Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Traveling Home

When I think of home, I think of an address, a place, a family and me.

When I think of being home, I think of feeling safe and supported to be who I am.  Home to me is wherever I am living my true self from the core of who I am with other people.  

That hasn't always worked out for me and there is something within me that knows it is my choice and responsibility to be 'home' wherever I am.  It is my greatest gift to myself; and to others as it can invite others to be true to who they are.  It is where and when I honor my Creator.  It is where, when and what I have to offer is the best, greatest and most magical part of me. My most authentic self.  It is a fulfillment, a contentment.  It is one of my favorite feelings to fully live just being me.

Why it doesn't come natural at times is because I let fear of ridicule or hurt get in my way.   Hurt for myself and not wanting to hurt another.  I stop and/or hold back ME when I don't feel safe or when I do feel judged harshly from a non open-minded way; even my own.  UnFun.  Certainly not authentic.  For any one.  

We are here as unique individuals.  We are here to learn from one another and to love one another.  [At the very least, be kind.  We all have our 'stuff'.]  We are not here to hurt or suppress one another simply because it is not within our own 'home' repertoire.  Just because I don't understand something, does not mean my/one way is the only way.  Very likely there are many ways to the success of the human race, our environment and nature to live in harmony.   

May you open to living in a harmonious way believing that there is more than one way to do so.

May you be happily surprised by what experiences show up as you live in the authenticity of You.

Open heart.  Open mind.  Truth.  Trust.  Honor.

"We are all just walking each other home."  Ram Dass

Travel well my friend.  Everything you need is inside of You.   

May you know thyself.  May you let love.


Wednesday, December 25, 2024


Merry Christmas.

May you meet yourself where you are; where life is.  Honor yourself and others. 

Happy Birthday Baby Jesus.

Be merry honoring your truth; letting love. 

Peace and Blessings.  Peaceful Blessings.  

Joy in goodwill.  

The Christmas spirit lives on in each one of us who believe.

God bless us all; every one.   

Saturday, December 21, 2024


Discord.  Confusion.   Awareness.   Mindfulness.   New ways.   New times.  Really Amazing Moments.    

  I can feel it.   I hear it.   I see it.   From many.  From within and around myself. 

 Is it because we are not where we are going.  Not where we were.  But on our way…

Is it because the elephant in the room is no longer able to be ignored.  The dirt is not so easily swept under the rug…    I hope so.  I pray so.   I believe in You.  I believe in us.  I believe in our God and the universal energy flow and way.  I believe in our collective knowledge, wisdom and caring of ourselves and one another.  

You have been thru so much.   How can you not feel all that you are feeling…  

Breathe. Be.  Honor.

Divine Time.  Divine Way.    We do not even have to try when we are being asked (forced) to be our own true selves.   Just Be You.    That is who God wants You to be.  The real, authentic, vulnerable truth deep down in your core.  Let You be oUtstanding in blessing and loving the You that is truly You.  From your own loving truth share the realest real You; thru compassion, empathy, kindness and free yourself of anything not of You.

May you be oh so true and loving to His creation - YOU.  ‘Everything You’ desiring to live free.   

Whatever your beliefs, you are here now for the individual and collective purpose of supporting, creating and shifting our world’s way for inclusion and loving support for all living creatures and things.  

In unity and respect, we rise up from discord and create the course for all to live fully from their birthright and through the wisdom and blueprint that resides within each of us. 

Let’s get it on.  Now.

Unknown Picture

Thursday, December 5, 2024


Gratitude.  Let it be your attitude.   Ha.

10 things I'm grateful for right now.

Friends.     Sunshine.    Blue Sky.    Comfortable Chair.    Lemon Water.

Family.      Love.     Kindness.    Clean House.    Grateful to be writing about gratitude.

When I take the time to look around and see/feel/experience things that I am grateful for, I open myself up to what is lovely in my life.  Oh, what a gift to experience gratitude.  

May you experience the gift of gratitude through your own life and witness it often.  

What's Going On

Here we are.   December 2024.  You.  Me.  Us.  

I saw something that said  "It is what it is.  But what actually is it?"

It felt pretty true to me.  I giggled.  I wondered.  None of us know it all.  I don't think we are supposed to or we would.

We could look at this time like an adventure, an experiment, life changing, life correcting, life lessons, beautiful and/or just messy.  You can surely add your own truth to it too.

