,  your soul soar and your spirit fly.   Travel deep inside where your connection to all that is You be free to be so.     

You were born for this journey.

May you stay in the calm underneath, or is it above, all that is yours to experience and trust yourself to be fully present in the way you can best present your life through the wholeness of being You.

Mind/ Body/Spirit as one working, living, breathing and being.

I wish you calm in the storm.  Light in the dark.  Beauty in the UnFun.

You choose.  May you choose your way of living and know that You can be the one watching the thinking, action and being the energy that is You(rs).

Friday, June 9, 2023

Achy Breaky Heart

I am not experiencing an 'achy breaky heart' just now.  I am grateful for this.  I am experiencing an achy breaky continuous strength that feels challenging and very real.

No matter how many years (30) that I have been studying and exploring the wherewithal of myself, I am human.

Humans do not always have it together.  Humans are not always filled with certainty.  Humans do experience pain.  Humans can experience hardship.  Humans experience it all.  Everything that is meant for each of us to experience.  

It is what I do with this disorganization, uncertainty, pain, hardship and what is meant for me that has me experiencing life as I do.

When happiness and joy show up, be grateful.  Fill yourself up in it.

When hardship of any kind shows up, be grateful, as best You can.  There is a need for altering, changing, new guidance and new ways that open up for You.

To experience everything you are here to experience is your life.

May you do your best to trust, stay true, love and step through life as it shows up.

Peace can always be chosen from within yourself.  Love can be chosen.  Kindness and truth are empowering.  To live who you truly are and what you truly feel in every experience, relationship, moment and breath is for you to live your life fully present.

This is where anything that feels achy breaky is requesting your attention.  The deeper and sooner you attend to it, the freer to live your life you become.

May you free yourself to live all that is your life; as often and as much as possible.

You are amazing.  Flow.  Be.  Feel.  Believe.  Honor.

You are what's happening to create the life as you give what you give to the experience of your humanness, spirt, soul, heart and wisdom.

May you bring You Up.

Monday, June 5, 2023

On The Move

We are moving from the high rise on the Waterway inland to a community that we have lived in on and off since the year 2000.  

We are going "home".  We love it and my husband and I both seem to take a deep sigh every time we pull in the gate.  The landscaping is beautiful and there is a lot of space and a community where we find comfort.  Home.

Just like 'paradise', 'home' is where I believe it to be.

May you find, create and know what is paradise and/or home to You.  You know best.  

May you give yourself permission to believe in what you feel and dream what is in you to dream.


Step on from there.

There are always challenges.  There is always caring.   There is always You.  

You are the epicenter of your life.

Stop.  Look.  Listen.  Participate in your own becoming; again and again and again.

May a goal always be to feel home being true to all that You are; whatever that looks and feels like to You. 

"Grow Yourself Complete" again and again and again.  

Friday, June 2, 2023

Be. Be Not.

I once read a quote - The biggest war we ever experience is the one between our own head and heart.   

I find myself thought provoked to consider offering - Do what you know is best for You and not what you are told, shown or read about… unless what is offered to You does feel best for You.  

There is a wisdom inside of me that is always at the ready to guide, lead and teach me how I feel and think about everything that comes into my 'orbit'.   There’s a different energy inside me and of me when I am living from my truth and through the best of me.  When I am experiencing life through an outside source rather than my own inside wisdom I can become irritable, confused and overwhelmed. 

I highly value other people's experiences and thoughts and I enjoy hearing and learning about as much as I can.  I like to come back to myself, through my own inner guidance, before making any decisions or creating any paths for myself to walk in, down and through.

I believe we are all born with our own internal roadmap; with everything we need for this lifetime inside of us.

As we trust the process of our life and trust ourselves to get on, in and through divine timing connected to this roadmap that is unique to us, oh la la, we happen.  Oh do we happen.  I can feel, well, so divine.  

May you let You happen through divine timing and internal wisdom with all the experiences, situations, relationships, lessons and knowledge you pick up through your journey that make you You.

Your journey means it is yours.  

May you be open to your journey of everything You.  Let your mind, your heart be open.  Your spirit engaged listening to your soul and your body and becoming One with all that is within your orbit and beyond.  

Let your orbit expand and contract.  Let it present through silence and through the truth of all that you feel, experience, dream, wonder and create.  Your breath is the doorway to You.

May you breathe and respond in your most true, loving fashion.