Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Miss You

Hello.  I am inclined to ask if you missed me!?!?!   I know I have not been here for some time and I know that I miss writing and sharing with you.

We have been condo shopping for a place on the water.  The water (ocean really) has been calling my heart since I was about 17.

I love the smell of the salt water.  I love the energy of the ocean.  I love the vastness and beauty of the colors between the sky, the horizon, the water and the land.  Pelicans are one of my favorite birds.  Palms are one of my favorite trees.

I love surrounding myself with and seeing all of these every day.  Crossing a bridge over the water; hearing the sound of the water; watching boats; feeling the air are gifts that keep giving for me.

We are in the process of, perhaps, moving on and forward to the coast.  The condo that we found I am ecstatic about.

The move, the process and the change take an enormous amount of time, not to mention money, patience, communication and adherence.

Staying within my loving truth while preparing for a change has been interesting.  Far from impossible and always needing to be open, aware and listen.

I am moving on - hopefully, and I am hoping you will continue your adventure of learning and being yourself with me.

My energy level is kicking it.  My hope is enormous.  My dreams are within reach.

Instead of exercising (personal trainer) and being at the beach I am going to live in the best of what I have to offer (life coach) and be on the intracoastal looking at the waters of both the intracoastal and the ocean.

I am ready.   Bring it on.

May you be ready to create what you are ready for.   May you be open to bringing it on.

If you miss me (my support of You) when I don't show up here too often until after I am settled, please visit me on social media for just tidbits of [what is my hope] what being You means to You.

Sending out love to each and every one of You and wishing for the best of You to win out in as many moments as possible.

I wrote this morning - "May you be in this moment aware of yourself."

I so wish this for you.

May you be open to the best of you...  You can be pretty awesome.  Oh yeah!

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Perfectly Said

This is from an excerpt from "liveyourinnerpower" on Instagram...

I couldn't have said it better.  Beautiful.  

"Collectively we are not a peaceful human race right now.  But we can become one.  It begins with each one of us facing what is not feeling good inside and bringing that into a harmonious state so you can live and walk that harmony and truth in the world.  You become the light and change you want to see. .

One of the most beautiful paths to inner peace is aligning your life with the whispers of your soul."

Thank you "Live Your Inner Power" for your awesomeness.

May we all step into living from our soul's desires and knowing...  and create the peaceful world that awaits our tapping into.  

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Beautiful and Empowering Quotes

A quote from a beautiful friend.  I am so touched by it.  It is my hope that it touches you into feeling  your own inspirational and true places of positive truth.

"In the free flow, uninhibited and just letting the path unfold, you find a very unique kind of joy and an ecstatic happiness is found in some of the most simple and also strangest of ways and places.

Living life with wild abandon!  No limitations or restrictions!  And there..... you discover joy, love and bliss is everywhere."    Devana Zsofia

I'd like to share my post on social media today as, to me, it also supports discovering that joy, love and bliss is everywhere.

"Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about."  Winston Churchill

May you be aware of what calls for your attention through your very own inner awareness and dreams.

Monday, October 8, 2018


I feel like I was the holder of light and space for many.  I was open to love for all.  Sitting in peace, silence, knowing, believing, acceptance and love.

It was what felt right.  What seemed right.  I embraced this position as I think it was hugely powerful and empowering for many.   I hope so anyway.

I feel, just today I became aware and am able to put words to it, that I am burned out.  I am tired.  I am on information overload and almost cannot bear this given/chosen position going forward or any further; just now anyway.

I still am love.  I still am light.  I still embrace and wish for peace and harmony in our world.  I am realizing that I must build it up [stronger] in myself to do anything positive going forward.

The army of me needs rejuvenation, reconciliation and a revamp.

I still, greatly, wish to help you and our world.  My desire is to help you open to and create your inner peace, love and vitality; your all-ness; your wholeness.

I realize I have been shrinking away from this aforementioned 'holding' position for some time now.

I am open to doing better.  I am open to laughter and joy.  I am open to surviving in my most thriving of ways.

May you be open to surviving in your most thriving of ways.

May you believe in your purpose that feels true to you.  It is okay to evaluate and reevaluate any time it feels right for you to do so.

May you believe in what you feel, know, think and are aware of deep within your being.  This is the you that I wish for you to live from with the most amount of love that is available to you, in you and through you.

It is time.  The time has come.  The time is now.

Fully grab onto, into, from and what you breathe as the truth of who you are.

In this, may you know the freedom and magic to go from the caterpillar into the butterfly that is YOU.

Freebird. Fly high.  Just Be U.  Just 9Be U.

Grow yourself complete; again and again and again.

Oh the awesomeness in You.  Oh, the possibilities of You.   Oh, the expansiveness that is You.  Start fathoming it.  Being You is huge.

With love and genuineness,


Friday, October 5, 2018


"To feel lack despite abundance, disconnected in a sea of connectivity, powerless when strong beyond measure, is the journey of humanity."   Simon Boylan

How fabulous!  Thought provoking.  We are so much more than mere mortals!  And our human journey is what we are here to do our best at.

May you be the best 'You'.  

May we empower thyself and each other.