Sharing my thoughts of life though love, friendship, joy, sorrow, and queries to hopefully get to the very bottom line of our 'human-ness', our spirit and the best person we can be for ourselves and each other.
Coming for the Real You.
My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).
Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);
and, possibly, most important,
my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).
The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
So Many Ways
Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Breathe and Be
Sunday, June 27, 2021
So many things talk to us in the silence of our minds.
Silence can be deafening.
Silence can be beautiful.
Silence can be a gift.
Silence can be a struggle.
In the silence of our steady heartbeat, the body knows what to do.
"The Sound of Silence"...
May you listen...
May you invite it in.
May you participate with it.
May you create it.
May you breathe with it.
May you thank the body's 'silence' working behind the scenes to do it's job so beautifully; to always have the goal of connecting to its own homeostasis and its most positive perception of itself.
So many things talk to us in the silence of our beingness.
May you listen through the silence within You.
There are deep answers to life and living in the pleasure of You.
Saturday, June 26, 2021
Make a Wish
Feel the dream; the wish; the desire come up from deep inside of You. See it in your mind's eye. Feel it in your being.
If you are able to dream and/or wish it, you are able to create it. If it is meant for You, there is nothing that will stop it. If it is not meant for You, there is nothing that will be the wind beneath your wings to guide/help you create it.
Follow your heart. Open up to your instinct. Walk in your truth, trust and beliefs.
Always be open to the love and the power of You. Always put forth the desire, vision and belief that feels real to You.
Open up to the magic that is You; the wish that is yours.
No one dreams like You do. No one feels like You do. No oone knows like You do. No one is You.
Make a wish... let it grow. Enjoy the journey.
May you get your dream(s) on.
Friday, June 25, 2021
Moon Magic
Even when I cannot see the Full Moon, I can feel and experience its magic, its gifts and its beauty.
When I cannot see love, I can feel it and experience it.
When I cannot see kindness, I can feel it, experience and be it.
There are many things that do not have to be seen to experience, witness, know, admire and live in.
May you connect to the beauty, gift and magic that is You.
Love, Kindness and who You Are is always right there within You to choose.
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
Just Because
I come here, now, as I have a bit of time before my Zoom session. I do not know what I will write. I'm curious and open to see what will show up.
Our world. Your world. My world. One world.
It is different. It is changing. It is awesome. It is challenging. It holds and offers so much that is beautiful.
To be a human in this world is to be a human in a world like never before. Yes, this can be said about every human throughout time. And this time now is without a doubt unique.
And, it surely feels like change, movement, growth, requests, abilities, opportunities and challenges are immense and new every day.
In the world of technology and professionalism, the professionals do not have all the answers, often, in their field. The vastness is greater than I have ever known it to be. We are challenged as to what is now professional and what is personal. They are not as separate as they once were. I feel the wonderful simplicity that is here can also be felt as simple complexities.
In the world of oneness, we open to ourselves, the world and each other more and more. We are connected like never before.
As the truth becomes less denied, we are creating more stable and more beautiful ways to be.
As we feel like (perhaps) never before, we awake to a world that adapts, allows and invites the uniqueness of each of us into a more aware, safe and loving world.
This is the world I want to live in. I am willing to do the work. I am willing to keep my heart open even when I don't want to see, feel or experience certain things through it.
I am willing to sit in my authentic and vulnerable self and bring the true and real me to the table; so to speak.
I want to experience, know, feel, and learn about things I have never experienced, known, or felt before. Through love... Through a safe place... Through an open heart and mind.
I wish for us all to g(r)o(w) forward, up and out into and through the divine that is present when we believe.
May you open up to the divine that is present within you, around You, of You and for You.
May we rise up together to create the most divine world, life and experiences for all living creatures.
The time is now.
Divine... "celestial, heavenly, marvelous, sacred, wonderful, excellent, glorious, supreme, spiritual"
Perhaps, as we go deep within ourselves, we rise with the innate knowledge of the wonderful life and connections we were born to live.
