Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Give it To You Baby

We humans crave for things.  We wish for things.  We see things and people that we want to have in our life or create in our lives.

Allowing yourself to be free living within and through each desire and dream; respecting your truth as it is in each moment, guides us towards and into our most beautiful and open paths.

It is truly a deep and fulfilling way to be, create and experience exactly what you crave and desire.  

May you let your desires, cravings, and wishes free to be exactly as they show up wholly loving yourself.

When we live in the power of love, truth, dreams and wishes we free ourselves to just be who and what we are.

When you live in the power of love, truth, dreams and wishes, you free yourself to "Just 9Be U"; again and again and again; complete in each moment.

When we all live in the power of our love, truth, dreams and wishes, and find it enjoyable... This is what we share with each other.

This is the world I wish to live in...

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Grandeur of You


Welcome to You.

Breathe deep.

Stop.  Relax.  Let the chair or whatever is beneath you to support you fully.  Let your whole being be heavy, supported, relaxed and breathed through and into.  Welcome and connect to your own love, truth and trust.

Open to the 'journey' within you that is filled with your loving hope, presence of joy, feeling of safety (in whatever amounts are available to you just now) and invite your childhood ways and dreams to gather here.  Really look for the place(s) inside of you (that just maybe) feels a bit excited and/or alert.  

May you burst the grandeur of You open.  

We are all works in progress; opening soon; wholeness from within out.  

Wednesday, January 26, 2022


YOU are at the center of everything you do, are, experience and process.   Let the You that you want to be lead the way and keep raising You forward.

YOU are the common denominator of your experiences, relationships, situations, responses, discussions and moments.

YOU are the one able to connect to how You are feeling and choose your most favorite way to respond.

YOU are.

YOU are the One.

May you own the You that You are and the You that you want to be.  YOU.    

Your wisdom, strength, love, growth, happiness, sadness, processing.  YOU.

Monday, January 24, 2022

You Being You

When you find yourself questioning or lost or looking for clarity...

May you ask yourself... "What is my goal in this very moment?"

Whatever your answer is...  Do that.  Concentrate here.  Focus on.  Participate in.  Breathe through.  Ask your love to be present.  Put your whole self into your goal in this moment now.

Breathe and allow your senses to be fully engaged in the exact moment of this one and only goal.

You being You is your greatest gift.  Your love, courage, support, ownership and vulnerability is the greatest strength you will live in.  

You being You is your greatest gift to our world.

Thursday, January 20, 2022


Did you ever find yourself in one location but your mind and thoughts (and, perhaps, feeling like you) were somewhere else.

Did you ever find yourself daydreaming about something that felt or feels out of your reach...

Have you ever felt like wishes you make could not possibly be realized...

Do you ever feel like good things that could support your happiness are just out of your reach...

I am here to tell you that if there is something you are feeling, dreaming about, wishing for, wanting - if it is coming from inside of You - and it is meant for You - none of this is out of reach.  Nothing.  Notta. 

Reach.  Reach for your dreams.  Reach for what makes you happy.   Reach for and be what you want to be.  Reach for and do what you want to do.  Reach deep within and know thyself.   

Push away anything you are not and don’t want to be. Push away anything that doesn’t allow you to reach for all the beautiful and awesome, true and loving life yet inside of You.  Close it down.  Get as close to ‘Just being You’ as possible; now.     

May you reach knowing so much awesome is within your reach.

Jump.  Dive.  Fly.  Open.  Research.  Heal.  Grow.  Become.  Believe.  See/Sea it.  Light everything happy inside of You up.  

Magic and Alignment

Oh Holy Moon.  Wow.  How beautiful thou art.

Oh Divine You.  Wow.  How beautiful thou art.

Open to the wholeness of You.  Open to your soul through your heart, your mind, your body.

Your body knows.  Your mind connected to your wisdom and your knowledge, heart and soul knows.  Your heart knows with the use of your mind.  Your soul is always on - just open to it.  Talk to every part of You.  

We were born with all of 'this' because when we 'work', 'play', relate and act through togetherness of everything that we are, these are where our best answers are and where our best moments happen and our best paths are forged.

You, in your entirety, rocks your world.  The vibrations of you living this way act as a lighthouse for others searching for their own best way(s) of being.

We are one.  We are all connected.  When we light up, our world lights up.  When we react lovingly, we create love.  We we flow, life flows around and within us.  When we arrange, weave and merge, we open ourselves up to endless possibilities.  

Color your world with your faith, trust, truth and your own blending of self-kindness, self-care and self-love.  Color yourself uplifted by the deepest, conscious, most real breaths you can breathe.

Wherever you find yourself, may you be fully present, fully open and truthfully, lovingly You.  In this, the wholeness of each experience is through the beautiful wholeness of You.  It is where magic and alignment meet.    