We are going through 'it' which, perhaps, is good because one of the most effective ways through it is, well, through it.

One breath.  One step.  One job. One task.  One experience.  One relationship.  One moment.  One situation.  This time now.  Now is the only place/time where we can fully be physically present.  Our minds can take us to many places.  You are able to be the watcher of and the one to choose your thoughts.  

May you check in with yourself and see if you are enjoying your 'now'.  Relax your shoulders, your body, your organs, your face.  Take a deep breath.  Feel.  Perhaps, ask yourself what you could do best to let your love lead you forward in your own most favorable way.   Our wisdom is always present.  Your most valuable wisdom is within your being.  

May you tap into your wisdom; listen and respond with your gentle strength.  

May you have the most enjoyable/best answers for You.

May you get You going on.  

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Hello You

So much is happening out loud just now.  So much is showing up, showing out, showing through many of our lives in [what can feel like] big ways.  

It can feel discombobulating, complex, unknown, foreign and new.  It can feel wow, amazing, empowering, relaxing and new.  We can seem to feel so much.  We can seem to feel not much at all; and everything in between.

I feel like saying 'it is the age of aquarius' and I don't even know what that means.  AI tells me that "it can be about a time of harmony, renewal and a shift in consciousness".  I can relate.  When I add words like 'boom', 'bang', 'zing' and 'zonk' I can really relate.  lol, true.

If I could offer you any love right now it would be to love yourself.  Love all of you.  Love the things that you never loved about yourself before.  Love the person in the mirror and tell them out loud that you love them.  Imagine filling yourself up with your own love - into every cell, every bone, every muscle, organ and part of You.  Leave nothing unloved.  

We had this self-love when we were born.  We knew to cry when we were hungry or uncomfortable.  We knew to cry when we wanted attention.  We knew to share our need for love and/or hugs.  We knew.. until we learned different for reasons outside of ourselves but from within.  

Let's claim this love within back.

May you love yourself with your own amazing love.

What makes your soul alive and full...  What makes you You...  Do that.  Be that.  Live that.

Whatever age we are.  

May you claim your own love for yourself.

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Life Happens

Life is happening.  It is always happening.  

No matter where I am, what I am doing, how I am feeling...  life is happening.

My life.  Your life.  Our life.  Life.

I've heard it said that it is not what is actually happening, it is our response to what is happening.  This feels very true to me.  Very true.

How I react will be my experience.  I can choose my experience(s).  Do I dare stop, explore within myself  and choose my most honest, loving and best way to experience 'what is' showing itself to me -- from experience to experience; moment to moment; breath to breath...

The question arises that why sometimes I can stay sane and calm/vibrant and other times I feel not sane and chaotic/confused.  The answer that comes is that my reaction is from what I tell myself about each situation, feeling, miracle, conundrum as I label and 'see' it through the lenses of my own beliefs, experiences, strengths and fears.

We all have them.  The longer I live, the more I have a palace of stored 'experiences'.  They are all me.  I am all them.  

I have been exploring my truth, my responses, my tales, my fears and my strengths.  I can feel exhausted.  I can feel empowered.  I can feel so many things.  I can feel almost nothing. 

This can, perhaps, be the 'work' of the human spirit.   

Oh, this human experience is IT.  The reason I am here.  The reason You are here.  The reason We are here is to experience the human experience.  Each of ours is unique and yet can have many similarities.  

I send You gratitude.  I send You love.  I send You hope.  It is my greatest wish that I can help/support you to connect to Yourself; to You.  To who you are and want to be.  To the best of You as you go through the rest of You.  Ha and true.

May you just now in this moment, this experience, this breath, go within yourself and feel/see (check in).  Is this the You that You want to experience.  Is there a better way...  Is there another option you'd prefer...  Is there another way to 'see' and experience You here and now.  You know best what is going on within You.  Choose for You.  

May you fill yourself up with love and walk your way.  

Live your life.  Let You happen.  Be true, loving, trusting, kind and easy on You.

"You know you got it when it makes you feel good." Janis Joplin    Even if it is a different kind of 'good' than what you have known before or the same kind of what you've always called good.  Good is good.  

We live.  We change.  Life changes.  Times change. 

May you always be lovingly, true You.  Breathe.  

God bless humanity and all living things.