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
I lately find myself checking in with myself more often. Just about every time, when I first was fully aware of doing just this, no one moment was the same. The more I find and feel myself doing this, the more the moment seems calmer, more loving, open, expansive, light and free. There are more moments of Me. Less moments of, what feels, chaotic emotions.
In this moment, right here right now... In this breath...
May you ask yourself "how you doin'" and check in with yourself. Is there one thing that you can/want to do that you can give yourself right now, in this moment that is loving, kind, touching and answers a need of yours that, maybe, is asking for your attention.
Right now in this moment, I wish you Your love.
Let yourself breathe fully, consciously, tenderly, powerfully and feel your breath process through your body, mind, cells. Imagine the oxygen being full of love, expansion, healing and whatever else you would like it to be.
This is your breath, your body, your cells, your moment -
May you make it the moment you wish to experience; as much and as often as possible.
This, I wish for You.
This moment. Your moment. You being You moment. Your awareness, lovingly, present and happening.
Moment - "importance or consequence"; "a particular time or period of success"; "the present time or any other particular time" (dictionary)
In this moment, now, you can chose a loving You. May you choose love of self again and again and again. As you are love(d), perhaps, all we can share is Love.
I wish you your love.
Monday, June 21, 2021
I Believe in You
Saturday, June 19, 2021
Love so Many Ways
Same sunrise, different moments, different experiences...
I recently was up watching the sun come up. It was amazing how, from moment to moment, the experience changed, danced and took me into different feelings, different colors and even different breaths.
I was sighing. I was yawning. I was breathing deep. I was breathing it all in. I was happy I was breathing and aware of it. Ha.
I felt the promise and the love of the new dawn, the new day. I was open to the 'good' day that was going to show up for me. I felt such gratitude.
You are going to experience life differently from moment to moment. You may be mindful and aware. You may find yourself caught up in something frustrating or uncomfortable. You may feel yourself expanding into a moment or experience. You may feel yourself contract away.
I wish you love in all that is yours today and every day.
However you start your day, may you add your own love into everything You experience.
May you let love; your love. Lovely, loving, lovable You. So many ways to let love.
Let the expression of your love live inward, outward and aloud/allowed.
Friday, June 18, 2021
Enoughnes... And it is still enough to be able to read/know the 'proper' word [that needs to be in the english dictionary] that is Enoughness... ("Enoughness is a state of being; a verb." Enoughness is a way to live that honors yourself, brings you peace and honors the planet." google)
Some words to describe 'enough' are: competent, adequate, sufficient, unlimited, plentiful, satisfying, complete, plentitude and the right amount.
We were all born enough. We are all born with our own roadmap built in. We are all born to bring something in the world that noone else can. We are all born with gifts. We are all born to share our gifts which makes the world whole.
Just what if this is true... How could there be one person that is not enough... There cannot.
You are enough. You are ‘so enough’… Heck yeah You are! You so are…. exactly as You are right now.
When you sit deep within yourself in silence, openness, truth and knowing - you will meet your enoughness if you have not already done so.
Always go home to this place inside of you when you find yourself questioning your enoughness.
What you understand and know, when it comes from your open heart, mind and humanness, you are Home in your enoughness. What you understand and know may change but this 'home' inside of you is always there.
What makes you unique is your superpower. May you live in, through and with your uniqueness. Be true to it. Be true to You. Be true in everything you experience, share and are. Be U.
You are soo ‘enough’. May we all own our ‘enoughness’ and live as such. Let love lead.
Enough said. Ha. Own. Ground. Love. Deep. Fly. Soar.
Thank yourself for being You in your enoughness. I thank You.
unknownThursday, June 17, 2021
State of Mind
I am used to believing that blue skies are the most beautiful of days. I am learning that any day is beautiful if I believe it to be so. I believe it to be so.
