Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Love Bark

“You must love all that God has created, both his entire world and each single tiny sand grain of it.  Love each tiny leaf, each beam of sunshine.  You must love the animals, love every plant.  If you love all things, you will also attain the divine mystery that is in all things.  For then your ability to perceive the truth will grow every day, and your mind will open itself to an all-embracing love.”  Fyodor Dostoyevski

When we bark into/at the world, the world often barks back.  Perhaps, as we love and send love into our world, love is what we see and witness.  Love is is what shows up from some marvelous and also the most ordinary places   

May you experiment, if you wish, and be love not bark.  Ha.  

I wish You peace inside as an accomplished and familiar and achievable goal; if you desire it.  As we open to and create peace within us, may the  only ones ‘barking’ be our dogs and our trees.  !!

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Dream On

Dream.   Dream about what you want your life to look like. Dream by feeling what you would like your life to feel like. Dream anything that comes to you. Dream from your heart, your soul, your spirit.  Dream to manifest.  Dream to imagine.  

“If you can dream it, you can achieve it.”  Zig Ziglar

I dreamed to one day live in Florida; West Palm Beach FL before I was ever there.  I dreamed to start and run a fitness business.  I dreamed to become a life coach.  I dreamed to get married.  I dreamed to have a child.  I dreamed about traveling.  I dreamed about dancing in the rain.  I dreamed about flying in a helicopter.  I dreamed about loving many beautiful people.  All these dreams came true and more.

Perhaps, take a look at your life.  What have you created in your life by dreaming it first… You are pretty awesome, yes… !

Start a new dream today.  What is inside of You that wants to come to fruition..  oh I’m betting it is a perfectly great dream for You.  May it be yours.  May it be You.  May you be doing it - living it - soon.

If it is meant to be, there is nothing that can or will stop it.  Invite it.  Open to it.  

Keep living towards it; towards You fulfilling what is inside of You to fill.   

Oh it is happening. !!

Believe, reach and fly,

‘Breathe.  Stretch.  Smile.’

May your dreams reach You and come for You.  

Friday, October 20, 2023


Like many words in the English language, the word ‘watch’ holds different meanings; and then some.

One can wear a watch.  One can be on the lookout; hold a vigilant watch.  One can watch outside of themselves.  One can witness one’s self. 

The song “I always feel like somebody’s watching me” comes to mind by “Rockwell”.  There has been an amount of different someones I have imagined watching me.  

I now watch myself watching myself.  I am the observer of what I do, think, say, feel and experience.  I am also the one doing, thinking, saying, feeling and experiencing.   

One can be on watch; wear a pocket watch; watch out for oncoming traffic/storms/gifts.

What matters most is the thoughts and words I put on these ’watch moments’.   How my mind perceives them.  What I tell myself.  

A cute little squirrel makes me smile watching me and letting me near without fear.  

Fear can often be made believe..  watch that.   

Love can conquer fear.  Trust conquers fear.  Telling myself I am safe and believing it conquers fear.  

Let us change to looking out for love, beauty, fun and support if you do not do so already. 

Let us let go of fear, unkindness, ugly, UnFun and harsh judgement.  

May we be like this squirrel and hang out in trust, good food for thought and dang cuteness. 

Watch your thoughts and create and allow thoughts that are uplifting, supporting, loving and cute.  Ixnay on the ones that are not.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023


“Life is what happens to you when you’re busy making other plans.”  John Lennon

There is no need to be other than who I am.  Accepting and just being who I am frees me to fully experience the life that is meant for me through being me.

Life flows.  Let it.

Perhaps, to find a self-stability in ever-changing change is a pretty good goal to incorporate.

Do not run from one’s life; run into it; towards it.

As I dwell in the integrity of myself, I float.  Sinking is impossible.

See and feel what is beautiful in your life.  Live there.  Focus here.

Sometimes we are our own worst enemy.. Stop this.

Be your own best friend.

Tell the person looking back at you in the mirror that you love them.

When you don’t have anything nice to say, find something.

Smiling releases feel-good hormones.  Did you just smile…

I wish you peace.

I wish you excitement.

I wish you You with a childlike curiosity and nature.

What brings you joy, do that.

You matter.  I care.

You are love(d).

May you be so kind to yourself that you love being with yourself.  Let it be one of your favorite things to Just Be U. 


Friday, October 13, 2023


Rise Up from the melancholy and dew.

Today is a day for you to be You.

Honor what is.  Accept what it’s about.

Gather your love and truth and have not a doubt.