Alchemy on...  Create the greatest version of what is just now; again and again and again.  

Friday, January 14, 2022

Food Eats

Food.  It is fuel for the body like gasoline or [now] electricity is 'food' for our cars.

I'd like to offer to, perhaps, ask yourself when you are thinking about eating something if you will feel better if you do.  If the answer is yes, eat it without guilt.  Enjoy it.

If the answer is no, walk away and thank yourself.

As you become more and more aware of what makes you feel best to eat, congratulate yourself.  Thank yourself.  You can learn what is best for you to eat by opening up to awareness of every bite.

By eating without guilt, our bodies digest differently; more positively.  Welcome enjoying every bite of what you are choosing to eat.  Realize the way you feel after you eat.

You can journal what you eat and how it makes you feel if you like to journal.

By being aware and just open to realizing what this awareness tells you, you are giving yourself, your body, your organs and your cells big love.  Let love fill you up.  Self-love.  

Balance between what you know is healthy, what you enjoy and what you choose to eat guilt-free.

Colorful eating is good for the experience of 'Wow' and good for the experience of eating to satisfy cravings.

Your whole being will thank you and your whole beingness will be more alive.

May the food you eat tell yourself you love yourself.

Eat more of what makes your whole self feel good.  Eat to fuel and uplift your human body and mind.  Eat to enjoy flavors, tastes, variety and being and feeling alive.

We eat to stay alive.  May you eat what supports you to thrive.

Experience(s) Wide Open

May you let your experiences lighten/enlighten You.

Dream.   Dreams do come true.

Miracles happen.  Open to them.  Be One.  Know one.  Share One.

 Love.  Open your heart.  Love expanding.

Views.  Seeing them and living in our own can uplift us if we choose them to.

Truth.  Truth is freeing and it creates reality and roads open of our best realities when we live in and from our truth.

Life.  We live it as it happens.  Stay in the now of your beingness and surroundings and fully reside in the present of presence.

Light.  Light shines.  It shines on darkness.  It shines and brightens.  Your light is magic.  Let it be so.

Souls.  Our souls are connected.  They come from the unknown.  That which is bigger than us.  That which put us here.  That which makes us one.  That which honors.  Connect with your soul.

Flow and overflow.  This is the way.  Sometimes we feel trickles of life.  Sometimes we feel beautiful waterfalls.  Sometimes TMI or overwhelm invades.  This is being human.  The human way of growth, life, living and happenstance.

May you connect to your divinity in love, grace and beauty.

Growth and Renewal - Trust it and the divine timing of it.

Wisdom is in You like it is in the Sea and the Sky.

Freedom to experience your experiences from the most trusting, truest, totality of You.

I wish you freedom to be You.

May you give yourself freedom to "Just 9Be U".  "Grow Yourself Complete" again and again and again.  Your way.  Your path.  Your divinity.  Your depth.  Your expression.  YOU.


Each one of us can only 'see' from and through our own life experiences.  I can only see through who I am and what I have known and experienced.  You can only see through who You are and what you have known and experienced.  What we all tell ourselves is pretty much where our own reactions come from. 

Oh, we can learn so much open to seeing through each other's eyes, heart, wisdom and experiences.

And, as we open to seeing things differently, we can learn new ways of being.

It is especially helpful for this awareness when what we are seeing is hurtful to anyone involved.

For example, when I felt hurt because I told myself I was not being seen, heard or cared about And I shared this with the person that 'was doing it to me'.. through conversation we opened up to understanding, openness and even new ways of doing things to support each other.

Most of us love and do want to support one another.  It is often unknowingly that some of our actions can be hurtful to another.  To discuss this openly and wanting to be helpful and to show we care, when we discuss what each is experiencing, we can do different.

I could do one same thing to five people, each person will respond differently in some way.

Five people could act in the same way as each other and if it is something that I believe in and do not like, it is me responding negatively.  I am the common denominator.  If I didn't care and/or definitely not feel and believe what is being shown/told me, I either wouldn't react negatively or have no reaction at all.  It just doesn't affect me because it isn't true for me.  

If it bothered me that I had a pimple on my nose and someone brought it up, I just may dislike it more and immediately think the person 'mean'.  If it didn't bother me because I knew it would go away and I still allowed myself to feel good about myself regardless, their bringing it up would not affect me and, certainly, I would not respond negatively.  It would be no big deal.  

People don't make me feel a certain way without my permission. 

Perhaps, people don't make you feel a certain way without your permission.  

May you be open to what affects you negatively and see the possible truth in you that makes it so.

May you realize your reaction you have control over.  Your response is totally yours.  What someone else says does not make you feel what you feel.  You do; for the most part.

Perhaps, play with this idea and see how it feels on You.  How are you reacting now.  Can you breathe and watch your response and where in your body and/or beliefs is the reaction coming from...