Paradise is a state of mind. I wish for you this mindful state of what can be and what is beautiful to You.
May you open to your ‘state’ of stating ‘things’ more beautiful than, perhaps, what you believed previously.
Through our minds, we can choose whatever we wish to choose.
What I believe will feel real for me. What you believe will feel real for you.
Often, throughout the day, our thoughts can think and believe that we are certain of many things. It is rarely a bad idea to question if you know 100% for sure, without a doubt, especially about things that may feel hurtful to you.
When we get quiet and connect to the silence and breath of ourselves and the part of us that is born with light and love, this is the knowing place; our 'knowing' place. The mind can confuse, trick and bewilder us of what may or may not be truth.
What was my truth yesterday is not always my truth today. I am learning to choose my truth through my happy, loving place more often than ever before. It is possible, doable, allowed and a gift for ourselves and for others.
I am in a “beautiful” state of mind. I invite you to join me.
Beauty is wherever and whatever You say it to be.
May you be in a beautiful state of mind, as much and as often as possible. Ha!
Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Reiki / Energy Work
I am a Certified Reiki II Practitioner
Energy work excites me. Everything is energy.
Sensing. Feeling. Open to. Laying on of Hands.
Blocked Energy. Moving of Energy to support and create Alignment, Balance, Body Self Awareness, Tapping in Deeply (Attunement) and Intentions
Distance Reiki
Massage of many different modalities such as Myofascial Release, Swedish, Lomi Lomi, Deep Tissue, Shiatsu, Lymphatic Drainage (I am not certified but understand, taught and experienced)
Cranial Sacral Therapy I and II courses from the Upledger Institute
Somato Emotional Release learned at the Upledger Instititue
Your Inner Physician and You - John Upledger
Breathing Techniques
Right Brain Connection vs. Left Brain Connection and/or Dominance
Guided Imagery
Sharing Energy
Listening/Hearing/Responding into You
Sound Therapy
Vibrations and Frequencies
Pendulum work
Your energy is unlike anyone else's ever. Your energy is a part of the collective. What you put out, you receive. What you connect to matters.
May you be open to your energy 'speaking' and feel, deal, process and let it flow through You. Answers and directions that you seek are often within your own energy.
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
5 or Elder
I was feeling mentally tired at the top of the session. I shared this. I have gotten very good at sharing what pops into my mind and listening, feeling and discussing same. It seems to offer the most authentic outcome possible.
Before I knew it, I was talking about discomfort and not being relaxed during what I would consider relaxation time. She helped guide me to the first time I felt this way and if I knew why.
I knew that I was approximately 5 years old and yes, I knew why. I believed that my relaxing was not relaxing for my elders. I believed that me being me was not seen or heard, and maybe even worse, that the few times I was seen/heard, I found myself feeling like a nuisance because of the reaction(s) I received. I received more positive feedback from standing and doing rather than laying and relaxing. I yearned more and more for positive feedback. I shied away from disappointing and/or, what felt to me, negative feedback.
She had me laying on the couch at five years old (in my mind's eye). She had me standing somewhere in the same room at 5 years old. I immediately felt a huge difference between the two and knew that this is when I decided to shut a part of myself down as not to hurt anyone not being aware of the long lasting effect it would have on me.
I do believe that this was my destiny, my experience, my life lesson. They always are. I created this in myself for a reason. This was supposed to be my reaction and belief to create the lessons learned (and still learning) for the process of my life.
I want to change this up for me now as an elder myself.
My goal is to notice that when this feeling of discomfort with relaxing shows up -- when I care more about another's thought than my own -- feeling a desire for a more positive feeling/belief to show up for myself. To stay in the awareness of the uncomfortable feeling showing up. For now, I am open to notice and feel it. Acknowledge it. Not judge it.
Man, the depth of each of us is never ending. So, the possibilities of us must be never ending as well.
This is definitely good news. This can feel like not so good news.
