We all have a brain encased in our heads.
It is very rarely a positive idea to get in another's head. May you stay in your own. Ha.
It is a most useful idea to stay in our own mind, thoughts, wisdom, knowledge and experiences; open minded, open hearted.
It can get really confusing and chaotic in our own heads. When we imagine scary things, care unhealthily, or think what others may be thinking or feeling, it can be a game changer away from who we really are and what we really want.
As we stay present and true to what is going on within ourselves, we are honoring who our Creator created us to be. When we act or think otherwise, we dishonor ourselves and each other.
As I honor my truth through openness and love, I honor you as to invite you to honor and live in and through your own mind, knowledge and truth.
Who I am is unique unto me. Who you are is unique unto you.
Oh the freedom to be true to ourselves and each other; through love. Winners. WINNERS. We all win. It just may be the the ultimate meaning and way of Life.
Ths is where miracles happen. Great roads open up. Beautiful paths show themselves. Creativity abounds. Peace and joy, flow and vibrating-high presides.
The wonderful way of You. May you live it.
You know what is best, most true for You. Whether you play it like a game, work it seriously or anywhere in between, you and the truth of You is your most magnanimous way to be.
Live your life as who you are and let others live theirs as who they are. Each our own way. The simplicity and magic of this is love, devotion, unity and oneness; as we all want to matter, be acknowledged, seen and make a difference.