Today is Your day…

How you play, what you say, may you do it with gusto - do it with confidence.

It is time for us all to rise up to the call.

Just love is what is being asked of us all.

May you free yourself from anything that is not of You.

May you go towards everything that feels like You. 

You being You is a magical miracle in itself.  You are the only one anywhere ever that can.

Shake yourself free.   Shine yourself up.

Be the diamond that You are.  You will go far.  

With each of us stepping as such

We will lift the bar.

Raise the vibration.

You now know the magical miracle that you are.  

May you know and experience the magical miracle that is uniquely You(rs).

Tuesday, October 10, 2023


“Every storm runs out of rain.”  Maya Angelou

There are multiple ‘storms’ throughout much of our world and our lives just now.

A storm can be cleansing.   A storm can be powerful.   A storm can be gentle, quick or lasting    Whichever one(s) you may be experiencing - if you are - may you know that storms do run out of rain.  

You are made to withstand the storm in your own way and in your time.

I find much discomfort in many of the storms I see and am aware of.  I do not understand what I see.  The two words ‘sad’ and ‘overwhelm’ come up for me.  Sometimes, these storms can be mind-blowing and can surely feel like TMI; overwhelmingly so.  

I want to be the peace in any chaos.  I want to be and experience the eye of the storm where calm, peace and safety reside.

We all go through storms. Sometimes, while experiencing a storm, it can invite negativity and fear.   They often force growth and change. 

May you trust the process of life and trust yourself to weather the storm.  To flow with ‘what is’ bringing your loving truth into it.  Your loving truth may be your most powerful tool to use; for yourself and for others.   

May you be the eye of the storm if you choose to.   Your way.  Your love. I honor.  

May hope dissolve pain.  


“Awake, my dear.  Be kind to your sleeping heart. Take it out into the vast fields of light, and let it breathe.”   Haffiz

Monday, October 9, 2023

Dear God

Dear God

Have mercy and place of blanket of love, tenderness, less trials and more coherence, trust-ability and easy flow through the process of this thing we are all doing…. Living our lives.   Amen.   

I need to believe that our world is falling together.  It is not an easy time to witness life and living.  We are bombarded with too much angst and hurt, chaos and ugly.  I am praying.  I am sending my piece of heartfelt loving vibes out.   I am praying for understanding and a better way to live for us all; congruently.    

May the BeaUtiful win.   Amen.    Let love.  

Thursday, October 5, 2023

As Much and Often

In this moment..  Breathe..

May you allow contentment - your own contentment - to rise up and reside.

It seems to me that it is the human brain - the human way - to dream.  To want more or different, often, to live in moments waiting/wanting for something else.

I currently find myself waiting on payment of the sale of the condo we have sold.  I hear others waiting for medical reports, others waiting for their next appointment or call, waiting in traffic, waiting to see how someone else is going to act or respond, waiting to feel better, waiting to see when one will be relocated, waiting on time…

Many of us await something throughout many moments of each day.   

Can we let our moments be more usefully engaged fully in the moment…

What will happen will happen when it does.  Be here now content in the here and now; as often and as much as possible.  "Use your time wisely" is the phrase that comes to mind.  


Choose now to allow what you want to feel and feel it now.   Not when or after something else happens.  Now, as our life is happening.  

If/when you find yourself waiting on anything, let your full presence come into the present moment and meet it where it is.  With what life is showing you, as you are; aware and engaged.   

May you live life now in this moment just being You.  Build your life through living your life engaged with life as it is now. 

Your loving truth will open the best doors and ways as you allow your own contentment and senses lit to each moment - moment to moment.   

Surrender into the calm of trusting the process of life, yourself and what is.  

Reside in the pleasure of not needing more knowing more is coming.  

This 'more' will be created best as our breath, our truth, our love and our awareness resides moment to moment.  

Each moment is new and fresh.  For me, there is a great joy in living my life free to be me now.   

I’m great and able in this moment fully present; as much as possible.  How wonderful and fulfilling.  

It is like falling in love.  The joy of the moment.  The joy that is felt.  Living in the love of the process now open to the joy of the fullness of my beating heart.  

May you always be falling in love with yourself.  

May we be open to being the peace in the chaos, the love in the angst and the beauty in the sorrow; as much and as often as possible.    

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Da Flow

‘I go with the flow and am open to my full experience of life as it is and as I am now’.  May it be so.  It is so.  Amen.  

May you go with the flow and be open to your full experience of life as it is and as U are now. 

May it be so.  It is so.  Amen.  

Let love