It is great to be aware. Without awareness, change, most likely, is much harder to accomplish.
May we all stand within ourselves with awareness of ourselves without judgment. Feel it all. Everything coming up, going through and processing.
In this, we grow.
May You grow.
Understanding and living in awe of the human and spiritual body, mind and soul is such a delight for me. It can, sometimes, feel very far from easy. It is never impossible.
Living through the truth of myself is fulfillment and contentment.
May you live through the truth of yourself and may you create and feel your own fulfillment and contentment in doing so.
Life Process
When something ends, new beginnings show up and happen. Within change, so much is possible.
This is the process of life. Change; beginning; end; repeat. And many things we understand and many things unknown to us before, during and in between it all enter, extend and move around us and through us.
Our minds, our bodies, our spirit, our senses are all involved.
When we can invite our own 'innerstanding', allowance, acceptance, openness, truth, and trust to walk through our lives and situations with us, the best possibilities and best paths show up and expand before us.
May you open up to the new beginnings that are inside of you waiting to come out.
May you answer the call that most opens you up to you being You... !!
Monday, June 14, 2021
Magic Moments
Magic is everywhere. May you look for it.
It is up above. It is down under. It is in the sky. It is in our earth. It brings peace. It brings joy.
It is an experience waiting for you to participate with as such.
May you let magic be reflected in many things you feel, see and do.
It is in our senses. It is in our bodies, souls and minds. It is in connections.
May you be open to inviting 'magic' into as many of your breaths as possible.
‘Magic’ is the loving interpretation of what You see, do and feel.
Life Anew
Life is different from anything we have ever known or experienced before. You are, possibly, different too.
Do what feels right at the time, in the here and now, in the circumstance and/or situation you are experiencing. Do You now from an open heart, open mind through internal wisdom and what feels most loving and true to the flow of being and honoring You with what is.
Meet and allow the flow of life, the truth and trust of You to live, love, do, acknowledge, react and respond through what way(s) that feel(s) best to invite the joy, peace, strength and freedom representing your open faith.
Now is the time to meet yourself where you are at; with what you are feeling and honor yourself and your experience through your own open heart, mind and presence.
Life is different. There is so much change in so many things, people, situations and the overall way of life and living.
May you acknowledge your goal in the moment and stand fully present stepping into it from this new place of You and each person/experience/thing/situation, and invite the ease of an outcome through awesome grace.
Allow it to be what it is and be ever so open, true, receiving, giving through every breath you take in your now as it is presented to You.
The lessons are abundant. The change can be such a gift.
The new world. The new way. The new You is being birthed... just maybe.
Friday, June 11, 2021
Certified Personal Trainer
I am a Certified Personal Trainer since 1991. I started with IDEA Fitness Association and American Council on Exercise (ACE) in 1989. I have taken bi-yearly classes consecutively since.
I am an IDEAfit+ member and a certified member of ACE. I had my own fitness business near Atlantic City, NJ and worked in the school district for Adult Classes, at high rises, in casinos and in individual homes all along that coastal area. I did volunteer chair aerobics at a Senior Living and Nursing Home. They were so excited twice a week, they had my chair and all the chairs set up in a circle every time I showed up. #Blessed. My company was called "Beachin Bodies". Tag line was "Make Yourself a Beachin Body!"
Classes I have studied have been from understanding the body's physiology through chemistry and anatomy through chosen college courses to numerous classes/studies about the mitochondria (powerhouse of the cell) and homeostasis (body's ability to find harmony and stability (two of my favorite words - ha) to the sympathetic (fight or flight response) to the parasympathetic (calm and relaxed state) body's responses.
There are many other classes and disciplines (listed by name) that I have taken over the last 30 plus years:
Aerobics and One on One Classes with Hip Hop, Country, Reggae, Pop, Show Tunes, Big Band Music and moves to match.