Sending so much love to love yourself through.  To respond in a way that feels loving and most enjoyable/empowering to You.  I believe in You.  You are this powerful.  


I am learning to listen with my whole being.  Through my ears, my heart, my feelings, what emotions come up and really hear what I am listening to.  And, once processing the listening, respond with my loving and calm truth as best as possible.

For others to hear us and acknowledge us is a grand gift.  For us to hear others and acknowledge their experience(s) they share is a grand gift.  

May we listen to each other.  Listen to ourselves.  Just listen.

Perhaps, when we learn to hear, acknowledge and respond from within our truth to another or to each situation, we best learn to hear our own self and acknowledge and respond lovingly to our own thoughts, feelings, emotions.  We grow in such a life affirming way.  

Whether we listen and hear ourselves first or another - any place is a good place to start, to practice to live in, through and forward responding to what we openly and consciously hear.

Listen.  It is what is lifechanging...

I heard someone say 'Step outside of yourself and look in.'  That certainly felt 'cool' to me.  Exciting and oh so interesting.  

Warm hugs, no harsh judgment; just be; just listen and know how you are affected as much as you allow another to speak of their experience whether you understand it or not.

May we all lovingly listen through.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022


I am learning, witnessing and trusting that to live my truth out loud; share it with the person(s) that are involved with it; speak it; live it; be it; and to own it; is the greatest way to process and live my life.

It leaves me in a flow.  It encourages the best results.

To live out loud in my truth is to be the most authentic, vulnerable, badass and strongest that I am and can be.

We live in our truth whether we ignore and/or bury it.  We live in our truth whether we speak of it or not.  We live in our truth whether we pretend or tell ourselves otherwise.

Our truth is our truth.  The genuineness of life is our truth.

When we allow it to surface through openness, love, communication and feelings, we honor life, living, and our Creator.  We honor ourselves and each other.

In this honor, our most beloved truth happens, grows, warrants, exchanges and makes whole our life and living it.

May you live in the wholeness of You.

May you live in the wholeness of your life.

The whole of You has no holes in it.

Always take the stance in and through your firm, whole, vibrant, strong and empowered self.

Your Truth does set you free.

May you free yourself to live in the utmost and present moments that will transpire through your truth.

Oh yeah!

Friday, January 7, 2022


Gloriousness is about delight, wonderfulness; brilliantly beautiful or magnificent; splendid (so the dictionary says).

We are all connected to gloriousness.   It is all around us in it own way for us.  As we are connected to it, it is a part of us; it is within each of us.

It is You and it is Yours.

There is a depth within you filled with grand wisdom and knowing that you can reach through self-love.  It is gloriousness for you, your life and your path(s).  The glory within you is always with you.

May you remember this glory.   May you know it.  May you be it.  May you create with it.  

May you go there; as often as much as possible.    

Live your glory.  

It is freeing to be who you are, who you are happiest being, doing what is most enjoyable for you to do, loving yourself into and through your glory; the glory.  It is You being who you were/are born to be.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

You are Beautiful

“You are so beautiful to me.”

Wouldn't it be wonderful to say these words to ourselves everyday.  To wake up and say, 'good morning beautiful'.  To look in the mirror and see the things we love about ourselves.  To learn to love what we have always considered our flaws.

Our so-called flaws are our uniqueness.  They show we are human; we have lived; we are living.

Our uniqueness just may be our superpower(s).

May we treat our uniqueness as the most beloved thing about ourselves.

Hey, it is worth an 'experiment' to do so if nothing else.  You are worth giving it a try.  Start wherever you can and be open to growing your own self-love every day.

To see what is beautiful in You every day.  

May you see the beauty, feel the beauty and be the beauty to You.  May you live beautifully in/with the flow of everything You.    

Saturday, January 1, 2022


Here is to the new way, the new year, the new being-ness of You.  

May you care, trust, be, honor, flow, and fly in 2022.  May we, together, capture the essence of grand humanness.   

The number 2 is known in regards 2 Self realization and Harmony. 

There is a new moon any day now.  It is said that it can offer relief.  It can be about the Universe supporting your endeavors.  Time again to go after what you want.   Perhaps, through the wisdom you receive by realizing yourself and your best ways, through and from the depth of what you desire.  

I experienced the feeling of myself crawling quietly, slowly into 2022.  I know I am bringing my badassery and love with me.

May you step into 2022 in whatever way feels appropriate to You.  Be sure to bring your own [badass] love with you.

Perhaps, this year it is not so much a Happy New Year as it is a Loving a New You in your own totality and vulnerability through strength and courage.  A Peaceful, Exciting New Way of You.

May the blessings and joy that await for you show themselves to you loud and lovely in 2022.