Step Classes. Floor Work. High Intensity, Low Intensity, Cross Training, Interval Training, Plyometrics, Stretching, Free Weights, Body Resistance Training and Creative Cool Downs with Breathwork, Guided Imagery, Meditation. I offered a 'go at your own pace' with Alternative Movements for each class. My "Firm It Up" and "Burn It Up" classes were favorites.
I've experienced and committed to Yoga in many different varieties such as Ashtanga (power) to Bikram (hot) to Hatha (gentle/breath) to Iyengar (alignment) to Kripalu (inner focus) to Kundalini (Energy through the Spine, Chanting) to Laughing (hahaha) to Restorative (soothing, relaxing) and Vinyasa (Flow, Poses connect fluently).
The Physiology of Fat Loss
Functional Movement Patterns for Older Adults
Food for Thought
Motivational Techniques
How Physical Health Connects to Mental Health
Feldenkrais Method of Exercise - body/mind connection through movement
Tai Chi
Qi Gong
Breath Awareness/Breathing Techniques/Breathing Exercises
Resistance Training
Weight Training
Drumming and Movement
Free Flow Movement
Tricks and Tips on adding Movement and Health into your every day life.
Healthy Eating
Calories and Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats
Programming after Quarantine
The ever growing/changing patterns of what constitutes and invites your best health.
May you be open and find your best path(s) to and through a fun, healthy, energized You.
I wish you your own power of calm, relaxation, balance, strength, cardiovascular, flexibility, stamina, agility and stability at the forefront of everything You are and do.
Thursday, June 10, 2021
Process of You
Be patient as your 'wings' grow again. Be present. Be love.
Have an open heart and an open mind. This is your sun that is always there. And through whatever clouds arise, they will always change and You can still choose to be truthful, trusting, loving and open and to just trust the process of You.
Wednesday, June 9, 2021
Celebrate You
You are the only one you spend your entire life with. You are the only one that knows and feels 'you' in the way that you do.
You were present when you were developing inside of your (birth) mother's womb. You were present when you were born. You were present during all your school years and young years. You were present growing forward. You are present now. You will be present forever... whether your consciousness was/is present or not. You are You. You are happening. You are the best present you will ever live.
May you go fully 'home' to You every so often. Check in. Feel in. Acknowledge what you feel. Acknowledge yourself with love and tenderness, faith and openness. Thank yourself for You. Hug yourself. Love yourself. Sit deep within yourself.
Celebrate Yourself. !!
There are so many reasons to celebrate You! May you get to it.!!
Tuesday, June 8, 2021
Monday, June 7, 2021
Certified Life Coach
I am a Certified Life Coach since 2015. I am a member of the IFC, the International Federation of Coaching.
I have taken classes in neuroplasticity (changing the brain) and cognitive thinking (changing thoughts); Brain Training Techniques; Feedback Training
I have studied Cranial Sacral I and II, SomatoEmotional Release
Meditation for Eating, Walking, Doing, Being, Visualizing, Guided Imagery.
Some of the classes I have completed are:
Integrative Training
Food and Nutrition
Nutrition and Supplements
Mind/Body/Spirit - Guiding Your Actions
Mind/Body/Spirit - Breaking Mental Habits
Sleep Studies and Recommendations
Mindfulness Training
Connecting to the Inner Self
Shared Wisdom from the Masters
Defining Self-Sabotaging Traits
Accessing/Creating New Mental Records
Releasing Habits that No Longer Serve Us.
Silent Meals and the Art of Eating
Replicating and Dissecting Past Situations to Let Go and Retrain the Brain
Inner Child Work
Landmark Forum Classes
Hospice Courses for Supporting and Helping the Dying
Emotional Meaning for Physical Ailments
Feng Shui
Mirror Work
Guiding Your Actions
Connecting to the Inner Self
Best Practices in the New Normal
Becoming a Behavioral Health Spotter
Getting Your Mind Right Now
Inviting Peace (Gratitude, Forgiveness, Acceptance, Surrender)
Journaling Classes/Listening Classes/Staying Present Classes
I have studied and experienced esoteric classes in tea reading, mind sharing, dreams, animal wisdom, numerology, crystals, past lives, pulse reading, chakras, tapping, third eye work, vibrational work, grounding, tarot cards, music therapy and color therapy.
I have dabbled with hypnosis, irridology, reflexology, acupuncture, homeopathy, Chinese herbs, and meridians.
I have many many many hours spent with Psychologists, Psychiatrists and Therapists.
Be here now in all that You are, know and feel. Own, compile and collect all that is You(rs).
"Just 9Be U, llp" "Grow Yourself Complete"
May you be loving, open and true--as You g(r)o(w) forward, out, through, up, and open. May you find yourself in the vastness of everything You.

Sunday, June 6, 2021
Perhaps, it is ok to have your head in the clouds from time to time. There is much beauty there. There is magic. There is nature and innate natural wisdom. There is flow.
Clouds find themselves in the north, south, east and west and everywhere in between. They connect and work together with, perhaps, the elements of earth, air, fire and water.
They are bright. They are colorful. They are dark. There can be a denseness; a fluffiness; a lightness.
Cloudy with a definite chance of awesome, perhaps, awaits You.
Just maybe, it is ok to put your head in the clouds from time to time. It can be beautiful there!
Thank You.
May you let yourself BE exactly where you find yourself.
Saturday, June 5, 2021
“I own my Awesome. I love what I am awesome at. I am grateful for what is gifted to me through and from deep within myself.”
Each one of us has some and/or something that creates and is awesomeness. I believe it presents itself and as we are able to claim it, it is to be shared.
May you share the Awesome that is You(rs) and may we lift our lives and our world up; individually, together.
Let your awesome live out loud.
We are always 'becoming'. We are always growing. We are always blooming. Even when and especially when we may feel stuck or stagnant. What, most likely, is happening is the seed to what will become is buried and needs water, time and sunlight to realize itself. Self-care. Self-love. Self-Nurture. Self-love.
Five very empowering powerful traits that open us up to grow and create Awesomeness.
Arise. Anew. Open Up. Expand. Let Love.
A new way. A new day. A new world... For You, for Me, for Us.
I pray this prayer for fruition of the awesomeness that is brewing to be the light that our world needs and waits for through each and everyone of us; uniquely, through loving truth -- individually, together. Amen. And so it is.
I so hoped to come up with a cool way of sharing what I am certified in; trained in; have learned; and have experienced.
I don't want to feel uncomfortable sharing this as uncomfortable can come up for me when I think about ‘tooting my own horn’. [Toot. Toot.] I do know it's important to share. I do know it is the professional thing to do. I do believe sharing helps with an understanding as to who I am and what service/help I offer.
So, since & apparently, I am not cool in this, I will just share.
I will share one Certification at a time (one per post) and the benefits, classes and experiences of/from each. If you are interested, please be on the lookout. They will all be forthcoming.
Thank You.
My certifications are in:
Personal Training - because I started off as a Fitness Enthusiast
Life Coaching - because when I heard these two words together, I knew it was a 'label' that excited me and that I wanted to 'own' and it fit me
Reiki/Energy Work - because Energy has always fascinated me from working at the main then local electric company to feeling/experiencing/learning the energies of life and living
Ordained Minister - because I want to preach what I practice and hope someone [maybe You] can benefit from it.
Red Cross Adult CPR/AED because it is a requirement for Fitness Professionals and it is good to know.
I have spent a lot - a lot of time, energy, money, learning, studying and participating in many modalities of healing, spiritual growth, physical fitness, mind/body connection to obtain my own homeostasis, alignment with and to my best life, and the best of me that I can be. My need, curiosity, fascination, and desire is what drove me.
I've always known that this is my unique path and connecting to and helping others is my strongest calling.
I belong to ACE Fitness, IDEA Health and Fitness Association, Certified Life Coach Institute, International Coaching Federation (ICF), ICF South Florida Chapter, and Universal Life Church and I love women networking groups.
I'm currently involved in two groups called "Woman of Impact" and "CEO Priestess Academy" to help me to make real my visualization of my 'soul work'.
I have spent a lot, a lot of time, energy and money learning, studying, participating in many modalities of healing. For about 35 years, I have engaged in practices and trainings exploring and adventuring through as many modalities and classes, seminars and readings on the variety of health, fitness, healing, mind/body connection and I have delved deep and continuously.
How grateful to be so lucky as to follow my dreams, needs, desires and callings.
I so love tapping into and helping bring forth and watch others [maybe You] follow and create your best path(s).
May You tap in and follow your dreams, needs, desires and callings. Your timing; Your purpose; Your way. Whoop!
Friday, June 4, 2021
It is 11:30 pm. It is hot and humid outside. This red light blinks ‘on’ every four (4) seconds. It took me over 20 pictures to capture it lit up.
If you believe you can do it, You can.
Times/Things may feel unknown, secretive, hidden or far off. And, the truth inside of You knows what is best for You.
Take your time. Persevere. Wait it out. You will light 'it' up; whatever it is for You.
The atmosphere felt quiet, calm and mystical. Perhaps, choose to be aware of the atmosphere that surrounds you. Open up to the parts and/or creating the parts that you enjoy most.
May you relax into what is. Let You happen. Trust what you know. Perseverance pays off. Ha!
Portals - Gateways to new places, new ways, new thinking, new being, new doing, new life, new (parts/pieces of) You.
The word Abracadabra has been known to represent "I create as I speak".
There is energy in our words. Our bodies and cells listen to every thought we think. They respond to them in truth; in kind.
May you speak through tenderness, kindness, healing, love. May you think in self-supporting and uplifting ways.
May you be open to surrender and go with the flow of life.
May you witness the magic in the air as you bathe yourself with positivity and your most favorite things.
Thursday, June 3, 2021
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
Wisdom. Knowledge. Gut Instinct. Feelings. Thoughts.
We are all driven by our own unique understanding and connection to life and everything that we have experienced, desired, been driven by and/or curious about. What we were born into. What we fell into. What became a passion. What shows up as a reason.
We know things. Sometimes what we know changes. Sometimes what we think we know, we do not. Sometimes, we don't want to know things we know. Sometimes we want to know more about certain somethings.
Wherever you are in your knowing just now is exactly where you are supposed to be.
If you are wishing to know something and do not just now, wait. If you are meant to know, there is nothing that can stop you from knowing. If you are not meant to know, there is nothing that can help you to know it. Trust your knowing. Question your knowing. Be open to knowing anew. Be open to not knowing.
I know things... I’d say it is going to rain by the looks of the picture below. ! Lol
May you know You know things too! Ha. May you be okay where your knowing of things is just now. Trust the process and trust yourself in the process.
Tuesday, June 1, 2021
May you let the real You come through in everything you do.
Perhaps, this is how fulfillment within grows. We experience and know fulfillment when we are living from the truth deeply and fully within ourselves. When what is inside of us matches what we show outside of ourselves. When what we share, feel, and care about is spoken and/or shown without any filter other than love.
Oh there is magic in this. To me, this is another meaning of "The Sacred Quest". To learn about; to be open to; to experience; to live; to know and to share thyself. Unique. Awesome. You.
Wherever you are on your journey is exactly where you are supposed to be.
The only way through any heavy and/or difficult feelings/situations is, well.. through.
May you be open to come through in everything that you are, experience, share, connect to and arise from.
I believe in You. May You believe in You.
In exploring, discovering, being mindful and owning all that is, shows up and is felt, you are living the 'sacred' version of You.
Let your unique gloriousness come through.